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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. I was 18 days in Brazil; I had sex 10.5 times, the .5 being the suck cinema. The most important thing about my saunas experience is the lack of any negative incidents. Reading the posts before the trip I was mentally prepared for such eventualities, but nothing of the sort materialized. I hadn't noticed any disrespectful behavior on the part of either clients or garotos; no aggressive hustlers; no dishonesty; no promises before that aren't fulfilled in the cabin; no demands for more money; nothing that ever necessitated going to the front desk; and no threatening behavior that made me think twice about what'll happen when I walk out of the sauna. There ARE the stories I posted about two garotos, who asked for more money after we had finished, but that was done in a cordial and discrete manner, and they accepted my "no" without arguments. There were also two garotos who sulked after I hadn't picked them despite some making-out, but that was the extent of 'negativity'. It could be a matter of luck, or showing good instincts in whom to chose, or the nice nature of Brazilian garotos, or a combination thereof. I prefer to believe that the lead factor is the third, plus the fact that it's a buyers' market. The sauna experience is a great and exceptional memory. A visit in a sauna is worth the entrance fee even if there's no programa. The gorgeous eye-candy, the protruding cocks, the wankings, the free and public make-outs, the no-rush atmosphere; for me, it's all new and great! Since there's quite a lot of discussion about prices, I'd like to add I believe they're more than reasonable. To drop 100 $R = 60 $ for an evening at a sauna + a programa is…almost nothing, especially compared to rates in the great US of A! All of us foreigners should be grateful such an erotic-sensual-sexual heaven exists. The only downside for me was my lack of proficiency in Portugese. Preparing for the trip I learned about 200 words, but that was enough only for short conversations that lasted 3-5 minutes. Had I been able to better converse and interact, I'd loved just to sit and talk with some of the garotos, even if I had to pay for it. I would have also stayed a full evening for my money, rather than leave after two hours max. In my trips abroad – my principal hobby – I follow my mother's rule, not to visit the same country twice before being 'everywhere' once. It's hard for me to think about coming back to Brazil just for the sex, though it's really very very tempting. However, since there are still some Latin American destinations on my to do list – Peru (apparently very not gay) being next in line – I might just make Rio-117 my connect-for-a-couple-of-days airport. I wish it could be Salvador… On this opportunity I'd like to thank all of those who helped me along, chief among them Drey from GTB (whose section on "what Berlitz won't teach you" is truly indispensible), Gingado, Ihpguy, MoreninhaBoy, and all those who patiently answered my endless questions, PM-ed me, or complimented my posts. Hope to one day cross paths with some of you. Thank you all very much.
  2. Foz do Iguaco: • As previously posted, IMOH – simply a must. • If you do come, it's worth going the extra mile and seeing both sides: Brazilian and Argentinian. • If you can splurge and stay at a hotel inside the NP, for immediate access to the falls, the Sheraton on the Argentinian side is better and less expensive than Das Cataratas on the Brazilian side. • For taking a boat ride to get up close and personal with the falls (including a soaking shower), the Brazilian one is better and less expensive. Curitiba: •The train from Curitiba to Paranagua is proclaimed as a great ride through jungle covered peaks with sweeping views and down steep heights. The jungle and the heights are true; the view is not. 98% of the time, all that can be seen are the thick trees 40 cm from the windows. There are only very rare and short peeks at the wonderful canyons beyond them. One of my two disappointments in the trip. Rio: • The second is Christ the Redeemer. He was shrouded by clouds and fog most of the six days I spent in Rio. I ended up visiting him when his head was hardly visible, and nothing to see of the great view of the city below. Be prepared for such an eventuality. (BTW, there's a similar though less acute problem with the Sugar Loaf Mountain. I spent about three hours on the mid-way stop waiting (reading; I came prepared) for the fog to clear up. • If you go to the carnival, DO NOT buy the ticket from abroad through the internet or agencies. Find some way for a local to make the purchase. The overseas/online price is at least 3 times the local one! • Unless you intend to hit the beaches daily, there's no reason to stay at a hotel in that area. The area from Flamengo to Cinelandia is much more interesting/authentic and less expensive. • The metro is very efficient, clean and safe. Regarding safety in general, I neither experienced nor saw anything disconcerting, though I was walking alone most of the time, including at night. • Lonely Planet includes a great walking tour from Cinelandia metro through highlights north and west. I recommend taking an additional walk from the same metro, going south along the park overlooking the beach all the way to Flamengo. Of course it can be walked also in the opposite direction (north), but if you walk south you have constant view of Sugar Loaf Mountain. • Visiting the Catedral Metropolitana, spend some time viewing its reflection in the glass skyscraper on the opposite side of the avenue. Since the glass façade isn't smooth/even, the reflection changes as you move. Brasilia: • Again, as I've posted before, this place should also be a must, if only for its sheer exceptionalism. • The best place to stay is in Hotel Sector South, and within walking distance to the Fonte Luminosa (which by itself is reason enough to visit the city). Salvador: • Afriano, the nice-looking taxi driver and garoto, who offers airport rides for 60 instead of 90-100 $R: (71) 3212-2593; 8804-4706; 8793-3510. If you contact him, just for laughs mention the guy who hopped with him from check-in to a motel. I think/hope he'll remember me. • A tour guide named Anderson, whose English is the best I've heard in Brazil. I have no reason to think he's gay, and I didn't talk sex/sauna with him. Very engaging fellow. (71) 3321-3597; flextourbahia@yahoo.com.br • For buying local art, the stores up in Cidade Alta are significantly more expensive than in the Mercado Modelo five minutes with the Elevador Lacerda below. I had a great shopping experience and a bargain price at the Galeria de Art – Jorge Kanalan in the Mercado (either first or second turn on the right). • If you visit only one museum, make it the Museu Afro-Brasileiro. It looks rather shabby, until you reach the last room: person-size wooden panels depicting orixas (Afro-Brazilian deities). Make sure to take English speaking explanations from the receptionist as you enter the museum.It also help to understand the next two experiences recommended below. • Go see the internationally renown Balle Folclorico: an hour of great Brazilian dance & music, including half naked masculine dancers. • For the utmost cultural experience, attend a Candomble ceremony. It's a familial-clanish authentic nontouristic-commercial religious ceremony (you still pay the guide who takes you there and explains stuff): two-three hours of drumming and dancing and costumes and trance and fainting. Foreign guests do not participate and only watch, but you can't help getting into the spirit. Another MUST.
