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Everything posted by 10tazione

  1. I tried hiding the contact. It stops the notifications but: From time to time I delete all the messages from the msg shops and as soon as I do that the notifications start again (but the contact is still hidden).
  2. Why does a 14 year old live alone?
  3. I think the problem is that the Thai language depends so strongly on the context. One isolated sentence can mean 10 different things if you don't know which context it refers to, no translation app can help there. Especially Thai pronouns can drive one crazy in this regard. I speak to another person and say พี่ให้น้องแล้วมื่อวาน It could mean "I gave it to you yesterday" or it could mean "You gave it to me yesterday", depending on whom I speak to (relative age/status). My Google translate app says "I gave it to you yesterday" so it's 50/50 chance that it is correct. How can the translator app know whom I am speaking with? I think, translating Thai to English is more difficult than the other way. You must speak in a certain way so that the context becomes more clear, then it can work well. Polite Thai is probably more easy to translate than colloquial Thai. Translating longer pieces of text should work better than short ones. Language experts please correct if I am talking nonsense ...
  4. Sounds pretty good!
  5. Isn't that a 5* international hotel chain?
  6. She must also be in the Guinness Book of Records for having the shortest name?
  7. What is the alternative, especially for those who are not staying at 5* international hotel chains? Booking each hotel at their selfmade websites and sending credit card data by email?
  8. He must have been in a hurry!
  9. OMG even Asians think all Asians look the same😀
  10. From Bangkok Post: I don't want revenge, insists 'Big Joke' "I don't want to get revenge. I have plenty of information. If I expose it, everyone at the Royal Thai Police [RTP] is doomed. "But I will not reveal it yet. I still want to protect the [police] force,"... https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2653953
  11. They have at least 3 different line IDs, so maybe depending on which one you use it could have an influence on responsiveness?
  12. This is rule 3.1 from the gay travellers handbook!
  13. I used to take a taxi, but lately always use the train. Gives a first impression of cuties you will encounter during the holiday!
  14. @macaroni21, what tool do you use to make those nice maps in your blog?
  15. aha
  16. that explains the room rate!
  17. Exchanging cash in TH is still the most economic option (if you don't have a bank account in TH). Withdrawing cash from ATM, adding Thai ATM fee, conversion rate of my local bank (3% less than bank interchange rate) plus fees of my local bank, means about 5% loss to bank interchange rate. Exchanging cash in TH gives you below 1% loss (was even better before Covid, I think?).
  18. ... and btw, I am not worried, I am not moving (yet) to Thailand.
  19. The following source reveils that you must apply for a TIN if you are a foreigner and have assessable income. For having assessable income, you must either have income from a source in Thailand (selling your body?) income from a source outside Thailand and being a Thailand resident; Thailand resident is residing 180 days or more / year in TH Wether income outside Thailand is assessable or not depends on the double tax agreement with the respective country. For example, a pension from the USA currently is not assessable income. So if you have nothing else, currently you don't need a TIN. If you have other income, you would have to study the law in more depth. Therefore, at least for some types of income like pensions, If they wanted to change that, they would need to change some/most? of those 61 double tax agreements ... https://www.rd.go.th/english/21987.html https://www.rd.go.th/english/38306.html
  20. "Your visa which is irrelevant to tax status anyway" Is that correct? I thought the Long Term Resident Visa has some special tax rules / exemptions (tax excemption for overseas income + 17% tax rate for higly skilled professionals), so the visa can't be irrelevant to tax status? "Without [TIN] that there can be no income tax liability" Is that correct? Sounds weird to me, like "If I don't apply for TIN I don't need to pay tax?", but surely there would be some obligation to apply for a TIN under certain circumstances, or how is this sentence meant?
  21. I experienced these masterpieces of design in a 4 **** hotel in Bang Saen, Thailand. Do Thais have longer arms than the average? Where am I supposed to wash my hands? Do I think too much? (I know I do ...)
  22. I am sure he is not teasing us
  23. There is a gay massage place in Hat Yai with recent posts on twitter with ID "@gclubspa"
  24. They now also seem to have those annoying video adds that cannot be stopped. And I also noticed that Romeo imposed some limits on which/how many profiles you can watch.
  25. That is very sad to hear! Are you still renting the rooms above?
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