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Everything posted by manuelmendez

  1. ty for ur updates. hope i can meet the issan guy. as long he is in my taste. i nvr been stay in raya hotel. i always spend at silom one hotel. but recently when i see hotel price online, oh my, the silom one hotel price went up so quick. i only book single room with big bed. well, its for me and my lucky muscle guy.
  2. thanks for your suggestions. nice one.im more interest to broad muscular guy. just my taste.
  3. i read ggobkk trip report. i knew something happening in bkk.
  4. May i know if any fee hike at my favourite places in BKK? or any new things or bad things happen
  5. damn... two tawan boys in one bed, not bad vinapu... next time, i try to stay better hotel so the boys love to stay overnight...
  6. tawan is the only bar i prefer to go. i had one night with thong too, that time he was on off season too, but he still on going gym as regular basis. that night we both too drunk and have fun, accidently we slept together side by side. there is a big guy with jesus tattoo on his left chest, i want to off him, but he left somewhere after he done stage performing. he had quite big down there. thanks for the update spoon. tawan and arena is my favourite place in bkk btw.
  7. Anyone been there recently 1-2 months before? just asking something? -is the fee still the same? -is the muscleguys there in good shape? since it is offseason for bodybuilders there...
  8. love that kind of body. well shape muscle too
  9. looks beefy and nyummy to me
  10. thanks for the opinions, friends. i just went back from my 4 days business trip at bangkok. i just offed 2 boys during my trip. both keen for ST only, reason they have early morning routine works. one of my boys almost to LT because both us feel drunk and drowzy, at 12 midnight... both of us fall asleep side by side for while, and awake half hour later. i think we both comfortable to sleep together... haha
  11. Anyone had been to My Hero place? will come to BKK in fewer months. I want to know latest prices, hows the masseur, good or not? thanks.
  12. sometimes bring it up at room.. sigh...
  13. previous years, i got off some muscular men for overnight for some one night stand. some good on bed, some quite rushy. i mean, why so rushy, just to get off money.some says their club will closed by late night.but i say, why don't just stay with me overnight, with nice bed, aircond and wifi too, they said got some training early morning.... if want need pay more, oh my men, why pay more when u just close your eyes, sleep on my bed and wake up next morning, why pay more on doing nothing over the night. so went they off after then. do you guys experience d this?
  14. delicious to me
  15. wow, lucky the got off the beefiest of 2016. btw, tawan off fee now is hiking up.
  16. owh thanks. what number of his tag during the contest?
  17. well, orson. i just want to see his muscular body form in bodybuilding contest. he quite a huge guy. for his body size, he sure able pack a lot of muscle. Before he left, i wish him to get top place in his future bodybuilding contest.
  18. thanks orson, but i think most of them wont stay till morning since they need go b for tmrw duties. even the men have punch cards duty to work at Tawan bar.
  19. thank you. i just want to show my feeling when hanging up with these men. luckily my tawan men perform well on bed naughty... btw... do u guys using viagra for longer sex? that night we both doesn't use viagra. i wish he can stand more longer with me, i think of using viagra next time... does it helps?
  20. thanks vinapu, i think im not keen for threesome. im only like 1by1 . so both of us can focus feel together haha... that night with my men, since he is good seducer, i let him take full control of me, yeah big guy. till now im still searching what his real name. he said he once got top bodybuilder title. too bad he wont let me take his pics, for privacy. since he will participate in coming bb contest. so i respect his privacy.
  21. anyone here got sleep together with tawan men till morning? i try negotiate with him to stay, but he said got morning training. so i dont mind.
  22. In my hotel, we both bath together in beginning. every muscle of his body is solid. i dont mind his 6 packs not well define, but i know hard abs as i feel it. finish bath, he lie down naked on the bed. i join and worship every inch of his muscle. he quite good kisser. then, we going on and on. boy, i like him. after so on, we enjoyed ourself. we done and have last bath.damn, his body is huge. i dont want let him go as i pay the tip. he aim going for BB contest within a month. he trained for 3 months for it. i want know his real name, but for his privacy, its ok. i would like to meet him again on my next visit. yeah, my forum mate. those complaint of fat look tawan guy, actually u havent seen them all. some of them still in room back then. some have very good built, u need to stay bit longer. yup, vinapu, i smile to my target muscle guy, he got good smile too, which i like. i some feel regret, before i left tawan with my men, i saw another bulkier guy doing performance. damn, wish can brought 2 in 1 for me hehe... well, next time will do. i think i saw familiar faces look like tong, but his body shape doesnt look bulky. some bb look younger than me so hot, we greet each other, but i feel sorry for them, since i only like big broad muscle guy. well, everyone have different taste.
  23. i had done recent visit to Bangkok. Only for short visit. I quite amaze when i visit Bangkok. i feel secure and everyone is friendly and helpful.doing visiting Thailand tourist land mark and so on. Hey, by the way. Everyone here want to know how Arena & Tawan muscle men. I went to Arena at noon for massage, probaly tired after walking around Bangkok city by foot. Arena at 3rd floor, at the edge of right building block. As i enter, the mamasan told the men to line up. The mamasan have some language problem, so i ask, 'is Nuk around?' mamasan call Nuk. Now i know who is he. I realise Nuk quite good in English. But sorry, his body kinda not my taste. So he help me which one i want. Then, i saw someone had broad body type, bit taller than me. He kind new there, his name Kay or something. Yes, he is broad muscular type of guy. Seriously i need big guy to massage and relieve my body ache. Without hesitation, i ask for 2 hours, and so on. What i like both of us no talking problem. i just speak few things i want, he understood well. He massage me till i groan, its mean i feel satisfy. Yeah, i think he quite tired massaging me more than hours. he massage me whole body and i feel good bout it. then we proceed for good ending. i tip him well. next, at night. i walking around the panapong night market searching nice things to buy. uuhh.. i hate these pingpongs n pussy promo group. round n round. owh... it almost 10pm, its time for the show baby. I enter Tawan around 10pm, as i entered, as usual, pay b400 to mamasan for drinks. i sit nearby the mamasan counter, so easier for me ask from the in charge. i saw the musclemen, some new, some nice bodybuilder s, some look flabby, some have nice define muscle and 6 packs, surely this men need more price to pay. customers there, some just see phone, some farangs, i think he is regular since many musclemen love hanging around with him. the more awkward as i sat nearby the farang, but hey, its nice to talk abit with musclemen there. owh k, what is want to see is hard muscular guy, broad body type, older a bit from me. then, i hook up with one 30+ muscle bodybuilder, his body packed with muscle, i doesn't mind if his 6 packs not much define. and he quite fluent with english, so no worries, name Te something. He fulfil my taste, we negotiate price, pay b500 to counter, the so go on my room then. owh sorry, i need catch my flight.ill continue later. btw, thanks to forum for the guide. bye, i will continue next post when i arrive my destination.
  24. yeah tawan men shul be in good shape. ty discord87
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