  3. I stayed at a hotel called Studio do Carmo, located one minute from the Pelourinho in Cidade Alta. It's defined as a 3 stars hotel, but I'd rate it higher. Only 9 rooms, which I was surprised to find are actually two rooms suits. Great staff and service; breakfast served in-room. The problem is the price: 240 $R per night. I'm not sure whether I was paying a peak season rate, since I was there a week after the carnival. I was willing to pay the price because location is important to me; I like to stay within walking distance of the area in which I'll wander. I couldn't find online any other 3 stars hotel in the vicinity, and I wasn't ready to downgrade to 2 stars.
  4. When I was done in Planetario during my first visit on Thursday, I asked the receptionist to call a taxi for me. Turned out there was no need to call, since there was an in-house guy who freelanced as a no-sign though accredited taxi driver (taxista). On the way he told me he works also as a garoto. Since he was nice looking, I said it was a pity he wasn’t inside as I was making my rounds. He – Afriano - liked the compliment. More importantly, I asked him how much it would cost me for him to take me to the airport on Sunday morning. He said 60 $R. That’s a great price, since my hotel offers transportation at 90 $R and the accredited office at the airport charges 99 $R! I gladly took his card, and called him on Sunday morning. I’ll include his details in a list of tips I’m planning to post. We talked on the way to the airport. Turned out I didn’t see him in Planetario the previous night because he works also in Sauna Fox, which he claims is better. One thing led to another, and I asked him how to say en Portugese “crazy” (twirling my hand beside my head). I don’t remember the word he said (it sounded clinical rather than jargon), but I told him I have a crazy question: how about a short programa on the way to the airport? He was nonplussed; said there’s a motel 5 minutes from the airport! I said I didn’t have the time for that, and I meant something really short in the car at a secluded place. He laughed; said at night he would have had no problem, but not in broad daylight. So on we drove, passing by the motel which really was close by. Since I was – as almost always – cautiously early, when we got to the airport I asked him to wait till I finish with the check-in. The stars were smiling upon me; I was the only one there. Having 50 minutes left to boarding time, I hopped back in the taxi and we drove to the motel. It ws a nice roll in the sack, nothing spectacular, and his face turned out to be the best part of his body. However, as I told Afriano: sex depois check-in con taxista – so en Brazil = sex after check-in with a taxi driver – only in Brazil!!! Can’t imagine a better way to bid farewell to the country…..and then again, perhaps a flight attendant?
  5. Saturday night I went to bid goodbye to Brazilian saunas and garotos at Planetario, encouraged by Ihpguy’s post. BTW, I stand corrected regarding the distance; at the tourist information booth I was told that it’s ‘only’ a 15 minutes walk, as he had written in his post. Nevertheless I took a taxi, which by conincidence turned out to produce an adventure, but that’s for another post. Stay tuned. This time at 5:30 there were circa 10-12 garotos, some of whom I didn’t see during my first visit. (One of them told me that 15 is the highest number there.) For some reason these new faces were more forthcoming in soliciting clients. Not allowing anyone to dominate my time during the get-acquainted phase, I was approached by five of them. The mildest stroked me and teased my nipples; the other four offered their cocks for fondling and/or fondled mine; two of these went further: one urged me to suck him, the other went down on me! This hasn’t happened to me even in 117!! I grew to really love mutual public cock wanking in Brazil. I wanted to go with the biggest most powerful cock. Howerever, the garoto attached to it – Silles – was apparently incapable of taming his force and roughness. On the spectrum between “mild and wild” I tend to the former, so I chose the second best. Chalk another one for instinct. Vicinio was hot, effectionate and passionate. As I was nearing climax, he actually if not encouraged than at least permitted me to cum in his mouth! A fitting finale to my Brazilian tour.
