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  1. +1 Burirom Health Massage is excellent and, as far as I can tell, a probably no nonsense, actual massage shop.
  2. Thanks for the repost.
  3. Could you post links to these Thai massage review forums?
  4. I’ve been using Nams Lady drivers for several years now (https://www.namstaxiladydrivers.com/). I highly recommend them. I find their driving habits far safer than taxis and a couple of the well known car services I’ve taken. But I've never tried the very popular TheLimoPattaya , so I can’t compare with them.
  5. At some point I guess I joined TK massage's line feed, which is explicit, to say the least. Does anyone know this shop? I can't figure out where it's located. Line กศินาถTK
  6. Can anyone report their experience with @The Beach massage shop and Relax massage, Jomtien? Soda gets many recommendations here but I've rarely heard these other two mentioned.
  7. One Spa’s website seems to have been down for several days now. https://onespa.love/
  8. First result from Google image search for “typical Russian tourist”.
  9. My sentiment exactly. I frequently stay at the Amara and like it very much. No one has ever even hinted disapproval regarding my, ahem, numerous guests.
  10. That's not been my experience during my current stay in Pattaya.
  11. The usual expressions in straight bar girl culture are ST, LT and LLT. Having a Thai bar "girlfriend" experience becomes LLLT.
  12. What is the difference? How is it viewed in Thai culture? Kissing is fairly important to me during an encounter with a boy, so I'm interested in understanding.
  13. I agree. This is also the route I fly. The AF hard product to Bangkok is often dreadful. Whereas most of their aircraft now flying the transatlantic route, to the US, are excellent. That's a recent, vast improvement. The AF, business class, soft product (service) I always find outstanding, either direction, Paris Bangkok or Paris US. Especially compared to the business "service" to be found on the US carriers, in my experience.
  14. I had heard they were straight, but hadn't heard they aren't offable. That's disappointing. Why are they there then? Just as eye candy? I don't get it. I guess I'll not go there during my upcoming trip.
  15. I believe I'm quoting the correct rate. It's also on their website. I might have been unclear. My quote is from BKK (Swampy airport) to Jomtien. The 1300 B you mention, I believe is from downtown Bangkok (Surawong) to Jomtien. Which means we're both right. And, as you say, the important thing is it's an excellent and safe car service.
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