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Everything posted by 10tazione

  1. https://www.anantara.com/en/siam-bangkok/offers/government-approved-quarantine-package Q11. Why do ASQ guests have to stay in the hotel for 15 nights instead of 14 nights? Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health requires ASQ guests to quarantine for 14 full days and counts the date of arrival in Thailand as Day 0, irrespective of the arrival time in the country on that day.
  2. Calculating Love (2020) Episodes 1 - 4 aired so far. I love the acting of the main not-yet-or-maybe-never-couple, always being on the verge of a confession, but never making a decisive step. From episode 3 on there is some advertising in the series, but praising skin care products is an essential part of Thai BL series anyways. I am surprised the rating on mydramalist.com is only 7.1, I would give them at least 8. Love By Chance 2: A Chance to Love (2020) Where are you guys watching it? Can't find it on Youtube with eng sub in a decent video quality ...
  3. I agree for the second half of the series (from E7 on)! First part was ok (or I had too high expectations...) Together With Me: The Next Chapter (2018) One main topic is Korn and Knocks coming out (or not) to their parents. Something we all know about a little bit ... First episodes are ok, but then from E7 on the series is really great - something that often happens in Thai series imo. From E7 on also some tissues are needed (noone did warn me!). My favorites: Korn & Knock: great as usual, but I still love Knock more than Korn Farm: He was somewhat unlucky in "Together With Me", but now he seems to be enjoying life. Even looking cute with his "micro"-moustache. I personally would prefer if he stayed with Rit. Rit (Yimkey Kamolwacharathum Suvitayawat): Lovely and smart guy with an incredible smile! Unfortunately no other BL series with this actor. Cho: I found his role a bit boring and too submissive. In "Bad Romance" at least their was some action while waiting for Yihwa. I had the impression that he looked more muscular in "Bad Romance".
  4. Thank you! The amount of Thai BL series is absolutely incredible. What is wrong with Thai school girls that they all prefer romanticizing BL couples instead of having a boyfriend?
  5. Let's suppose you need 2/3 of the votes in a parliament with multiple parties, then I guess it is extremely difficult to change an election system. Every party will evaluate the system if it is favorable or not for the next elections, so there will always be at least 1 party against it.
  6. It is interesting, the Embassy link a posted above has a completely different order of steps ... but in the end the issues remain the same ...
  7. According to the Royal Thai Embassy in Vienna it is indeed true that you can now travel to Thailand, at least for Austrian residents, so this is likely true for whole European Union, but you will have to use a different embassy. https://www.thaiembassy.at/en/?option=com_flexicontent&view=item&cid=21:consular-services&id=395:tourist-visa&Itemid=163&preview=1 You "only" need 1 a turist visa "TR" (for 60 days, extension for 30 days possible) - with the 15.000 € bank account requirement 2 health insurance 3 online registration for certificate of entry you play with the first steps here https://coethailand.mfa.go.th/ 4 booking of asq hotel 5 flight booking 6 with 3+4+5 you will get a certificate of entry 7 covid test max 72h before departure 8 fit to fly certificate max 72h before departure (it seems there is a list of doctors who can do this ...) => with 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 you should be able to fly to Thailand It is still rather inconvenient: booking of asq hotel I have no idea but I expect them to be booked out rather quick, there arent to many of them ... it seems the best options for asq bookings still demand full payment a least 1 week before arrival (or are there better offers regarding late payment, can anyone mention specific hotels?), that would be a problem if - covid test is positive - you wouldnt get the fit for fly certificate - flight is cancelled / postponed: this needs further investigation, it seems flights can be booked for every day because airlines need cash, but most of them will be cancelled ... some airlines close to bankruptcy ... how is Thai Airways doing ? - on entry they check you for symptoms, whatever that means, but probably at least temperature check and a look down your throat. What happens if they come to the conclusion that you have symptoms? Probably go to hospital and then goodbye asq hotel - 14 days quarantine in ASQ-Hotel: ok this could be managable by bringing tons of work for the 2 weeks and also by watching bl movies of course. I guess you are basically locked in your room ... I wonder in case of a fire, is your life more important or keeping Thailand covid free? - And then there is that tracking app for the rest of the holiday. But the reward for this torture is: holiday in a basically Covid-free environment, while Europe is going crazy hot sunny weather instead of fog, rain and snow no swarms of other turists good looking men
  8. And also ensure that the violent wife isnt standing behind the poor husband surveilling that he is voting as she told him ... there is a reason why elections are secret.