  6. I forgot to report that when I was in Rio I visited a suck cinema called Cine Rex. It’s a two minutes walk from the starting point of Lonely Planet’s walking tour of central Rio - Cinelandia metro. I shall only report my impressions, and refrain from repeating the whole setup. I cannot – indeed dare not – compete with Gingado’s post on the subject (January 11, on GTB’s forum “sex clubs and cinemas”). He waxed poetic in what is truly a literary masterpiece, turning a sleazy place into a wonderland of lust and erotic-sensual atmosphere. http://www.gaytravelbrazil.com/bboard/view_thread.cfm?postid=287&forum=74&category=34 Enternace is 10 $R! Inside there were about 30 men seating dispersed, many seats apart. A few were wanking; hardly anyone was conducting sexual intereaction. In the ‘dark room’ on the left (room? half a cabine is more likely), there was something going on. I’m not sure, but I think someone was sucking and about 5 others were either ‘watching’ (in real total darkness) and/or waiting for their turn. Since there were a lot of men going in and out of the WC on the right side, I went to check it out. Turned out that everyone was just taking a leak, and I really don’t understand why so many were doing so. I stood there for quite some time; no sexual activity at all. A hustler approached me - the only young man I saw there – and offered himself for 100 $R! Of course I said no, his phone buzzed, and that was that. There were quite a lot of men standing along the back wall and behind the last row. That’s where I saw some action. One walked up the aisle toward the back, stopped at an occupied seat adjacent to the aisle, causually unzipped, and the man in the seat started sucking. The suckee just stood there, face totally passive and bored, as if nothing at all was happening to arguably his most vital organ! I never knew anyone could seem so indifferent while being sucked!! A block of seats away, a man was leaning on the back of the last row being fucked from behind, again neither looks nor talk nor sounds of passion exchanged. Two men having sex, while ignoring each other. Since I have no experience in dark rooms, I guess that’s what happens there most of the time. Personally I couldn’t fathom having sex or taking a cock in my mouth, without previously talking with my partner-for-the-moment, indeed without even having seen his face. Specifically at that ‘cinema’, I guess that in 96% of the cases, the cock being sucked would be rather old and shriveled; not an attractive phantasy to hold in one’s imagination while working one’s mouth. But I was in Brazil also in order to have first-in-a-lifetime experiences. I sat down, lounging back and low with my legs spread, intentionally leaving a vacant seat between me and the aisle. I think it took five long minutes for someone to sit next to me. From what I could see he was young (forty-ish?) given the average age there, and unfortunately for me had the beginning of a beard. He didn’t lose much time, sent his hand in, found what he wanted, and immediately went to work. Though as always wishing to hold out as long as possible, given the circumstances it was over very quickly. I’m quite sure he was disappointed. He moved away to his next conquest, not a word exchanged. I think I had two experiences that day: first and last in a lifetime. PS – I still have a number of posts planned, but unfortunately I’m already back home to the daily grind. Those of you who appreciate my posts, please bear with me. I hope to post them all by weekend.
  7. Today was one of my best traveling days…EVER! The old Cidade Alta of Salvador was even more than promised-expected. It’s really a pleasure to walk around, enjoying the atmosphere even more than the churches and the colorful building facades. There’s music heard from drum schools, some small bands playing and dancing in the streets, colorful artisan works displayed on pavements, fat (excuse my P-inC) ladies in colorful carolinas, and gorgeous deep brown guys. In order to get better acquainted with some of them, I headed for Sauna Planetario 11. Someone had posted that the sauna is within “walking distance from the Pelourinho” (the historical center); as always it’s a matter of definition, this time of the phrase “walking distance”. My taxi driver told me it was “cinco kilometers, mais ou menos”, and it took him 12 minutes to get there. There are apparently two or three other saunas con garotos in Salvador: Paradise, Fox and Persona. It’s unclear to me whether or not Fox and Persona are one and the same. In any case, I chose Planetario because it was recommended by two sources as the best, and because it’s the closest to the city’s center. The place is quite big, at least the public space; actually there’s quite a lot of wasted space on the lower floor. Its clean and well mantained, with two TV spaces, bar with music, separate room for shows, video room with gay porn (at long last, I’m sick and tired of straight porn in ALL previous saunas; simply sacrilege!), and even two internet stations. Enterance is 15 $R; cabines – 10; rooms – 15 (ventilators instead of AC, discomforting for someone who prespires quickly like me); suites – 20. A really nice setup. http://www.planetario11.com.br/ However, I found the main feature lacking. I arrived at about 6. Till I left at 7:30, there were 8 non-participating clients and twice the number of garotos. It has been posted and also told me by a local, that Planetario has the highest number of garotos in Salvadorian saunas. I can’t tell if 16 is the regular number or whether it was just a slow night. As mentioned above, I was hoping to meet the deep brown hunk of my dreams. Alas, it was not to be. Most of the garotos were indeed of my favorite color, but they were a bit pudgy (I wasn’t aware young brown Brazilians could be pudgy!), too muscular, or with unattractive faces. One of them had a bookish look with glasses, something that really turns me off. Very few were wanking or flashing, and those that were – didn’t have the size we’re used to seeing in 117. BTW, for my first time ever, I saw an effeminate garoto; actually I don’t know whether garoto is the correct term in this case. It wasn’t a nice sight, especially since he was more than pudgy, including in the breasts zone. Reminded me of the “bro / manssiere” episode on Sienfeld. While I was taking my time, five garotos approached me, only two initiating physical contact. I ended up in a programa with one of them, not of my favorite color. He - like some of the others - asked for 50 $R, and to my no – immediately offered 40, which is what I paid for a good programa. In order to get them down to 30, you need to bid 20, which to me sounds between insulting and ridiculous in a sauna. Am I wrong? I left just in time to get to the famous show of Balle Folclorico. It’s worth coming to Salvador only for this, I kid you not! The dances are amazing (especially the fire, gymnastics and finale), and the drummers – awsome in the true sense of the word. HOWEVER, for those of you not interested in the above, I urge you to come and see what you love most: gorgeous men! The ten deep brown male dancers shamlessly flaunt their exquisite and powerful at least half-naked bodies for an hour. If you sit at one of the front rows, this is better than a strip show. Believe me, their bodies are so great, you won’t miss the usual erotic-sensual-porn moves. Gentlemen, come to Salvador.
