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Everything posted by santosh108

  1. It makes me think twice about what is important in life. Lurker seemed like a very sweet, open, and good person. It appears that he went quickly and hopefully without pain. What more can we ask for. RIP Lurker
  2. Thanks for your detailed initial trip report. I am very sorry to hear about all your physical challenges. Fortunately you are in an excellent, beautiful city that has fantastic medical facilities. Hopefully you will not have to visit them too often. Please pace yourself and enjoy as you can the many wonderful joys and boys that Bangkok has to offer. And please do continue to keep us updated on your activities.
  3. So is this Japanese spa at all gay oriented? Is it clothing optional? Is there separate sauna and stem for men or are they co-ed? Enquiring minds want to know!
  4. Sorry to get so off topic. Coming to LOS is the one activity that takes my mind so quickly off troubles at home.
  5. New York (of course!) and New Jersey and even Virginia!! voted very intelligently today! Maybe there is hope.....
  6. All fine and good. But it is beneficial for us to remember, celebrate and learn from the gracious, kindly and compassionate dead (the late King) and try not to dwell too much on the vulgar, crude, greedy and egotistical living (DJT).
  7. But you could catch a cold or mono!
  8. Thanks pong for all the great info. Years ago I would just meet local gay guys who were interested in learning better English and easily spend day time together. But you make many good points that would certainly apply to my present more mature situation.
  9. Has anyone ever hired a massage guy or a bar boy or a waiter or room boy to be a guide for the day and to visit some local sites, have a meal, go to a movie, etc and if things click hire for additional extra services later in the day or the next day? For me getting to know someone a little first enhances additional experiences later.
  10. Try using gingko biloba. "Ginkgo biloba has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and today it is one of the most popular herbal supplements, widely advertised as an antioxidant that helps prevent memory loss and dementia." Comes straight from the internet! Must be true.
  11. Tito Suite Residence looks really nice. Do you know how gay friendly it is?? Also, for massage you ght check out the guys at H&DB (Heaven and Dream Boys) bar and massage. It is recently opened and looks real nice. The guys look good. You can see the at: http://dreamboysgroup.com/our-staff/ Please report on your hotel and any bars and massage places you may experience.
  12. Here are some more links to deedog (the one in the middle) and his antics! https://www.instagram.com/p/BHy7LcCjU6n/?taken-by=deedog59 https://www.instagram.com/p/BKvCpqHgUL2/?taken-by=deedog59 https://www.instagram.com/p/BE3sqZLL1J7/?taken-by=deedog59 https://www.instagram.com/p/BRh2RQBBezV/?taken-by=deedog59 https://www.instagram.com/p/BRdI7oBBAxd/?taken-by=deedog59 https://www.instagram.com/p/BOhIETBgFsY/?taken-by=deedog59
  13. Sorry, the one in the middle is already taken!!
  14. Look at that! In the time it took me to put together the above post, Mr. vinapu gave us his seal of approval.
  15. I've been following the above guys on Instagram for quite awhile. They are totally hunky (where is vinapu!) and funny as shown in the following clips: https://www.instagram.com/p/BKgafjIAZVb/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BXTGNqWg8mg/?taken-at=1034552611 Here are some of their instagram names and links: deedog59 https://www.instagram.com/deedog59/ wowsarawutt https://www.instagram.com/wowsarawutt/ fc_wowsarawutt https://www.instagram.com/fc_wowsarawutt/ https://www.instagram.com/boy_alongkot/ https://www.instagram.com/top_santichai/ https://www.instagram.com/meji_pipatpong/ The restaurant which they either own or work at as waiters is in or near Huamum market up nearby Wat Lat Phrao This may be the restaurant name and account (don't read Thai): www.instagram.com/explore/locations/1034552611/-/ They seem to be models working for the same agency as well as associated with the same restaurant. Some of the are also personal trainers. Not sure if they offer any additional services, but it would be nice to know. They are totally my type!!! If anyone here has come across these guys (in any capacity), I would be most happy for any additional info.
  16. This month, the Nobel prize in Economics went to Richard Thaler of the University of Chicago (my old alma mater). He has "incorporated psychologically realistic assumptions into analyses of economic decision-making. By exploring the consequences of limited rationality, social preferences, and lack of self-control, he has shown how these human traits systematically affect individual decisions as well as market outcomes." So now we can easily see that it is perfectly clear why each of us has somewhat differing views on the cost/benefit ratio for offing boys. Let us all be aware of our limited rationality, social preferences, and lack of self-control which systematically affect our individual decisions as well as the market outcome.
  17. Hard to tell the number of categories and which are sub-categories! I live near the LGBTQ center and they seem to come up with a new letter every year.
  18. vinapu - Boy69 = opposite ends of the scale. May both be very happy (most of the time). What else can we ask!
  19. So only the massage parlors are guilty of this practice??? If there is such a savings in utility bills, one would think that many landlords would also use ground water in their buildings. Seems like they are being a bit selective in pointing a finger. Of course Babylon could be the main culprit!!
  20. vinapu: "there are some clouds on horizon in this respect" Many times the clouds part and the sun shines through! May it be so with you.
  21. Good experience with potential theft... Met a lovely Thai fellow on the street in Jomtien. We went to my room and had a wonderful time together. After some fun he went and opened up a bottle of scotch from the mini-bar and poured himself a drink! I did not say anything but did make a slight questioning look on my face? He noticed and smiled and informed me that he was the manager of the hotel!! Sure enough, about ten minutes after he left one of the staff brought an unopened bottle to the room!!!
  22. With this new concept of fresh beer in a convenience store, is it legal in Thailand to carry and drink beer in public? It would seem that you would only buy beer in a cup if you were planning on drinking it right away.
  23. Hopefully someone else will have the opportunity to visit and tell before next February!! Their web page looks promising.
  24. When I was in Siem Reap in March I stayed at Rambutan Hotel which apparently used to be part of Golden Banana, It was a very spacious and most delightful place with great food, beautiful pool and surroundings and a friendly and helpful staff. But it was a bit pricey for me. While I was there, I did check out Golden Banana which is just next door. Rooms were much cheaper but at that time it was quite depressing and run down. The rooms I was shown were dark, dusty and had an unpleasant musty smell. I look forward to visiting again next February and will check it out again. Hopefully the new management has done a good job rehabilitating the place. The location is great and the area around is very lovely. Looking forward to some reports on what any of you may find staying there. Their promotion looks very enticing, a bit like Sansuk! PS Would also be nice to read any reports on the newly opened Dreamboys Bar and Club just down the road from GB.
  25. So depressing! This is also one reason I love to travel to Thailand ans SE Asia. I know there are awful problems in every country, but I do not know the language so I am not so aware of what is going on (plus of course all the fantastic other benefits of each country in that area) It is so hard to avoid the news in the US, Even Jimmy Kimmel, a delightful and funny late night comedian, gave a very sober dialogue last night and even was crying as he was talking, Only 4 more months until my next visit to LOS, Between our president and all the bad news stories, hope I can hold out that long.....
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