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Marc, I realy dont undrstnd why u and Gay repeatedly insisit on criticizing what I have NOT proposed: NO comments, NO private fotos. Only pblc foto+nick, and "rcmndd" or "not rcmndd". In any case, readers here got the point, and whomever agrees will hopefully do so. On my end - discussion closed.
Marlow's: Went there midweek at about 22:30. Relative small room; 30 sitting places. Very nice bartender (sorry I forgot to ask his name), who made me a delicious un-alcoholic drink, and upon learning it's my first time - took me on a tour: A back door leading to a smoking room, at the back of which there's a "darkroom" not really dark. Men were standing there chatting. Since the time was early (ie - b4 midnight), there were only about 5 people in each of the three rooms. I think about half were hustlers; some of them tried to make contact with me. They all looked too rough and unappealling to me. The main reason I won't return is the music volume. It's louder than at Jometien's bars; all the worse, bcs unlike them - it's a closed room. More's the pity for me; I cant verbally interact in such noise, let alone at my Spanish level. Apolo Spa: Leaving the bar, I walked there one short block. Arrived at 22:55, only to b told it's closing time. Enterance fee - 1500. Returned on Strdy at 20:00, but alas - worse volume prblm than at Marlowe's, only on weekends. Two info-gathering failures on my part. )-: Asked the handsome receptionist if I cld take a peek (at the spa, not at him). Gave me a sweet "no" smile.
Gay, For the third time - NO PRIVATE INFO. Peter, none of the providers I met in Thailand spoke English, let alone on a level enabling them to participate/post here.
No they cant Most providers in our main destinations dont speak englsh.
Already wrote "sorry" Already promised Already posted a new vowels-rich report
Despite the 2 incidents I didnt turn it off, so messages kept coming - of course at a reducing rate. For some reason prepagos appeared more, the vast majority of whom r only top. I learned that this means not only no sucking, but also not even touching a dick. Not for me. I had prepared a short summary of the two incidents, and copy-pasted them in some chats as a "test". Some guys disappeared. It might b they planned similar behaviour, or they percieved me as bothersome. In any case, it made me feel more secure. One guy reacted to this in an exceptionally promising manner, so we set a meeting at Paco. He mentioned payment "for taxi" and "if u want to gift me". He arrived in a taxi a minute after me, and beckoned me to the taxi for 300 pesos. I gave him a 500 note, and after paying he wanted to hand me the note. I waived it off, and saw this as a good sign. In the past, most pocketed the change without asking. After sitting I immediatelly gave him the money for the return trip, so he would b at ease. Second good sign: while I ordered a main dinner course, he said he had already eaten, and prefered only a simple drink. He described himself as "timid", after I mentioned that he was VERY silent - leaving me all the conversation work. We ended up in bed; good session, nothing special to report. I "gifted" him 2000, probably just because he had redeemed me from incidents trauma. (-: From then on it was smooth sailing. Had two similar hookups - NOT prepagos, expecting "gifts" - in 'oppsite directions'. As I was walking in El Conde, got a message from a guy sitting in independnce park, and the next day from one in Colon park (opposite end of the street). Applied my screening protocol; sat with them in the park; and ended up in my room. The 2nd one was both nice and good in bed. We had a longer conversation, beyond the basics. I tipped him 3000. His Grindr main public foto is below. Had him over again for my last night. BTW, for those wondering how these sessions square up with my promise of "no more" to the hotel security guard: it so happened that all of them werent on his shift..... (-:
Peter, I dont know about "childish" and I dont care about "trendy", but m sorry to read "difficult"; first time brought up. Sorry about that. It's a second habit; I'll try to wean off.
Thnk u Gay for checking this out. His answr is of course VERY rsnbl. It's my mstk; didnt clarfy enough. I meant no dscussion / rprt / gossip, and nothing more than main-pblc foto and nick, like "Jose with the foto of shoulder or 2 flowers". I dont c any prblm with just writing: dont cntct this guy, or this guy is ok. If I do ask them in advance, as Maump has mentioned, and they agree - I'll share all the info they'll want/allow. At the very least, we really MUST proactively warn against cheats.
Marc, u r right. Hwvr, I meant only the pblc foto (mostly - not faces) and the name on it. When prsnt at the locality, grndr mmbrs can c it and know abt it.
(-: Now, I too m fmlr.
One of the major aims of these forums is to share info about good/safe providers. Is there a reason we're not sharing their grndr (and other apps) prfls? screenfoto and name..... I mean: there's no privacy prblm bcs it's pblc knowlege anyway, and it IS the best way to help out both seekers and prvdrs. M I missing something? [Will pblsh this query also in the LA forum.]
