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Everything posted by 10tazione

  1. Is the comparison Baht/Dollar relevant? Thailand is importing a lot more from China and Japan ...
  2. Yes, but do they have capacity or are they full? I can't find any data by quickly googling, but I would expect them to be full. Does anyone know?
  3. I imagine hospitals in Brasil must be hopelessly overcrowded with patients due to Covid? I am not keen to see a Brasilian hospital from the inside under the current situation. So even if I would take the risk of Covid, there is still the risk of having any other kind of health problem that requires hospital stay that would keep me from going to Brasil.
  4. This article gives an idea how to prevent lockdowns and therefore some small hope. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6504/608.full?s=08 https://theconversation.com/rapid-screening-tests-that-prioritize-speed-over-accuracy-could-be-key-to-ending-the-coronavirus-pandemic-143882 What is needed are cheap (1$), fast (5 min) widely available tests. They will be less sensitive than PCR (50%, so only people with sufficient virus load can be detected) tests, but you can test much more often, and that will make up for the lower sensitivity. People go to work / school / whatever normally and regularly get tested say 2 times a week. If negative, please continue as normal. If positive, isolation + reconfirmation with PCR-Test. Keeps the numbers low but of course not close to zero. Probably not that easy with turism, as there is still the risk of being positive and therefore spending your holiday locked in in a hotel room. And the country would need to make available sufficient space suitable for isolation.
  5. Names please for those of us who don't have a master degree in moonlight science Left one for me.
  6. Thanks Boy69! Good to know there is a neverending flow of new BL series ... we need them until Covid is over. Love by chance 2: I am looking forward to the story of Tin/Can Oxygen: Sounds interesting, maybe a little bit like "Love by chance", poor/rich? Ghost runner: Definitely a story for Vinapu! I bet he'll watch in anyway
  7. I agree that the story of "The Shipper" doesn't make much sense. But with that cast I am very forgiving about the plot What I meant is that "straight guy asks other guy to pretend to be his boyfriend to get rid of gay admirer" doesnt' make much sense either ... Agree 100%. Also the different hairstyle suits him very well. That was exactly my thought! Maybe we should ask him.
  8. Now we want to know ... was it the "pretty in pink" model?
  9. Maybe I remember wrong but I thought they didn't kiss at all, which was one of the reasons for my disappointment with "2gether".Acting skills were also on the lower end and somehow I have the feeling the 2 actors don't like each other. But Win is really cute that's true. Alltogether I am not convinced that "2gether" is any better than "The Shipper"... I wanted to suggest another christmas present for you, but since you don't like ghost stories I am hesitating. I was checking out which other roles Ohm Pawat ("OMG" Khet in "The Shipper") played and found the series "He's coming to me": Watched it and must highly recommend! Ohm Pawat has the main role, together with Singto Prachaya (Kongpob in "Sotus" and "Sotus S"). Singto is playing a ghost and the story has a bit of everything, love story, criminal case, coming out, mostly funny, just little tears. 2 great actors, 2 cuties and 2 supersmilers. It's a joy watching them acting together! Watch it even if you don't like ghost stories! (and I learned a lot about the time after death and before reincarnation, just kidding) Here is the title song, interpreted by Singto himself, including a few optic impressions from the series. What I enjoy even in the worst of Thai BL series: how the friends are teasing each other and at the same time caring for each other unless in most other series in the world, people do just ordinary things most of the time like eating (a lot), taking a shower (often) or talking nonsense, it's so natural
  10. Truth is, nobody, not even the Prime Minister, knows how the situation will be let's say at the end of october (2020, in case someone asks). So many things can happen in the next 3 months, especially regarding cure and vaccination. It's not very likely but can anyone tell for sure that the first vaccinated turists won't enter Thailand by the end of october? In the end it depends on the individual, some people prefer the optimistic approach, others the pessimistic, no big harm in either case. I prefer the pessimistic approach and would be positively surprised if we can travel to Thailand again within 2020 and would then happily spontaneously book a flight, if all it takes is a sting with a needle and I am reasonably convinced about the quality of the vaccination. Well unless Thailand discovers it is better off without any foreign turists anyway, but I don't hope so. If I had time and a really urgent need to go to Thailand, I would probably try to enroll at a Thai university and play SOTUS
  11. How would you explain to the tax office where all that money is coming from and not paying taxes and not having a work permit? How would you explain to the immigration office how you deposit cash on a bank account whilst (eventually) not being officially in Thailand?
