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Everything posted by 12is12

  1. Guys, pls excuse the intrusion. On ggl maps Gomez appears as a 3 star hotel, but in this thread its described almost like a gay brothel. Is it like a gay hotel with gay staff, who double as sex providers (similar 2 cambodia)?
  2. M planning 2 visit in nvmbr. The only thing I read about the city in the clmbia forum is that it's a unvrsty city with students who like 2 practice their english (and maybe more). Cld anyone pls elaborate about the city, perhpas in a way similar to the wealth of info recently offered regarding Cali... ?
  3. 12is12


    Somebody mentioned a function of blocking posts authored by a member. Where do I find it, and how does it work? If I use it and cant read his posts, what about other mmbrs' posts that react 2 his? I just found out that the 3 dots on the top right of each post, lead 2 a "report" link. What things may I report, and who reads them and might act on them?
  4. I belatedly noticed I / we have hijacked the handler's thread about Medellin. My apologies. Is there any way to transfer this wealth of Cali info to a forum or thread titled Cali, so future members could access it?
  5. Is cali club in Almeda? Way south from granada and san antonio rcmndd by nikba.....
  6. Thats a nice explanation. They dont come "to sell". They come to take refuge, and they sell on the side... (-:
  7. Why? Arent there enough horny clients in bkk ?
  8. WOW! Thx again!! I feel I should pay u for the guidebook (-: Any particular reason 2 prefer phisicus over blackandwhite?
  9. Do the russians charge like locals?
  10. 12is12


    On my map it appears at R pedro taques 130. Is that the new address or the old?
  11. 12is12


    How about saying to them b4 something like: "I only go with GPs who promise not to demand more money for this and that during the session. So pls tell me now all the additional charges." Might this work?
  12. 12is12


    Do u speak portugese? Or were these 2 adventures conducted via translator?
  13. Quite an academic research
  14. Thats what I know, which is why I was surprised by what Goof has written....
  15. I have no experience with bnb. Stayed at an adequate hotel: Viaggio 617
  16. No reason not 2 stay in chapinero the whole time. Its not like u r going to exhaust the "freshblood" there in one week. U mentioned twice a day. Do u think there r only 14 suitable candidates there..... ? (-:
  17. Good 4 u BB! I like ur approach (-:
  18. U r invited - by way of thanking - to elaborate, so others might benefit from ur experience.....
  19. Thx nyger (-:
  20. Neyger, is there really much to do in bucaramanga? On the web it seems it's a green parky city, but not more than that...
  21. U r right, Speedoo; I do have many questions. One of my many shortcomings... )-: Regarding no security staff at bnb, I gather the security aspect isnt an issue? i.e. - no need to worry about rough incidents with troublesome guests? In other threads, at least some contributors regard sec staff as a desirable.....
  22. As usual Macdaddi, thanks VERY much 4 investing so much time is sharing ur invaluable expertise. Pls elaborate about the "men's clubs". R they only gay? How do they work? Any of them especially recommended?
  23. 3 guys in 1 afternoon? Good 4 u !!!
  24. "Sorry 4 jumping"?!?!?! Thats what forums r 4.... Of course its not only u. I too prefer sex with guys who like me. I believe thats the preference of most...
  25. Rob, I dont think I m good at it. That's why I'd b glad for tips. I do speak spanish rather well, but still have no idea how to get a young guy into bed with me without paying. Unless of course he's into oldies, when usually they initiate...
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