Afterwards I talked with Juan. Me: how much more than one guy? Juan: 2 - 6000; 3 - 7500 instead of 9000. M: "one hour, do everything"? J: yes. M: ok. I want 3 guys but only 30 mnts, only sucking, dont need leche. J: 6000. M: I agree, but I need u to arrange more guys with long hard dicks to choose, prfrbly - cut. For friday J: ok, I arrange evrything. On frdy mrng I msged him to set the meeting for 16:00, and he cnfrmd that evrthing wld b ok. When I got there, he wasnt there, didnt rspnd in whtsp, and the guys knew nothing abt it. Hwevr, they agreed to almst evrthing I said. 2 prblms. One, there were only 6 guys, at least 4 the same as the last time, not enough long dicks, and not to my taste. Except of course for Zendoe. Two, no one wld suck, incldng Z. Guess they wont admit in pblc.Of course I didnt rat on him. I left dsapntd, and rprtd all to Juan. He msged back 2 hours later: sorry (no explntion), u come back in evng. We settled on the next day. On strdy I msged him. He wrote: if u want them to suck u - only 9000 for full hour. I gave up. My prsnl lesson: M not sure he has 14 guys, or that the others r btr quality. Contrary to his promises, prbbly best to avoid plans, and just make do with whatever there is on hand. Juan's nmbr: +1 829 364 5646
Walked there at around 13:00, 12 mnts from my hotel at the other end of El Conde. Gglmps address and foto - accurate (door is blue rather than yellow). I think there r circa 6-7 rooms; place is VERY clean and neat. Juan speaks good+ English; I waived practicing my Spanish. He said he has a total of 14 guys, 6 present. They lined up for me, all self-jerking, 3 of them with their dicks on display. I assumed the others have less to show. Only 2 were to my liking, so I picked the one sporting a long dick - Zendoe. The rate is 3000, for "one hour, do everything". He might have overcharged me; I dont rmmbr seeing Juan's rates discussed here. We went to the room, stripped. I asked to start with a massage. Z went to bring lotion/oil, but came back empty handed. He started massaging my back regular amateur, while sitting on my lower legs. In 2 mnts I cld feel his dick harden, and after 2 more - he put my hand on it. We had a VERY satisfactory 45 mnts session; he did everything I wanted, incldng kissing, taking non-face fotos (c below) and climaxing 69. As we dressed he noticed that a lotion btl was actually in the room. )-: I tipped him 300.
On my first evng I went there, curious at this House of Ultimate Sleaze, best undrstood as a dark hall rather than a dark room. I wont repeat the detailed dscriptions already offered here. Previous rprt (Gaum I think) mentioned that maybe it opens before 6:30. It does: Mon-Fri 17:00-21:00. 150 pesos. The neighbourhood is OK, also after dark. It's included in the safe area as defined by my hotel's rcption, but I can vouch prsnly only up to 19:30. Nvrtheless, per Gaum's rcmndation, I came with no valuables on me. OTOH, I did bring a small belt bag with a bottle of water and mouth & hand hygene stuff. I didnt find it too hot; certainly didnt sweat. The 3 big ventilators at the top row serve as a resepite. After entering I always stayed there a cpl of mnts adjusting to the dark, and then started cruising. Beyond the sleaze, I find this dark navigating an amusing challenge. I ended up visiting 3 times. The vast majority r mature locals, with a sprinkle of youth to whom most congregate. I believe that at max there were 25-30 men inside, walking around looking for action. A few were sitting by themselves, growling "no" to anyone propositioning himself just by stopping near them. If u want attention: sit down and spread ur legs; or go to the mid-left chairless section and lean against the wall (thats where u can also watch from close by); or just take it out and walk or sit. Had my fair nmbr of rejections and of rejecting, but nvr left without being emptied by a BJ. One time it was while I was jerking off a student(?) leaning on the wall next to me. Another time was while sitting with a young guy at the front row. I had been watching him being blown by someone who had beat me to him. After climaxing, he went to the rest room, washed his dick, and went right back in. I let him recuperate 10 mnts, than sat by him asking "puedo?" He welcomed my attentions, and at some point initiated mutuality. We ended up chatting like 5 mnts, him laughing at some of my tourist observations. Two curiosities. About 25 mtrs from the Cine, as I was walking away after my scnd vst, a man coming from the opposite drction invited me to come again. Dont now how he identified me; either he prvsiouly saw me up close and prsnl, or - is there a special look of a man who had just been blown..... ? Two, I ntcd this Grndr prfl (c below). Cant tell if its by the Cine itself, or of someone hoping to find more company. At all 3 times, after swalloing my leche, the goodbye was "gracias pappi"...... (-:
No charitable activities; payment for services rendered. However, I dont haggle on +-$20
With all due rspct Scott, thousands of enjoyable paid sex ecounters occur in both parts of the world. People who want 100% security should indeed follow ur example. (-:
U r right, and it's true in any brothel-like establishment. However, this isnt a readon to give up on the private one.
Thx BKK I dont think it's a matter of poverty, and I certainly dont generalize from these two incidents. Hwvr, I think the chance of such behavior is higher in LA than in SE Asia, due to dfrnt culture mentality of which we r all aware.
