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Everything posted by spoon

  1. Most probably that hard on is from using some sort of drug, he needs to get it up for the show. Poor guy, cant afford to take a leave even when he is sick.
  2. Thanks for the detail explanation jasper! Looks like it is a great addition to the jupiter routines to have such a dancer on board. I always feels the other boys routine were very awkward and not sexy when they do the dance move lol.
  3. I certainly wont be choosing this guy on purpose if i ever went to arena, he looks rather skinny for my taste. But he does have a nice smiles. Though i do had crushes on skinny guys before, but usually not because of their body, but rather the face and their overall attitude lol
  4. That "black" dancer with exceptional buttocks? Could it be another implant from tawan? I remember there is a guy that fit that description, perfect bubble muscular butt, but his face looks like a person that i dont like, and he was fixating on his phone so i didnt off him.
  5. I tried to ask an arena masseur before, but maybe due to language barrier, it didn't materialize. Or maybe i wasnt clear enough. Do u think itll be better if i ask the mamasan instead? For this specific case, its art from arena.
  6. I like having oil on my body and his body, so itll be slippery and mushy. Lol its my thing i guess, and when the body is oiled up, u see their body with a much better defined muscles. It turns me on. Massage oil usually smells nice too. It is a personal preference and to expect all boys to magically know it is nonsense, hence better if u let them know your preferences
  7. Always nice to read a report, especially of the bar i like and the massage center i like lol. Would love if u can pm me the picture of both kong and ton lol. They both sound lovely
  8. If they close their eyes when they need to perform, or asked to watch a straight porn, or lesbian porn, id say they are straight as a ruler. Otherwise, there is a higher chance they are at least bi lol
  9. He wouldnt have a problem to find someone who would offer that much if he really have that most amazing ass lol
  10. Can that reach my inbox as well? Lol of course nothing private lol. Thanks again for your wonderful account of your trips. Your trips is actually short but u sure do a lot of things to make it counts. I do agree with you that if the person isnt a money boy/gogo boy, giving money directly would probably seen as an insult, and i didnt see any money exchange were discussed between u and v, and he even uncomfortable when u wanted to pay for lunch/dinner. I do see money boys in general like to show off the gift the had with other boys and sometimes with their customers too, maybe in order to get more gift. And if they spend time with me in the day, doing touristy stuff, im pretty sure itll involves some spending on my side too. Shoes is great gift for sure.
  11. spoon

    New taxi app

    They really nuts thinking we want to pay extra money to use the app when its cheaper to use uber/grab with no extra charge
  12. U even contemplating when u wanted to reduce your tips because he want to depart early, that on its own is enough for you to tips whatever amount that will get rid that guilty feeling offf your heart, after all, u want to feel happy on your holiday, and being hunged up and feeling guilty isnt the way to go. Yes there are roughly a standard rate, but most of us have overpaid or underpaid, depending on the services we get, how the boy performs, and what time of holiday it is, for example, im more generous if its my last day of the holiday, as ive always frugal on my spending and have left overs of thai baht by the end of my vacation. Some times, if i take the same boy, without having to go to the bar, pay entrance, drinks, tips mamasan etc, all that saving goes to that boy eventually lol. The boy i had last time saves me few baht there so the last night i actually pay him 4k, and i receive double kisses lol cant wait for another trip to LoS, but have been busy with work, got promoted very recently and still adjusting to this new position. Lol
  13. I know thaf any party even straight ones are always paired with alcohol and drugs, kudos to you for avoiding the latter. It makes me sad such a great specimen like V fall into drugs addiction, which for many can lead to really bad thing and even death. Also, V is a shortform of another kind of drugs many people take as well so i feel your nickname for him seems fitted well lol.
  14. I too go to prime for only oil massage. Ive had HE offered once only out of all my sessions, maybe 4-5 session total from two holidays. Half the time my massage was sensual and another half was strong and pinpoint massages, both to my liking. And the one i got offered HE was the most handsome guy there but probably the least skills in term of the massage, so to make the session counts, i agree to his offer, and of course he lets me play with his dick too. But u have to be discreet as people next door can hear and i dont think their management allows for such service being offered there.
  15. Great info compiled in one easy travelgayasia like lists and more. It is much better since its written by a massage enthusiast who have tried alll of the places listed. Especially appreciate the tips on booking and the line id for pictures!! Great job! Just one little thing i noticed when visiting prime, they actually have a minimum tip of 100 printed in their menu at the very bottom.
  16. We get that same treatment here in malaysia too. If u go to the "hi-so" places dressed like a slob, and u are malaysian, they will think that u come from the village and will give you a very so-so treatment with the look, true if you are from the south east asia as well. Its what we called internal discrimination or internal racism if that even possible lol. The worker/staff always thinks that their own race are inferior to the many foreigners that often comes to their stores. It could be due to our country were ruled by them for so many years before independence. If i notice such treatment, i usually just skip the stores and went to other stores, perhaps nearby and within sight of that staff, and buy all the things i need directly from their competitors. That should show them up. A friend of mine, indonesian, who earns more than me, also once being treated like he got no money, so he went ahead and withdraw cash to pay for the most expensive laptop in that shop. Lol
  17. Thanks for the report, as massage enthusiast myself, there are a lot of places i havent been to in bkk. Also maybe a better idea is to take the train the the nearest station and then call for uber, to save your time stuck in the jam.
  18. Id say give it 10-20mins, more than enough for a person to decide if he will off the boy or not. But like u said on your particular case, the boy chose to overstay his welcome because he enjoys the girls company, so its his decision, u dont need to feel sorry for him. In fact, he couldve been offed and say he didnt the next day in order to get your business lol.
  19. Seeing that the boys needs to be 90% naked, it is understandable that they hate the cold. At that temperature, maybe they should consider a fireplace or heater instead lol. Its definitely not a usual temperature for us south east asian, and that kind of temperature will makes half of us wears sweaters at night and half of us stay inside under thick blankets
  20. Yes, u can always ask mamasan to ask whether he is still available or not. I believe that is a fair play. Most likely mamasan will then ask (reads annoys) the other customer to off the boy, until either he off the boy or he leave the bar lol.
  21. I find jupiter boys are great but their shows a bit awkward with some boys who cant really dance doing the show. Maybe the day i went there isnt the best day, where their best dancers performing huhu. But the hula hoop show there deserve a mention. Very skillful boy.
  22. Lol i did wonder myself if i could stay there on their last day. But not to trash the room lol. Just to be there and bid farewell
  23. I would say shows in dreamboys are great. Some say the 1am show at screwboys is not to be missed as well. And tawan shows for the body building type is also ok.
  24. I asked around before about laundry, and even search myself, yet the hotel gives me much better rate and i get my laundry in the evening if i send in the morning, which is considered express service at other places which will charge u twice. But then again, it was nantra silom hotel, which is one of the cheapest hotel around silom
  25. Thanks for the review. I am in line with others that there are certain expectations when money exchanged. At all male massage, that usually means minimum hj. Anything more should be extra and tips should reflect that. For just hj, id tips 700 per hour, which is the minimum tip from arena, so 1k for 90min is still reasonable. He is naked and he gaves good hand job, like u said he is reluctant to be touched, which to me means he didnt enjoy it but u did touch him right? Unless when u touch him, he forcefully take your hand off him, id still consider he will let u touch him all over, just that he didnt enjoy it which can be for many reason.
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