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Everything posted by marcolastrauman

  1. There is. It is a requirement among all asean member countries to have a lane specifically for ASEAN citizens. It's one of the perks for being a member. This is a great relief esp when in Phuket when you Arrive the same time with those big aircraft
  2. Care elaborating? Apart from the small leg room the trip looks safe for me
  3. Just today i arrived in Bangkok via Don Muang. I took the A1 bus to mochit then went to Ekamai to take the van. I prefer the van coz the last time it dropped me off in beach road. But today the drop off was a bit far. Another 20 minute ride. Good thing i read it online coz the last time i travelled, the van terminal was in Victory Monument, now it has been transferred to Ekamai bus station along with the buses
  4. i am of Filipino roots but is born and raised in singapore. I am a singapore citizen. I can attest that the mamasan will prejudge us. They will ask for your name followed by "Where are you from"... the moment i say SINGAPORE, the mamasan will then smile and say " ahhhhhhh Singapore".... all boys will then all smile. i tried one time saying i'm from cambodia and i received the fakest smile ever. The boys wont even look at you. So yes racism is there.
  5. He better not be my FaiFai who is a hot viet guy. well he was mine first then not really. haha. It's okay to be infatuated, but set limits, don't be addicted!
  6. I got a roundtrip ticket to Pattaya for only SGD135 (93USD) from Singapore and I'm spending my chinese new year in Pattaya. I'm anticipating a different kind of fireworks on my visit. But i hope to see some nice real fireworks when i'm there.
  7. I think it was vinapu who mentioned, GO for the GUY who at least stared and smile at you. 99% of the time you'll have a very good time.
  8. Hi Guys, I'm now in Pattaya. My 1 night in Bangkok was uneventful but nevertheless spent a great time hanging out. I went to several go go bars but saw the same boys, along with the same questions asked, Hello How are youuuuu, what's your nameeeeee, where you frooooom, and how long you stay in Bangkooook? I should have printed the answers in the same exact order coz they all ask the same questions over and over again. I made eye contact with several cute boys but never really invited them over. I was looking for that special connection and found nothing. I hope Pattaya will be different. Although this place never failed me. Weather wise, it's a bit cloudy outside but still warm. I'll go for some clean massage later then get naughty once the sun sets.
  9. Hi all, i hope you dont mind me opening a thread again about my current Trip. I admit that I only become active in this forum only when I have an upcomming/ongoing trip to Thailand. I was really planning to go to Cambodia and Vietnam but booked for thailand again. Last Feb I visited Phuket during the Chinese New Year with my sister. It was a family kind of fun since they don't know. Although i sneak every night, but cant really stay past 12mid night. I had to comeback to Phuket today due to my carelessness. apparently i left my Tissot watch in the hotel. So i was in constant communication with the hotel manager to keep my watch, and luckily i was able to get it back. So for this trip I will be spending one night in Phuket coz i knew that its not really as dynamic as Bangkok and Pattaya. Im currently here in Paradise Complex chillin drinking some beer. It looks very quiet. Im alone here in the bar with a big fan behind me coz its really very hot. I was advised that it will get a little better later in the night so i'm reallh hopeful to that. I want to get laid tonight. Hehe will update. