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  1. The ignore button is your friend. Dont feed the troll
  2. Nice touch to spilt your review like this.
  3. I'm actually starting to feel very sorry for BurBoy.
  4. Sometimes people disagree with a poster and are being genuine. For others it is clearly a hobby. I really hope that people can tell the difference and simply ignore the trolls.
  5. Sounds like it would be really good project for anyone who travels regularly to set aside an hour or two to check what their card offers and what alternatives might be out there. Price varies I guess depending on where homebase is for you, but certainly annual policies on sale in Europe are a very good deal, provided they don't duplicate the cover you already have.
  6. I use it a lot actually. It is a good idea to ask your card provider to send you a list of benefits in the post so you can do a comparison. I think some of the policies are quite generous and get away with being so because so few cardholders realise they are covered.
  7. Only the wealthy can afford to travel without it. Annual policies are a good deal and very often credit cards actually provide it for free.
  8. No, please take great pride if you are one of the few not using FB. People would shit themselves if they knew how much FB knows about their lives!
  9. No it is not just you. I think they have made a real mess of it.
  10. No idea how you find the time to both have this experiences and write them up too. Nicely done!
  11. I really enjoy your insights. Not sure why this thread went pear-shaped.
  12. emailbroken


    Back to Arena and a geat massage from Suk. Both aspects were awesome.
  13. Absolutely. As with most of what is discussed here it takes two to tango and we have our share of the responsibility.
  14. Thanks a lot for the links. Really quite shocked by this stuff.
  15. Acutally that's a really good idea.
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