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I'm writing this already from Manila, having left BKK on Monday. My short stop there was of course less active due to my unexplained food poisoning. I might return for Chinese NY. 1 - What's with the weather? All my visits to Thailand were nov-feb; Sunday evening was the 1st time ever I used a jacket! David1710 sent me a link saying that temprature is at a 40 years low. 2 - Why doesn't discussion and activity include saunas? Is BKK an outlier, without any appealing gay saunas? 3 - I was disappointed by the apps. Opened grindr + 5 others; didn't see anyone of interest, and received only few messages. I was hoping to find the African guys mentioned here at times.... 4 - Thread research and Raposa's tutoring taught me about the distinctions of various bars. Are there any character-less bars? Any bar about which can be said "if you've visited bar X, no reason to visit bar Y; same boys/atmosphere/something"? It would be nice to have a list of all the bars with their specialties.... Thank you for the supportive sharing here; makes BKK more pleasant and interesting. (-:
Apparently they chage the performance menu very quickly. On sunday there were no sweets and no towels.
Yes, at Alas all the porn cock guys had masks on.
No, he didnt cum. It was more like a simulation, but very artful erotic convincing. He started off with his right hand in his shorts, the left holding a magazine supposedly making him horny. He moved on the stage, his legs ass and hand attuned to the drum pace. At some point the shorts came off; condomed big dick. There were two humorous intervals, when he stopped and leaned toward the spectators close to the stage - offering a shake with the wanking hand. All refused, 2 even sprang back in horror. Don't know why; I would've shaked it gladly, and added a tip. The whole performance , like most of the rest of them, was very good.
I thought u were friends with all mangements there....
I didnt find the answer in my question. Is having gay scenes problematic for them, to be avoided because clients will continue coming? Are they sure they won't pick up new clients?
But since they know their clientle, why dont they inject something gay into the menu?
It probably retains its popularity because of the three points I mentioned: sex aside, it's a high class act; masculine sexy handsome men dancing erotically; some of them can be offed.
On Sunday I met David1710 for cafe and a long talk, which interestingly didn't focus on the pleasures BKK offers but rather on more...intellectual stuff. Evening I spent 2 and a half hours with Raposa, him educating me about our surroundings, me - paying for drinks at G's Foodland and Hotmale. Thanks again Raposa for your generous tutoring! After Raposa departed for his flight, I went to see the Jupiter show. Of course I join in (not only) his observation that this is undoubtedly the best bar production. All the dancers are either professional or seem to be, and performances' themes are highly creative. The male dancers are all masculine hot and sexy, and their erotic sensual moves are a pleasure to behold. One major - and for me totally surprising - drawback: there wasn't even a hint that the show is gay or meant for gays! All the sexual interactions were male-female; there wasn't even one instance of a man touching a man, let alone doing something more than touching. Even in the solo masturbation performance, the guy was wanking away while holding a women magazine. I don't remember having read any 'warning' about this, in posts about Jupiter. The show started at 22:50 and ended 5 minutes past midnight, including three 5 minutes bits (beginning, middle, end) in which 14 boys paraded themselves on and off stage. Only during the final bit numbers were attached to them, and only to 7 (persumingly meaning that others are not for off). Almost all of them had masculine bodies which I like, but not faces. Even were I not still restraining myself due to my medical condition, I wouldn't have offed anyone. A bit ironically, the only guy who attracted me was the singer in street clothes, who warmed up the audience before (and after) the show. Before leaving I tipped him, and then realized there were no tips at all during the show, despite its quality. Is that bar policy? Maybe it's part of their sleek reputation, waiters all in perfect suits, etc. Maybe it's also connected to the mamasan(?) 10 minutes into the show coming to tell me "no writing in phone during show".....
30 More details in my "Bancock 2nd report - massage".
So now there r at least 3 of us. We can start a fan club....
[Final health bulletin: Saturday evening I dragged myself to the hospital again; for the 1st time in my life was connected to a saline drip; emerged 2 hours later totally envigorated; and with pills successfully regulating and calming my digestion system. Celebrated with an egg & vegtables salad in Foodland. Hurrah!] Some of you might remember that whenever the issue came up in threads on this board, I advocated for using it also to recommend the deserving providers and to warn against the unworthy scammers. Although I failed in this endeavour, I am always glad to implement it myself. I wrote positively about James in Atlas, and more so - at the Prince. I was sorry I published his calling card without his photo, so decided to rectify the mistake. I went yesterday to Atlas before the show started; asked him if he'd like me to publish his photo on the internet for "gay tourists who come to BKK"; and made sure he understood in Thai language. He was very glad with the idea, so please see photo below. Looks aside, you can count on him to be energetic, smiling and highly motivated to please. I also heard from Vinapu that he "had a good time with him, even more than once". Those hiring/offing him also because of this recommendation are welcome to tell him that Roni from Israel says "hi" (for some reason he's familiar with Israeli football league.)
Christian, since this is already your 3rd reference to the issue, for the benefit of those contemplating a trip to India, I'd like to clarify. At least 85% of the guys messaging me were not old or fat or hairy. [I meet only smooth guys.] Notwithstanding your personal taste in men, the number of those guys you would pay to have sex with is probably the average number in other countries.
I wouldnt have posted it without his permission
James specifically emphsized mainland china, and said there's no such prnlm with chinese from singapore, taiwan, hongkong.
No He wasn't refering to formal payments, but to tips at bars and tips beyond the obligatory at parlors.
[When it rains - it pours. Relegating my sore throat to 2nd place, yesterday I suffered from a night of violent vomit and diarriah (although not eating local or street food). Am now confined to my room, drinking Evian water with electrolyte solution (per Raposa's suggestion), and eating bananas. Were it not for that, this massage report would have been posted yesterday.] At about 3:15 pm I entered Senso's fancy lounge (see foto). Present were the papasan, one patron waiting reading and one masseur. The papasan kind of made a big thing of showing me on his tablet 2 options: 60 minutes - 2800; 90 minutes - 3300. When I ruled out the only masseur there, he called down 2 more. All 3 were unappealing; more important - none exhibited any motivational gesture. I asked if I could see on his tablet photos of others; no. Asked if there is any website or digital platforms for viewing; no. I asked when may I come to see more masseurs; "dont know, have 12 now working upstairs, maybe 1 hour." I decided to walk 16 minutes south to Prince. Whom do I see sitting outside the front door? James, the guy I tipped the night before at Atlas. He was again full of smiles and energy. As we walked in (see foto) he tried to convince me to go with him, but I very politely refused. On the left there's a glass enclosed large room, where James joined 15 other guys who all sprang to their feet. The papasan invited me to seat, and showed me an elaborate chart of prices according to time and types of massage & room (see foto). I opted for the basic. I asked him if any of the boys speak English; he said all of them, which means none. I asked who has big dick. He pointed out with his laser beam 4 guys, all of them unappealing AND flagmatic. In fact, only 4-5 guys were doing something to catch my attention. After a minute or two I chose.....James. 1100 paid for the room; 1500 to be paid to the masseur. He led me to a room (see foto), one of 16. Everything there is squeaky clean. We showered together VERY interactively, James chatting and kissing away. At the massage he said "tell me what you like", which I promptly did. Ever since a genious masseur in Laos showed me that a massage CAN be sexual and therapeutic simultaneously throughout the session (instead of divided in two), I think it SHOULD be. At first James didn't get the concept, so as he was working on my left foot - I took one of his hands and put it where it counts. From that point we sailed on to a sensual 40 minutes culminating in an oral HE. In the after chat, he told the usual things: 30 y/o, claiming most guys were almost his age. From a farm near Chiang Mai. Working 2 years. Lives in a room alone, because other guys "make noise and drink". Monthly rent is 8000 baht. Sometimes he gets 1 client a day; 2 is very lucky. Sometimes - no client. Mainland Chinese clients don't give tips. We showered again. I paid him, adding a 300 tip; in return he surprised me with his calling card (see foto). I'm sorry I didn't ask to take his photo for you guys.
But my report was about thutsday....
Thx Hopefully, m on the way. Masseur 2day was surprised I preferred closed lips.
My experience was totally opposite
Vinapu, I m a vegetarian AND I don't like spicy, thus greatly restricted in Asian food choices. My sore throat is probably due 2 weather in New Delhi and Agra: VERY cold. Switching btw heated hotels and cold outside...
