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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. .....and can update? optimal visiting times (days, hours) etiquette tips are themes strictly enforced
  2. I took the liberty of putting together these tips, offered seperately by three forum members. Under this new title , newbies might find them better. Apologies if I trespassed. Latbear4blk: · Pack light. I made the mistake to plan for a week wearing two layers (underwear t-shirt and shirt), but it is just too hot for that. No top underwear is needed. Short pants are fine. I had read that the locals are not fond of casual, comfy clothing, but it is not true. Like Buenos Aires, this is probably changing. Casual wear is appropriate everywhere I went to. Temperature is very pleasant between 5pm and 11 am. Between 11 am and 5 pm, it was unpleasant to me. · About rain, it was forecasted every single day I was here. However, it did not rain every day and when it rained it was just for as few minutes. Raining was not an obstacle for my plans, bur rather a very much welcomed refreshing event. · Look for open, shady spaces. Even in the hottest hours (the issue is not really temperature but humidity) there is almost always a very nice and refreshing breeze. · Be aware that if you are a foreigner, you are a target. Not necessarily of a crime, but many people will try to take advantage from you. If you are wealthy and your bank account is generous, you should not worry. Even the over prices are pretty affordable. I am probably the poorest contributor in these forums, and I found everything cheap. The most noticeable over price I suffered were the apanados. I paid 10K for each, when they cost 3.5 to 4K. Yet, when I saw what I got for 60K (16 bucks), I could not refrain a smile of happiness. The guy scamming mr noticed it and laugh with me. Max Avila told me that his current boyfriend lived in Medellin for two years without realizing he was paying twice the local prices. When they started dating, he learned about it. · There are huge differences on pricing in different areas. El Poblado’s prices were considerable high than Laureles’. Even inside Laureles, you can notice the difference between the most gentrified areas around both Parque Laureles, and the least gentrified area around Avda San Juan (Calle 44) and La Setenta (Carrera 70). · Bisexual friends, women are available for 60K, and straight prostitution is much more extended. · There seem to be two “classic” gay concentrations. You have fancy bars and one discoteca at El Poblado, and you have a few bars and sex clubs in Centro (I have not yet explore the latter). Then you have a more contemporaneous and mixed gay places in Laureles, with a flagship in the dance club Industry. I have not been there, and will probably not be, considering my ears are still bussing after Club Oraculo. · They will probably ask you, but make sure you provide the name of your building when you schedule a delivery or a guy. Something is wrong with the city’s nomenclatura, the boys tell me, and you may be sending someone to the wrong place. · None of the guys I hang out with knew how to speak in English. There are guys who know, but I am sure it is a commodity that comes with a price. · Older, hairy, overweighted men, the typical bear type, is a popular fetiche amongst young and hot men. I got a lot of sex for free, I mean very good sex with mostly very hot guys, but all above average guys, all younger than 25, without paying a dime. Even the boys that hang out with me for long hours and even stayed overnight, only expected me to pay all the bills while together. Indeed, it is transactional. However, my one grindr hook up, a fuck and leave, was zero transactional. The boy was a hot webcam boy, and he liked me. He kept contacting me at 2 am, when I was sleeping or out. · Try to bond or deal with at least one guy you trust, and stick with him. He will play the role of the “espantamoros” i Morocco, and help you with good tips and recommendations, keeping you safe and from over paying. My boys did an amazing job at protecting and taking care of me. The Costeño has already checked me three times today, and there is nothing he can get from it. · If you happen to be with two boys, and they are not clicking, ask them for their favorite songs. Immediately, they will start singing together, and bonding, and the ice will be broken. · Respectfully, I think the reports about insecurity are overblown. Like in any big city, you should not walk alone at night. Comuna 13 is 100% safe. Centro insecurity at night is true. The killings targeting lonely gay guys are just a temporary issue, and the whole community is working hard to get the killers. Paisas are learning that tourism is a source of endless money, and are really focus on making their city more welcoming and safe for foreigners. · If you are looking for an airbnb, anything in El Poblado, Laureles, Provenza, and the South is safe. Make sure you rent above the 5th floor, as you will have more breeze. Try to rent above 10th and with a balcony or terrace. You will have a better view (the valley is beautiful specially at night), and you will be sure there is a working elevator. I have seen 6th floors buildings without an elevator. · Street food is delicious and very