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Everything posted by faranglaw

  1. And back to you know what: Boys The Sad and Lonely Dear Husband and I are staying at our Palace way out in darkest On Nut, seventy sois from civilization, or at least, from a BTS station. The songtaew takes me to Big C On Nut, and then it's a five minute walk to the BTS station, down a street full of food vendors and massage parlors. Most of the massage parlors have young women outside. For some unfathomable reason, one day last year I went into one of them for a good old non-sexual massage. I asked if they had male masseurs. Yes they did. A friendly little guy named A. He looked pretty gay to me, so I thought maybe there's more here than I expected. There was. It turns out that A loves cock! Quite a lot. So I got another Happy Ending in the Middle and a chance to caress his tight little body. Unfortunately, the rooms are not fully private, as the walls don't quite go up to the ceiling, so our passion had to be done quietly. Not that the straight guy in the next cubicle felt any need for restraint, ecstatically sighing, "That was great!" I guess his masseuse had helped him "release a trigger point," as they say. But A and I are gay and more refined, when we need to be, so we kept a tasteful silence.A was grateful for my courtesy, and filled out the complete hour with some nice shoulder, neck and face work. Much appreciated. He told me he lives on one of the sois out on On Nut. He is 32, he says, but I look into his face and think, "hmm, maybe older." Poor guy seems to want a farang boyfriend but doesn't seem to have a clue how to find one. He thinks he's too old now, and he may be right. His gentle face has a definite melancholy to it. So many Thai people seem trapped in their work lives, putting in 60 hour weeks with little hope of advancement, meaning also little hope of having time to pursue a quality relationship. But I've had several massages with A now, and I've always come away happy. So if you like a good massage from a gentle but strong little guy who is slightly fem, check out We Care Massage on Sukhumvit Soi 77/1 just up from On Nut Station.
  2. And now for some "other stuff:" So how was I, a middle class boy from suburban Boston, to know that, if male, one DOES NOT wear shorts to play bridge at the Polo Club in Bangkok, even when the temperature is a brisk 92F? I was informed of this halfway through the game by one of the two dozen or so fifty-ish ladies who run the club. All two dozen of them are impeccably and expensively dressed. And very very nice, in that way people who can afford to be nice are very very nice. They were friendly, and quite welcoming (except about the shorts). Charming young men served as caddies for a bridge movement I had never seen before. There were twelve and a half tables, a skip round, and at unpredictable times my partner and I were East West or North South. They had Bridge Mates, but no one was quite able to explain to me where I could get access to the scores. My partner was a pleasant laid back British bloke. I imagine all people named Leo overbid, but fortunately this Leo kept it reasonable. The level of play is quite high. I thought we were doing OK, but we only managed to come in 14th out of 23 pairs, with a modest 47.9%. It was fun. I especially liked the little diagonal sandwiches with the crusts cut off. On Sunday I have a partner, one of the Thai ladies, to play at the British Club. I will arrive, legs covered, expecting high tea. The Polo club is quite an oasis in humid smoggy Bangkok, with deep, dark brown wood and trees everywhere, birds chirping, and of course, the charming young men and the diagonal sandwiches. I am certain beyond doubt that I was the only one of the 46 players who arrived at the club on the back of a motorcycle taxi. Well, maybe Leo did. But it seems I have walked into a time warp, where bridge is very high society and run by the nicest women you could ever meet. I think I'm going to like it.
  3. I grew up in Greater Boston, where it is a requirement of citizenship to follow baseball (Red Sox). I love watching the game. There is grace and tension and style to it. I see no reason for an argument about which sport if any is somehow better or more noble or gay enough for this forum. And it is quite true, as this article suggests, that a major league player who is hired for both pitching and hitting would be almost unique in the history of the Major Leagues, so this alone makes the article interesting. Plus there are some very sexy baseball players, especially the Japanese guys. IMNSHO
  4. Well I'm relieved to know Zy got rid of those big fat hunky ones. They probably even had body hair--eww!!
  5. I have been to Thailand dozens of times, always in high season. But I went once in June. Downpours and thunderstorms almost every day, but only for an hour or two. I thought the weather was exciting and fun. I went to Babylon and even in my early 60s, I was VERY popular, with a couple of beautiful twinks, one hot miscle guy, and some of those 40ish Issan farmers. It was the most fun I'd ever had there in probably 25 years of visits. I never have that kind of luck in January.
