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Everything posted by spoon

  1. Haha, ditto that, bought a 49 bath sim with some data inside with few minutes and buy the 100 bath topup 7 days 1gb. Tourist sim is too expensive compared to this
  2. The upcoming newyear/christmas
  3. Hi all, i know these part of the forum rarely gets visited but i just want to asked if any of you have experience taipei during new year. Appreciate any tips/sharing.
  4. spoon

    Gay Malaysia

    For fresh and bbboy, u just need to go there and see for yourself, ask the counter guy if u can see them first before massage. For the freelancer, some people actually asked for a video call, which i think is a great idea. Or else, asked to meet somewhere in public, like hotel lobby for example, that way, if he comes not as advertised, flee and pretend u dont know.
  5. spoon

    Gay Malaysia

    In malaysia, KL especially, sauna is the best for encounters and yeah, mostly mutual interest. There are a few saunas around, kakiku, mandi manda, otot2 being mentioned are the popular ones, theres also day thermos, oops, chakran to name a few. Then there's massage center exclusive for men, namely aromann, purnama, fresh, bbboy, sempurna, kursani and borneo native. fresh is the only one that actually offer full service on their pricing, while others were really up to you and the masseur. Aromann and purnama is in bukit bintang, better facilities and their prices reflect that, and it is out in the open, with proper licences, so masseur are fully clothes and the extra are usually very discreet and brief. Bbboy and sempurna only charge you massage, and tips discussed with the boy inside the room, so does the extra. Kursani and borneo is more of a proper ones, but cheaper, masseur almost always fully clothed and most only do HJ for HE, unless there's chemistry and again very discreet if it ever happened. There are a few more massage center and sauna around that i cant talked about since ive never visited them. There are also a few more freelance male masseur who do outcall or incall in nearby hotels around KL. i know a few bars and clubs cater for gays as well but ive never been to any of them, but they do have drag shows on weekends as far as i know from reading others experience
  6. Maybe because the world bodybuilding competition is held there soon i think?
  7. Hanoi ha long bay cruise is worth considering, 3d2n or just 2d1n in the cruise boat visiting caves, fishermen village, catching squid at night, learn to cook.
  8. spoon

    Trip report

    Had same experience in flight as well, but one of them actually standing up and walked right after touch down and the stewardess had to told him to sit.... I guess they behave coz they fear for their safety? Haha. I guess thats about the only time they behave, when they are in fear
  9. spoon

