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Everything posted by 10tazione

  1. Thanks for reminding me to play the lottery
  2. If the article is about golden visas why should they talk about other options? Maybe there is a different article about it.
  3. @PeterRS, they are not talking about one-year-retirement visa, they are talking about long term resident visas. I think their numbers are correct.
  4. from https://www.thaienquirer.com/50744/thai-government-to-tax-all-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024/ [...] According to the document, “…those that have earnings from occupation or business abroad or wealth that is located abroad…and has brought these assets into Thailand…must factor this into their personal income tax for the year.” The program will begin January 1, 2024 and apply only to tax residents in Thailand meaning tourists and short term workers will be exempt. Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand. [...]
  5. Only Friends 6 of 12 episodes out so far. Great show! So far each episode is better than the last one. Lot's of sex and drama, cute & sexy cast. Neo still my favorite but he is quite an asshole in the series.
  6. Thank you, I will try. "What does hide do on LINE? When you hide an account on LINE: You can still receive chat messages from that account. It will appear in Hidden accounts instead of your friend list. Be advised: Hiding an account doesn't completely remove it as a friend or friend recommendation."
  7. Is there a way to deactivate the line messages of the msg shops temporarily without deleting the contact? I like to receive them when I am in Thailand but can be frustrating to see all those sexy men when not in Thailand...
  8. For you most straightforward names would be "Tawan 2", "Moonlight 2" oder "Jupiter 2" I am sure!
  9. But "Sol" in Spanish has the same meaning as "Tawan" in Thai ...
  10. Even if one has the ability, there is no need of using it!
  11. not pic of mine, of other humans
  12. I can' t see necessity for many direct flights from Europe to Chiang Mai ...
  13. same happens to wallet
  14. I tried but it doesn't fit on the page
  15. Dangerous site because you might fall in love with Thai or Colombian guy
  16. Unless you do a lot of business trips and almost live on a plane, I think people seldom eat on planes because they are hungry but because they are bored and it is a welcome change.
  17. Mine get's bigger in a second, doesn't take 30 years!
  18. Smiling fashion models, is that a new trend? Could someone tell Jupiter!
  19. If you go to Tawan and wait there long enough, chance is 100%
  20. What I personally don't like at Trinity Silom is that it is spread over multiple buildings, gym/pool in different building, room and reception possibly in different buildings, for entering some of the buildings you need to use the key card, for using the pool you need to go to reception to get voucher, to have breakfast (which is not really good if I remember correclty) you need to go to reception to get voucher. On the other hand, the pool is really nice and big, if you want to swim some lanes.
  21. He is not the only one who suspects that!
  22. Do a border run and consider it travelling to Thailand from Thailand
  23. I felt the same and and thought it is just my insufficient knowledge of the English language. From Urban Dictionary: teabagging 1. A sexual act where a males testicles are dipped in and out of the partners mouth. Similar to how a teabag is used while making a cup of tea. 2. A practical joke, where a male will place his testicles on a friends face and a photo be taken to embarrass the friend. Usually at a party when a friend has fallen asleep. 3. Continiously crouching on a dead body in a video game. crouching A gaming slang term for masturbation. eating up Well I think this is just a copy/paste error and should be Heating up?
  24. The "strictly confidential" map in the video is funny! It says: Start Point Siem Reap Angkor International Airport, End Point "Border of Phnom Penh and Duty Free Store". Could be a bit inconvenient, then you need to take a taxi from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap ... I will use the old airport as long as possible and take a Tuktuk!
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