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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. Joizy, the aim there isnt to scout for guys but to visit sites: catedrala, museum, botero, culture palace, etc.....
  2. Thx for the warning. Just to b sure: this warning doesnt extend to daytime, right? Actually, why wld a tourist want to b there at night anyway? BTW, "locals r going to have many questions..." - why do they care?
  3. 12is12

    Fun in Myanmar?

    I had no sex there. On a more imprtnt issue: I have no sympathy for San Suu Kyi! She and the majority of her democratic followers supported and defended the Rohinga genicide. She and them deserve what's happening now.
  4. Even toward Nov which is supposed to b the beginning of peak season there ?
  5. Its "temporary" until the surge ebbs....
  6. Joizy, I dont think they r referring to u; I believe it's "guest".
  7. Ooops Sorry My mistake
  8. Since ID were checked, why "not so safe"?
  9. Thank u Latbear!
  10. Why do u persist? I stated explicitly that I m not there. How is that misrepresentation?
  11. Slvkguy, I really BEG u to reconsider ur instinctive suspicious negativity. When using ur alternatives, a person can view profiles in that destination, but guys there cant view his. I twice used Romeo's feature in order to situate myself in clmbia and peru. I wrote "currently not there, will arrive in 10 days". NO dishonesty, VERY useful.
  12. Thx Maump for sharing. I PMed u.
  13. Back when NY governor was exposed as having paid a callgirl $5000 an hour, someone offered the following explanation. He didnt pay for the sex, bcs no sex is worth 5000 an hour. He paid for the feeling that he can afford to pay....
  14. Guys, why is it so common to see bored inactive farang with MB? Why is he paying, if he justs sits there ?
  15. Do I undrstnd correctly that in Thailand twink = effiminate?
  16. Please share with the ininitiated what's this all about....
  17. Thank u Joizy for a VERY useful list. I PMed u....
  18. Thx, one and all. I've already been both to the north and across the border. That's why I asked about the south. Would appreciate as many details and place names as possible.
  19. Hi Guys, M planning a visit in Nov, to Pataya and the south - Phuket, Koh Samui, etc.... M looking for desinations and activities beyond lying on the beach. Please offer me the benefit of ur experience. How would u structure such a trip? Where to go, how much time, what to do? Thx (-:
  20. Isn't is odd that such a club can survive, despite the fact that usually patrons prefer more than just watching?
  21. Wisely analized (I would've written centuries rather than decades), And nicely put.
  22. Thx for the detailed report. Does "taking care of u" include something physical, or just drinking with u without conversing (due to the volume)? Since they r not going with u, why do u need their ID ?
  23. Thx for the encouragement. (-: M not only planning. Two days ago booked my trip to Medellin in August.
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