    Trip report

    I guess all other tourists dont like chinese mainland tourist when they go visit places. While not able to queue in correct lane or queueing at all is a annoying, i am more annoyed with their overall cleaniless, especially when using toilets. And they almost always travelling in a big group, making very loud noises when talking. There is one time, in milan airport where we do our vat refund, they have specific lines just for chinese tourist, with one italian girl staff who speaks mandarin literally have to shout and repeat herself a zillion times so that those people will keep queueing in line.... Apparently the theory were these tourist were instant country bum millionaire from beijing and shanghai, where they own piece of land on the outskirt of these town and sold them when the city expanded for a really high price, hence explained their manners. That is how they behave back home so dont expect they will change that anytime soon
  10. See, this is charming indeed, what i see in yangon were the opposite of charming, there are high builidings in patches, traffic (not really because too many car but rather very ineffienct traffic light and traffic system as well as drivers attitude, dirty roads, people crossing big highways and actually walked in the middle of the road as if its their road, spitting the red leaves they chew on the road (in malay we called it sirih). I could go on and on about the negatives, but i didnt get to experience the countryside and the tourists area like inle/mandalay/bagan which i believed will definitely counter the neg in yangon. That being said, yangon temples are beautiful. Let me rephrase, id never go back to yangon but wouldnt reject the other areas of myanmar myanmar now reminds me of ho chi minh 10 years ago. I went there not as tourist though, went to visit my relatives who worked there. Even my relatives rental house, where its really at a really high class neighbourhood, the road are narrow and needs a lot of repair.
  11. Office attire basically. The one you wear when u go to the office, usually black slack with long sleeves shirt. No one who goes on vacation will wear that, not in a hot tropical country like malaysia or thailand. I guess to the boy, they are thos who will be the ideal repeat customer they want, big pockey and nothing else to do in thai.
  12. Completed day 1 in tokyo and otw to osaka. I cant help but miss the cheap thai hospitality, from hotel, train, food, massage and the boys. a great 2 hour massage at prime cost me 800 bath, and looking at male massage option here, runs around 12k-15k yen for 90mins full body massage, thats higher than what i pay to off a tawan boy lol, and 6 times higher than 2 hour massage. I did spent overnight at 24kaikan, which was interesting and cheap, for tokyo standard, 2900 yen only. A lot of activity, even when i arrived there almost 1 am. Though it creeps me out when people were wondering from bed to bed touching others, but a simple gesture of surprised and they leave u alone. Waken up a few times but i think i slept all the way to 8am+ after 3am or so, so not a bad choice. Great facilities, lots of places to sleep, even have private room option if u want a peaceful uninterrupted sleep. I have another night in tokyo without any hotel booked, so maybe will pay another visit. Actually thinking of staying in, around fuji but staying in fuji alone isnt my idea of fun travel lol. Maybe a day trip is better.
  13. Yeah, i purposely took the express train both ways, given my short trip, cannot waste a lot of time. 5 bath is a bit more than 0.1usd so not worth the wait. It turns out by chance, the next available train when i arrived at the station is the express. I know i might look pan-asian and thai people speak thai to me, but as soon as i open my mouth, theyll know im not local haha.
  14. Went to myanmar, not really a place id go again. Granted i only go to yangon, not bagan or mandalay.
  15. I have to agree that vietnamese are very money oriented, and many case of trying to con tourist. Viet boy in other countries also seems to behave the same. Not just the masseur and money boy, even their working class behave similarly. Alot of backstabing office politics makes me feel like highschool all over again. However, there is a diff culture for people from hanoi and ho chi minh, very diff
  16. On a side note, on the second visit, i got to eavesdrop expat behind me chatting with one boy. He started with confronting the boy that be was supposed to be with him last time but he didnt, and the boy said yes yes i remember u. And says sometimes i can sometimea cannot. The whole coversation were building up on this. He start to asking about top or bottom, to which the boy say top only. Then he asked is the boy straight and he said he is. Then he asked then you will just fake it when the sex happened.... Very rude indeed. And these guy expect the boy will give their best? Then he start asking about other boys to the boy, i dont listen afterwards coz no 47 was already in front of me.
  17. spoon

    TAWAN boys

    Or most body builder are purely straight, some of the famous ones been off few times a night, so if u got the last cookies, maybe they are already out of the cream lol. Very similar case for massage parlour that offer extra. Most of the time, if u come early or too late, they couldnt or wont cum unless u pay for it. the downfall of men sexual organ lol we can only cum limited amount of time and need to phase out in between.
  18. Yeah, i read your report before and read again about soda. Im glad i discussed the tips at the bar and avoid the awkward encounter in the morning. Seems like u also have a good time with him before the part he requested more. Also, i have no prior exp to compare with.
  19. Up to you means he understand the questions lol
  20. spoon

