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Everything posted by Brummbaer

  1. I keep getting logged out every few hours, even if the tab with the forum is still open. When I log in again, there is no "remember me" to check/click. Using win10/edge browser.
  2. Brummbaer


    I'm a romeo plus member (have been for 15years or more) and use their "uncut" app, so I have no restrictions whatsoever. In Bangkok and Pattaya romeo shows quite a few members online, outside BKK/Pattaya not so much, depending of course on your filters. blued I believe to have users everywhere in Thailand. grindr, hornet and jack'd were frequented as well. As I said in a different thread, I've been in Thailand for two weeks now, but spent most the time in and around Nakhon Ratchasima. I've had dozens of boys contact me on blued, hornet, jack'd and grindr (in that order).
  3. I'm heading home from Suvarnabhumi Saturday afternoon. Can't say much about bars in Silom and Pattaya, spent most of the time in and around Korat with the in-laws. The apps however - how does numazu put it? - lit up like Christmas trees whenever I opened the phone. Have a good time.
  4. The stronger the Baht, the less Bang for the Buck we get. I remember getting 44+ baht for 1 Euro, about 6 years ago. I've just seen a bank statement, my bank gave me an exchange rate of 34,420 for 10'000 baht drawn from an ATM on May 4, 2019. To bang a buck now costs me 28% more than 2013 - and the hotels and boys have not increased their rates.
  5. Their friends, who will lend them the money, should they have some spare cash at the time it's needed. And those friends will borrow in time of need too. 9000 per month is actually enough for a Thai to survive on and still be able to send money home to mum. Even in Bangkok a Thai will find a basic room (running water, but no shower, not near BTS) for 5000 or less - I believe ChristianPFC was room hunting a couple of years ago and can confirm - and with lots of streetfood options they can feed themselves with 100/day or less. To put the 9000 in perspective, starting salary at a bank for university graduate is 12000, and I believe we all know that banks tend to pay rather well world wide.
  6. None of them really appeal to me, but if I had to choose I'd go for the smile of Mr Venezuela.
  7. I'm lucky in a way that most carriers offering flights from Europe to South East Asia are member of one of the three Alliances. Just by flying to Thailand business class two to three times per year I manage to stay top tier with one of the Oneworld Airlines and, as it is very easy to maintain once you have it, I'll try to requalify every year for top tier with Aegean Airlines (Star Alliance). The only big player not in any of the alliances is Emirates, but most of the time Royal Jordanian or Qatar (both oneworld) or Turkish / Egypt Air (both Star Alliance) are at same price or cheaper. The new low cost Lufthansa subsidiary Eurowings is too unreliable still, Condor will cease offering flights to Thailand and Norwegian I don't like.
  8. I was told to say sawadee kaap when addressing a male and sawadee kaa when addressing a female - but then I don't know how much I can trust my teacher. My boyfriend keeps cracking up when I try to pronounce the thai word for "banana" which is one of those tonal words that has a different meaning depending how it comes off your tongue. Apparently the way I say it a Thai will understand penis. Wouldn't want to order a penis milk shake in a cafe... at least not when the wait staff is female
  9. Has been like that for about a year to 18 months. Normal tourist would buy a SIM and that then would deactivate after some time of non-usage.Basically every time you top off the credit that extends the date it will deactivate. A normal tourist would then just get a new SIM on the next trip. I bought my SIM some 3 years ago and as I want to keep the number for various reasons, my BF and I play around with sending credit back and forth between our phones to push forward the expiry date to a time when I'll be back in Thailand. Last May I tried to phone my BF when I arrived at BKK and found out, that although I had credit, I couldn't connect to the net. Problem was, that the SIM wasn't registered and therefore blocked. As soon as I registered with my passport at AIS Counter in the airport I was able to use the phone again. Not sure if Thai have to register when they buy a prepaid SIM, too.
  10. I'd always opt for buying in a real pharmacy rather than off some guy in the street/in a bar. Chances are much better not to get fakes/counterfeits in the pharmacy. But then I don't buy those pills anyway, as my doctor in Austria tells me Viagra/Cialis doesn't interact well with my blood pressure medication. As I don't want a stroke/heart attack during sex - what a way to go, though - I'll do without.
  11. During a normal work week I don't eat breakfast at all, because I can't eat that early in the day. While on holiday I can sleep in and it's late enough in the day to eat a big breakfast, which then will be enough food for the rest of the day. Give me one big breakfast and I won't feel hungry until next morning. My boyfriend needs/wants food every three to four hours, so he has a small breakfast and smaller meals throughout the day.
  12. I remember staying in a guesthouse in Pattaya once which had a sticker on the bathroom mirror that you could get Kamagra from reception
  13. There are lots of drugs which are prescription-only in Europe that your friendly Bangkok pharmacist will sell you over the counter. Just take the box or instruction leaflet which specifies the active ingredients into the pharmacy. Then they can check if they have the drug you need, as the pills may be sold under a different name in Thailand.
  14. I broke off part of a tooth on the flight to Bangkok in october 2015 and went to Silom Smile without appointment. Had to wait for about half hour until one of their dentists was free and then sat in the chair for about an hour while he made a stopgap repair. He said there was no guarantee it would last more than a couple of weeks, but the tooth is still intact after more than one year. Cost 1500 baht if I remember correctly. Would have been free under compulsory health insurance here, but I didn't want to run around with sharp ridges in my mouth for three weeks. They are easy to find. Corner Saladaeng road / Saladaeng soi 2, basically walk down Silom Road towards Rama IV / Lumphini and turn right between Silom Complex and Zuellig house. Dentist was cute, too.
  15. Europe - Thailand on one of the ME3 you can get as low as € 1400 (US$ 1460) business class when they have special offers. Thai or Lufthansa would want double or more. If you don't want to go into Chicago, Hainan goes directly to Boston or Seattle too.
  16. No, cooker is just the thing a cook does the cooking on. But then... I'd assume more people would be interested in an outcall cock than cook
  17. If your Smartphone is locked and is useable in Thailand (i.e. operates on GSM bands), then the friendly guys at Pattaya's Tukcom or Bangkok's MBK mall will unlock it for a small fee.
  18. Brummbaer