  8. I’m proud to contribute something new to the collective body of knowledge accumulating in these forums, by putting Brasilia on the map. I assume there’ve been no posts on this city – including nada in responses to my planning questions - because no one has been there. Well, I highly recommend to stop ignoring this city as a tourist attraction, especially if one is already on the way north, to Salvador (as I am) or to Manaus. Brasilia is worth 24 hours. I suppose you all know it’s a modern city invented out of nothing and nowhere 50 years ago. It’s interesting to see the phenomena, and astounding to see the main ‘mall’ with innovative building designs and outdoors oversized sculptures. At the top of my list is a huge fountain – actually, a huge set of fountains in one pool – with water dancing, music and changing lights. Those with good memories might remember how I carried on about the water at Igaucu Falls… Do yourselves a favor and stop here, including a night stay to see part of the scene (including the fountain iluminada!) lit up. If you do stop here, it won’t be for the sex. There are rumors about gay life here, but if it exists - it’s not in saunas. There’s a list of them on the web: some are closed, one is mixed, and almost certainly only one offers garotos. Therma Soho is located in SCS – Sector Commercial South, a five minutes walk from SHS – Sector Hotel South. Remember, everything here is pre-planned and orderly, including division between spheres of human activity. So if you do come here and want to use the sauna, stay at SHS (as I did, by coincidence). http://www.gaygetter.com/g4/venues/thermassoho The sauna is clean and well maintened, its public space about as big as 117’s main floor. Enterance is 25 $R; cabines are free, as well they should be given they’re actually the size of a single bed + place to enter and stand beside it. There’s a bar, smoking room, sauna, no dark room (though the webpage said there was one), and one upstairs space with two videos showing straight sex. Flash: those wanking in front of them weren’t garotos but clients! Actually, I liked this bar better than the one at 117: bartender spoke English, the music’s volume wasn’t overbearing, there were gay and hetero magazines to browse, and they offered free popcorn. But this is true only regarding facilities; this bar doesn’t come near to offering the eye candies at 117, or any other sauna I’ve been to. I came in at 6:30. There were about 10 clients and 5 garotos, and it stayed thus for the hour I spent there. No great hunks, no dick flashing. Only one of them initiated contact, and reminded me twice later on. He wanted 40 $R, I said too much, and he immediately proposed 30. I later chose another guy, who repeated the same sequence. According to the time garotos disappeared into ‘cabines’ with some regulars I understood sessions are quickies of 15-20 minutes (which fits the room size and the price). That’s what I ended up doing, and the programa was ok+. That’s what Brasilia has to offer sauna-wise. Not very enticing I guess, except for the price. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’d go lower. BUT, as mentioned above, do come to see the exceptional city mall.
  9. “Life”, it is said, “is what happens when you’ve made other plans.” Well, Sunday I turned out to be neither in MM nor with Anderson. I ended my walking tour of the oll-colonial part of the city at around 5, and walked to MM. Alas, it was closed. MM has no website; I had looked it up at one of the gay websites, which said it was open all week. I later saw on another web guide that it’s closed on Sundays. BTW, to reiterate what has already been written about the place, it’s located where you don’t want to walk out alone in the dark. There was still Anderson to look forward to, and I decided to hurry along. Why hurry? He had said he’ll come at 6, and I wanted to ambush him outside. Across the street from 117 there’s a sex motel which charges 40 $R for 4 hours, whereas at 117 the price for admission+cabine (30-40 minutes) is 55 $R. However, he he didn’t show up, neither at 6 nor later. I mention all this just to offer a tip for those of you who might want to hook up with a garoto for a longer time at a lower rate. Disappointment aside, this time no one in 117 really made me catch my breath. There were the usual solictations – kissing, cock sharing, making out; by now no need to repeat the details. Some of the garotos said business was not good because there were too many boys around. It was bingo night, with a very long stand-up prelude – a rather coarse woman joking on and on about what’s between her legs. Everything in Portugese, of course. I never have luck with lotteries, and this one ws no exception. The game ended after first a garoto and then a client striked bingo. While waiting for the bingo to begin, I had parked myself on a sofa opposite the wall and way that lead from the bar enterance to the patio enterance. A perfect place to observe all the garotos going back and forth. By the beginning of the game, I had already settled upon three prospectives. When time came, one of them had disappeared. The second, very nice and manly looking, never smiled and hardly spoke a word to anyone. I got the feeling he’s probably a great fucker, but without warmth or interaction. I chose the third, whose length of equipment I got to sample in the wanking room. Which reminds me. The door connecting the TV room to the wanking room is rather narrow. In one of my many visits there, a garoto was standing just before the door, with his long dick protruding horizontly. No one could pass without brushing against it. Garotos just ignored him+it, but clients were of course not indifferent. So there he was, like a host greeting his guests at the door, with them shaking not his hand but his cock! Talk about the importance of location for good advertisement… Back to my garoto for the evening. His name was Isaias. (This time I had him write it down; I didn’t want a repeat the case of Audre from the first night, whose accurate name I still don’t know.) We agreed that provavelmente he was hotter looking than the biblical original propheto. Isaiah is black, tall, thin, with lots of smiles and laughs. He wanted 80, I said it was too much, he asked how much I was willing to pay, I said 60, and that was it. I think he might have agreed also to 50 or even less, but I don’t believe in having sex with someone who feels too put down. The programa was very good; if Anderson got an A+, Isaias get an A-/B+. He isn’t used to a slow moving “tranquilo” (as he phrased it) client like me, but adapted himself and continuously made sure I was getting what I wanted. I climaxed accordingly, and he seemed rather pleased-proud at the result. As we were leaving the cabine, he took the note on which I had him write his name, and wrote “70 ok”. He didn’t say anything or looked at me, and when we got to my locker I did indeed give him 70; he certainly deserved the tip.
