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Everything posted by spoon

  1. A review says u cannot choose the master. I guess if its really your thing, might still be worth it since i dont see much choices in thailand
  2. I didnt know if they have a website, but they do have a line.
  3. There is a place called darkroom BDSM play. U can hire a master and choose the actitivy u wanted to do and need to tell them your safe word. Worth checking it out
  4. Ask the boys u want to take, theyll know.
  5. This room brings back memory!
  6. Thanks vinapu for the full report! Ive been busy to continue my own report but cant miss reading yours hehe. I am a firm believer of giving guys 2nd or 3rd chance, especially when i really like the guy, or i heard good reviews/report from others. Very recently, I made an appointment with a guy from grindr, and i agree to his rate without negotiation, and set a time. He wasnt responsive when i texted near the set time, and i waited for him a while, went around to find something to eat, then back. He finally replied saying he is otw back from eating. Anyway, i told him im still around the area and he said he can meet. I waited again, and still slow response. Just when im about to give up, i texted him again, for one last time, and he finally asked me where i am. Its basically an hour after our set time to meet. Normally, i would be fuming. But i really like his picture and he also got good reviews, so i decided to give him his chance to prove that he is worth his rate. When we finally met, he told me what happened, which to me, doesnt really matter much since i really like what i see lol. Back in his room, all goes really well. Very passionate and does pretty much everything i wanted. Definitely worth all the trouble. All is forgiven indeed. And i did this for someone ive never met, and only saw his pic from grindr. Its a rare find for me, and given my pickiness, might be a while before i find this type and quality again, so im glad i gave him another chance. My current regular masseur, who is a very skillful massage, muscular, and great body to body skills as well, and willing to do certain things i like, but not all since he is straight. My first experience with him was below average. The massage was great but he stays clothed and the happy ending was really bad. Looking back, it was my hesistance on what kind of after services i wanted was the issue, as he has certain price for HJ, or more. Anyway, i did take him again and ask for more than just HJ for a price, and he certainly deliver! Now, i trust vinapu's taste and type are similar with me, so if im in his shoes, id probably wouldve given CCP another chance. But, it would be very unlikely for me to take a leap of faith and plan a trip without even slept with the guy. My logic has always been at least a few overnights before i even think of a trip together. Sending money, also wouldve been very rare for me, and only for someone who ive had been with plenty of time. But, i have to admit, ive yet found a bar guy, who despite a good fun time in bar, refused to go with me back to my hotel and then texted me months later he is ready to go with me. Its in human nature when we are told no, the more we want it lol. I had one experience with a masseur at regular massage place who let me touch him and we exchange line. And when i asked if he is interested to go to my room, he says no, indirectly. If this guy suddenly texted me he finally agree to meet me in hotel, id probably do something similar lol. Too bad, he no longer work there and probably change his line and we lost contact.
  7. Once I treat my straight guy a massage, at a legit place that didnt offer any happy ending. He chose a lady, i chose my regular guy and we were massaged in a couple room. Parting gift was a branded workout t-shirt and some chocolates for the GF lol. Having said that, all of them would surely appreciate money more than any other gifts. Just up their tips, or gift them surprise money envelope as gift.
  8. More alphabet to come. We are only on day 4 out of 18. Admittedly, there will be less boys towards the end so itll help a bit haha.
  9. Yes, ive always had great to excellent services when i push my boundary and off boys that's not as popular. But to be honest, i find that i dont feel strongly about repeating even if i cant find no fault. I blame thailand for spoiling us with so many choices lol. Back home, this kind of service warrant them to be my regular for sure.