  9. "A tale of Thousand Stars" will be in rural setting. It was originally planned for 2020, but has been postponed.
  10. Together with me (2017) Finished the series and it is one of the best I have seen so far. Knock is so hot and also acting great. Beside the main couple I also liked Farm (Supawit Tantimaporn). He is a bit the unlucky guy in the series but cute. Bad Romance (2016) It was filmed before Together With Me, but takes place after it in the timeline and Korn + Knock are already a couple. The main story is about Cho + Yihwa, a mostly (but not 100%) straight story. I had high expectations, but the series is not at the same level as Together With Me. The relation between Korn + Knock is somewhat a pain to watch, they are pissed at each other for most time of the series for no obvious reason. And the girls ... well they are exhausting ... On the other hand, the series deserves a price for the most creative criminal amorous behaviour and there is a surprise in the last episode about who is the mastermind behind all this activity. Visually, besides Knock I also found Cho and Tanguy very attractive. Cho (Tomo Visava Thaiyanont): Tanguy (Boom Jiratpisit Jaravijit) No scenes where his body is revealed, but I like his face. Boom has been charged for being involved in some bitcoin investment scam in 2018, but I don't know how it ended. https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/proceeds-of-thai-bitcoin-scam-went-to-at-least-ten-people-and-three-banks/ Since Korn, Knock, Cho and Farm all appear in "Together With Me: The next chapter", that's what I am going to watch next! And then maybe continue with "Manner Of Death" (thanks for the tip Vinapu).
  11. If 500 people is all it needs to boost the economy, Thailand must be doing really great ... No need to open the country for us cheapos anymore.
  12. Can those changes easily be applied to all the existing 737 Max? Is it only a software upgrade? Does anyone know?
  13. What do you mean? I know my login + pw, what else do I need? Currently I use this link as entry point - will it still work? https://www.gayguides.com/forums/discover/unread/
  14. They should engage you as a writer. I would love your BL stories. I would even help you choosing the cast
  15. And I thought he was on top
  16. So, on which side is he sleeping?
  17. but I need at least XXL
  18. I would guess that the personal behavior on holiday in a foreign country is riskier than at home because you want to do things that you can avoid/reduce at home, like eating out in restaurants every day, going to museums, using public transport, go to whatever type of bars, meeting people you don't know ... So going on holiday to a country with corona figures similar to home you might increase your risk a little bit (unless you only want to climb some mountains alone and it's not mount Fuji)
  19. I find it somewhat strange to bring my own drinks to a restaurant. Is this more common in Thailand?
  20. I will prepare travel routes for a few countries outside Europe I want to visit anyway. If any of these countries are open and the corona figures are not too frightening or I will be vaccinated, then I will make a 2-3 week - holiday in winter, otherwise not. What I am quite sure though is that the next holiday will be a rather luxurious one.
  21. Still 2gether (2020) ... and still not convinced. It's ok to watch but don't see the hype it created. Nothing much happens and Tine is whining all the time. It took 13 + 5 episodes for the main couple to have a (still rather shy) kiss. Ok Tine is cute and Bright has it's admirers... Together with me (2017) Watched the first episode. Funny und suggestive. Kissing already in the first episode, not shy at all. Mom: "Did you too have an argument? You are not a kid anymore, are you still poking his butt with wooden sticks?" Korn: "Something similar, but this time it wasn't a wooden stick." Very promising! I will keep watching. With Korn (Max Nattapol Diloknarawit; he had a main role as a fitness trainer and gogo boy in "Bangkok Love Stories - Innocence" which I also recommend) and Knock (Tul Pakorn Thanasrivanitchai). Both hot but I prefer Tul. To get an idea:
  22. Everyone is aksing for a friend ... the little friend down there.
  23. I don't like the fact that the grade of a hotel on many booking sites depends on the price. A hotel isn't better if i get the same shitty room for a cheaper price...
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