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Everything posted by spoon

  1. One more thing, it is also depends on my mood of the day. Sometimes i need my boy to be the star that i can worship, sometimes i want someone who can spoil me, sometimes i want big muscles that can crush me, and sometimes i want that cute muscly twink that can make me feel needed. So one day i might dismiss a boy but next day he might be just the guy i need. You'll never know, but that is part of the fun.
  2. This is true, not just real life, even seeing photos people salivating in the photo forum, its clear that there is a very different view of what is beauty. It also goes to body type, skin color, overall attitude, and face too. I might consider a guy very handsome and magazine worthy but another would describe him as average only, but when it comes to the body, its easier to agree with most people, twink or hunk. It goes the other way too, someone people here says reallt cute and handsome seems very average to me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  3. Cant say much about police corruption in thai, i have yet had to deal with them, but we do have some corrupt police here in KL but that doesnt mean all police are corrupt. But in some area, businesses are controlled by mafia/gangsters that is directly sponsored or protected by these corrupt police. So at least in these area, no such raids will happen. And usually these corrupt police have corrupt politicians backing them. I am pretty sure that is how it works in any other country where corruption is rampant. From time to time, when it was exposed, some of these police do get caught, but usually those who get caught are black sheeps, who are low rank officers doing their high rank officers bidding.
  4. U just answered your own question peterRS, its the rush hour that makes mrt/bts more attractive. Given the high cost of bts/mrt, they wanted to get back money spent as soon as possible i guess. On the other hand, if u hit more than 7 station, price of bts/mrt are a fraction of taxi.
  5. No trouble at all to bring guests to dusit thani. Get the room with balcony (most main building room have them) and better if u get one at the top facing lumphini park. They dont even asked for id.
  6. Yeah, i have a feeling that its mekhin, but i dont want to assume and be wrong later. Either way, he does stood out from the rest of the boys there, and he is shaven, clean, short hair, neatly combed, quite fashion aware with his street cloth too lol
  7. Please share details!
  8. I always try to ignore the bad services i had in many places like restaurants, massage, and gogo bars, as long as the thing that i actually go there for, the food, the massage/masseur, and the boys are to my liking. It is such a waste if because of the waiter, u didnt get to enjoy the delicous food, because of the reception or manager, u missed out on great massage session, and because of mamasan, u missed out on the boys. What i would do if i was in your place, i would endure the mamasan, called the boy i like to sit with me, get his contact or off him, arrange subsequent meetings direct with the boy. Of course if u are there to enjoy the boy at the bar, that wont work.
  9. Pratunam Market, Platinum Via Khlong Saen Saep Express Boat 1st Aug 2017 I woke up around 8 or so, and did search for ways to go to pratunam market and Platinum shopping complex. The location isnt eaxctly near any BTS, not without some 15-20mins walk. But I noticed that it is close to the small canal that has a Khlong Saen Saep Express Boat. This boat Service have 2 lines, and Pratunam is the main interchange pier. Went down to lobby close to 10am for breakfast and start my journey to MRT silom and alight at petchaburi station. This station also an interchange for ART to Swampy airport. All i have to do was to follow the sign that says ferry pier and took a small stairs down near the bridge to the pier. Waited for a few minutes for the boat to arrive, making sure i took the boat on the right direction towards pratunam. I had to hold on the rope to aboard to boat, and first time i stepped straight on the boat floor instead of the seats, and almost slipped, silly me thinking that it is not nice to step on the seats with your dirty slipper. It cost only 10 bath per trip to Pratunam and the conductor comes to you from the sides of the boat. Alight at Pratunam and as soon as i climbed the stairs up the bridge, i saw platinum shopping complex across the road. I checked the map for pratunam market and make my way to the location in the map, and end up inside Paladium Mall. I took a tour of this mall, inside and around before i realize the map was indeed wrong. Pratunam market is actually across the road, and it is consist of multiple alley between the old buildings. At around 11am, many of the stalls are close but a few other stalls outside are open, I make my rounds and didnt find anything interesting, and make my way to platinum mall to cool off. Went inside the mall, and it is packed with locals and foreigners alike, and i start seeing middle easterns foreigners here with their hand fulls of shopping bags. I was there probably 30mins, and the escalator isnt working and one blackout happened, which resolves after few mins. After that I make my way to MBK, using the boat, and alight at the next station, Sapan Hua Chang. I was ready to pay the conductor but couldnt reach him before i alight the boat, he was quite far and there were a lot of people aboard