  10. Day 3 - My First Repeat. From Icon Siam, we took the taxi back. N told the driver to drop him at some point, before the bridge. Since it's already close to 6pm, I decided not to go anywhere and rest before the night out. I asked A if he wanted to go to onsen today and he replied it is already close to dinner time lol. J told me earlier that another friend of his will join us tonight. I laze around in the room, probably dozing off but fret not, I set my alarm around 8pm so I won't miss the witching hour. Around 8, A asked me if I had plans for dinner. I buzzed J but he didn't reply so I went ahead for dinner with A at G Bangkok. Good food as always. J replied when we were having dinner saying he didn't check his phone and told us that they were at the Circus. So, A and I made our way there once we finished our dinner and saw J and B were still eating their dinner. We sat down and ordered drinks and chatted for a while and discussed the plan for tonight. I told J that I haven't been to Moonlight and Freshboys yet, and B seems eager to watch a good show. My plan was to go to Freshboys first and if I don't find anyone I like, which is most likely the case, I can find solace in Moonlight. But since it's B first time visiting bars, we went to Moonlight first to catch the show. We walked past patpong 1, through some girlie bars, Foodland and the other bars to get to Wall Street soi, where Moonlight bar is. It is almost full but we managed to get seats towards where most boys were seated, on the right side of the stage. I immediately saw K, a hunk from Myanmar that I've taken a few times before. He didn't see me at first but after a while he saw me and smiled at me. Not long after, he came down and greeted me, and A, who met him before. He planted himself behind me but didn't really ask me for an off or a drink. He then left to meet a diff customer. Shows about to start and right before the show started, K came to me again, and this time, I offered him a drink. He knows my weakness for sure lol. One of the reasons I wanted to go to Freshboys first is because I know I would not be able to resist taking him if I saw him again, especially when I haven't met him for 3 years now. The show started with several numbers from a few models, then introduction of the models one by one, the part that Moonlight always recorded and shows on their social media. Not long after I bought K his drink, I told him I will off him LT, and he said ok. He told mamasan and then excused himself to change to his street clothes. I saw him go to another lady customer, most likely informing her that he was already taken. At least that's what I think he did anyway lol. I told him we would like to stay and watch the show and he stayed with me for the remainder of the show. The show continues with more numbers by models. The major difference with pre-covid is Babe is doing a diff dance number now, and there is another model who is also doing a solo number to a Backstreetboys song. And there are no more shows by any of the floor boys. All shows are strictly by their model. I believe tonight, we managed to see the full line up of Moonlight's models as I believe there are 9 models tonight. My favorite number is still the number where all the models will go down on the floor and dance on the walkway. Too bad we didn't sit near the walkway. The usual display of wealth of awarding the models with money garlands by some customers still going on that night. In fact, I believe I saw that each model was given 2k baht notes for doing a nasty shot. I saw many of them suffer after downing the shots, and saw babe trying to escape from drinking another shot after. I managed to tip Nut directly as our seat is quite close to the stage. By the end of the shows, all the available floor boys go back up the stage. Since we plan to go to Freshboys after, I asked K if he wanted to join us or stay in the bar and he said yes. Before leaving, i tipped another floor guy that i like, and who smiled at me when our eyes connected at some point. So all 5 of us went to Freshboys and the big cock shows just started as we entered. Pretty impressive dicks indeed, quite a few of the boys joined in, and the will walk to several spots up and down the stage. The different is, there is no pestering audience by all the guys at the end. If you would like to tip or get a feel, when each model come down, u should gesture them to come to you and they will. Otherwise, they will leave you in peace. Refreshing to see this and especially grateful since most od the boys here is not my type. But if i recall correctly, i still call one guy with impressive dick and tip him for a feel. J said he recognized one guy who used to work at moonlight. Took me a while but i believed i did saw him at moonlight before. But since he isnt my type, i didnt pay much attention. He is fair skin, cute face, fit body, shorter than most guys. Id say look wise, he is the cutest there. I asked K which of these guys are his friends, or someone he know, and he pointed to two guys, one of them is the guy who used to work at moonlight, and another one i didnt recognize before. I tipped him before we left the bar. J took the ex-moonlight guy. A and B didnt take anyone, but B said he definitely prefer freshboys more than moonlight. We part ways, J and me with our boys went to 7 E to get some food then went our separate ways to our hotels. We saw some of moonlight guys also buying food at 7e. One of them is the handsome twink that B really like. Too bad B wasnt with us or he couldve taken this guy back to his hotel hehe. Back at hotel, K as always, delivers great service, maybe even better than i recall, or maybe because we havent met nearly 3 years. In the morning, i asked if he wants to have breakfast together, and he said yes. So we went down to Starbuck at Surawong, my first ever visit there, and only because im with a guy hehe. We had a really nice talk about his experience with covid and discussing about his future plan. I will categorize K as a really bright guy who can hold conversation and really know whats important for him. Too bad he is a straight guy, otherwise im pretty sure he will be a good candidate for a BF. But then, maybe its a good thing he is straight, otherwise some rich gays probably wouldve taken him out of the market already lol. Next - Day 4 - Onsen, Hotmale, Tawan (again!)
