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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. Hi Guys, In mid-Nov I spent there 5 days. Before going I read here posts about SGPR, and arrived rather pessimistic. Glad to report I was proven wrong. Grindr and other apps lighted up with messages, 95% of them no-pay. Hooked up with 4 guys; had a wonderful time. They enjoy meeting/talking/sexing with mature/old white men. Unlike a warning I read here, nobody demanded (or hinted at) a pre-date/meal/drink. Two of them were also very nice companions.
  2. NoGag, I'll be in SD next month. Is Cine Lido in a safe-for-walking area? Day and night? What time do you recommend to go there? Thanks (-:
  3. Curious, why don't you want to go alone barhopping or to Sodome? Is it dangerous?
  4. Hi Guys, Other than Adan, I found online 3 more saunas: Center, Principe, Paraiso. Could anyone contribute anything for or against them? Any other recommendations in Madrid - venues or escorts? Thanks (-:
  5. Thanks for the warning. I'll keep away when I'm next in Madrid. Any recommendations? other venues? escorts?
  6. Thanks Divine; I used ear plugs, but of course a normal short conversation with boys is still impossible.
  7. I humbly submit "it" should be substituted by "them": music is way too loud in all clubs. My impression was that in this sense ML is the worse.
  8. I concur; such a response sits better with my (overly?) assertive nature. However, he didn't refuse; he tried to refuse, but I didn't let him. I did write that he later tried to satisfy me. Don't think it's appropriate to demand a refund for killing the vibe.
  9. Vinapu, I had all my life felt that a long lost twin is wandering the cosmos, looking for me. At last, we find each other!!! You are much more in the know. How about this radical idea? You and other members known to managing staff propse to them to significantly lower the music, to concersational level. Can't see any risk in it, and might encourage offing. At least on a trial basis.....
  10. On this unintended repeat visit I decided to take a look at the clubs I didn't visit 3 weeks ago. Also, I was piqued by DanKFQ's observations in his thread: that when he entered Golden Cock, the boys outside were actually surprised that a customer had showed up (duh.....); and that since he was the only one there, he became focus of all attention. I was hoping I'll spoil myself with a couple of twinks on each side.....Alas! it was not to be. Golden Cock turned out to be a small unappealing room, barely a meter between the 'stage' and the seats. As I entered, there were 6 'boys' standing in front of two customers. As all attention swerved toward the newcomer, the two looked between bored and alarmed. I took one look at the stage and fled: 2 were fat, by any definition of the term; 2 were old, well past past past their prime; and all were unappealing. I said thank you, exited, and went to Nature Boy. There was no need to enter; the guy outside said there was only one boy inside. Again "thank you" and backtracked to Tawan. I'm not into bodybuilders, but I figured since I was already there - I'd just take a peak. They readily agreed to let me look for a moment before paying, and so I did. The place looked shabby; there were a few customers and about 8-10 boys (actually men), all indeed with huge biceps. Most of them also had if not huge than at least big protruding bellies, the opposite of six packs. I retreated for a third time, and made my way to the main cluster. Hotmale turned out to be similar to Screw and Fresh, and no boy there drew my attention. Proceeded to Jupiter, which was the only club refusing a request for a peak. [It seems an unreasonable marketing policy, but I assume they understand their business better than I do.] Unsurprisingly I ended up again at the one club I remembered fondly: DreamBoys. I sat through two shows with routines I had already seen 3 weeks ago. The real gorgeous guy there is the one wearing a policeman uniform: great non-twinkish body, and he seems to really enjoys his moves. For some reason it didn't cross my mind to ask if he's off-able; maybe his is a model's rate. In any case, he was called to sit between two Chinese(?) young ladies, and I envied them. After offing a cute twink #72 and before leaving, I went up to the sitting policeman and gave him a 200 baht tip (which apparently surprised him, maybe because he's used to getting tips only on stage). Before offing Kim 72, the mamasan obliged me by bringing him and his drink to sit with me outside, so we could actually HEAR each other. He was nice, promised to do everything (kiss, suck, etc.), and off we went. It wasn't so nice once in bed. At some point when I motioned him to suck me, he said "I top no suck". I reminded him that's not what he had previously said, so he started opening a condom for a suck. Again I said no, he relented, but the vibe was already lost despite his efforts to satisfy me. After the deed was done, I paid him his due without additions. That was my final club night. I'm glad I've re-introduced myself to the scene after a 10-years hiatus. My thought was that if this goes well, I'll become a twice-a-year regular. However, as explained 3 weeks ago, I'm unattracted to the club scene. I would have enjoyed myself immensely sitting-interacting generously with a boy or two, evening in evening out, but I just can't stand the overpowering music making communication impossible. Also, to my disappointment, I don't find the racier routines erotically arousing. I SHALL be back, but with more realistic expectations. Thanks again to all who guided me through my research, and thus helped me make the most of gaytown BKK. Wish you all happy happy!
