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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. It IS groundhog day. Shan't repeat myself. I give up. Let the cheats continue to con others after they had done so to one, And let the worthy remain without their deserved accolades and potential additional income.
  2. In my humble opinion, this has less to do with sex reviews per se, and much more with extreme Political Correct PC culture.
  3. Reader wouldnt object to that.. However, apparently he and others wouldnt add "and Joe in that sauna was great", let alone post Joe's public foto and add that he works at sauna X.
  4. Example: "I met Jose thru his grindr public foto below. Good guy. PM me for more details"
  5. On the personal practical side, given that u r VERY experienced, it would be beneficial if u would share useful recommendations and warnings with some kind of contact info, even without fotos.
  6. It wasnt taken down or commented upon or warned against by management. Neither was the grindr foto of Jose recently posted by me in the DR forum. If and when management issues contravening guidelines, I m sure everyone will abide by them, including yours truly.
  7. How then do u explain Zack's foto posted above?
  8. Colmx , Alvnv: Of course I'm aware of that subsection. If u click on it u'll c it's poor offerings: during the last year there r only 9 posts, 7 of which deal with apps rather than with providers. It is a matter of fact that members here prefer to post reports on the countries/cities subsections. In these posts they also mention hookups with providers (good or bad), almost always WITHOUT adding the essential details (public foto and name) which would make the report beyond intrstng - also USEFUL. The very existence of that subsection (to which both of u referred me) proves that criticism of my suggestion (as flaunting privacy rules/norms) is totally unwarranted. Of course, members who want to abide by the organizational chart of this website could add a referral/link to their report in a country/city forum: "see full review in the apps forum". To wit, none do. I'd find such a procedure redundant and bothersome. I therefore urge all of us, in line with this website's rational (exhibited also by the existence of the apps forum) to add the public identifying details of providers - for the benefit of all here. (-:
  9. No Those apps exhibit profiles, sometimes 'marketed' by official or non-official providers. What I suggested here is that members who had met with those providers - post providers public name&fotos and add a short rcmndtion ("Zack is s really good btm boy") or warning ("X is a cheat and doesnt look like his fotos"). It's similar to a "reviews" section. It would immensly help us to identify quality guys, and help worthy providers get more clients.
  10. Turns out that Marc - who vehemently criticised my suggestion to share info about providers - examplified its benefits with Zack. BKK posted Zack's public profile pic, and Marc recommended him. That's exactly what I'm calling on all of us to do more: WITHOUT private info or pics; with public info that the provider himself posts.
  11. It's u who has a good heart! Ater all he has done/said and not done/said, to speculate that his intentions toward u might have been benign - attests to a saint-like heart.
  12. Simple rule: NO NO NO pre payments.
  13. "To this day nobody came with plausible explanation as why he wanted me to go separate and earlier at that." Occam's razor - "The simplest explanation is the likely the correct one": he didnt want to spend time with u, or - per Boy 69 - he didnt want to be seen with u.
  14. Glad to report I made a HUGE mistake regarding Apolo's entry fee. It's not 1500, but rather 350-600 depending on week days/end. Apologies. )-:
  15. I humbly submit: there's no reason to disect V's conduct here. He is very experienced and clear headed. He knew what he was getting into. I m sure it's not the first incident of its kind in our world of paid sex; lets hope it's the last for V. Vinapu, warm hug. (-:
  16. Thx for the memories. It's a MUST.
  17. Vinapu, I really envy ur adventurous risk-acceptant nature. Even without all the red flags, I cant imagine myself planning something like this with a guy who hasnt spent even one night with me. I mean, for one+ days some kind of chemistry and common interests r needed. I m way too reserved to enjoy ur free style. Good for u!
  18. A 90-mnts drive all the way is Bani - sand dunes, salt hills amd red pools. Enjoy!
  19. A 15-mnts drive to Lago de Tres Ojos (in the city) is really a must! it's a subterranean lake feeding four (despite the "tres" in the name) exquisite pools. The Faro a Colon nearby is a waste of time.
  20. Do NOT use MyTransfers.ocm for airport pickup; they were 40 minutes late AND rude aobut it. As in my first visit 3 years ago, I stayed at Boutique Hotel Palaci: just off El Conde, 2 blocks from Parque Colon. $75 (less than previously)) for a very spacious room. No prblms with visitiors; on th econtrary, you've already read about their helpful conduct in the two incidents. cons: VERY slow-to-arrive hot water; basic and bland brkfst. I like the ambiance of the zona colonial (photos below).
  21. Sorry to badger, but that was my question: Why is it easier than in ur hotel room?
  22. Gay and Finn, Ur posts r great examples for what I've suggested in my "why not post" thread. Is there any reason not to ask the guys u mentioned (BJ 500, home massage) if they'd like u to post here their contact info? If they say no - nothing lost; if they say yes - u'll b doing both them and us a favor.
  23. Three points. 1. Pls clarify: is this tip beyond the basic sum paid to the parlor? If so, what's the basic sum? 2. By way of comparison: for offs from J bars, massage + full sex, the fee is 1500. 3. Maybe this discussion hings on the definition of "happy". A person might believe his service (not only sex) is worth X, but he has to make do with X-minus bcs thats what the market dictates. It doesnt make him happy.
  24. Do u guys prefer these motels bcs ur hotels dont allow visitors, or bcs u dont want to meet in ur rooms?
  25. "Seemed very happy with tip" is an oft-repeated phrase in threads here. I humbly submit they seem happy even when they r not.....
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