The next day a masajista (M) offered himself. I was explicit on "regular + sensual" and that he wld suck me; he cnfrmd. I agreed to his 2000, applied the same procedure with him, and we went to the room. His massage was lackluster, nothing sensual about it. He also didnt get hard. When I wanted to progress he said he doesnt suck. That was about 25 mnts into the meeting. I told him the meeting is over, and even though he doesnt deserve it - I'll pay him half for half the time. He started to shout at the top of his voice that he wants the whole 2000; I stood my ground; threatened to call security; and since he wldnt leave - did so. The same sec showed up (mrng noon shift), unsrprsngly offering to split the dfrnce. I refused, went down to rcption, they followed me - all the time with M shouting. After a few mnts I got fed up, told the sec I was going out, and did so. M continued to argue with him; by the time he started following me, I lost him in El Conde. I then doubled back to the hotel; M noticed me, but when he saw I'll reach safety before he caught up with me - threw at my back a small lotion bottle and scurried off. I apologized profusely to the sec, who was srprsngly good natured about it (as was the young lady rcptionist). I gave him the 1000 that M lost, and promised that this wont happen a 3rd time. This sequence left me rattled. In 20 years something like this happened to me only twice (Shanghai and Addis Ababa). My instincts failed twice in a row, and I felt I cant try again (also bcs of the hotel staff). Not to leave u totally dprssd, future rprt will detail that things picked up from this nadir. Meantime, everyone is free to choose his own lessons from these negative events. )-:
Forgot to add: before leaving SD ystrdy, I sent him a wtsp msg: 1 - u lost money bcs of ur behavior; 2 - I rprtd to the police, so now they have ur nmbr and ur screened-photoed pic; I shall post it with a warning in relevant forums. I dont know if he believes or cares; I hope it might constrain him in the future.
M not sure everyone is going to like this rprt. I offer it especially for newbies, and wont b srprsd if my conduct wld be criticized as naive and/or quarrelsome. Things preferable to know about me, in order to undrstnd my rprts: * this is my 2nd visit here. U can c my detailed favorable 2020 rprts. * I speak spanish at an intermediate level (which is enough). * I m at an un-anal phase; prefering kissing, body cntct, cock worship, mutual sucking. * I dont like to haggle, and view payments / tips as my cntrbution to the redstrbution of wealth btw the 1st and 3rd worlds. * Cheats / bullies cause me to prioritize principled resistance over peace of mind. I arrived at the hotel after midnight, opened grindr, and went to sleep. When I awoke, there were circa 50 msg (not counting taps which I ignore). Very few prepagos; all with same small-talk questions and exhibiting their fotos. It was very strange for me that while pushing for a meeting, nobody mentioned money. Not wanting any misundrstndings, I very politely wrote the following: "Since there r many hidden prepagos here, please excuse my question - do u expct money of me? I dont mind sometimes paying, but I prfr to know in advance." Almost all rspndd: no, but just for taxi or dinner or if u want to gift me. Guess that's the way for them not to feel like scort / prepagos. My prsnl cautious stndrd procedure also includes delicately inserting in the chat that I once had to call hotel security (so they know I cant b bullied); and meeting outside the hotel before going to the room. Nevertheless, I failed twice. First guy was Jefrey, who wrote he only wants "gasoline money". He also shifted us to whatsapp, which I naively found friendly. He's a total top, with a lean body (without that small belly too many guys there have), and a long hard dick. Also good smile and energy. Had a great time with him. After we dressed, I gave him 1000, saying "this is for gasoline", and meant to add 1500 more. However, he immediatelly changed his demeanor, loudly demanding more (without saying how much). I said - to no avail - "u said only gasoline", but he denied it. Abandoning my good intention, I added another 500. He kept on, and I lost my patience. I wanted to show him the "gasoline" in the grindr chat, but cldnt find the chat. He told me he had deleted it (proving his intention to cheat), kept on demanding, and mentioned the police. I said "fine, we go to police, but first to hotel security". He followed me to rcption shouting, but suddenly rmmbrd he forgot his cap in my room. I said "if u want ur cap, give me back my money". He gave me 500, I got him his cap, but he started demanding the security guy that I pay him more. I was amazed at two things: that Jefrey isnt averse to telling-all to the security, and that the sec wasnt srprsed. He suggested I rtrn the 500 and that Jefry wld leave without additions, which is what happened. I apologized to the sec, and tipped him 500. Great sex; bad aftermath.
Thats what I saw in ggl. Just wanted to make sure after reading here that some hotels r already sold out - 8 (!!!!!!!!) months in advance.....
I m very glad this thread unusually includes such wealth of non-sex tourist info, just as I m planning a visit there. Thnk u all for sharing. Is pride week at the end of oct?
Pattaya Koh Larn island trip report November 2022
12is12 replied to bkkmfj2648's topic in Gay Thailand
Kudos BKKK for the detailed rprt! Most useful for anyone wishing to follow ur exprncd footsteps. Loved the geese foto. (-: -
Will report when I have time. Not all is rosy.....