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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. Any tips on how, where and/or with whom to have fun would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I don't speak Chinese. Most posts started off in Chinese, but when I repsonded that I don't know the language - most switched to English, either their own (very basic) or via translator. I learned in China that sex can be a universal non-verbal language... :-)
  3. I posted some questions here and on other websites before emabarking on a trip to China. Turned out, no need to pay for escorts. Planet Romeo and Grindr were more than enough, for the east coast: HK, Beijing, Shanghai. However, when travelling westward inland these two became totally useless. Fortunately somebody taught me that Jack'd was the answer. I've never heard of this website/application before, but it turned out great. Even in relatively small cities I was besieged by young Chinese literally begging to hook up with a mature/older caucasian. Go for it! BTW, does anybody know of other websites/applications that are not used in the West but are very popular in other parts of the world?
  4. 12is12

    Gay Shanghai

    Thanks TO for sharing. I assume that what you write about 'dangers' in Shanghai, applies all the more so in other cities throughout China. What's to be done then? If using the web for hook-ups is dangerous, do I use the phone? How do all the web-agencies work?
  5. Hi Guys, I'll be travelling around China this spring. Where can I find fun for free? websites, venues... Where can I find fun for pay? websites, venues, recommended escorts... I've read somewhere that in China it's best to stick to reputable agencies. Which are they? Are ChinaGayStar and ChinaGayEscort one and the same? Thanks
  6. Can anyone recommend venues, especially those active in day times and/or in/near Hampstead? Thanks
  7. Hi Guys, I searched GayRomeo, Escupido, RB, RM, and a couple of (not so user-friendly) British websites, and didn't find any wow. Looking for nice guys who can converse before and after. Phyisically, the ideal would be: hung - long more than thick; rock-hard; cut. upstanding cock - pointing upwards (straight or banana-like); definitely not drooping. body - from twink to muscular; no bodybuilders. smooth/shaved to little hair; not hairy, no facial hair. Would appreciate your recommendations. Even had I found some on the net, I don't like going to guys without recommendations. Also, would any of you know of these guys: Latin Anderson http://www.gayromeo.com/000000000000...UhuYZTOA%3D%3D English Lee http://www.gayromeo.com/000000000000...UhuYZTOA%3D%3D Gabriel from Escupido. Thanks
  8. Hi TO, Thanks for sending me the article on differences between BT, escorts and HB. I'm not computer/forum savvy, so I didn't find the way to respond to the message directly. Thanks very much, Roni 12is12
  9. Again, thanks very much.
  10. Thanks MVAN1 for the very detailed response. I'm a bit surprised nobody mentioned Budapest or Prague...
  11. Hi Guys, Which European city would be best for a weekend of sex (clubs, rentboys, suanas) in February? Thanks
  12. Firecat or someone else, please explain to me what is a toyboy as distinguished from a regular moneyboy/escort. And what's a houseboy. Thanks
  13. Oz, I traveled from Sapa in the north, through Hanoi & Halong Bay, then Hue and Hoi-an, to Saigon and the Mekong Delta in the south. The least interesting are Hanoi and Saigon. The musts are Sapa, Halong and the delta.
  14. Hi Guys, While planning the trip, I found very little online regarding sex venues. However, I was advised to publish myself on GayRomeo and GayDar as a visitor, that's what I did, and... WOW! I had no idea so many young Asians would find a 55 yo white foreigner attractive. I found myself having to turn down requests for meetings/sessions... GR turned out to be more useful than GD. During a 17 days trip I had six meetings: 2 from GD, 4 from GR; 1 in Hanoi, 1 in Hue, 4 in Saigon. [bTW, at the initial stage of searching I looked on GR for escorts and found none. Turned out that moneyboys publish themselves only in the users section. There are many ads, but they are repetitive. I found 2 in Hanoi and 4 in Saigon. None answered emails. Didn't get around to calling them.] The guys I met were between 21 and 34. None were "out" in VN, and most prefer sex only with foreigners. All were both nice and handsome; I like also the Asian type - thin and smooth. With most I had long conversations and/or dinner. Sex was at least OK, with most - a real BFE. One downside: per reputation, except for one Chinese-Malaysian all had small dicks; I mean really dwarfish. It was funny for me that my 14 cm was "huge" in their eyes. In fact everything physical I don't like about myself - too white, chest too hairy, only 14 cm, etc. - was great for them. Quite an experience. So, whoever is traveling to VN - and I recommend doing so because it's a beautiful and interesting and friendly country - there's no need to look for sex-for-pay. Just reach out and be friendly.