  11. Next - Day 2 - Getting into a routine. Since my LT from Tawan left early, I continued my beauty sleep and woke up much later, skipping breakfast. I checked my line and saw that the forum member J finally replied to my text apologizing for not replying sooner since he was sleeping. I replied back saying it's ok, I went out with A and we had fun. I asked about his plan for the day and he told me he already has a boy coming to his hotel now! I told him, at this rate, he might not leave his hotel at all lol. I told him I will go to Prime for my opening ritual massage and then head for lunch. We then agreed to meet tonight for bar visits. I showered and made my way down Surawong road to Soi Than Tawan aka Silom Soi 6 to Prime Massage. Immediately noticed that one of their buildings at the corner is now part of the Quarter Silom hotel. I went inside and there were few customers already there. I was asked to sit down and wait for my turn. Once it was my turn, I chose my massage, a two-hour oil massage for 900 (100 baht higher than before) and was reminded of the minimum tip of 100. I asked if I could choose my masseur and she immediately took her Ipad and started choosing pics of the masseur. She showed me 4 pics. I chose one guy, quite handsome and with a nice body. After a few seconds, she told me that the masseur is not available and asked me to choose again, now only 3 choices. I look at it again, this time quite a bit harder to choose lol. Anyway, I settled with a masseur that has a slightly smaller frame. After I paid for my massage, I was asked to sit and wait for the masseur to come. I was then brought upstairs for my massage session. No happy ending but the massage this time was extra good, and the masseur skills are definitely unique. I would rate it one of the best i had so far from prime. Upon leaving, I confirmed with the reception of his name in case I would like to book him for another session. I can't remember where I had my lunch afterwards, but it was uneventful. Most likely a bit further down Silom road to a Malaysian restaurant there, as well as checking the exchange rate at the huge orange Supperich office. Went back to my hotel for my disco nap and at about 7pm I contacted forum members A and J about meeting tonight. A actually thinking of visiting the onsen since the weather in Bangkok was indeed quite cold, and I barely sweat walking during the day, but since J is also joining me tonight, A decided to join and maybe visit the onsen another time. None of us had dinner yet so we decided to meet at 8pm for dinner. A suggested an Issan dinner place behind Silom Complex. I arrived at T Rungroj Shop around 8 and J was already there. Not long after A also arrived. We took a table and A, with his Thai skills, made the order for the table. Good selection of seafood dishes and somtam/larb, but poor selection of drinks (beer, coke and water) The food was exceptional, and price was reasonable, plus we will be drinking during our bar visits, so nothing to complain about. We talked about a bunch of topics seeing that this is the first time we three meet again after covid, and towards the end, we decided on which bar to visit tonight, and it will be Jupiter. We arrived at Jupiter a bit early, but J decided to book a table with a bottle, so he did, saving us cover charge. We then went into Pride to drink and listen to the live singer, which we recognized used to work at Jupiter before as their midnight singer. Close to 10.30pm, we made our way to Jupiter and were seated near the stage corner on the right side. Couldn't ask for a better seat as it gives us a full unobstructed view of the stage. The shows start with all the boys in underwear doing a catwalk on the stage, then the boy will go down to the floor, towards the back, to the right side and back to the left side before going up the stairs. Pre-covid, the catwalk only on the stage then boys go str8 to the left for the stairs. From our seats, we can see the boys changing their clothes too. The shows were also great. mostly sexy shirtless boys dancing, and even when there is a ladyboy/drag show, there will be 2-3 sexy shirtless hot guys accompanying the ladyboy. After a few