I rcmnd not to develop high expectations. The "complex" is actually Zag with its little brother on the side, both of which r only nocturnal.
On the parallel soi there r circa 4 small regular massage places, nothing to write home about.
Grindr is rather dead.
Brall, u can find answers to ur questions in the "many posts" u mentioned.
This is his nmbr, if it hasnt changed since 2019:
+1 809 353 9261
I stayed at boutique hotel palacio. Apart from VERY slow hot water, its ok. Reception fotos providers' ID.
M unfamiliar with this thing.
The interaction they r paid for by the establishment is only socializing, or more?
If a patron is intrstd in sex, do they cooperate or may they decline?
BTW, do u speak portugese?