  10. Lurke, it's very easy to get to Spazio, and BTW also to 117 which is two blocks away. Take the subway to Gloria, and exit on the side of Rua Benjamin Constant. If you're headed to Spazio, walk on Rua Gloria one block south, and turn right into Rua Santo Amaro. The Sauna is four -five doors up on your right, a brown-black rusted door with a sign above it. If you're headed to 117, walk from the metro one block north, and turn left into Rua Candido Mendes. The sauna is on the left side, with a big sign. Both saunas are no more than a five minutes walk from the metro. The whole area is very safe, with lots of people around late at night; there's no problem using the metro on your way back. Lookin and MsGuy: there was no "disappointment"; as you wrote, how could there be after my blissful adventure there? There's just disdain at how the place looks. I admit I'm at least a bit fastidious.
  11. Saturday, I had the best sauna experience to date. (Mind you, I haven’t had that many: 5 in Brazil, 1 in Barcelona, and about 5 in SE Asian massage places.) I entered 117 at 7:30. I had hardly started undressing in the locker room, when Audre came up behind me, kissing, hands roaming over me, helping me out of my shirt, nipple teasing, etc. Then he playfullly slapped my butt, and went on his way. Apparently he was busy with someone else, but decided just to welcome me. Nice of him, and nice to start the evening like that. (I later saw him and another garoto with an elderly gentleman, going up for a threesome I guess. And even later, there was a bit of commotion when a client took him and THREE others upstairs.) I started the rounds, enjoying the view. I think there were like 80 customers and about 40 garotos. Fernando said hi, but understood there was no future for us. Some came up to me, ususally introducing themselves through their cocks, but only one – with a really big one – was of interest to me. I told him I would perhaps search him out later (I did, but couldn’t find him). Never in my life did I imagine myself playing around with so many big cocks, and in public, and almost for free! By 8:30, no one new and interesting was making contact, so I decided for the first time to do so myself. (BTW, I noticed that most garotos initiate contact in the corridors and locker room, and much fewer in the bar and patio.) I’d prefer garotos to make the move, because it gives a (false?) feeling of ‘courtship’, and because I believe it somehow gives some kind of upper hand in the negotiations. In any case, here is what happened: 1 - I approached a garoto who was standing at the main junction (between the locker room and the stairs), wanking the biggest non-black cock I’d ever seen, protruding at 90 degrees, in a non-drooping manner which I hate. At that point of hunting, this feature overcame two other disadvantges he had: a pocked (though handsome) face and teeth braces. However, when he quoted 100 Reales and I said that was too much, he very politely broke off the negotiations(?). Apparently some of them can allow themselves such a pricing policy, though I’d better understand if it looked as if he were much more saught after. 2 - A passable guy came up to me, promising the world for 70-80 reales. Since he didn’t look very trustworthy, I said I’d pay 50 + a tip if he was good in bed. He claimed that 70-80 was the minimum at the sauna, so I thanked him and left. 3 - My despair growing, I went again to the wanking room. Not for the first time this evening, I overcame my inhibitions and stared shamelessly at all the blooming cocks. This time I sat down, and focused on the biggest one in the room. The guy motioned me over, said yes when I asked if I could help, and I went to work. He offerd a programa for 100. When I said it was too expensive for me, he actually laughed…or chuckled! I found this very funny, and I think his cock started to retract. In any case, he would go down only to 90, so we parted ways. 4 - I then approached a very good looking guy standing at the entrance for a long time. I had decided previously he would be only my fallback option, because he never wanks or flashes himself and I thought that those that refrain from showing off perhaps do so because they have less to show. (I turned out to be wrong in this case, and I might well be wrong in general.) We talked a bit, he sounded very nice, and promised all the body contact I wanted (kissing, licking, sucking, cuddling, etc.) for 70 Reales. We were about to seal the deal, when he suddenly said in an I-gotta-be-honest-with-you fashion that actually he doesn’t suck. So I said no thank you and left. Two minutes later I returned to him, and asked how about a programa for 50 without him sucking, and he agreed. I had decided to do so, because I believed his previously honest admission probably meant that he cares about the client and would therefore provide good service. (After all, in many cases the client finds out that promises aren’t carved in stone only after he’s already held captive in a cabine.) Boy, was I right to go with my