shows, the boys will come down again for another catwalk, this time with jeans, but shirtless. Then more shows, with the famous dancing with towels number that I really enjoy. In a few numbers, the boys actually are showing their dicks, mostly covered by see-through underwear or just peeking through tight underwear. But there was one guy who actually shows his dick full on, without wearing any condom. Too bad he isn't the hottest guy there, a tad bit older too. There are at least 3 guys I would consider off, and that's a good amount seeing that I have very low expectations of Jupiter boys will give me good service, so those 3 are worth it for me to take a chance, Happy to report the famous Arm and Boom are still there. Considering that we actually had a bottle, we could've called any boys for a drink but since I didn't feel I'd waste my night offing a potentially non-performer, and my resolve on getting an LT, I didn't bother to call any boy for a drink. J had one boy he liked but too bad the boy was already seated with a customer. A also didn't get any boy for a drink and he excused himself once the show was over, with the last catwalk of boys, whoever was still around. At midnight, the singers take over and start singing a mix of English, Thai and Chinese songs. Some customers and boys go on the stage to dance. One lady customer was celebrating her birthday and clearly too drunk to a point that she might pass out or worse, vomit. But she powers through, and still keeps drinking by the time J and I leave, which is around 1am. Customer wise, not full, but not bad for a weekday night. Mixed with Asian, farangs, old, young, mostly with friends. I didn't see any big spenders this time though. The guy who showed his dick on stage is with a lady customer who was lucky enough to be invited to be on stage when Arm and Boom were giving her lap dance on stage for one of their numbers. Too bad the hula hoop dance by Mr. Boom wasn't on offer tonight. Right before we left, I asked the singer if he knew a Thai song that I like, showed him the youtube, but unfortunately, he didn't know the song. Anyway, I did tip Mr. Boom as he is the only one that smiles at me when he walks down one of the 3 catwalks. Thinking that tonight was a bust, me and J left Jupiter at 1am, when most of the boys are allowed to leave the bars as well, unless they are with customers drinking. As we walked out the Soi 4, Banana club staff told us that they still have a show on and asked if we wanted to come in. I looked at J and without much words exchanged, we agreed to at least have a look. The bar is average size, not as big as say dreamboys, but not as small as the new Tawan. When we entered, there was still a show, but it was about to end, and it was the drag lip-sync show. I have to admit that the drag show here is better, and I usually judge it by how "believable" it is. Shortly after, the boys go on the stage, around 20+ boys, most aren't my type. However, there is one guy, who is typically not my type but he does have very defined six-pack abs, only on a smaller frame, much smaller than I used to. J saw a few guys he liked as well and told me some of them he used to offed from fresh boys. Anyway, I guess the six-pack guy noticed that I've shown some interest and started to try quite hard to get my attention. We were seated very close to the stage, and since I'm already considering him, I asked him if he would go LT and he said yes. That's pretty much all I need to bring him down and start the negotiation. Since it's already late, I don't bother with boy drinks, called over a mamasan that is not mama lucy, and paid my drink and off fee, and I excuse myself while J is still thinking on who to pick. Later I found out he took off two boys! Again, my off deliver all I expected of him and little more. Hiring the guy who isn't the model or popular has its advantages. Almost always, the service is much better, eager to please and no issues such as asking to leave early. In fact, he stays with me way past noon, and even accompanies me for lunch at Icon Siam ground floor. He stays nearby the mall, so that works out great for both of us. I'm 2 for 2 now lol. Next - Day 3 - My First Repeat.