    Phnom Phen

    Can we say thread-necrophilia to that? The message you responded to was from april 2012, the poster has not been active since 2012 either... The website of that sauna is offline, most likely the sauna has closed, too. I was in PNH for 2 days in october 2016, continuing on to Sihanoukville. Blue Chili is still going strong, Space Hair - thank you Numazu for recommending that in another thread - was good fun too. As I was travelling with my Thai boyfriend I didn't take a Khmer guy home from the bars. We were staying at OKAY Boutique Hotel, which is between Royal Palace and Blue Chili bar. Good value at ~ € 40 per night and cute staff.
  19. In October I waited longer for my luggage to appear on the belt at DUS Airport than the flight took from Vienna to Dusseldorf, but yes, that's first world problems. I agree, DMK can be terrible with waiting in line for Immigration. When flying into DMK my boyfriend with his Thai passport is usually already waiting with our suitcases next to the belt while I'm still in line for my entry stamp, so if flying into BKK is only marginally more expensive than DMK I'll book that.
  20. As Abang keeps mentioning that the caucasians he prefers are more interested in asians half his age, I do believe him going for the food. Then, being only 2 hours away and cheap flights being offered between Thailand and Singapore... I myself am "out" to most of the people in my life and workplace and they know my boyfriend lives in Thailand. So they are happy for me to visit him ever so often.
  21. What horrible thought. He should probably ask Kris Kringle and not the greek bishop of history - although... greek... that bishop might just know about male/male love. He was only some 3 centuries removed from ancient Greece
  22. I've never been one to take many pictures on holiday. I kept forgetting my camera at home/hotel room and nowadays I don't even pack it. The digital camera I spent a fortune on some 15 years ago has not seen much use at all, I was disappointed by how much time it actually took to be ready to take a picture, compared to an old mechanical 1950s camera using 35mm negative film, which got handed down from my parents. The Voigtlander I took to Australia in 1983 was twice my age at that time, but took wonderful pictures and slides. My boyfriend is the picture crazy one, he managed to fill the storage space in his 64GB phone within half year with pictures, many of which I had to pose for in the glaring sun in front of some sight or the other, while he was standing in the shade. Thai boys and their obsession with white skin
  23. Just like the old song https://www.youtube.com/embed/W8r-tXRLazs Internet killed the gogo-bar. I see similar things in Europe. Since I moved to Vienna 18 years ago a number of gay bars have permanently closed, one after existing almost 50 years, another just short of their 25th anniversary. Up until the late nineties or early twothousands those bars were busy and easily made a profit. With everybody getting an internet connection, there was no need any longer to meet people in bars and pubs to hook up, you met in chatrooms or message boards. Customers stayed home, bars had to close. With widespread use of smartphones and apps, now chatrooms are empty, too. It's sort of a vicious circle. As customers can now order their dish of the day by app to their home, they don't need to shop in the bars. As customers stay away, boys (and bar owners) will make less money. Boys will turn to the apps if they have a smartphone and capable of speaking/reading english, bars are forced to close if they don't make enough to at least break even. And if there are no boys, the remaining customers will stay away, too.
  24. I only use TG on flights up to 4 hours to and from BKK, either to collect or burn StarAlliance miles. They have a good service, but Europe-Bangkok they are way too expensive. Any of the ME3 only want 50% to 70% of what Thai asks for and give me a cigarette/dutyfree shopping break half way, too. But then Europe-Thailand is a different market than US-Thailand. For somebody based in the US it wouldn't make sense to travel eastwards to South East Asia.
  25. If I was in a neighbour country I'd do the same every long weekend I could get. Have done similar things when I was young, like drive 550 km to have sunday morning breakfast in Paris with some friends. With cheap airfare in the EU some people I know fly to London or Berlin for a night out.
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