  15. Hi Guys, When I asked on another forum whether to use a six hour connection in BKK airport in for a quickie, most responseswere negative and urged me to "stay put". I'm glad to report the ayes have it. Timetable (jotted it down just for you guys): touchdown - 18:25 plane at complete stop - 18:32 off the plane - 18:40 cue at immigration - 18:47 clear immigration - 19:03 in taxi - 19:13 (had to stop at an ATM) at Hero's - 19:50 in room (more of a cubicle) - 20:12 out of room - 21:15 in taxi - 21:23 back at the airport - 21:50 (two and a half hours before planned takeoff) The escapade lasted from 18:40 till 21:50, which means I invested two hours and ten minutes for an hour of pleasure. It's worth it; certainly beats "staying put" at the airport. Costs: 260 for taxi; 70 for two tolls; two way - 660 bahts. 600 for Hero; 1000 for massuer (I gave him more); 1,600. departure tax for re-entring airport (?) - 700. total: 3,000 bahts = $98. Again, worth it. And now for the "it": I'm assuming readers are familiar with Hero's layout. There were about 35 guys in the 'aquarium' and seven clients viewing them. I admit I like this part (depsite the "meat market" feeling), but this time there weren't any who really got me excited. I asked the 'mamasan' who had a big cock, and he pointed out two. Then I asked who would suck without a condom, and he pointed out two others. I pondered for a couple of minutes the cruel choices we're faced in life, but by the time I decided to go with size, those two had already been taken. The unhinibited sucker I chose turned out to be a tall masculine raw kind of a guy, unlike most Thai moneboys (also more brownish than usual). I made sure with him that there really wouldn't be a condom problem (last year I was promised such a massuer, didn't check with him beforehand, and was later rudely surprised), and off we were to the cubicle. Its ac was working bad, I asked to switch places and this was done without problem. I love the joint shower in Hero. He was soaping and carressing me, I prolonged the shower, and he started sucking right there with the warm water running all over us, as I was enjoying his just-right-not-too developed muscles. Almost against my wish we retired to the masssage bed, where he gave me an ok strong massage. Normally I like soft massages, and his wasn't even erotic-sensual, but for some reason I enjoyed the raw masculine treatment. Then he went down on me; very good oral skills. He also needed a lot of patience, since I was - unusally for me - taking a lot of time to cum. Liked him even better for not stopping even while I gushed! Really HOT. And then, of course, a farewell shower. I was more than usually satisfied, for a reason that had nothing to do either with the massuer (Pee Malik, for those who'd like to meet him) or with Hero. Only seven hours ealrlier I had my last sex session in VN, and was really curious to know whether that would be enough time for a 55 yo to replenish. Turns out it was!! Two lessons guys: One, don't "stay put" at the airport; use the connection for fun. Two, for men who usually cum too quicly, the best way to prolong the fun is to have sex seven hours earlier...
  16. A very intriguing line - "the Fuck show is both on stage and in your lap"...You must have very strong lap muscles...
  17. Thanks TO for the report. Do any of them speak English? Any of them L or XL, or is it true that almost all Asians are un-endowed? Any of them cut?
  18. Hi Guys, I raised this question a year ago, got no useful info, and ended up postponing my trip due to an accident. So here goes again: I'm finding nothing on the web regarding venues for action, either in Saigon or in Hanoi. I browsed Sticky Rice, Gay Guide, Utpia, Purple Dragon, etc.; nothing there about where to get some action (free or for pay). I also tried escort ebsites (RM, RB, Escupido, GR, Gaydar, others), and came up with meager results. I'd appreciate any guidance you may offer. Thanks
  19. Hi Guys, While in Dublin I met Renato and Henrique (commercial section at Gaydar, Gay Romeo, Dublin Male Escorts). Both were disappointments: they claim to be L/XL but are at best average; couldn't stay hard; and wouldn't suck without a condom. Renato also said that his friend Fabricio is "the same style". FYI
  20. Hi Guys, Looking for recommendations regarding escorts or venues in Ireland - Dublin, Belfast and beyond. Thanks.
  21. Thanks LS. I'm sure your Spanish makes a big difference, but I'll think and hopefully try out some of your tips. ATB
  22. Hi LS, At the beggining of the thread, you wrote: "Language is only an issue if you make it one. I do not speak Portuguese. Most of the boys do not speak much, if any, English. But as long as you make the effort to communicate, they will do the same." Last year I spent five days in Rio, and very much enjoyed my time in the saunas. Like you I found the boys very friendly, but language WAS an issue. It's true that making an effort helps for a short session (I learned c. 150 words in Portugese before the trip), but how can it work for a longer duration, especially out of bed/cabin? On my repeat visit I'd like to enjoy their companionship in the city and for them to enjoy my generosity. I could really use some guidance on the communication aspect. Thanks, Roni.
  23. Hi, From all of you who've been to the City of Lights and have enjoyed the men there, I'd appreciate recommendations regarding escorts in Paris. I'll be utilizing Gaydar, GayRomeo and Escupido, but I prefer to meet those who've left positive memories with forum members. Thanks
  24. Hi guys, I'm at loss. I've tried all over the web, and I've found either two years old posts, or - at Utopia - next to nothing detailed about for-pay venues with real fun & play. I'd appreciate any guidance. Thanks in advance.
  25. Thanks Phillyguy for this important report. Four follow-up questions: 1) It's more than implied that a companion can be picked for any duration and any activity. Is that so? Please elaborate on how the whole thing works. 2) Costs? 3) None of the boys on the website states explicitly that he's gay, and too many have fantasies which include females. Did I get the right impression? 4) How's their English? Thanks in advance.
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