at pratunam at that time. Before reaching MBK, i enter one interesting building just before crossing the road to MBK, called Bangkok Art and Culture Center. Even outside the building, there are some interesting sculptures around the building. Inside, there are some mostly mordern art display, gift shops and cafe. I go up to skywalk level and went to MBK for lunch. On my way there, one of the member of a different forum Line me asking if i wanted to join him to go to Arena, which is tempting, but i already have DB #44 tonight and dont want to spoil the mood, so I asked if he wanted to go tomorrow instead. He is deadset on going today so I just give him some advise on what to expect, in terms of picking boys, and tips etc. After lunch, I also packed some dishes for dinner, and went back to hotel, and took a nap. I really like to do this with any places that warrant a night visits to some of the tourist area and gay area. went out early morning until lunch then went back to hotel, shower and take a nap, and woke up fresh for my night exploring. Did exactly that with my visit to Hong Kong last year as well. Something u usually cant do when travelling with friends and they wanted to be out all the time and back to hotel after dinner and go to sleep. So i woke up from napping at about 6 or so, had my dinner. I actually texted DB#44 this morning at breakfast to reconfirm our meeting tonight. I filled my time watching tv and shower around 8 or so, and texted my location and room number to him at about 8.30pm. Tonight, i asked him to come at 9pm, 1 hour earlier than last meeting and he is ok with that too. At exactly 9pm. I hear knocking on my door and its him right on time! And he looked delighted and fresh too. I asked him how was his day, and told him about my day a bit. More conversation about his family, his hometown, about food, he cook his own food most of the time. Made some comment on his metal bracelet, lots of thai are wearing those and he said its cheap (150 baht). After a while he asked if i already shower and i said i had and he proceeded to take shower by himself. I show him the shower cap, and get a huge smile from him! And needless to say, the session after that went on and it was even better than before. Its a mixed of familiarity as by now he knows what i like and no more awkwardness anymore. And as always, I will be the one to make the call and he always says lets cum together and this time, i came 1-2 minutes before he did, That's the first lol. After that, we went to the shower together, some indecent touching as well inside, mostly helping each other to clean up. Its only 11pm though, so he quickly browse through his phone (he has always been very brief with checking his phone the three times i off him, maximum 2-3mins only) and we cuddle a bit. Since its still early, I asked if he wanted to wacth tv, he says ok, and we watch this anime, which is dubbed in thai, but its one piece, and ive watched it before so i can understand the story a bit lol. and we went to sleep close to midnight. And again, he slept naked for my benefit, and I sure take advantage of that from time to time. At close to 4.30am, his alarm clock rang and that woke me up, he stays in bed with me for a while before got up to shower. Another chat on my day plan with him (i said i wanted to just have a massage somewhere tomorrow, which i did) and we bid farewell, gave him the tips ((slightly higher than before knowing this will be my last time seeing him for a while). He hug me and kiss on the lips. and i show him the door and get another hug and kisses and off he went.
  10. Being subtle is really the worst thing u can do there. Be direct but polite with smiles or jokingly says what u want. And do that fake laugh afterwards. Do it the thai way haha. But if u like one of the boys, ask the mamasan to do their job which is to call the boy to sit next to you. Someone mentioned give the annoying mamasan very little tips would send the message too. In short, there is no one way to deal with any annoying situation. Sometimes one way work with one person but not with another. But if u are being direct, at least one part of the communication is clear.
  11. So good boy, a bomb and bbb is the place to go and find hunky-muscular type in pattaya? Will put them in my list. Maybe these three places is good enough reason to give pattaya my first visit
  12. U do know there is locker near the rail station. Not all of them has it but i am pretty sure some do. I can only recall seeing them in silom MRT.
  13. They are going by quantity first then quality it seems. Singapore and hong kong are both small countries that have good overal citizen wealth.
  14. On second thought, maybe the one i almost of was #25 instead of 28. He is muscular but a bit short, manly looking and a bit older look, maybe in his 30s. I cant remember exactly which is which. Another guy was tall though. When i say the room isnt clean, doesnt mean the sheets are dirty nor the floor, but the bathroom exhaust fans and the aircond filter and around the fan is collecting dusts and havent been clean for a while. Other than that, its actually still acceptable and i spent 4 nights there, without any urges to leave the hotel and book a different one. He looked a bit different than picture shared here, and of course he was wearing shirt on stage most of the time except during show, or otherwise i wouldve see his superman tattoo lol. Nevertheless, the big arms is a dead giveaway that he is tawan material.
