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Everything posted by spoon

  1. I thought the guy in the middle is the vers, left is top, right is bottom lol
  2. Pre-covid, they do charge 1000 baht for boys who didnt turn up in bar during christmas-new year week. I take it that the off fee during that time is also 1000 baht.
  3. I presume this guy's minimum tips is 1.5k? Plus shop fee, u definitely got a good deal!
  4. Have always wondered how is the inside of this bar looks like. Lets hope that a new gay bar will be taking over this place!
  5. There is also a newish massage place there called s'sense massage, opened a year or two prior to covid. Based in their line, it is still open. I went there twice pre-covid and enjoyed the session there.
  6. Furama is great value, especially the one tier up, deluxe room if im not mistaken. You will get higher rooms with better view, fully renovated and larger bathroom for very minor extra rate.
  7. If u still want to see live people fucking, sauna is currently your best bet. O party will usually have models who will fuck each other or fuck with other sauna goer. Of course, u yourself can join in as well, but u would have to be naked.
  8. I guess back then, sex with minor is legal?
  9. At the very least, ST ends after you cum. But yes, in thailand, the duration seems to vary. Though, if we use massage as the comparison, one hour massage + HJ can be had for 1000-1500 baht and 2k-2.5k for full service, so at 2.5k baht (tip and off fee) its reasonable to have at least 1 hour for ST. Anything longer will result in a repeat or better tips from me, given that both had a good time, or at least he pretend to. However, I always prefer LT, and during my last visit, I actually insist on this pretty much with most of my encounter, except for 1 or 2. For LT, I prefer it to end with breakfast together. If they left early, no repeat. If they left super early, i would probably told them id be paying ST, but so far that didnt happen yet. Earliest i think was around 5am, and longest was around 3pm, since we had lunch together. In your case, less than an hour and u didnt came, definitely shortchanged.
  10. Glad u told mamasan. Its a recipe for disaster for the bars if their boys wont deliver what has been promised. Some would even ask for an off fee refund.
  11. My top choices of shows are actually Hotmale, Jupiter, Tawan, Moonlight, Freshboy, Dreamboy. Hotmale get top choices for the absence of drags of any kind, and each number are done by their regular guys, all can be offed, and limited to 2-3 guys per shows. This allow me to really see their sexy guys throughout the stay. Their costumes also quite revealing with nudity in most of the shows. Same can be said for Tawan but their guys lack showmanship thus Jupiter gets the Runner up. Plus, Jupiter up the ante with some models showing exposed penis, and their drags number always has 3-4 of their sexiest hunks dancing as well. Moonlight, while their shows are very well choreographed, has now chosen that the shows done only by their models, and it has become too cabaret and not sexy anymore. Nothing revealing and no nudity throughout. Freshboys and dreamboys gets the bottom places because their boys are not my type, and dreamboys gets further deduction for being too loud, especially if you sit near the stage.
  12. On my last trip, i booked first 5 days and last 3 days of my stay pre-departure. But the inbetween was left empty without bookings so i have flexibility with my pattaya sidetrip. I have not much issue booking hotels last minute in pattaya, but i am glad that i booked my last 3 days in bangkok early, as a friend didnt and he has so much trouble finding one, he had to stay in hostel lol
  13. Good thing is, other than tawan or arena, the other 3 places does publish their line up in their line accounts. So u can do your research well before u are there.
  14. For massage and sex, beefier guys are in places like arena, vck, jeyspa, sabaidee. There are beefy muscular guys in other massage places here and there, maybe one or two but the 4 i mentioned above seems to be carrying more guys like what u want
  15. They can get wilds in homepa, sauna, etc. Closed door but not limited to in hotel room definitely.
  16. Naturally, gay is unnatural. Men should like women and vice versa. 🙃
  17. Id off a guy with this tattoo on their penis. Great sense of humor is a rare quality, especially if its attached to a hunky muscular guy
  18. Gender and sexuality are two different things and often people got these two mixed up and interchangeable. From my understanding cisgender is a category of gender, and doesnt indicate any sexuality at all. So does binary, transwomen, transmen etc. Sexuality on the other hand classify as hetero, homo, bi, pan, inter, poly etc. So a cisgender man, can be str8 or gay, or bi, anything in between in term of their sexuality.
  19. So far, those ive met with beaded penis has been str8 masseurs. Seems like they believe women like the extra sensation those beads brings. How true is that, you will have to ask the women hehe.
  20. U can always go to superrich silom near silom plaza. Its my go to place to exchange.
  21. Im not a party goer, but talking to some of the boys who are, the actions usually happened at private homepa (home party) usually at hotels after the white party ended. Usually, the host, someone famous, some of the dancer or pornstar or instafamous who were at the white party, and will invites either their friends, friends of friends, or those hot gays they find attractive during the white party. In short, that would exclude most of us here, me included lol.
  22. spoon

    Size queen

    If u dont mind going to gogo bars, plenty have big cock shows, so thatll take out the guessing game
  23. Pretty much expected. The club on the other hand, just got free worldwide publicity.
  24. Damn that is high. Given that some boys are asking 5k overnight recently, 30k for a week is 6 overnight. Still too high for a long term agreement for me personally. But then, i never do long term lol not yet anyway
  25. Mind sharing what the number the boy quote?
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