instinct!!! At the front desk we were told we’re 5th in line for a cabine. When I asked whether that meant waiting 30 minutes, the lady laughed and said 5 minutes, which turned out to be accurate. In the meantime I brought the guy a Coke while he waited for the call. He said his name was Anderson. I asked if he knows some other working guy with the same name (meaning the much recommended Anderson in GTB), but he said no. The programa was great! He was really into body contact, in a manner which I’ve unfortunately never encoutered before. He felt strong, hot and passionate as he made out with me, following my directions and undestanding precisely what I wanted. He reacted wonderfully to my sucking (his cock was strong, long, curved leftward in a sexy way, and not too thick), writhing and moaning, complimenting me for my skill, and finally begging me to stop lest he cums. He was quite concerned about involuntary cumming in my mouth, apparently for health reasons, but asked whether I wanted him to cum on my chest. I said I didn’t want him to cum at all, because I prefer a hard cock in mouth or hand when I cum. At this point of heavenly pleasur, I really don’t know how I had the presence of mind to ask him whether I could take photos. He agreed immediately, and for the first time in my life I left a partner in the middle of sex, rushing to bring my camera from the locker. I took a couple of pictures angling to catch together both his pride erect manhood and his handsome face. Unfortunately for you, when I later asked him if he wants me to publish the photos with his email address and phone number he declined, saying the photos were only for me. Of course, I respect his wish. Sorry. I paid him his 50 Reales, adding (and explaning) one tip for the wonderful service, a second tip for allowing the photos, and a bigger third one for being honest. (Perhaps rewarding such behavior would popularize it.) He said he’ll be at the sauna again today at 6, which puts me in a conundrum: should I return for an assuredly wonderful second helping, or shall I try Meo Mundo once before I depart Rio? PS – I apologize if my posts are too long. The experienced among you probably find them repeatitive, but those unfamiliar with the sauna scene might find the details helpful in understanding how things work here. I know I did, reading posts before I came.
  12. Third Stop – Rio – Spazio 18 Someone posted recently that Spazio was closed down for renovation. Well, it hasn’t been renovated, but it surely needs it. The place is run down, unviting, missing bulbs in cabines, and such. The only shower, with four heads, opens into a main small court opposite the bar. While I was taking a shower, one garoto came in just to take a leak into the drain! I was there on Friday, a bit after 5. There were two customers there doing nothing, and about 8 garotos. I ended up sitting at the bar, with one on each side: Rafael – short and skinny, almost a toy-boy, who has “a smile like the sun” (I managed to say that in Portugese); and Nick – a brown-black handsome fellow. Rafaelo was the first to sit with me, rather shy and uninitiative. Nick joined us five minutes later, and immediately came on to me: kissing, nipple teasing, encouraging me to help him wank, traveling with his fingers all the way from my thigh, through cock and balls to my butt. This motivated Rafael to compete on the other side, which was both great and funny. While delighting in this porno bliss, I was wondering whether I should need any programa at all… At some point I shared with them, in my slow and broken Portugese, that I have a big problem since I don’t know whom to choose without hurting the feelings of the other. Both said, very professionally, that it’s no problem and I shouldn’t worry. However, since I was taking my time - who wouldn’t in such a situation – Rafael came up with the obvious solution, which I hesitatingly adopted. Why hesitate? Because this was to be my first ever threesome! On one hand the hesitation turned out to be justified. As you all know better than I do, for this to work out everyone should be comfortable, and these two weren’t a good match. Also, it would have been better for me to conduct my first threesomes when I’m in control of the language. On the other hand, I’m certainly NOT sorry for having done it: first time for me to watch two young men go at each other; first time for me to be sucked by one guy, while sucking another. It was 7 by the time I emerged from the cabine, and nothing had changed in the sauna: no additional customers, and the garotos just lounging about. I paid each of my two, 50 Reales + 10 as a tip. Both of them immediately got dressed and left, which says something about their hopes for addional action despite the early hour. The sauna charges 30 for entrance (5 less than 117) + 15 for cabine (ditto). Given the huge difference in standards between the two saunas, Spazio should charge 50% less. I won’t be returning, but I’ll always remember it as that sleazy place where I had overcome my thereesome-virginity.