  6. Well! I don't think I've ever actually LOOKED seventy! (But you might have to ask DH)
  7. Boys The Professional So I went to Zy Massage, formerly Lomchoei. I have history there. As I've mentioned before, but do not want to dwell on it, a boy I liked who worked there left their employ and was murdered by a free lance customer. The mamasan at Zy is a strange probably female person who was very kind to my now deceased friend. She called his brother and sister, who lived in town, and arranged a memorial service for him. At least that was her story. So I'm grateful to Zy massage. Even though... The place is a dump. Mamasan has done zilch to renovate or make the rooms nice. They are simple, old, cheap black painted plywood. Mattress on the floor, clean sheets and towels, adjustable lighting, and not much else. No mood misic. Cold showers only. But I have found some boys I have liked there over the years. They don't seem to stay. Dear Husband, who has accompanied me on a couple of trips there, informs me that some of the boys have told him that Mamasan has a temper and can be quite mean to them. On the surface she is always sweet to "my boys," in front of the customers at least. But I have never seen her exert herself in any way, except to collect the customers' money. She sits all day as "her boys" massage her feet and bring her food, which she seems to eat constantly. She is fatter every year. So this year I found M, an Issan boy with a cute smile and that golden brown skin. His massage is good, but the real find is his service mind. Everything is about the customer's pleasure and comfort. He removes my clothes for me. Shower together both before and after (sigh, the COLD shower). Good strong back massage. Then roll over and start with an affectionate full kiss which leads to a passionate Happy Ending, but in the Middle. Then he finishes the massage, giving me the full hour and a half, with some cuddling thrown in. His smile is professional with, I like to think, some genuine warmth as well. I think he is gay but it's not 100%. M is not quite a prisoner there, the way some of the Lao boys seem to be given their precarious immigration status and Mamasan's manipulations. He takes time off and goes to take care of a food business he has going in Chiang Rai. He is more mature on his outlook than the other boys there, and says he has been with Mamasan long enough to have known my friend. That means at least four years, an eternity for these massage boys. And M actually thinks Mamasan, despite her jai rohn outbursts, is basically a decent person. So overall, M at Zy is to be recommended! Zy itself, maybe not so much. Oh, and Zy is definitely twinks only!
  8. So I've been lurking around the forum for awhile but have never done a trip report. I'm in Bangkok for three months, so that seems a bit more than a "trip," having arrived here with Dear Husband on December 1st and planning to stay through the end of February. I don't think I would recommend arriving at Swampy on December 1st. For much of this year, there were unbelivable sales to Asia from the North American west coast, with some round trip fares as low as $490, and that's Canadian dollars! DH and I got tickets on Korean Airlines (our favorite) round trip from Vancouver for $790. The catch is that all the prices went up, doubled in fact, on December 1st. This means that two thirds of all the farang in the known universe traveled, as we did, right at the end of November, and with the dateline, every single one us arrived at Swampy at exactly midday on December 1st. There was a spherical cluster of at least 500 people waiting to get into the two hour snake line for "Visa on Arrival." Well, said DH and I, that's not OUR line, it couldn't be, he is Thai and I already have a two month visa, and besides, we are Princesses and just don't WANT to get in that line. So we kept going past the globular cluster and on to another entry point. This one, it turns out, was for the airline crew. "No" said the smiling round faced young Thai man, "not here, but you can go to the next point" farther still down the hallway. Now, many of you already know this, but it was news to me that way way way down the end of the line is an entry point for Priority Entry. Although the criteria for Priority Entry didn't specifically mention You Already Have a Visa, I said to myself that surely was an oversight, and this line with the fifteen minute wait must be exactly where I belong, because a) maybe already having a visa really DOES qualify me to be in this line and b) (much more likey) that girl behind the glass looks bored to tears and likely won't give a shit if I qualify or not. Just come into our damn country and let me get on to the next cheater. And so it was. I Slipped through with people who flew business class and had nice little Priority tickets given them by airline staff, and with the pregnant women and the toddlers and the seventy year olds. Well, I'm almost seventy, 2 1/2 more years, so I should qualify for age too. Stamp stamp stamp, you've arrived -- the bored girl was probably dying for her next break. And no, she didn't give a shit.