    TAWAN boys

    Tawan usually have cock show or parade with the boys goes on stage with a hard on, probably sticking to the guys who actually in this parade might helps weeding out the dud. Not every boys participate this show, maybe its rotation or maybe they cant get hard. Just a tip from this tawan newbie
  21. Sorry, this will be my last one. Woke up close to 10, apparently it was pouring heavily during my sleep, but im glad its already stop raining when i make my way to tawan. This time around i choose to go through patpong market just to see whats there, a lot of bars, straight ones with alot of punter outside trying to get people to come in. Ignoring all of them i finally got to tawan and went straight in. This time i chose to sit on the right side of the stage, the only couch amongst all the hall chairs. Again alone with both sides empty seats. Immedeately i noticed a couple more faces i saw from this forum, and couple of new boys. Thong is not in, so is no 45, but there he was, sitting a few seats to my left at the couch near the wall facing stage, no 47, already talking to another old chap, again with the same outfit, the expat lol. I gives him a slight stare until he noticed me, and smiles at me. Back to the stage as the show about to start, and saw 47 going to the back. The show tonight is rather different, maybe its the rotation or maybe the bars isnt full, but it starts with all the sun tawan masseur parade and the boys parade after which 47 tries to go to his old chap but someone else already sitting there, so he went to the left side of the stage to another old chap wearing expats outfit. then muscle show with the boy wearing studded underwear, this time not with any hard on like yesterday. Then theres a dance number with the boy wearing thai traditional headware and clothing. A pretend jerk off session with beer pouring by 2 guys, the real jerk off show similar as yesterday, this time i didnt tip. And then the cock show with almost all masseur comes out with a hard on, wearing condom, and parade on the stage then comes down to the audience. Obviously my eyes fixated on 47, he didnt see me staring this time, he walks down and walked past me to the first old chap, however theres already a diff boy infront of him and he waited at the back hoping the boy infronf move after a bit. As soon as he turns around, he caught me staring and gives a big smile and come to me. Finally, its my turn!! Lol. He comes close and i start touching a bit, and touch hi penis and to my surprise he didnt wear any condom, but a bit of lubes or lotion so its really nice to hold. He then whisper take me tonight after show. I said maybe, he asked again and i asked if he can do long time and he said yes and i said ok. After few minutes he comes back fully cloth. This is it. My first off. Immedeately mamasan comes to me asking off fee. So we chatted a bit more, he told me he saw me yesterday. So i wasnt unnoticed yesterday. I started to asked about the tips, and after we agreed on the tips, which is slightly more than what i wanted to pay but its my last day and i have left overs bath anyway, so what the hell. So out we go making our way to the hotel walking and chatting. He then asked to go to buy something to eat, expected this already, i said yes, and he suggested burger king which is on the way. I agreed and we went and buy them take away and to the hotel. A bit about 47, soda, he is leaving for good in a couple of days, back to his home country, laos. He is mixed chinese and lation, which explains his japanese looks. He did look a bit mature, early 40, but in great shapes. Although inside tawan, he is rather small build, maybe 1.6m, back in the hotel, his muscle is really well defined, and his pecks is quite big too but his waist is maybe 28-30. He is already working for 2.5 years and i guess at his age, its hard to compete to get customer in tawan, which explains why he seems so desperate in the bar. His english is actually not bad. So the chat wasn't frustrating for me though i do keep it simple. Anyway, back in hotel, we chatted a bit more, he eats his dinner, and i just eat the fries since i already ate dinner, and watch tv. After he is done, i show him the balcony, he loves it, and even take pictures of himself, few times. I asked him if he smokes as we go inside and he said he does. After a few more chatting, he went to the toilet, and then he asked if he can smoke outside, and i said sure. At this time he's already in his undies and shirt only. After that we chat a bit more, i show him some of my travelling pictures, he went inside, put back his jeans and lay down on the edge of the bed looking at his picture taken just now, and quickly browsing his fb. I also do the same while watching tv. After a few minutes. He asked if i want to go shower. And the rest is history. I finally graduated. Hahaha. I was right, he does have great attitude, very accommodating, and the session was awesome. I hardly have to say what i want, just some slight hand gestures when i want to change position, etc and he start to move and his body is smooth, at really great for his age. I didnt want anything anal, which was raised upfront in the bar but the session is still hot. We took shower before and after together, and the shower was also very hot Anyway, my first off turns out to be what i imagine it to be and a bit more. Im glad i didn't hesitate at the bar, risking not able to off him. There are actually a lot more expat today compared to yesterday, so i took the bullet and never go back. We got to bed around 2.30am. Theres more human contact, nothing sexual, during sleep on and off lol we both wake up at about 6.30 (not really deep sleep but i did have some rest) and brush his teeth and then tell me he wants to go home. He got to work at 9am, trainer at gym. He got dressed and we say goodbye, handing him the agreed tips and a bit more. There u go. Other than babylon sauna which i dont really mind as im not really a sauna goer, i did all i want to do and more for my first time trip here. Maybe next time i might come during weekend. Not a single thing on this trip that i regret doing or not doing. The weather was nice, rain doesnt happen when im out exploring, even the slightly higher tips doesnt bother me, ive paid more for much less before anyway. Thanks all for sharing your stories and makes my trip much more fulfilling. Travelling solo for the second time now, and i got to say, i got to cover a whole lot more with less time, go back hotel to rest whenever i want, no pressure of time, waiting for people, and no pressure of sticking to the plan. I can just go with the flow and no one will be offended lol. My only caveat for solo travelling is i have to eat alone. Most people on this forum seems to fix that by arranging meetings here. Didnt have time to do that this time but maybe next time, ill make some arrangements.
