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Everything posted by 10tazione

  1. The maximum possible would be about 20,037.5 km or 12.450 miles. So if you like you could still move a little bit further away.
  2. If you live in France, why does your card need to be shipped from US to France?
  3. Doesn't this imply that all the young people who where protesting against the government last year have the support of their father? Do you really believe that?
  4. Interesting stuff, thanks a lot! I don't have any insight in Thai customs - so very interesting topic for me. Most Thai BL actors are 18+, although. But even a 15 year old does not need his parents for the court, if he waits 5-10 years. Thai BL is relatively young - first series was Love Sick in 2014. In the western world, accusations mostly come long after the actual happening, when they already became a grown up self-confident and maybe even famous actor - because noone is listening to an unknown wannabe actor. People nowadays don't necessarily go to court, they post on instagram and facebook and TicToc (?) What is your assessment regarding face? Isn't it changing, at least somewhat? We read about protests where people demand things they are not allowed to talk about - why isnt't that loss of face for their parents and should therefore not be possible to happen? Will try to watch "Call it what you want" over the weekend... btw. in the chat in the youtube trailer people gossip about what the real happenings the story is based on and which BL actor is involved.
  5. Hell may not break loose, but sooner or later something will happen and we will read it in the news. Maybe not now, because the BL industry in Thailand is still too young and it normally takes decades until a person is going public with an accusation of sexual harassment.
  6. I haven't seen it yet, but the new Thai BL series "Call it what you want" is said to revolve around what's going on behind the scenes inspired by real events ...
  7. Me too, and also more attractive. As for Pi-Mork, Mork is accusing Pi of being obsessed with but not loving Nan, ignoring that he himself is obsessed with Pi ... All in all it is an entertraining and light story, I would put it in the same category as Tonhon Chonlatee.
  8. There is the same trend everywhere in the world 1. gentrification of urban areas 2. shopping going online more and more, now with the pandemics even more so 3. loss of privacy I wonder how much point 3. is an issue. 30 years ago, if you are a boy from Isaan going to work in a Gogo Bar in Bangkok, you didn't need to worry that other people of your village would see pictures of you in the big cxxk show ... Nowadays you just need to look at Youtube. Same same as a customer, I feel inhibited when I read that in some places you might end up in the web because the owners don't care where exactly the webcam is pointing at...
  9. There must have been a rule change recently in how to count quarantine days. Thai Embassy in my country, usually a reliable source of information, now states:
  10. Unfortunately, my most awaited series, "Bad Buddy", has still no release date. What are you guys currently watching? Last episode of "Lovely Writer" should be out today. Other than that, I am watching "Fish Upon The Sky" and saw the first episode of "Y destiny". But mainly I am trying to catch up with the BL history and watching "Love Sick" season 2 (Ep 27/36 currently) and got in love with that series (or maybe with some of the cast). No time for non-Thai BL left.
  11. This tells us not only that Thailand hast lost control over the virus, but also that there are way too many prisoners in Thailand - on place 8 in the world ranking, not far behind the shameful USA. If 0,45 % of a population need to be incarcerated, something must be wrong. Also occupancy level is 339%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate
  12. forgot to post the link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6002055/
  13. I guess contract tracing has its limits where the willingness of people to tell the truth ends ... people who were at an illegal party, at a gambling den, visited a mb or the "mia noi" (second wife in Thailand) etc.
  14. Just found this study, gives a brief history and tries to answer the question "Loving the love of boys: Motives for consuming yaoi media".
  15. It does! According to virologists everyone wihtout vaccination (except hermits) will catch the virus sooner or later, it's just a question of time.
  16. Checking the arrivals at Phuket Airport there is one direct flight from Singapore twice a week and all other flights fro BKK/DMK only. Doesn't look like high demand, neither national nor international.
  17. Looks like I need to buy a new box of tissues, I used the last one up watching Lovely Writer episodes 10 + 11 ... Great episode 11 btw.
  18. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210514-mammals-can-breathe-through-anus-in-emergencies-study
  19. As for Bhutan, i think the first shots where end of march / beginning of april. That may explain why there weren't any second shots yet. There are virologists who say under vaccine shortage it would anyway be wiser to first vaccinate everyone once. No idea about Taiwan though. Somehow I feel sorry for the Australians and other countries who did a great job in controlling the virus and now don't get any vaccines because other countries keep them for themselves as the situation in Australia is not that urgent ... quite unfair to punish the good ones.
  20. Why would Vietnam agree to a travel bubble with Thailand which has a 40x higher infection rate? They should have done it last year while both were at 0. And when Thailand has the current outbreak under control, which might take a few more months, there are enough vaccinated people waiting all over the world to travel to Thailand.
  21. Thanks, this is so crazy! It must be a big industry already. It first dawned to me last year at BKK airport, when I saw this advertisement and thought Tharn/Type must be more famous than I thought or why would they advertise at a prominent place as BKK airport? Do we know how much money is behind BL film industry? I imagine the most money comes from the publicity that is included in the series for all those skin whitening products and food supplements? And from the fan meetings? What I also don't get, what's the psychology behind school girls shipping gay couples? Are there male straight classmates such bad guys?
  22. Is it too negative to say the whole story is one big clue? Boy needs money now but can only meet in 14 days??? Foto of transmission slip ??? 5500 Baht - isn't it a weird amount? If I would be in need money, I would ask for 5000 or 4000 or 6000, but why 5500? And I would go anywhere to pick up the money.
  23. I agree 100%. The series should actually be called "grumpy writer", not lovely writer. Its quite funny to watch Gene struggling to admit the obvious to himself. Also the Thai subtitle "Nabsib wants to kiss" is fitting well . As it turns out later, not every episode is pure fun though.
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