  9. What was the name of the boy at Baan Tewa? I might go there soon. He sounds lovely.
  10. He's leaving on Jan 1st unless I'm reading it wrong.
  11. I'm afraid you are mistaken. Flag burning is LEGAL in the US, under two Supreme Court decisions. The Court ruled that it is protected free speech. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/29/politics/flag-burning-constitutional-donald-trump/index.html
  12. He is not farang. His name is Khun Tok, maybe misspelled. He is on my facebook page with a different name. A friend of mine who has written a book on the gay Asian scene in various countries interviewed him several tmes. Definitely Thai.
  13. And a boy I knew was murdered there. The farang murderer somehow was released and sent back to his country, according to the story I was told, which I have no real reason to disbelieve. Of course, significant money must have changed hands. The boy's name was Daeng. Daeng from Yangon. He was a bright and innocent 23 year old. His death left me with a feeling of nausea every time I pass the place.
  14. Dear Husband (Thai) thought 300-400 for HJ, 500-700 for BJ, 1000 for the full meal deal. But DH is a bit "khi niao" -- cheap.
  15. I think it was a good decision to pay him his full fee, including the 5 euro note. It does a lot of good things: 1. It models honesty to someone who just did something dishonest. 2. It models forgiveness, something he likely hasn't seen a lot of in his life. 3. It does NOT "reward bad behavior," as some would have it, because the OP grabbed the boy by the wrist and made it clear his taking the note was unacceptable. 4. It will if anything increase his shame and loss of face, which might discourage him from doing it again. 5. Unexpected rewards make a person feel good. He will remember this incident, and may remember you if you ever decide to rent him again. Plus, merit is real, and you just earned some. Everybody wins. I thought it was quite Buddhist of you!
  16. I think it's rude and insensitive to the culture of a country they are guests in. There's nothing funny about it at all. I think they deserve to get in a bit of trouble over this.
  17. For what it's worth, a veterinarian friend gave me some good advice on the street dogs, or "soy dogs," maybe we should call them. (Cute huh?) What she told me: the dogs are trying to figure out if you are the top dog or not. If you make direct and/ or proplonged eye contact, they think you are not the top dog and are challenging them for the top spot; they may want to attack to defend their territory. She recommended you just glance at them quickly, a sidelong clance not a direct one, so they know you see them, and walk on in your chosen direction, acting like the top dog, with confidence. They might follow you, as they think there might be something interesting (after all, you are the Top!) but will eventually get tired of that and leave you alone. This works for me almost every time. On very rare occasions, a dog has come up too close for comfort and seemed potentially threatening, but even then, backed off.
  18. It seems we hear pretty consistently that Vietnamese guys cannot or will not perform even the most vanilla sex. Burmese, Laotian, and Cambodian guys seem to me to much gentler and obliging. Would others agree?
  19. Thanks for your detailed posts. Much appreciated. It seems like Screwboys is the winner so far, with reasonable drink prices and a helpful mamasan. How did you choose your hotel, and are you happy with the result? I have not stayed in the Silom area for a long time, prefer Suan Phlu, which is a bit more off the beaten track but has a neighborhood feel, and some massage places nearby I've enjoyed. Not to mention Babylon. But I'd appreciate pros and cons on accommodation in the faster lane, from you or anyone else who cares to respond. I hope your exploring leads you to a nice boy. The Cambodian boy you found at Screwboys before would work for me, as I'm not a bottom. In three short weeks I'll be in LOS.
  20. I'm so glad you appreciate the order and precision of my methods. I am the Hercule Poirot of measuring tape!
  21. Interesting article. Thanks for sharing it.
  22. Actually, the distances from North to South America are much greater than people think. You are not just flying south, you are also flying East. All of South America is east of Savannah, Gerogia. The eastern time zone of South America is six hours different from Pacific time. I once used a tape measure and a globe to measure distances, and on the globe, the distance from Vancouver to Bangkok, and Vancouver to Buenos Aires, are exactly the same. Obviously, it's different from the east coast, but you are still traveling to a different hemisphere. Interesting, eh?
  23. Converts to karaoke at... 1:45? In the MORNING?! What's an elderly slut to do? Afternoon massages for me I guess... But Screwboys sounds tempting. Thanks for posting about it.
  24. I'm glad he noted it. It's a good reminder.
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