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Everything posted by spoon

  1. Agreed. Although, coming from zero land ownership to lets say 0.4 acres of land in a premium location, some might bite. Definitely a good thing for those who already invested as much or more already.
  2. It will be marked as read
  3. Not wrong, more like i dont even know we were on a list before lol
  4. spoon


    He went from weeks chasing an impossible guy to 10min in toilet hahaha. Id say thats covers everything. He has graduated cruising 101.
  5. I stayed at pullman G hotel unfortunately. And yes it was good hotel, though size of the hotel is small for what i pay. Have not stayed at pullman king power
  6. Wait, malaysia? Lol
  7. Or anyone can just make a thread in those section and put a link to this thread/posts.
  8. Not harsh, but i usually kept my reply very brief unless the boy have really good english. Did he replied you yet?
  9. If he is practicing, shouldve not done it 6th floor up the building.... I guess stupid and dangerous is fitting
  10. Sad story indeed. However, it seems like the guy fell due to walking on the wall, so height of balcony seems irrelevant here.
  11. Its actually rock thrown to the bear, hitting his head lol how it was used im not sure as i dont recall anyone use it before. Most of the time, the boys use sticker to indicate love, miss, hugs etc lol Sometimes they use the sad stickers when the money requests is impending lol
  12. Stickers help bridge the language barrier hahahaha.
  13. Thank you @vinapu for another fun-filled trip reports! Im enjoying thailand through your trips reports for now hehe. Hope when i do visit thailand whenever, things will be more of the same or better. Not just thailand, guys here are also increasing their tips/rate citing inflation as the reason. Some guys will drop down their rate quite quickly though while some sticks to their initial price. As im staying here, i can always find a diff guy other days and wait it out while taking my regulars meanwhile. But if im travelling, as long as it wont break my bank, i would be more lenient and follow my heart haha. 1 month in dec, and 3 weeks in may/june, id say u have contributed significantly to thailand economy haha.
  14. Careful with this answer, the mamasan might offer himself lol
  15. I think the guide is new. At the very least, u got yourself a young cute gay translator who will enter gay places with you, even the naked sauna hehe. I wish the guide will improve his knowledge on the scene, especially the opening and closing times as it seems that OP always seems to arrive at places near to closing or already closed.
  16. Just to add to OP initial question, i bet there will be different show times between weekdays and weekends as well as availability of boys. But do boys generally will be at the bar earlier during weekend nights?
  17. Neither. Stuck at work, so cant plan ahead too far out.
  18. spoon


    This can be hot and messy lol shows can include mashed potatoes and gravy, with ketchup. Previously, some bars do invite customers to join their shows, so of course vinapu will get honor for this event!
  19. I wish i can tell u when, but for now, still cant make that purchase yet.
  20. Damn hot video and cant believe its on youtube.
  21. Good, then its just a curious newbie who wants "guaranteed" fun with tried and tested masseur? But i agree, unless the information u had is already on public sites like rentmen, itll be weird to share it with a total strangers. I hope it will not become a trend.
  22. Its probably the spillover from the fiasco from Latin forum. Apparently there is a troll that has been asking GP contact and went on to harrass the GP using your name as the friend... That troll has been registering new account multiple times after being caught. @Slvkguy @Latbear4blk and @SolaceSoul has been in a crusade to catch these trolls hahaha. I find it amusing but if i were in their shoes, id be fuming mad too. That guy has been unsuccessful in Latin forum, and now is trying to infect thailand forum as well it seems. Im not too sure how, but if Moderator/admin/owner of the website can verify members IP, maybe it can finally shed light to whether its really same person trolling or not. But then again, this could be easily masked too.
  23. Wow? How do they move around?
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