  15. Ive read your encounter with ton and it does seems he is only interested to take advantage of you, so many no show and you show great flexibility and compromise, one that i would not do. However, if the boy isnt interested, no initial sparks and chemistry, it is a pointless pursuit of love. It gets tricky when money is involve, and usually money involvements is more than just hard cold cash with non moneyboys.
  16. Maybe he doesnt find the one that he is willing to compromise with yet? I know i treat the boys differently based on how much i like the boy and willing to let go their may quirks that i would normally annoyed with.
  17. What he wants is most likely a boyfriend experience, much like what numazu had with burboy. Similarly in real life. Its really not easy to find the one. However, some gogoboy probably great at their job and know how to provide boyfriend experience if thats what you need, of course not for free.
  18. Recovery day, Jupiter again, 31st July 2017 Time for another update, if i didnt do it today, which is Sunday, Ill never finish this report lol plus i am working at home right now, for 6 hour until midnight, so writing this report might help pass my time hehe. I woke up quite late today, was really exhausted from yesterday day trip, moving hotel and whole atm ordeal. For this part of my trip, itll be much more laid back, act like a local for 3-4 days. At least my face does look like the local. I stay in silom, nantra silom to be exact, and my take of this hotel is mixed. Its cheap, bed and pillow is good enough for me, size wise also alright, and the breakfast, simple but enough. On the other hand, the room cleanliness is below average, but can be easily fix once i make a request at the lobby, and ask the housekeeper to come and show which parts of the room needs to be cleaned. The aircond is sufficient in term of temperature but a bit noisy and also havent been cleaned for a while. They dont replace sheets unless requested, which i did. And there is no wardrobe, just a place to hang your cloth with some hangers. I did took the cheapest Queen size bedroom though, maybe other more expensive room is better. But what makes this place great is the location, just a stone throw from prime, close to tawan and soi 4, as well as patpong night market. Will i stay here again, yes especially if i stay in bkk for more than a week like this trip. But i wouldnt make this place my first choice. i only pay average 650 thb per night, so for that value, its definitely worth the money. So after i woke up at around 9am or so, i watched some tv's, quite a good selection for a budget hotel (5-6 english channels) and head for breakfast at hotel lobby at close to 10am. The breakfast selection are two type of sliced breads, two kind of jams, butter, toasted, 2-3 kind of fruits, 2 kind of cereals, orange juices, milks and water, and of course coffee and tea. I have a few things to settle today. My clothes are all almost used up by now, since i didnt bring a lot of them to avoid having to check my luggage. So i googled for a laundry shop and see one close by at the convent road. So i packed my laundry and went ahead to that laundry shop only to find out that they can only complete my laundry by thursday, and suggested another laundry shop at soi 14, which is quite a walk from here. I went back to the hotel, and asked the lobby, and the counter guy says i can send to the hotel and get back my laundry by this evening. It costed me about 270thb for the whole thing, which is really cheap considering ill get my laundry that evening, express service that usually cost much higher. Next is to go to the thanachart bank branch in thaniya plaza and pray that they have english speaking staff so i can explain about my atm card being swallowed at on of their atm. But before that, I went a bit further to buy some pad thai for lunch, and went to the bank after. They do have english speaking staff but apparently, she explains that the card wouldve already been cut as it is the standard procedure for such case. I am relief that at least i know no one will be using the card, and i already called my bank yesterday as well. I guess i just have to get a replacement card once im home. Had lunch at hotel room, watch some more tv and decided to go to prime for a massage. The usual 2 hour oil massage with a masseur chosen from the ipad. I see the previous masseur before as well in the line up but decided to try someone else. The massage is definitely much better than the previous one, and more sensual but strictly no happy ending, but I am still happy from the great massage itself. Went back to the hotel and have a nap before waking up at about 8 for dinner and then head to Jupiter at about 9.30pm. Before that, I did try to reach some of the forum member for a meet, but as it turns out, our timing just didnt work out. I also planned to visit at least Jupiter and Tawan today after my first visit to Tawan after the show was a bit underwhelming but i still off a guy. So I went to Jupiter at Soi 4, walking pass patpong night market, and see some shirtless guys setting up stalls, definitely warming me up and get me in the mood to see some gogoboys lol. I walked into jupiter, and order a drink after choosing my seats and a corner inside