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Everything posted by Creditisdue

  1. Joining with the rest of the posters, I’d like to thank you for this amazing report. I hope you visit again soon so you can start one again. I do wonder, where do you get the energy to do all these things in your short trip??
  2. Numazu, it is safe to post again. Steve the troll has been banned!
  3. Numazu, It’s been a while since your last trip report. When are you going to post again? Hopefully you are in bkk now for the white party?
  4. The topic here is <Arrested> Disgusting Farangs. Your views on the laws of a country you don't have any stake on and don't live in won't save them from their fate. I do hope that when you visit Thailand, you make these views known to the police, since you are adamant in making it known here. Back on topic, lest this thread gets locked because of SteveBoy's trolling (again, for the nth time), if these boys really wanted to post their cheeky photos to get their Insta hits, all they had to do was post them after leaving Thailand. It's still in bad taste, but at least they won't be in the mess they're in now.
  5. Resident troll is right and spot on. I wonder if he realizes he is the resident troll of gayThailand. Or just goes on through life not knowing he is being the troll. He must know by now.
  6. The thread has gone off topic long before the sglad diversion. And I'm another one of those differing with Stevie here. Nothing wrong with some embellishments here and there, but making up a whole fiction about oneself tends to make everything they write about them, not the topic.
  7. We will stay on topic if you stop being an asshole. Fair is fair. We will call you out if you're being like this, every time. Your choice.
  8. The funny thing is he thinks he is not an asshole. The whole board sure thinks so tho. And he wrecks threads left and right. Loves to derail them. He has a gift.
  9. I am sure if MonBoy goes back to being a money boy, numazu will be the first to know. Or as spoon has said, samebb will know from Victory. I agree that the money is too tempting to pass up, and MonBoy will want to go back at some point.
  10. From your lips to numazu's ears. Make it happen numazu!
  11. This was an epic trip report. Sexy and at the same time thoughtful. Best of both worlds. Thanks so much!
  12. He's a master of pacing too. Stories are neatly one theme.
  13. We can praise someone's efforts without putting down others'.
  14. Jasper this is surely a collectible. Are they only available in the bar? Or do they ship overseas? And Jasper, steveboy is up to his antics again. I need to preempt his sly comment to incite another flame war. Why else would he ask this question. His insinuation that they don't have size smaller than 42 pertains to his belief that Tawan men are fat. Just look at his prior posts inciting thread wars on Tawan men. Which is strange for someone who has not stepped into Tawan.Some of us here love our Tawan boys. No need to make fun of them.
  15. Somehow steveboy has a knack of making every thread he posts in all about himself. I enjoyed reading vessey's trip reports, but the last few posts in this thread have been all about steve. I think he does this in every thread he goes to - like the Prodigal son thread just posted. And he picks fights with posters and calls it opinion. Vessey, please come back to posting your reports.
  16. You just can't help yourself can you? Still bashing numazu in other threads. Give it up. Please don't pollute others threads with your obsession with him. I hope Scooby is watching.
  17. You are right spoon. This is guy is a major troll. Ignoring now. Hopefully this thread doesn't go off the rails like other threads this Stevie guy has polluted. I go to this thread for Numazu, not this guy.
  18. Possibly harmless but also quite annoying. He is quite obsessed too. He has more replies posted on this thread than numazu. Didn't know that he is a known troll and been put on ignore by members. Numazu should just ignore him.
  19. Why is steveboy so down on Numazu? I bet most of the men who log on here are here for the boys. Numazu has been kind enough to share his experiences with the boys. Steve just puts him down calling him pathologically promiscuous. To him that would describe more than half the people who log on here. Is it Jealousy?
  20. Seriously, you're still keeping up with this charade? You were outed and banned as a sockpuppet (a hydra) in another forum. Attempts by other members to meet with you in Chiang Mai have come up empty. I wonder why.
  21. Don't ask me, ask the other posters you've driven away. Or even bullied. A fellow born in 1961 comes to mind.
  22. It's okay if the new ones are the same or a better replacement for the old. Unfortunately the cat has been replaced by a very annoying boy.
  23. Thanks numazu for the update. I was curious how one goes about choosing a boy at a massage place and your narration gives me an idea how it's done. Was this just a one off update or will we be seeing Day 12 onwards to finish the report? Thanks again.
  24. Well "argumented" or musings of a sad person? This is why everyone is putting you on ignore. Including me.
  25. Great post. Thank you for the insight on Mexico City. Because of this I am considering a trip down there to check it out. Anymore tips would help.
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