  12. Last 3 guys are hotttt!
  13. Orgy inside the bar?
  14. It couldve been from anything you put in your mouth? Unless u only rim and didnt eat or drink until u fell sick
  15. Actually, half way through our conversation, when he is still considering if he will go LT with me, I already regretting my decision asking LT from him. Very minor reason, which isnt his fault but just me being picky. So when he said he couldnt, i didnt even bother considering ST and find that this is a good opportunity to send him away without him losing face. One side note, there is another tawan guy who were chatting nearby told the first guy off for not going with me LT, saying he just missed an off. When he asked the guy how much was my offer, he got even more disappointed with the guy lol. Well, they were talking in thai, but in my head, thats what i thought how the conversation goes lol
  16. I dont think they were reorganizing. Perhaps i should be clearer, when i wrote not fully open, they are actually open, with staff at door and boys inside, but they dont have any shows and none of the boys (4 or 5?) are on stage. As all of them fully clothed, hard to tell if all of them were boys or mixed with staff. When we asked the staff at the door, they says they are not fully open, and told us that they might have shows during the weekend. Exactly. I think the reason they are not yet fully open is due to lack of boys/staff/performers. It is sad affairs indeed as it seems like the bar is bleeding money without any plan on how they might recover their investment. Hopefully those currently in bangkok can investigate what really happen with this club and report back.
  17. Pre-covid, im pretty sure u can dance. Their seats are those high chair style like those at the back of BBB. Definitely not the typical setting like those in Jomtien
  18. Day 1 - The arrival My flight arrived at DMK around 6.30pm on a weekday, so immigration was smooth and minimal wait for my luggage. I am always guilty of overpacking, and this time around, I had to use my bigger luggage since the carry-on size cannot fit all my stuff, thus I decided to use a taxi. My flight did delay by about 1 hour, nothing too bad, but had I arrived on time, I could have shared a taxi with a forum member who just arrived from a trip an hour earlier. Arrived at the hotel around 8pm and arranged to meet with the forum member for dinner at G around 9pm after I unpacked and showered for the night out. I decided to first visit the lesser known bars for tonight, so we went to smaller bars on Soi 6, Golden Cock/Nature Boy, Super A and New Twilight (Queen). Queen unfortunately is not fully open yet, and told us they might have a show on the weekend, so we decided to not waste time there. We passed by Nature, which seems to have some boys not my type, and Super A, which has their door closed and no one outside, so we decided to skip. It is still quite early though. I also peeked through Tawan to see how small their new location is and indeed it is really small, but they had quite a good number of boys there. Since I've yet to visit dreamboy since they moved to patpong, and now they have moved to the old Lucky boy location, I decided to finally give dreamboy a proper visit and see their shows. As mentioned by many threads previously, dreamboy moved to lucky boy's location, upstairs. When you go up the stairs, even on the outside, you will see several boys, some shirtless sitting there, quite a feast to the eyes if you like the kind of boys on offer. Previously, the two huge pillars in the middle obstructed the view of the stage if you were unlucky enough to be seated behind them. Dreamboy decided to put the DJ table right there in between the two pillars thus it solved that part quite efficiently. We were seated in the second row which was fine for me, but yes, the music was way too loud to have any decent conversation. Decent numbers of boys, continuing the tradition of lucky boys, easily more than 40 boys of many sizes and ages, but no one is my type. I tend to be very picky body wise but more tolerant with the face, and I couldn't find one I wanted to off. Their infamous macho straight dancer who only goes with girls is still there, doing a few dance numbers as well