Arrival: I flew in from New Delhi. [BTW, don't know why it's an overlooked sex destination. I was flooded by hundreds of grindr proposals, most free. Others on average charge only $20, much cheaper than here.] The airport is by far the most efficient I've been to lately (barcelona, lisbon, madeira, san paulo, medellin, bogota, new delhi). Taxi drive at 18:00 took an hour and 500 baht. Hotel: M staying at the Raya, $75 per night. In the hotel thread it was placed at the btm, but as of now (haven't had brkfst yet) - it seems fine. In fact it offers something I've never seen at hotels: a glass wall btw shower and bedroom (foto below), enabling u 2 hold an erotic shower show with the guy u offed. But then, if both of u r aleady there, why not join him in the shower... ? I hurried 2 take care of my medical prblm (different thread); grabbed something at McDonald's; returned 2 the room 2 post the "info summary"; and per the enthusiastic reports here - went to.....Atlas of course. Atlas: Entered at 22:30. I was the 12th spectator, a number that didn't change throughout the show. There were 3 pairs of young Asian men, an Asian guy-girl, a young Western male pair, and a 30ish Chinese man. On the stage were standing 5 guys in shorts, and a moment later they vacated it and stood/sat 2 the right side. ALL of them were focused on me for like 5-8 minutes, as if it was obvious that I'm the only potential 4 an off. Only one came over 2 introduce himself as James, and he was certainly the only one with energy smile body, though obviously older. The show consisted of 3 ladyboys singing 2 songs each; 3 musclemen showing off muscles (to a rather unfitting music); and 3 sex parts, in which all participants were masked and rubber-condomed. 1 - Big cock: 6 guys stood a couple of seconds on stage and then scattered thru the audience, offering a feel 4 a tip. Few spectators obliged. I didn't either, bcs I don't like 2 feel rubber. [I remember at BBB in Pattaya there was a second round of interactive cocks without a rubber, in which I participated energetically and generously. 2 - Two guys making out, starting with a massage (foto below). It was good, but ended without a hint of a fuck. 3 - an S&M pair in leather reins; also no fuck. The show ended in under 50 minutes. I confess I was disappointed. It didn't match the enthusiastic discriptions in the recent thread here. Nor did it produce additional income 4 the bar. Given I was tired and with a throat prblm, I had decided much earlier I wouldn't off anyone tonight. Unfortunately I didn't need 2 restrain myself. After the show ended 7 guys got on stage while the whole audience dispersed. Only James was partially appealing. BTW , no numbers on the shorts (or on the masked sex actors in the 3 scenes). It was really heart wrenching 2 c all the guys and the bar abandoned at 23:25. I went over 2 James 2 tuck-squeeze a 100 b. I thought about exchanging numbers, but was concerned the mamasan would frown or intervene. Maybe I'll get back 2 him. Drinks 4 patrons and boys - 500. [No boy was invited 2 sit by a patron.] Only as I was paying 4 my one Sprite did I notice that I'm paying $14 for a $2 can. I know of course I'm paying 4 the show, but I venture 2 submit this makes sense only about the 1st drink. Anyway, m not stingy; I just don't drink much. That's all for now, 01:30. Tomorrow - massage.
Map: https://shamelessmacktwo.travel.blog/2024/12/30/map-of-silom-surawong-area-december-2024/
I'm an almost-newbie; sex-visited twice: 2019 - BKK 3 days; 2022 - pattaya 7 days. in anticipation of my current visit, I summerized the main info and opinions from the 1st page threads. It helps me; maybe other newbies will find it useful. Corrections and additions r more than welcome. Rates: Most st (short time) - 2000-2500. Off fee from the bar - 500. Min tip for massage - 1200. Hour motel - 500 for 2 hours. Bars: Atlas is reported 2 hold THE leading show nowadays. Jupiter and Moonlight r also good. Cocks r exhibited during the shows at Freshcocks, Dreamboys, Hotmale, Banana. "Goodboys (formerly Screwboys) is more sexy and intimate than Freshboys above." Massage: Vinapu recommends newbies start with Arena, 4 confidence building experience. In Prince, masseurs r seated in a glass-enclosed room (Hero style), allowing process of choice without a maybe embarassing upclose line-up. In Phoenix masseurs start off with the sexual, altogether skipping the therapeutic. In Senso the rate is 2800, both parts "all in". It's acceptable 2 inquire about endowment. High class parlors: Senso; Prince; JeySpa