  12. In some episodes they showed those school desks with alternating stickers for male and female - is that reality in thai schools or just a fun element of the series?
  13. Watched now till episode 11. Somehow they manage to produce 8 episodes of weird stuff, and then suddenly bring 3 great episodes. When the characters start talking about there feelings and motivations, it gets really interesting. Can't wait for episode 12 now. After that I will probably make a short series break. Oh and Khet again... I woudn't mind to be on a ship alone with him and Way.
  14. Nope. It's just that your post to me sounded a bit like "It doesn't make sense to post ideas or opinions about Thailand opening up because they will not influence those who make the decisions".
  15. I thought posting ideas and opinions is what a board is about.
  16. Watch this Attitude foto shooting:
  17. Yes he is my first choice too, but would take them all ... I am at episode 6 now. In the meantime I watched "Bangkok Love Stories - Innocence" on Netflix (nice story + eye candy, I would choose Danny if I could; set in Silom area) and am now in the middle of "Bangkok Love Stories - Plead" (non gay, nice story, Tee is hot; set in Chinatown)
  18. Suprisingly it seems you can even use the pool and gym in the quarantine hotels ... doesnt sound too bad then. So one question remains, can you have guests in the room during quarantine? Also interesting that some of the hotels are available for regular bookings on booking sites ... i wouldn't want to mingle with people in quarantine. But you could book the adjacent room for your gogo boy during quarantine.
  19. The text on http://www.troff.com/gay-bangkok-gay-thailand/ needs an update: "For your first night out, you’ll probably want to aim for Soi Duangthawee (popularly known as Soi Twilight and so named after one of the original bars there – now called Hotmale)." It would be interesting to have a filter "Show only bars in operation" (default) and an option to show all bars including those permanently closed. And maybe some data like the year of opening and the year of closing.
  20. You are such a diligent student I finished "Love by chance". After watching "Until we meet again" it was good to have a story with very low levels of drama (with the exception of Tar, same actor as In in "Until we meet again"). I was expecting a new record of 4 gay couples, so was a bit disappointed to see most of them still pending at the end of the season. According to mydramalist, season 2 aka "A chance to love" should air in August. The side story of Tin & Can was almost more interesting to watch than the main story of Pete & Ae, so good to know they will be the main story in season 2. Now started "The Shipper". This story must be the epitome of "Asian BL-ism" haha, makes me feel old. Is anyone else watching it?
  21. Unfortunately you still have to quarantine as a wellness tourist. But if you get a massage evey day you may also qualify as a "businessman essential to the economy".
  22. ... and episodes 16 and 17 ... the huge stockpile of tissues is now completely used up. So far the best BL series I have seen! Even the commercial side stories are lovely. Yes, Win is so loveable and he and Team make a cute "couple". Also Deans brother Don is cute.
  23. I dont know when the virus will be gone, but I know we will not run out of BL series and movies. Here is a new one from the Philippines: Sakristan First episode aired yesterday. Promising. Also looking forward to this one: A Tale of Thousand Stars Because I like Earth (from Waterboy The Series) in the main role a lot. And a different setting in the countryside instead of the usual university. Unfortunately the shooting has not yet begun, I fear. Here is the trailer
  24. With all the work stress falling off at retirement you could as well expect a rehornization process to start
  25. Oh, and I forgot to say: As usual, there is more love in the air, so I suspect at least one more BL couple having a happy end.
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