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Everything posted by Marrump

  1. Marrump

    Mandalay & Bagan

    I dont know who has been looking at facebook groups. there is a lot going on there. I am still exploring it. These are some facebook groups for myanmar offerboys, hookups and spa info. translation is a problem ... the android facebook app does not even try, google translate on a pc is ...... better .... SPA INFO (MEN ONLY) https://www.facebook.com/groups/547089345648767/ ဟိုမိုေအာင္သြယ္ေတာ္ Matchmaker https://www.facebook.com/groups/1655320668092287/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1655320668092287/ မိတ္​ထီလာ ဟိုမို​ေလးမ်ား ဆုံမယ္​ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1750887728542025/ HoMo​ေလးမ်ား ဆုံစီရာ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1912786749008957/?ref=group_browse_new ဟိုမိုခ်စ္သူမ်ား Lovers https://www.facebook.com/groups/342326492841360/ hope these links work. feedback?
  2. Maybe we should have a topic about these groups and success using them for contacting and correcting men....
  3. I I may ask.... What is the book? is it a good read? I have read the "men of thailand" series.
  4. My strategy has been long.... You find one, view the profile of interesting men, look at the groups they belong to. join the interesting ones. some are very active with large numbers, some smaller. these are some of the bigger groups Thai Cambodian Vietnam and Philippines... maybe myanmar. hope you can find them if interested. រកសង្សារប្រុស https://www.facebook.com/groups/1756297587941212/?ref=group_browse_new Boyfriend https://www.facebook.com/groups/gaytt/?ref=group_browse_new GAY Thailand https://www.facebook.com/groups/207458099422298/?ref=group_browse_new Gay Bangkok Thailand https://www.facebook.com/groups/Siam69/?ref=group_browse_new เกย์โสดหาแฟนรุก https://www.facebook.com/groups/1103972926303231/?ref=group_browse_new ស្រលាញ់ប្រុសក្តធំៗ https://www.facebook.com/groups/251457355306334/?ref=group_browse_new ဟိုမိုေအာင္သြယ္ေတာ္ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1655320668092287/?ref=group_browse_new U1 PHILIPPINES BI GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/1252870038064559/?ref=group_browse_new Trai đẹp toàn tập bắc trung nam (สวยเหนือกลาง (เวียดนาม - ไทย)) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1299620206773145/?ref=group_browse_new
  5. I don't think any group has not let me in (hard to keep track). I have joined 20+ groups between Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines.... but I just lurk
  6. i love you guys.... I want to come back to LOS. I searched for facebook groups "กย์เชียงราย (ห้ามขายของ)" and ended up joining 4 more Thai gay groups. ​How many are there? What ones are best for farang looking for rent boys?
  7. I read this thread before I returned home and I decided to delete a lot of photos (screenshots from hornet) and store my stuff in a true crypt partition to avoid any problems. I arrived yesterday from TL at washington and and was met at customs by 2 DHS agents who drove from Pennsylvania to follow up on a flagged kiddy porn person (me). they said my travel pattern, single male in thailand (and other places) met the profile. long story short, they have my phone, computer, camera, sd drives. they said (if I gave them passwords and nothing was found) I would have them back in a week. to my knowledge I have no illegal material, but I cannot prove against the court standard described which is "what a jury thinks". I was not in TL to find sex with underage people. my best time was with a 44 year old. now all my memories of this trip will be destroyed by this event and the coming entanglements. regardless of the outcome, entanglement with our bureaucracy is never fun or good for your life. I will doubtless be subject to future searches and be on the watchlist forever.
  8. i arrive in bangkok for 30 days.. the only plan is the first hotel for 3 days(trinity in silom $26)... I don't know how to plan that well, and jugel the boys that I have "promised" to spend time with. I have never done travel insurance.... now I think I should if only for the medical. I have often wondered if the stuff was any good and would work outside of europe........? enjoying the thread thank you
  9. numazo your posts have facinated me and encouraged me to move from a lurker to a member. excellent style and inciteful content. Ihave booked my second trip to thailand for 30 days in october (670$) round trip on ANA//united out of a regional airport google flights graph ahead function is amazing!). My first trip was business and pleasure and was documented on gaybutton. I will admit I prefer finding your threads after they are done. I don't like when someone else edges me. you are a Master Tease. thank you.
  10. I am new on the board. Been to TL once. I love waking up with a boy cuddled up for warmth against me!
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