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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. Numazu, pls don't take this as if I'm trying to - god forbid - shut u up; I'm not. It's great to get excited and plan ahead, but Vinapu got it right: it's hard to know what will things look like in July. Best to ask again in late June.
  2. Of course you wrote that; I only meant it wasn't mentioned in the 'final' segment. I stand corrected. Apologies if I had offended. I feel the same about the comparison with Brazil; in both our cases it probably has to do also with the language. I wish u much joy there in the future, before and after retirement. (-:
  3. Latbear, although u weren't explicit, it seems u r mostly satisfied with ur visit. I m glad for u. (-: My travel preferences r very different from urs, but ur style of writing made everything very relatable. I was routing for u the whole time. (-: It seems u both enjoy writing these reports and want to enlighten us, which is GREAT for everyone. Thank u VERY much! question: if I want to visit Medellin at the least rainy non-winter (dec-feb) month, would that b August?
  4. TO, I guess guys don't care enough to comment, but do YOU see any reason not to implement my suggestion? Asia's structure is so commonsensical, why not replicate?
  5. Latbear, In order to get the full picture, do I need to read your blog? Could you please post a link?
  6. Hahaha o jejeje He estado estudiando espanol hace tres anos. Por eso, entendi casi todo de tu post. (-:
  7. Latbear, Thx again; I am glad for u that u r satisfied (-: Do u speak Spanish? Both guys weren't for pay? How could u tell the baker wasn't dangerous?
  8. Thx Lucky, but pls post it in the Suggestions section.
  9. Please contribute any tips about venues or providres in these cities. Thank you (-:
  10. Please contribute your opinions, hopefully supporting my suggestion about reogrganizing the Latin America forum, in the Suggestioins forum:
  11. Thank you LB for such an enriching report. Keep them coming, and enjoy!
  12. Ivery, I recommend you first read all the relevant threads in this forum: titled Santo Domingo & DR, and DOM Diary. Afterwards you might pm NoGag who is there right now. He is also in touch with Manny. Happy and safe hunting. (-:
  13. Thx Spoon; sorry I missed that.
  14. Hi, I humbly suggest organizing here Latin America the same way Asia is organized: by countries. Brazil, Colombia and DR - each deserve a forum of its own, for sure. The rest could also be independant (just like the minor Asian destinations), or bunched together. There is also a rational for having within the big countries forums a city division: RdJ, SP, Meddelin, Bogota. Another point: I'm guessing I'm not the only one getting mixed up between the regular forum and the "for members only" one. It was set up for XXX items, but most of the threads there don't include them. Can anything be done to simplify and improve? Thanks. (-:
  15. Thank you SolaceSoul, got it.
  16. I didn't miss this. I wrote that I found this, but didn't find the other
  17. The link leads to Vilparaiso, Chile.
  18. Logged into google maps, and marked-saved Marlowe's. It has 9 reviews, most of which mention nothing about dark room or hustlers. Couldn't find Bar Friends or NYC Bar.....
  19. Is there a link here I didn't find? Do they read every post (and therefore also this one)? I humbly suggest organizing here Latin America the same way Asia is organized: by countries. Brazil, Colombia and DR - each deserve a forum of its own, for sure. The rest could also be independant (just like the minor Asian destinations), or bunched together. There is also a rational for having within the big countries forums a city division: RdJ, SP, Meddelin, Bogota. Another point: I'm guessing I'm not the only one getting mixed up between the regular forum and the "for members only" one. It was set up for XXX items, but most of the threads there don't include them. Can anything be done to simplify and improve? Thanks. (-:
  20. Do go. A day in SDQ with no cock.....perish the thought!
  21. Xpaulo, I don't think it was either "nasty" or a "personal dig". "Naive" isn't a slur, and having followed NoGag's posts for years - I can attest that they do NOT contribute to an atmosphere of negativity-hostility. (-: To the point at hand: I wonder if at this bar (or in other similar venues) there are enough uninhibited / exhibisionist patrons, making use of such a no-privacy space. Unless it's like dark rooms in clubs/saunas.....
  22. Thanks NoGag
  23. NoGag, with your permission - 2 questions so as to come better prepared. Since you enjoyed the guy's inches, what do you mean by his "bare minimum" attitude? What more would you have him do? Thrust and change positions instead of being stationary? Exhibit friendliness? Talk? I'm your age; I too heartily dislike overwhelming volume. That said, why not use Marlowe (and Binbin) to scout the guys and pick up contact numbers? Especially given that the supply-demand formula was apparently working in your favour...
  24. What do you mean "in the top three"?
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