as being the DJ there. He would've been the only one I might consider offing but too bad he is not available. Anyway, the show was just ok for me, the big cock show was there, the fake jerking off show was there, the drag shows were still there too but they seemed to do away with the funny slapstick comedy show by the katoeys. Since I didn't find anyone I like, we decided to leave. After I said goodbye to the forum member, I went back to Tawan and sat down. Ordered my drink and the boys were rotating on stage 3 at a time and yes all of them were wearing underwear with one of them, the obviously gay one who isn't as muscular as others, wearing a jockstrap. I saw one guy I like, an older type, but with a nice manly exotic face, with beautiful darker skin and a perfect muscular body, not too big, not too small. Asked him to sit with me and bought him a drink. The usual question of introduction, how long in Thailand etc, and then down to business. Asked if he is willing to go with me, yes. Asked if he will do LT, he paused, then said he is tired and asked if we can do ST. Told him, no. It is my first night here and I'm not compromising what I want haha. I asked him a second time, and said my offer, and he still hesitates. In the meantime, my eyes are already eyeing another guy, and through our conversation, I sort of felt like he doesn't really fit the kind of guy I want personality wise. So when he still says he can only do ST, I told him I am looking for LT and asked the guy I'm eyeing to come down as well to sit on my other side. Seeing this, he got the point and asked if he could leave and I said yes. This new guy, better looking than the guy before, bigger in size, typical thai skin complexion, body builder type body that looks like he is ready for competition. Bought him a drink as well and the usual conversation ensued. He is Issan, and will go with me for LT but asked for a higher tip but still within the range I'd pay for that quality. So I said yes, I'll off him. and he can get dressed. He went to get dressed, I paid the off fee and drinks, and off we went back to my hotel. Everything went well, I liked the chemistry with this guy and of course I enjoyed his body more lol. He woke me up a bit earlier than expected saying he needed to leave early though, something I usually don't have big issues with but certainly will impact my decision for a repeat. As in, he will not be my first choice but will still be in the running. Anyway, I went back to sleep after he left, and he asked me if I was ok with him leaving early and I said I understood. He seems glad that I didn't make any issue of this and yes, it's not a big issue for me. Side note, one forum member who I met before did reply to my thread and asked when we could meet. However, he didn't reply to my DM and line, but more on that for next update. Next - Day 2 - Getting into a routine
  19. Pre-covid, around 1.30am, all guys from bbb will move to boyz music. When i was there before, they definitely looks like its more than half done with their renovation.
  20. This trip is my first with a much longer period of unbooked hotel. Previously, only unbooked hotel was for vientienne as im not sure if a boy might join me, so i book the room only after confirming with the boy. Since he smokes, i choose a room with balcony. If im alone, i will have more choices of room/hotel. But i already booked my flight though. I actually thinking of a side trip to either chiang mai or phuket if my indonesian guy decided to join me, hence another reason to make my trip and booking more flexible. This time, i didnt book any flight, as if i dont have anyone going with me, id rather stay in either bangkok or pattaya. Lion dances can be seen in many places here, especially in big malls. But my plan mostly just to stay at my parents' and visit my grandma place on CNY. No other plans hehe.
  21. Itll be chinese new year long weekend here, so i should be able to focus on it a bit more hehe.
  22. Duly noted. I blame myself as well lol our star just didnt aligned last year Glad that it doesnt show. Hehe
  23. Calling older people of our parent's age uncle or aunty is a cultural things here as well. But calling someone papa, or daddy is definitely not a norm here.