the bar. Its my second visit to the bar, and since my first time there, I didnt off a boy, nor buy a boy a drink. I thought i might be treated differently, but I see no different treatment from the mamasan. They are still very politely caht with you and from time to time checking if i wanted more drink, or ask for a boy. Other than that, I am left alone to enjoy the boys parading their body . I noticed that I am bad with remembering numbers on my first visit, so i make a small notes in my phone some of the boys number that i think offable in my book. I was trying to find that #44 from my first visit, and he is nowhere to be seen. As a matter of fact, I did asked mamasan Ting, as recommended by Jasper and was told he didnt come to work today. It is Monday on a low season day, so it is understandable. My guess would be he is with customer already, who pay off fee directly to him so he wont have to come to the bar. So back to the stage for me. I see a number of guys from before as well, #4 quite a good looking guy with great body, #25, #28 muscle guy with a bit older manly look who i wouldve off last visit but he was taken right before i decided, #7 who has a boyish innocent look but still great body, and #22, cant recall his looks but i noted the number as well. I stay for a bit longer, and at about 10pm, I saw someone who fit the description mentioned here though pictures wise slightly different, but definitely his body pops out from the crowd. I looked around for a while and decided to call the mamasan, and have the boy #73 sit next to me. In a few minutes, this tawan-like muscle guy is sitting next to me, and i order him a drink and we start to talk. I asked his name and he said Meh, and i asked Mehkin? and yes smiles really big (one of the most beautiful smile ive seen, with his perfect teeth and lips) and asked if i know him before. I told him i know him from a friend, who told me he used to work in Tawan. He said he like to work in Jupiter better than tawan. I was a bit starstruck and we didnt get to talk much before he was called for boy parade and a show which starts at 10.30pm. I asked how many shows he do tonight and he said 2 only. I didnt get to discuss much about potentially offing him though, but mamasan said he will come back to sit next to me. In my mind, I had already decided to off him just out of curiousity lol. And as mentioned here, he dont do long time, so there isnt much to talk about since its on ST. Before he went up the stage, i manage to checked out his biceps and pecs, and he is definitely still in shape, though he said he used to be bigger. I guess if he wants to fit in jupiter crowd, a smaller but tighter muscle body would be better than those big body builder type that they have in tawan. And like I said, I already decided to off him, even without any discussion just for the sake of experience and about halfway of the show, mamasan ting came to me and asked if i want to off him, and explains a bit that he is top only. At first i asked if i can first have a chat with him, and the mamasan said okay. But after the show, he came to me again before mehkin sit next to me, and said he already asked mehkin and he is ok to go with me, and without further delay, i said ok and paid the off fee. Then i saw mehkin on the stage for the boy parade and after that he came back to sit with me. He did some dancing numbers, one with wearing towels and another with the strings and a ladyboy. By the way, i was impressed with the guy who did the hula hoop show, so much so that i tipped the guy 100thb. That took some real skills to do what he does. He isnt my type though and i am already with mehkin lol. As everyone probably know, this guy is a former star at tawan, and i can say he is quite popular here too. I see him greeting a few customers in jupiter and 2 of them are women. I did get a bit annoyed actually but both times i blame myself lol. First mistake of the night, Since i didnt checked out the upstairs seating last visit, I wanted to see the upstairs, and I asked mehkin to go up with me. And when i arrived there, There is this german woman who opened up a bottle for all the boys to drink as well as pack of cigarettes. And of course mehkin also invited to the free drink and he told me yesterday she also did the same, opened 2 bottle for all. I asked if he was offed by her yesterday and he said no, she always off the same guy, showed me who, not really my type but he got a huge tools lol. The second one was also kinda my fault, since mehkin was ready to leave with me but i decided that i wanted to stay for the shower show, really just to see which boy will be doing it tonight, as the shower show last time was not good and i already seat at the ground floor close to the shower area. And guess what, he was called by his previous customer, another women, look like japanese, and he stay a bit to chat and talked a bit and she went upstairs as mehkin make it to the stage for another parade. After the parade, he didnt come back to me but i see he goes straight to the upstairs seat, presumably to chat with his previous customer. Anyway, he is back with me right before the show starts, and asked to seat outside to smoke. After i saw which boys performed the shower show, none are my type, I went outside and told