  13. I guess I should be ashamed to admit it, but on my second night at 117 I left without a programa. There were a lot of garotos there, most of them with great bodies, but I wasn’t attracted to their faces or their demeanor. Also, I think most of them weren’t working very hard at pitching themselves, but of course I’m not experienced in reading sauna behavior. The black guy from last night – I found out his name is Fernando and he’s from Salvador – again pursued me. After enjoying him a bit, I gave him a tip and a half (explaining that it was also for last night), and said that I wasn’t interested. I might still have one with him, I just didn’t like the feeling of being monopolized. Also, there might be some kind of comeraderie between the garotos; perhaps no one offered himself to me, seeing that Fernando was already invested. Peeking a couple of times into the wanking room, I thought the scene there might be indicative of how business was going. Assuming that wanking is mainly for re-charging, attendance there should somehow correlate with number of programas conducted. Thursday it was almost empty. I attended the show at 9:00. I don’t go for such shows, so my lack of enthusiasm shouldn’t count for much. There was a drag queen hostess with 7 boys, doing the usual stuff. The crowd was rather bored, applause was tepid, and about 10 minutes before the show ended – half the audience had left. I attended only one such show at the gay Lavender hotel in Chiang Mai. The Thais are much better at this. BTW, could anyone explain why the dancers cover their means of production after stripping? It’s not as if customers would find the view objectionable…
  14. Wednesday was my first time in 117, a pleasant and educational experience. I entered a bit after six. Two garotos, approached me in a the lockers room, but I didn’t fancy them. Most of the guys were sitting at the outside smoking patio, which is quieter than the bar with the loud music. I took a stool at the back, and at first felt lonely and abandoned, wondering where are all those handsome guys that were supposed to be flashing their wares and coming on to me “like bees to honey” (as one of you had ‘warned’ me). My general sense is that unless you’re a wham-bam sort of guy, it’s not a nice feeling to be alone in a sauna where you can’t really converse with anyone. Anyway, at some point the guys did start approaching me. The first who caught my attention was a black garoto who progressed to licking, nipple teasing, and encouraging my hand onto his blooming imprssive cock. I decided if no one better came along I’d go with him, and told him (in body-sign language) I might search him out later. Not two minutes passed, and another guy came along: nice lean body, good looking and sort of English-speaking to boot! We sat chatting and making out for quite a while; he was a real passionate kisser. I ordered drinks for us, when the black garoto re-appeared. He didn’t look happy that someone had moved in, and at first sat on my other side cuddling me. Well, there’s a heaven for you! However, after three minutes of not fitting into the chat, he gave up. At this point, Aundre (I’m sure I’m misspelling as well as mispronouncing) commenced the negotiations. He said 100, I said 50, he said 80, I said 60, we agreed on 70. Perhaps I could have held out for less, but what for? I had already decided he’d get a nice tip for spending so much time with me before the programa, as well as for just being a nice person… By the time the programa was over it was 8:30 and the place was packing. Since I was carrying no sign of “just finished a programa”, I was solicited again and again. It’s a pity there was no place left to sit down; I would have loved to get up close and personal with the gorgeous guys who came in while I was with Aundre(?). I did go to the wanking room, but unfortunately my manners got the better of me: I just felt too awkward staring at the guys, otherwise I’d stay till closing time. Later someone told me that I really shouldn’t have stared; instead, I should have gone from garoto togaroto and offered to help… Now, please excuse me for sounding like goody-two-shoes, but just a thought/question. There wsa a post a while ago, about treating garotos with respect, for example by tipping them for time and body contact invested during a ‘courthsip’ that wasn’t consumated. Before leaving, I walked around with some money in my hand (after I had paid for the programa) in order to find the black guy, but failed. If it’s acceptable to tip the ‘also rans’, how do you do it with no money on you?
  15. Sunday I headed to Curitiba. I was supposed to fly via SP, and some of you cautioned me against trying for a quickie at Lagoa during the five hours connect. Well, the question of to-quick-or-not-to-quick never arose, because at Iguacu’s airport I was pleasantly surprised by an offer to fly directly to Curitiba. (Simultaneously I was more than irritated at my agent back home, for not finding this option.) Anyway, I took the offer of course, forsaking Lagoa for at least a year. Maybe I’ll find a quantum of solace in one of Curitiba’s saunas… I came to Curitiba to meet a friend, take the jungle train (there and back) to Parana, and visit the Niemeyer museum (with the huge eye). All accomplished and enjoyed, although the train ride was less WOW than expected. On my first night I went to Sauna 520, reported as the best of the three in Curitiba. It certainly is clean, well run, with all the usual facilities (including convenient cabines with showers). There wasn’t much prowling going on, except in the dark room between the customers.There were about 20 of them (all middle aged and up), and from what I could discern – no more than 5 garotos (none of which I found really striking by Brazilian standards). I was solicited very politely by two of them: a hunk brown one – not my type, and a nice regular guy. To both I said “talvez mais tarde (maybe later)”. The second one – Walter – courted me every ten minutes in a persistent non-aggressive manner, offering a detailed description of a massage he’d give me. I finally succumbed, after making out with him a bit in the jaccuzi, confirming he understands we’re talking about more than a massage. I didn’t go into specifics with him in advance, because I had decided to hire him no matter what, given lack of altenatives. His asking price was 160 Reales, to which I said no. He immediately halved it(!); I still said no. So he offered 60 and I agreed. Walter has a nice body and an even nicer cock. His massage was good. He brought condoms with the key to the cabin, but since I don’t do anal – I told him there was no need. After he finished the massage I played with his body, but he was content to just lie down offering no active cuddling other than jerking me off. After we cleaned up, while changing in the locker room, the price dance all of a sudden repeated itself. He came up to me with a piece of paper on which he had written “massage – 60; programa – 100”. I said no, he whispered 80, again no, so he said “ok 60”. It was all done in a very discrete and polite manner, which I found quite entertaining… Enterance costs - 35, the cabin – 20, taxi each way – 10 , total: 135 Reales. From a pure sexual perspective it wasn’t worth it. However, I felt rather good with myself, because of the comfortable atmosphere in the sauna as well as with Walter. More important – I just passed my first sauna experience en Portugese – nao probleme! On the second night I went to Sauna Opiniao. It’s not very inviting: the locker room has no door, which means that everyone (including dressed up gentlemen on their way to the ground floor bar-only part were peeking in; the lights are very strong; the rooms upstairs were a bit cold; there’s no jaccuzi. All these permanent problems aside, on a Monday night at 8:30, there were only 2 customers and no garoto! I wasted 25 minutes and left, paying 27 Reales for entrance. At least this would never happen in Rio, which is where I’m headed now.