  22. Now for my final trip report. So the prime massage was not exactly clean. But since i made it clear to go to tawan again and maybe offing a guy, i try very hard to restrain myself from getting a hard on. As soon as i enter soi 6, the punter outside already wave his hand and when i come to him, he brought me to the counter. Few other customer in front of me so i sit at the couch waiting for my turn. Two male customers, friends or couple, no idea, were choosing the massage and took 3 hour, 1 hour foot 2 hour oil massage. I heard the receptionist says anyone for foot but can choose for oil massage. As i am not looking for hanky panky this time, i just let the counter choose for me, as long as its male masseur. Apparently the center have 3 buildings, one is the same with the counter where foot massage and maybe other room as well there. Second one is clearly visible when u enter soi 6, few masseur sitting in front of this building. I were brought to a 3rd building which is to the right of the second one, no prime logo. Inside theres waiting area, with 2 big couch for foot or neck/shoulder massage. Inside maybe 4-6 masagge room with ensuite bath. My masseur came, not surprising that he is definitely not my type, young but looks like mama's boy, a bit on the chubby side. So into the room and the masseur ask of i want to shower, which i did. After great hot shower, the masseur enter and hand me towel, dried myself up and onto the table. I pretended to be shy and cover my private part, so he wont try to tease me, just in case. He covers my body with towel then started with legs then body. His massage skills is on a different level when compare with arena, strong pressure, long stroke with sensual towards the end of each stroke, crisscrossing his hands a lot, definitely my ideal kind of stroke. If this is any other day, i wouldve started to make some effort to show my pleasure to the masseur, hoping that he'll go further lol When he gets to my thigh and glutes, he was massaging my left side but his big hands brushes my right butt cheek with the tips of his fingers. I pretended to make some movement when i got tickled, showing slight discomfort and back to strong massage. This goes on for quite a while, more so when i turn around for the front massage. i cant believe i got a really strong will haha. When he massage my thigh on the front part, his finger brushes just a bit of the side of my balls. And i again move and back to strong pressure haha. All in all, the massage was superb, pretty sure id be getting HE if i let him. Alas, its not the time yet. So towards the end, he asked me to sit down, and take the pillow and put on his thigh at an angle, and asked me to lie down. He massage my neck and head. And that was it, 2 hour of very strong sensual massage, the best ive had, done by masseur that i dont really fancy yet i wouldve let him give me HE just because thats how good the massage was. Thanks andyy for the being the ambassador of prime lol. Definitely will come again here when i do come back to bkk in the future. Around 6, im already otw to hotel, ate my early dinner and dozed off shortly after. Didnt asked the masseur name though.
  23. Yesterday seems like a lot of people then. Because the announcer says there will be a second show at midnight before the first show starts. Thanks for the insight on my way back to hotel after a great2 clean massage at prime.
  24. Im wondering if its ok to stay late until the second midnight show ended? If i manage to sleep after the massage, i dont mind staying longer lol.
  25. 47 still have defined muscle but yeah, not bulky type. My hometown is just less than 2 hour flight from bangkok which is why i dont feel too much pressure to experience everything at one go during this trip. Ill just follow the flow and see what will happen. Im on my way back from ayutthaya trip. Definitely worth a visit. Since im travelling solo, i make a deal with one of the motorcycle taxi instead, across the road from the station, avoiding long walk to the island, and maybe 30-40 touters waiting at the station for the tuktuk. Total dmg for the whole tour, 290, and i give 50 more tips to the driver. Went to wat mahamat, phra men, sri phanet which is on the island. Then went to wat yai mongkhol on the east, south of the train station. After that went to wat pusatthawan, on the south of the island on the other side of the river, which is actually quite far. On the way to this wat, saw the muslim quarters, portugese quartes and st joseph church. Then have lunch back on the island midway to the train. Arrived at ayutthaya around 10 and finished the whole tour just before 1, in time to catch train at 1.16. Next train available after this is at 4 pm. Good thing i checked the schedule online here http://www.railway.co.th/checktime/checktime.asp?lenguage=Eng Will be back in bangkok around 3. Might pay prime massage a visit for a massage then back to hotel to rest before my night adventure. Train to ayutthaya class 3 (no ac, no seat reservation) is 20 one way. Cheapest way to go there.
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