  24. Day 0 - Pre-trip preparation I have been too lazy to start writing my report, mainly due to being busy at work but partially due to recent trolls that have been infesting the forum lately. Nevertheless, I shall treat this trip report as me reminiscing all the good times I had during my recent post covid trips and I'm sure it will benefit many others who are genuinely interested in reading my escapade. I used to write my report almost on real time but decided to not do that this time for obvious reasons. Perhaps it is just my own paranoia but it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side. My trip this time is 18 days long, the longest trip I have had so far in thailand. In fact, it ties to my longest trip ever, and that was a road trip across the US during my university year. Why 18 days? It is exactly the amount of days I have from the last day I am needed at the office, as well as the day I needed to return home to attend a family event. I actually have been taking my leave of absence since last week of November, but there are several meetings and events I had committed to attend so I've been to the office on and off. I did manage to do a shorter trip to Medan, Indonesia in November though. If anyone is interested to read a trip report on that, do let me know as the trip is mostly tourist trip but there is a guy involved lol. This trip has been very last minute in terms of planning, but going to a place that I've been numerous times before, I felt quite confident that everything will be smooth. After my return from Indonesia I started surveying the flight ticket to Thailand and booked my ticket. It wasn't cheap but it wasn't astronomically high either, comparable to peak season price pre-covid if one booked a ticket last minute like I did. Previously, Airasia was my go to for last minute booking as they usually have a last minute promotion pre-covid, but that kind of promotion did not make a return, so I settled with another airline which is called Batik Air, previously known as Malindo. I did invite my Indonesian guy to accompany me for part of my trip, but I have left some flexibility in my trip in case he decided he wanted to join. Alas this plan did not materialize. As for hotel bookings, I am using the trusted Agoda booking site, and first booked my first 3 nights, suite room at Raya Surawong. Many posters had reviewed this hotel multiple times. Great location, great spacious room, comfortable bed and the suite comes with a full kitchen with microwave, full size fridge, electric stoves, pans, pots, dining ware etcs. Price was very reasonable even when I booked quite at the last minute. I also proceeded to book my last 3 nights as well, seeing that Raya hotel has already fully booked on those dates, and settled with a Furama Silom Deluxe room. Booking for the other nights was done much later when I was already there, offering me quite a good flexibility to change my plans if and when I wanted to. However, I did search for hotel availability on the dates in between to ensure there are ample choices for me when I need to book. I can honestly report that this has worked wonders for me for this trip. As this is my first return trip to Thailand post covid, I want to make sure I don't need to skimp on budget when it comes to hiring boys and having fun, and the best way to tackle this is to ensure I did my budget right. I have a few scenarios in mind that allow me to have a min case, a maximum case and mid case for budget and fun. Without going into too much detail on my spending, I can say this has worked great for my peace of mind and I still have leftovers which can be used for future trips hehe. Lets just say I didn't manage to hit my maximum case but I leave Thailand with no regret. As for boys, usually pre-trip, I would contact some of the boys I've taken before and see if they are still around, and let them know that I am coming to Thailand. But this trip, I already know several guys I like are still in the business thanks to the reports from fellow forum members and my friend who had been to Thailand earlier. Needless to say, I still contacted two boys, very special boys, and told them of my pending arrival to ensure that I will meet them when I'm there. One is a masseur from Arena, and another is a beach chair attendant in Pattaya. I leave the rest of my daily rosters up to what Thailand has to offer but I do have several guys that I am aiming to try this time, thanks to the abundance of sharing by fellow members, Line accounts of massage centers and social media of some gogo bars. One last smaller detail I wanted to share is on exchanging money. I did a google search as well as asking a forum member who is staying in Bangkok to check on the exchange rate to see if it is better for me to change Thai Baht in Thailand or back home, and found out that changing in Thailand is much better, especially if you compare the rate offered by Superrich or XOne, both published their live rates online. So I decided to only change partly back home so I can immediately enjoy Thailand for a few days but bring most of the cash in my own currency and change only in Thailand. Lastly, I posted a thread here to announce my arrival and asked if there are any members who are interested to meet me, either for coffee, lunch, dinner or better, bar hopping together. While I consider myself an introvert who enjoys my solitude, I also appreciate the company of like-minded members here where exchange of notes and experience is greatly enhanced with a face to face engagement lol. Next - Day 1 - The arrival
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