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Everything posted by spoon

  1. Free prep in malaysia only just started this year. And intake seems encouraging but still many hesistant to take for lack of trust in the gov clinic privacy of personal data. If one can afford it, prep is easily available at several private clinics nationwide too, for quite a cheap price comparatively.
  2. Its not old senso. I believe senso reopen under the same name and place (at least same road). Ssense is in suan phlu area, near the old prince.
  3. Tiktok do have messaging system, but its only available to friends, aka, if u follow them and they follow u back. Nuisance but yes, many share their other soc media account for contacts
  4. There is a zostovax vaccine here for herpes zoster but only for those age 50 above. Am considering gardasil-9
  5. Even in Malaysia, HPV vaccine is provided free only for teenagers through schools. One can obtain the vaccine privately and 3 doses will cost quite a fortune to some here, around rm1.5k which is about 11.5k baht which is currently our newly revised minimum monthly income for cities. But, i know for a fact that gay friendly clinics does promote gardasil-9 and i have no issues to get it if i wanted to. Maybe i should.
  6. Fear of needle is real though unfortunately. I wonder which test the boy used, coz the small prick on the finger for a rapid test wont be too bad as oppose to the full blood test.
  7. Have you consider taking the other prep drug called descovy which is supposedly kinder to your kidney based on the study? Another alternative is prep on demand, less pills and only needed to use when u are sexually active.
  8. The location seems diff. The one on OP link is at the Ratchada Phisek Road near the Mahai Sawan Intersection. Plus, the allegation on the phoenix center is prostitution, while on this thread, its for gay sexual activities. Another interesting observation, the police dept involved is children and women protection division. I suspect there is underage customer involved?
  9. I wonder which fitness center is this. 200 baht entry sounds more like a sauna rate lol
  10. When i read the title, my mind thought, well thats ambitious lol i guess im right
  11. Not to mention any diseases means no work or any sexual activities for a while. For us, its a nuisance, but for those who solely rely on day to day tips to live, its basically days without proper food or money to pay rent.
  12. Just saw one pornstar did a visit/tour ig stories of the place. Looks like a great place to wind down!
  13. Most likely the boy you asked is not available for off, but doesnt mean none of the boys are unavailable for off.
  14. Doesnt sounds like you are doing high risk activity, hiv are very unlikely to pass outside the body.
  15. Best is to just ask directly since u did just had bareback sex i assume. Worst case scenario, the boy decline.
  16. He said taiwan not tawan. On the subject of the shop using the model pic for advertisement, im on the fence here. It is obvious to me that the model in picture isnt whats on offer as the shop does post their line up of masseurs and none look like that guy. But at the same time, ive seem plenty of other brands using models to advertise their product, even gogobars, and those models are not on the offer as well.
  17. Yeah i recalled there were two bars called red dragon before, in the very beginning of patpong becoming gay bars street. I cant recall which ones i was sitting before, and this was pre-covid. Post covid, i never saw any female bar tender anymore lol
  18. Even when u slept alone at night, u already had some fun during the day, which for most of us, its either or situation lol. If i had full service massage during the day, i want to sleep alone that night lol
  19. That road used to be predominantly str8 bars during soi twilight era. Even red dragon bar was manned by lady bartender if im not mistaken.
  20. I did searched that and it seems i already have that account. Thanks
  21. Do u know the line account to add?
  22. Is there a line or websites? Google only brings up old stuff.
  23. I tend to be more relax with tipping. Just one simple rule, if i like the guy and want to see him again, ill tip. This apply to very helpful mamasan, cute waiter, cute singer, cute barker outside, cute bartender, well u get the idea. Tipping for me is to indicate i appreciate and like them, for whatever service they provided me. I dont tip rude and or pushy mamasan, guys im not interested in, guys who sits near me uninvited and not my type, waiter just for doing their job i.e brings my order and nothing else etc. I dont drink, so i rarely in position to open a bottle, but on one occassion, i did, won a bottle at a lucky draw during one of the bar anniversary, and i tip the waiter and mamasan who had been serving our table, drinking shots and chatting and having fun with us. I didnt call boys since im already with two boys from other place. Those two boys, i also tipped them afterward for joining me for the bar visit, though one of them refuse my tips, since he isnt a money boy. But even then, i did tipped him extra the next day i met him at his work. As for how much, this also correlate with how much i like the guy and how much likely ill be seeing the guy again, of course within reason aka, what the agreed tip + some. This also depends on my mood too, which usually due to the service i received but sometimes due to external factors too. There is one time i actually just called guys from jupiter to sit with me, order drinks for him and clearly told him im not taking him. I did this with 3 guys in a row, just to see how they are reacting. Its a fun experiment, and out of the 3, 2 actually stays with me and enjoy my company, while one obviously couldnt wait to be away from me, probably to get to a diff customer who will off him. I dont blame him, but somehow mamasan saw this and scold him and ask him to stay sit with me, at least until his drink is finished. In this scenario, i didnt tip him, but tip the mamasan instead. The other two boys did get tips from me. The last one actually gets higher tip as there was touchy feely happening lol
  24. spoon


    Even if u already have your hep-a/b vaccine before, it is worth to check if a boost is needed. Plus the vaccine is cheap, unlike the hpv vaccine.
  25. What did i miss?
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