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Everything posted by faranglaw

  1. Isn't your bf back home the love of your life? Not really my business, but I am curious about the tease many posts ago about possible trouble in the home relationship. If it were me, I might have freaked out and got on the next plane back to California to do some marriage maintenance. But that's just me.
  2. If I hear Hotel California one more time, I will slit my wrists.
  3. I don't agree. For me it's the detail that creates the interest. Numazu is superb at leaving us wanting more, using these tantalizing diversions and delays.
  4. I think Monboy's explanation for his lateness makes perfect sense. It's not just the money boys who are late or no shows. Farang can be as bad. And he SAW you go with another boy. He knows how fickle we butterflies are. It's logical for him to think, "numazu has his bird in the hand, I should get one too." He doesn't know you personally, so he doesn't know that you are one of the super responsible ones. You both did your risk-reward calculations, and you both came to logical conclusions, IMHO. And now, speaking of the bird in the hand, let's see what you did with his monster cock....
  5. I think they would be best enjoyed as performance art.
  6. Did someone leave the cake out in the rain? I guess we'll see next post. And thanks so much for giving me an ear worm for the rest of the day of one of the stupidest songs of the last century!
  7. If two Thai gay men get married, the probably werent "circulating" in your pool to begin with, so I wouldn't worry about their being take out of circulation.
  8. What's a balloon chaser?
  9. Probably no more dangerous than Santa Fe or any other American city.
  10. I was sure I read in one of your earlier posts that you said you were Asian. I must have misinterpreted something.
  11. Interesting post guys. And you kept it all very positive. Congratulations. But I must say a 24 year old Singaporean part time soldier is a tad more interesting than your fashion choices. Where is the photo of sglad in uniform? I was just getting close when the topic veered back to Christian's underwear. Ick.
  12. Really! I must have entered LOS 50 times or more, and I had never heard of this.
  13. Same here. If I want trolling I'll read blogs about politics in my home country, the Big Bully Who Shall Not be Named. I Stop here for the informative and entertaining posts about adventures with boys.
  14. I know the purpose of words too, and I thought yours a bit severe and judgmental. It seems I may have been wrong. I appreciate your clarification. I agree wholeheartedly woth your last paragraph.
  15. What? No more Hump Along?
  16. Case closed?? And you know nothing of their relationship other than the photo? What a bitter attitude.
  17. So just repost it with the happy faces and let the queens fuss if they want to. There is nothing in this photo to suggest prostitution. It's a street scene at Songkran. That's all it is.
  18. The first photo with the blurred faces reminds me of a scene in the movie Amadeus. The Emperor has banned ballet in his operas for some odd reason I can't recall. He then accompanies his snooty music advisors to a rehearsal of one of Mozart's operas. There are dancers prancing around on stage without music, as it has been banned. The Emperor turns to one of the advisors: "Do you like this?" The response: "but you ordered it, your majesty" to which the Emperor bursts out: "But they look ridiculous!" Exactly.
  19. This photo privacy controversy comes up frequently here, and will never be fully resolved. I suppose it's worth an on-going conversation, but it does get a bit tiresome. To me, anyway. I for one am enjoying the reading immensely. It reminds me of when Armistad Maupin was doing the Tales of the City series in installments. I can't seem to get to the end. You write faster than I can read! My only moral concern is a bit different from the photo issue, and that is, if you end up breaking Burboy's heart, you will burn in hell for all eternity. That's not just my opinion, it is fact, as attested to by 97% of all climate scientists. But then, come to think of it, hell for eternity may well be worth all the fun you are having now. Cheers.
  20. Thirty-SOMETHING? Might that be 35 or 36?
  21. Zy Massage on Ngam Duphli has about six guys, all on the twinky side. The place is very "basic," some would say unclean, but I've had good results there. I recommend Ball, pronunced "Bon." Young smooth slim guy who gives a good professional massage with a very happy ending.
  22. I sometimes find the Google translations so hilarious that I turn them into poetry and post on Facebook. My FB friends are wuite amused.
  23. "I am reminded that some punters out there do bristle at the thought of 400 baht drinks. I hear them saying But at 7-11 a beer is only 60 baht[/i]! Well last time I checked there are no boys prancing in their underwear in 7-11's, at least not the ones I know of." Ah, but if they did, I'd buy dozens of this crappy ramen mixes with no complaint at all.
  24. My Mom is 94. She says she keeps learning about life and is much mire mature than she was twenty years ago when she was only 74. So just who exactly is on the "wrong" side of the equation? ;-)
  25. I am too. And getting farther all the time.
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