mehkin that we can go now and off we go. The session went on and for the most part, it was great. His body is really great, we did some body worship with baby oil, and he did know how to perform. There are a few things that doesnt click with me but its again me being nitpicking and i believe most people here probably wouldnt mind. And i cant help but comparing him with dreamboy #44. After the session ended, he asked if i wanted to shower, which i did, and he then shower after me. He saw my shaver and asked if he can use it to shave his pubes which i find really weird request and of course for hygienic reason i politely refuse. Nevertheless, the session was great, he is definitely worth the money, but chemistry with me isnt really there. He is more of a party boy and I am more of a nerd scientists. We did strike some conversation about few things, and he seems to travel quite a lot, mostly with customers i guess. And i asked what he will do after and he said he went back to jupiter until bar close, to enjoy drinking with his friends there, and there is a singing show after the show ended as mentioned before. I guess, if I had met mehkin on my first visit, before i met Dreamboy#44, It wouldve been different. Physically, I am more attracted to mehkin for obvious reason, his body is definitely more muscular and larger and he does have that star quality that i admire. And he also knows how to use those muscles having been in body building competition and a former tawan guy. But dreamboy #44 has much more in common with me, and we connected on a different level. We are much more alike in terms of personality and likes/dislikes. Another reason why I cant help but to compare with Dreamboy #44 is that before i went to Jupiter, I already set another meeting with him on Tuesday night, which is tomorrow. I actually wanted to meet him on wednesday, my last night in Bangkok, but unfortunately he was not avaiable that night, since he has his gig at a restaurant near his place. He actually says he can come to me at 12am, but seeing as he needed to leave at 5am for work, i dont want to burden him, so we agree to meet on Tuesday instead, which is a day earlier so all good. I went to sleep that night, alone but yet another fun-filled day today and a great day to look forward tomorrow.
  19. Actually i think gogoboys are more suitable for companionship during your vacation as they usually dont have regular jobs, and even if they do, most of the time its flexible and they dont mind taking a leave of absence to be with you and of course earn more money than their regular jobs. With regular non-gogoboys, unless they find you attractive, its hard to see if they will leave their life to be with you. And if the want to be with you for the money, then there is no different than the gogo. Of course its easier to find gogo bar boys compared to those who are not and willing to be your companions
  20. Id say the two times im in arena fits your definition of b2b. Both are memorable and they use the whole body to put pressure on mine. Not to mentioned the harden cock, both of us lol. Ive had one thai guy gives me slightly different version using his knee and thigh sliding from my body all the way to the leg, which is quite unique but this was not in bkk, but back home lol. But yeah, since b2b dont really have a school that teaches you like many other form of massage, its really up to the creativity of the masseur on their technique for b2b. Whatever style it is, a good one should give u relief on your muscles as well as gives u a hard on lol.
  21. The two visits i had in arena, both masseurs i chose give me b2b massage. Didnt know its not a given in gay massage parlour like arena/senso prince etc
  22. Lying by omission works just fine lol
  23. spoon


    When i say ngo, of course u need to investigate before you devote your money to one of them. My usual choices were those who always go volunteering in natural disaster area like Mercy malaysia, the few medical related ngo, like Makna (malaysia cancer ngo), PT foundation, ngo in malaysia that supports awareness of aids and safe sex among lgbt. There are many others that i believe still worth to show your support to them. And most of the ones i mentioned are recognised body by the gov, and always made their account available to the public.
  24. That brings another choices into play, faces vs body, pecs vs abs, and dick vs booty. And more comes into play when u are in bar face to face with the boy, attitude, personality, manliness or effeminate, humble or snobish. And even some small things like the way they dress, their smells, their likes and dislikes, their brain, their backgrounds etc. When it comes to choosing the boy, all of these comes into play, one might be more important than the other, and because of these, the boy that i like, might be someone else's bad off and vice versa. And all of the above also true for what the boy view of you, and will definitely affect their performance, and how they behave when they are with you. In short, go and find out yourself, its part of the fun really!
  25. Dont know if its new, but they asked me to bring my passport to buy new sim in july/august. Dont remember needing to do that last year.
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