  11. Or at least that's how Wat Samphran Dragon Temple, 35 kms east of BKK, is defined online. Certainly looks like it:
  12. After my deluge of reports 3 weeks ago, I flew on to Australia and NZ. I was supposed to return home via a 4-days stop in Hong Kong, but since it's not hospitable nowadays - I substituted BKK for Hong Kong at almost no cost. It offered two consolations: less money, more boys. Friday noon I was on my way from Tarntawan to Magic Touch massage, when Grindr beckoned. Nice looking guy with better-than-usual English offered himself instead of Magic, and I agreed. Cambodian, whose name and nick is Chetra. Good thing I did, because when I stepped into the place just to get an impression, there was only one guy there. He said that in the afternoon-evening there'll be eight of them. I went on to buy some socks; bought also for Chetra who had asked for them, though I wasn't sure whether he was serious or joking. Our session was good, and since I enjoy more when I can converse-connect, I invited him to join me for hotel-breakfast the next day (specifying that no money will change hands) with the expressed intention of 'interrogating' him all about life in Cambodia and BKK. He readily agreed; our Saturday meal was VERY educational for me; and then he volunteered to join me on a walk to Lumpini park. On Sunday he also came with me to Dragon Temple. When we parted ways (he home, me to Chatuchak), I gave him 800 baht for his time. I later declined his offer of an additional massage, preferring variety. Back to Friday afternoon: after Chetra had left I walked to Chu Chocolate Bar for a meeting with Anddy, who had graciously agreed to share with me his 5 years experience as a farang living in BKK. He too withstood my interrogation, telling me about his life here, other expats, gay sex scene, forum community, etc. His chocolate was my treat, but his insights were a TREAT indeed. Thanks again Anddy! During my visit 3 weeks ago, an Indonesian 35 y/o PhD student (not MB) reached out to me, and we met. He's into older farangs, and wanted just to meet for coffee. There was quick chemistry between us, but our schedules didn't allow for another meeting. When I texted him I was returning to BKK, we set a date which was even better than the first (this time including hanky-panky). I think I've made a new overseas friend! Returning home with good non-sex memories (-:
  13. Numazu, I am truely shocked to read about some members' conduct - citing you to the boys and / or calling you a liar!! These guys should be named shamed and banned.
  14. Just jumping the thread to the top.....
  15. Thx Spoon for all your reports and insights. Happy for you that you are soooooo happy with the visit. (-:
  16. .....similar to ours, focusing on Soi Cowboy, Patpong and the likes?
  17. Hi Guys, It's my impression forum members flock to Bangcock according to tourism seasons. If that's true, why is it so? I mean, doing these bar/club rounds isn't supposed to be impacted by weather or other touristic factors..... What ARE the high and low seasons for Thailand and for gaytown? When do I get the best chance of meeting most of you - Screwed, Lucky, Dreamy and Fresh?
  18. Anyone wants to meet up? (-:
  19. It's neither Ayutthaya nor Disneyland. It's hardly scaled down. Do yourself a favour: google it, and view photos. You won't regret it.
  20. Hi All, I had no intention of responding to criticisms regarding my reports, because they were posted by holier-than-thou self-appointed PC purists. I changed my mind after reading those who rose to defend me - Jasper, Vinapu, Daydreamer (thank you guys!). They reminded me there are some here (too many?), who avoid posting at all or mentioning certain things, in order not to incur the wrath of these censors. Guys.....ignore them!!! What do you care if others criticize or attack what you had posted, in an impolite, rude, elitist, condescending, self-absorbed and/or contrary manner? Even if you would care under normal circumstances, here your anonymity is a foolproof shield. These negative souls are not worth it, and the forum is poorer for your silence. One of them advised "respect all boys equally". Wow, what an epiphany! I respect all boys as human beings equal to me. I do NOT respect all boys equally as professionals, just as I don't respect doctors and lawyers equally. Another accused me of elitism because I referred to " 'lesser' clubs". I had originally apostraphied the word "lesser", but that was actually a mistake. Lesser clubs are first of all a matter not of opinion but of fact: they don't offer shows, they offer fewer boys, and they even charge less. They ARE "lesser". Which, of course, doesn't mean that their staff or patrons are lesser persons. Enough with this PC equality BS!! A third chided me for reporting that a boy I had recommended had a small dick. Offing forum members are interested also / mainly / only in sexual features, unlike my detractor who claims to prioritize "character and mannerism". I call on all of those sharing my desire to read here also useful recommendations, to include such details. Finally, I was admonished for giving an "excessive" 3000 tip for a short-term session with Watt. I had since explained why I did that, but more important - as one of my defenders had already written - IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Dear colleagues, don't let them silence you. Ignore their rants. Don't respond, certainly not directly, and on no account mention their nicks. Just let them whither away. For those who are interested in offering CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, a PM would be both more polite personally and more pleasant groupwise..... Happy hunting (-:
  21. For those interested also in sightseeing between bouts of debauchery, I recommend 4 sites which are beyond the main tourist destinations. For discriptions-explanations, please google. I'll make do with hopefully-enticing photos. [I wanted to post 30 of them, but I found out each one has to be uploaded separately, so I'll make do with only 1 of each site. If any of you are interested, I'll gladly whatsapp more photos.] The first 2 are in BKK, not too far from Silom: Jim Thompson's, and very close to it - the free Culture and Art Center. The other 2 require riding south: Erawan Shrine-Museum, and Ancient City - a huge open air museum of traditional Thai architecture and sculpture. I humbly submit Erawan and Acient are MUST SEE. Enjoy (-:
  22. Thx Jasper, but I m NOOOOOO billionaire. 1000 baht = 33 $. When the boy is very likable and does his max, the sum doesn't look exaggerated to me. Also, a small personal contribution to the redistribution of wealth from the 1st world to the 2nd-3rd. (-:
  23. For my final night, having seen 5 shows and 5 boys' parades, I decided to try another approach: off without drink before shows start. I planned to look for Watt at ML; if that didn't work out - try the list of 4 numbers (jotted down on Sunday) at Dream; and as a last resort - visit the 'lesser' clubs. Surprisingly, the plan was cut short at ML. I told the doorkeepers I want to off Watt without going in; they called the mamasam, who remembered me; and he called Watt. The boy was easy to talk to and very accommodating, so I paid the fee, he changed clothes, and off we went. As simple as that. As Drimvoiz had told me, Watt's English is much better than boys' average. He's studying tourism in order to become a fight attendant, and his general knowledge reflected this. He asked me in a roundabout way why I asked for him without ever meeting before. When I told him an internet-friend had recommended him, he was disappointed I didn't know Drimvoiz' real name. It was obvious this was a first for him. Like Kay, he declined my offer for a snack on the way. He was VERY happy to be offed so early; said he won't return to the club, but rather go to sleep early. As promised, he was very accommodating also in bed. Might be the best sucker I remember. Really passionate and eager to please. Chemistry compensated for his small dick. At least 9.5 out of 10. I gave him 3000 baht, and another flight ameneties bag was disposed off. (-: Watt too was happy at my proposal for free advertisement. He says he is a top, and a bottom if the top's dick isn't too big. # 19 at ML Line - watt1997 If anyone does off him upon this recommendation, you are welcome to cite Roni from Israel. He'll probably remember me, because he was quite proud to show off his knowledge regarding Kosher airlines meals (though was unfamiliar with the term Kosher).
  24. On Sunday night I faced the eternal dilema: go back to a good place (Dreamboys), or try a new one? In such situations I let the cosmus decide, this time embodied by NewScene. He suggested we try out LuckyBoys. I got there before time and before him, sat at the back and looked at the stage. The boys were standing in 5 rows, 5 in each; every minute the front guy would move to the back. They were all apathetic just as in ML the night before, and none of them appealed to me. NS texted me from outside, and when I reported - he suggested we move to FreshBoys. MUCH smaller place, almost intimate. More explicit porn numbers, but none of the boys were for me. The mamasan tried to interest NewScene in a number of boys, but he too didn't like them. We exited and waited for Anddy and Mark to join us from the bar where they had sat. Guys, I'm glad to report: Mark is really HOT!!! He is way way beneath our average age, was sleeve-less, and had he taken his shirt off - would have been offed at model rates!!! Alas, we had to make do with the working boys..... )-: We entered DreamBoys at mid show. I immediatelly looked for and inquired about the other four on my yesterlist, but none were there. Kay was there, we exchanged smiles, but despite his grade-8 - I wanted to try a new boy. No one else caught my eye. After sitting the for a while, Andy had to retire and NS offed a boy. At Mark's suggestion I went with him to ScrewBoys, where he knew socially one of the guys. Screw was very much like Fresh; we could actually see the fine details of the cocks performing on stage. For me tbe mamasan called over the in-house big dick, a Vietnamese # 98. He sat between me and her, both of them massaging his dick through the trousers. Per their invitation I joined the effort, which very quickly proved their point. He also looked good, but answering my questions he said no to kissing and no to sucking. I wrote him in ggl-trnslt that he is an honest man, tipped him 200 baht, and (since again the other boys were unattractive to me) off we went. BTW, before going I also tipped Mark's friend # 94. He is both cute and nice. (I loved their elegant uniform - white shirt with colourful tie.) Those of you looking for tops - check him out. His name is Chung. Mark suggested I try Hotmale, but it was closed already at 1 am. I didn't know bars close at that hour, so Kay at Dream as a fallback was also gone. Never thought I'd pass through 4 bars in one night; and would have never imagined that in such a scenario I would come out emptybedded.... Didn't feel bad though. It was a nice experience, and it was great hanging out with NS, Andy and Mark.
  25. Of course, But without an ounce of chemistry....
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