  16. Advance warning: no sex in this segment. On Thursday, I landed in SP after a 15 hours flight. Connection service was poor, but four hours were enough time. 100 minutes later I was in Foz do Iguacu. I’ve to date visited around 35 countries around the globe, following my mother’s rule not to go to a place twice before visiting “every place” once. But there are – or should be – exceptions to every rule (including this one), and I have a short list of places I’d gladly visit again. Iguacu is at the top. I’ve been here ten years ago, but ‘only’ on the Argentinian side. In order to have direct and unfettered access to the falls, I decided to splurge and stay at the Sheraton in the Argentinian side of the NP. (The Das Cataratas hotel on the Brazilian side is more expensive and has too many bad reviews on TripAdvisor.) It was well worth it. I visited and revisited the falls from all angles on both sides, enjoying every minute of it. I love waterfalls: the water, the movement, the raw power, the purity, the mist, the changing scene; truly nature sculpting better than any human can. To top it all, Iguacu has a huge advantage on its bigger competitors – Niagra and Victoria. They might be taller, or broader or ‘volumer’, but color-wise they’re boring: white and gray and perhaps pale-blue verus Iguacu’s rich and strong and abundant green, in the background and at the midst. There are also at least three places to get up close and personal, to enjoy the spray and the shower and the power. No wonder it was voted into the new list of the Seven Wonders of the World!
  17. Sorry guys, but now I'm a bit confused: are there garrotos and rooms for pay in all three places? Also, what are the rates? Any chance of English spoken? Thanks.
  18. Hi Guys, I'll be in Curitiba at the beginning of March. Episevilla, could you please elaborate on the various saunas mentioned (scene, types, atmosphere, rates, etc.)? Demedici, please post you're experiences there. Thanks.
  19. Thanks Tomcal; since I land in Rio only in the second week of March, a word from you in February would be helpful. Your post alerted me to the existence of Towerboys. Mauricio doesn't have an ad there now, but of course there are others almost as enticing. Is Towerboys reliable? What are their ("competative") rates? Thanks.
  20. Tomcal, any way of contacting Mauricio? I don't want to miss him when I'm in Rio...
  21. Save on the high charge from the sauna. It is a big moneymaker for them. A friend priced it out once. Also, if you want to make the sauna guy happy, give him your second towel. Thanks Ihpguy for the practical and small-details advice. With your permission, two follow-up questions: 1) What were you referring to in the first sentence above? What's "the high charge" that can be "priced out"? 2) I'd love to make a garroto happy, but how can I give him one of my two towels? First, I thought one was for wearing and the other for drying? Second, don't I have to return both when I check out? Thanks.
  22. Hi Pauleiro; sorry to barge in. Could you please answer the questions I posted in the Europe forum re your post on Budapest. I'm on my way there... Thanks.
  23. Hi Pauleiro, You wrote that in Oral Academy there's "a 'touch me' boy who is naked during all time and when you want you go and wank him or touch him or touch him wherever you want ... Hunk with a long very reactive cock." Sounds really exciting; I love that kind of stuff. What's to stop me (or anybody) from monopolizing him? And then you wrote that the two boys who "start sucking on stage" then go to "the middle of the patrons for being sucked or licked or touched, wherever." Does this and the 'touch me' boy happen every night or just on weekends? When does the activity start? Thanks.
  24. Went to Hero Massage on a weekday afternoon. Found it as welcoming as described on various forums: two English-speaking proprietors who put me at ease; clean and comfortable place; fixed prices at 600 Baht for the house and 1000 tip for the boy; had a drink while viewing the boys behind the glassed pane. There were about thirty of them, most of which surprisingly did next to nothing to attract customers. I asked who was really gay, and the owner told three boys to stand; then asked who has a big cock, and again three were made to stand up. Unfortunately there was no overlap between the two threesomes, so I opted for one of the latter group. The room was spacious, with a good shower and a wide massage bed. We showered together before and after, and the massage plus the extra were between ok and good. Which brings me to my question: The boy (who really had a big cock which I enjoyed) wouldn't suck me without a condom. When I later asked one of the owners about it, he confirmed that that's the way it is. Is this really so in Hero? At other Bangkok venues? Do they really think this is necessary to avoid AIDS?
  25. By now I'm convinced the best maps are on www.shamlessmack.wordpress.com in the "directions" link. It holds very detailed enlargements, which I found very helpful.
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