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Everything posted by faranglaw

  1. faranglaw


    I praised the public bus system many times to Thai friends, usual answers are: too slow, too hot, too much walking, too lo-so, I have never used a bus before and I don't know how to use them, often accompanied by a look "are you crazy?". Most Americans I know would give the same answers.
  2. Sandbag is a cute phrase. When I lived in Japan we used the phrase "sushi," as in lying cold and lifeless on the plate. Some guys used the Japanese word "maguro."
  3. Sitting here in Vancouver looking forward to my next trip to LOS in December. I also find Hornet useful and appreciate their "Explore option. I can hone in on Silom or On Nuch or Suan Phlu easily from here in Canada and have already made some tentative dates.
  4. Nice report. Thank you!
  5. I'm rather inexperienced in wthe massage scene. My question is simple. How do I know if they will suck? For me the HJ is not enough, and i don't really care about fucking, but a nice massage ending in nice long bj and/or 69 would be the ultimate. But how do I know if the boy will do that before I choose him? I Feel this is a rather stupid question, but I've always been curious about this.
  6. As an American living in Canada I agree with this philosophy. We don't always know why serrvice is slow, or if the tired waitress was knocked around by her boyfriend before work, or her kids are sick, or she didn't sleep the noght before. They really do rely on tips, especially in the states, where some restaurants are actually allowed to pay their waitstaff under the minimum wage with the expectation that tips will bring them up to that minimum. Disgusting, but that's the US fir you. I reflect that if I have a bad day at work, I still get paid. So I tip, and shrug it off.
  7. Yes vinapu I Think you are one of the guys who cares about the boys as individuals.
  8. Very interesting and thanks for your honest recountng. My question is aboutmdanger on the job. Did you ever feel that you were in a truly dangerous situation, either on the street or with a violent customer in their home or hotel room? How did you handle that? Do you think being a money boy is more dangerous on line, because you don't have the mamasan screening customers and you don't have witnesses who might identify a bad customer if something goes wrong?
  9. faranglaw

    High season?

    I've been to Thailand almost every year for the past quarter century, always in high season. Three years ago I went during the rainy season. I loved it. It seemed to me there were about a third the number of farang roaming the streets. In Babylon I get mostly shrugs in January, but I was quite a hit in June, scoring a couple of model level guys for free. And I was 63 then with a rather average physique (although I do color my hair and it's very attractive indeed!) And as an added bonus, there were the dramatic thunder and lightning storms. I loved Bangkok in June!
  10. Thanks vinapu for the wonderful read. I feel like I've just finished a higher class romance novel. Very satisfying! จุบๆ
  11. Thanks for a most interesting report. Your friendship with T sounds very precious. He sounds like a good man. Did you ever have thoughts of trying to make more of the relationship, maybe even someday live together in the US or Bangkok? Or do you avoid getting too romantically involved?
  12. The drought is even scarier. Rural people are losing their livelihoods. Thailand already has a dangerous political situation with two equally strong groups hating each other, each group having some supporters prone to violence. An ailing king and a weak heir. A military government getting more repressive and just plain weirder by the day. Add food shortages to this mix, and the death of the king, and Thailand may be in big trouble. Pray for rain everybody.
  13. Hmm. Now there's a fantasy image I can savour. A whole line of young cute gay Thai/Asian men getting in line to suck off little ol' me!
  14. So while spending the last almost 10 years living out the fantasy of that site producer, why am I really no happier or more content than I was a decade earlier? Maybe because you never got over the collapse of your relationship. You sound more like the marrying kind to me. It might be worth spending some money on yourself and finding a good gay male counselor for some longish term therapy to help sort out what you really want and need. Good luck to you however you decide to manage it. Also, that privateboy guy is the one with spots on his dick, right? Cute boys but I don't like the way he seems to use them and throw them away. I don't get a good feeling watching his porn, to be honest. Some porn seems respectful with the boys enjoying the experience. His does not, IMHO.
  15. I love sucking but also love to get sucked off. Do some of the guys there do that too?
  16. Did it already in Canada, which was and still is a good fifteen years ahead of the US. My Thai partner and I moved to Canada in 2000, me from the US, he from Thailand. We were admitted as a couple and got our citizenship three years later. We also got legally married. On th tenth anniversary if our legal marriage, in 2013, we celebrated by putting on a true wedding/recommitment ceremony for 45 friends, complete with ballet dancers and a very hot Scottish accordion player in kilts that even the straight men wanted to go home with. Our MCs were our two dearest friends (a straight couple) here in Vanciuver, and the bar man wore the hottest leather pants. Happiness in marriage to a Thai man is possible, but you need luck and some hard work bridging cultural and age differences. It seems that, even now, every day I learn something new about how he thinks about the world. We met when I was 43 and he was 21. Now I'm 66 and he is 44, reading on the couch across from me in our condo living room. Marital bliss is not for everyone, but has worked for me. I'm very lucky. But some of you single guys seem lucky too, and I'm enjoying reading about your exploits and getting a vicarious thrill here and there.
  17. Also, the real quote, as I understand it, is not "Money is the root of all evil." It's "The love of money is the root of all evil." In other words, the issue is what is inside us, not what is outside.
  18. My Thai husband did the same short term monk initiation in 1998. He tells me the total cost was 20,000 baht at the most. When I told him about the 300,000 baht, he laughed and said, "Are they inviting the whole village?" So no, inflation would not explain this. It seems to me that if you really think this relationship has long term potential, you need to have a talk with your boyfriend about honesty in a relationship, because he is clearly not telling you a true story, or the whole story. If it does not have long term potential, time to toss this fish back into the river,
  19. Although it's not certain, some people think Shakespeare was also born on April 23rd. I know, because it's my own birthday, along with Shirley Temple, Roy Orbison, and the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Oh, and James Buchanan, the only "bachelor"(nudge, nudge...) US President, thought by many historians to have been the worst of the lot. And that's quite an accomplishment.
  20. Isn't this getting a tad expensive? Four or more in one night?
  21. Exactly my style. Please share. I hope he's still there in December...
  22. faranglaw

    is it safe

    Why inappropriate? Because of HIV? Or some other reason? If you ask first? I'm actually not experienced in commercial sex much, and it's a genuine question. Certainly I expect a bj at Babylon. If I don't get one, I usually lose interest. (And as an equal opportunity slut I believe in giving as well as receiving!) But I don't know about money boy etiquette. Maybe it's time I learned, at the tender age of almost 66, eh?
  23. faranglaw

    is it safe

    Agree. Very low risk. Even lower if they don't come in your mouth. Oral sex with a condom is, IMHO, like a decaf latte with skim milk. Why bother? It's probably riskier to take a tuk tuk to the massage parlor.
  24. Agree. That would be OK. But the original post was thoughtless. We don't know their lives, as much as we may think we do. For example, Vipanu mentioned back to school, which is actually quite possible, if not terribly probable. Maybe the young man was making money temporarily on his way to something better in his life, and that something better could be jeopardized by exposure on line. He may well have some very good reasons not to want his line of work posted here, reasons we are not privy to. It's simple respect to err on the side of confidentiality. Also IMNSHO.
  25. My Thai husband always changes money at Super-rich, the Green one not the Orange one (there are two, for some odd Thai logic reason.) They seem to do a huge volume. The rates are the best I've seen anywhere. I don't know Natty Gems though; maybe it's just as good.
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