cheap. Just avoid beef, usually the cuts are very poor quality, hard to chew and even cut. Chicken, beef in small pieces, and (I guess, because I do not eat it) fish are good. · Uber sucks. Download an alternative application. I will download again Didi for the next trip, I am told it works better. joizy: 1. It may have been said elsewhere, but I'd like to emphasize that you should speak some Spanish. I found very few people who spoke English. Definitely learn the basics and keep trying to communicate in Spanish - translator apps work well and people will appreciate the effort on your part. 2. If your cellphone plan doesn't allow an option for international use - look at Airalo e-sim card. It's an electronic sim. You can download the app before you leave, purchase your sim and have it ready to go when you land. I found out about this when the sim I had installed on an old phone stopped working. Wish I'd known before I left home. 3. Look for a card that allows cash withdrawals without fees. I have a Charles Schwab investor "checking" account. I transfer money into this account and use it for travel. Best exchange rates and ATM fees are reimbursed. 4. Use Rappi - it's a delivery service that will deliver anything - food, medicine, whatever you want. 5. Approach Grindr with caution. Too many guys that seemed too good to be true. Ask for verification photos if you're not convinced. Some words that indicate a financial exchange - liga, disponible, solvente. 6. Use Uber instead of taxis if you can. They are unauthorized, so you sit in the front seat - just a "friend giving you a ride". You can plug in your destination and you know the fare. Their goal is to get you to your destination in the most efficient way, whereas taxis might take the scenic route if they figure out you're not from there. With all cars, close the doors gently. They are surprisingly light. If you use the same force you use at home, it will slam. Taxi drivers are especially unhappy when this happens. 7. Be careful at ATMs - I used the ATM inside of a supermarket. Don't flash your cash. 8. Beware of people slipping you drugs. I didn't read about this happening to gay men (though there were a few gay murders that I think are still unsolved), but I read on numerous forums about straight guys being drugged by women and ending up in the ER - of course with their valuables gone. While I had ZERO problems there, the hotness and availability of the men might lower your normal sense of caution. 9. Look for a local to show you around and help with your Spanish. I paid a guy to be my tour guide. He threw in some extras. I had the best experiences with him. Met him on Grindr. 10. Have fun. Medellin is a beautiful city and the people are lovely. Keep your wits about you, show some cultural sensitivity, and you'll have a great time. Macdaddi: #6 - Absolutely the #1 taxi issue with foreigners is slamming the car door. I like to remind new visitors to Medellin of the rules: its ColOmbia, not ColUmbia; always acknowledge others with food by saying "Buen provecho"'; learn to use "Buenos días", "buenas tardes", y "buenas noches" at the appropriate time of day; never slam the car door when exiting; and you certainly do NOT talk about Bruno.
  3. https://co.mileroticos.com/escorts-gay/top-master-colombian-experto-masajista-llamame-3218767151/23385810/ ...and can share something for or against?
  4. 12is12


    I havent delved into that website yet, but I really dont undrstnd this whole Putin discussion. Readers are interested in sex, administrative-logistical matters, tourism, and maybe - what's going on in Thailand. Who cares what anyone thinks about Putin?!
  5. Sorry Forgot to mention: private lessons, 1 on 1, according to your own priorities and progress.
  6. I highly rcmnd Dualingo; thats how I learned and m still learning Spanish. Scott, Iattended a school in Cartagena for two weeks. One of the teachers there was good and nice, so m now taking zoom lessons with him - $15 per hour. Works GREAT.
  7. I highly rcmnd Dualingo; thats how I learned and m still learning Spanish. Scott, Iattended a school in Cartagena for two weeks. One of the teachers there was good and nice, so m now taking zoom lessons with him - $15 per hour. Works GREAT.
  8. I apologize if my (too?) many quesitons are annoying anyone; if so, I'm rather afraid this one might be the last straw. There are 4360 Medellin escorts registered. Despite my intermediary Spanish, I didn't find any filters to narrow the search. Is that bcs there's no such function, or bcs I'm technologically-challenged? If the former, assuming some of you guys availed yourselves of the website's seervice, how did you sift through?
  9. 12is12


    I just peeked; looks similar, maybe more extensive. Since I don't surf these forums as a hobby but for practical reasons, I prefer not to double read. That's why I'm asking if there's any reason to prefer one over the other.....
  10. 12is12


    Please excuse my ignorance, and I'm not trying to pique anyone. In one of the threads, someone mentioned a website called Sawadtee, and observed that it focuses on Pattaya. I took a look. Could anyone please enlighten me regarding this and that website? Do they offer the same in different clothing, or can I find something in one which I can't find in the other?
  11. This is for those who like me prefer to search for and 'interview' local guys before arrival. I do this mainly when I'm looking for more than one-time sessions, when I want boyfriend material for longer stays and/or as 'guides'. Also, I'd rather not spend too much time in my first two days in sitio, sifting through scores and scores of Grindr messages. This is the way 8 years ago I found a hot guide in Lima, and 6 years ago - a great guy in Barranquilla. With the second guy I have travelled since then 3 times. Grindr doesn't offer shifting your location in advance. In the past, GRomeo allowed this, and that's how it worked for me. Nowadays GR offers only the option of registering your trips two weeks in advance, and locals will view you only if they actively go into the travel section. Per LatBear's recommendation, I also resurrected my account in Scruff, which offers the same option as GR. [Scruff is for free; in GR you have to upgrade for $9 per month.] I titled my profile (in Spanish) "looking for young companion" explaing that it's for hanging out, travelling the city, practicing my Spanish, fun and sex. During the last 3 days I was messaged by 5 Scruff guys and 8 GR. Disappointingly, most of them weren't my type, but that speaks not to their looks but to my taste. The hottest one was the only guy who was angeling for money; he wrote he lives in Cali, and wanted me to send him money for a plane ticket. Of ocurse I declined and he disappeared. As of now, one correspondence has bloomed into a definite meet, mainly bcs he seems to be able to hold a conversation. [I forgot to mention I enjoy intermediate Spanish proficiency.] After he mentioned that he'll be short on money for transportation, I answered that of course all expenses (transportation, food, hotel, etc) would be paid by me, and asked (VERY politely) if he expects anything beyond that. He answered with a simple no. This doesn't preclude the possibilities of him changing his mind, or of me adding gifts/money if his companionship would be especially enjoyable. Another message was from a self-described 'guide', who clearly wrote that he's not promising sex in advance. I took that to mean there's no chance of sex. Pity, bcs he's one of the hotter responders. Anyway, since I DO need a guide for a couple of days, I might avail myself of his services. His rate is 40,000 cop per hour. Does anyone know if that's a reasonable-acceptable rate for a non-professional? As mentioned at the top, m sharing with you this info, for those who might want to take the same path. It seems to me very useful / efficient. Happy hunting.
  12. Its nice to read something short and pleasant, with the aim of only spreading goodwill.
  13. Thx Rob, I think u mean a post that's actually in Cambodia with a link to a detailed blog....
  14. Hi Guys, 1 - There are no threads/reports for a very long time. Could anyone please update about sex venues/providrs? 2 - I'm looking for a car-guide-driver for 3-4 days between SR and PP. Any recommendations/warnings/guidance (personal experience, reliable sources) would be much appreciated. Thanks (-:
  15. Thank u for the effort Rob. The first one is for-pay. I posted this query bcs I tried the second one; no response. )-:
  16. Via google I found only for-pay travel agencies or concierge services. Is there no normal info/guidance center for tourists?
  17. Thank u yet again, MacDaddi. We r very fortunate to have u here. This will b my 4th visit to clmbia, and I've already been to El Penol. It certainly rates a second visit, but in order to "hang out with friends" there - I first need to make some local friends. Hope to do so.... (-:
  18. Free Walking Tour Metrocable Parque Arvi Comuna 13 Parque Explora Jardin Botanico Cementerio Museo San Pedro Catedrala Metroplolitana Parque de Bolivar Plaza Botero Antioquia Museum Palacio de la Cultura Uribe Parque Berrio Basilica Nuestra Senora de la Canderlaria Centro Palacio Commercial Museo Casa de la Memoria Plaza Cisneros – Parque de las Luces Plaza de la Libertad Parque de los Pies Descalzos Pueblito Paisa Museo de Arte Moderno Parque Lleras Museo el Castillo
  19. Thx MacDaddi for sorting out the mix up.
  20. I just noticed that more than half of the threads in this forum were started by my endless questions. I always ask a lot, bcs I'm too curious or bcs I like to b prepared. I apologize if I'm a nuisance. One of the good things about these forums is that pestering can b ignored. Hotel 61prado is north of the plaza-park-cathedral; Gallery hotel is to the east. Any difference security-wise? Any direction less prblmtc? Thx
  21. I searched for this park on ggl maps, found something with that name on carrera 43, but in the photos there was no scene like the one u described. Is there more than one ?
  22. Latbear, I salute both ur wit and ur power of observation!! It reads like a ppl-watching heaven. Despite being gringo-identifiable, I'm planning a daytime visit, even if I dont find a body guard.
  23. Thank u both. It seems there r different interpretations regarding the 'borders' of Laureles.... I prefer a hotel with breakfast, so I guess Dorado 70 is optimal. Its also quite north, which means closer to the metro. OTOH, if I undrstnd correctly, its farthest from most attractions, including Sillon. Is the triangle - Dorado 70, sillon, primer parque laureles - walkable at night ?
  24. Guys, please recommend hotels u've stayed at, or u've heard/read positive reviews of. Thx
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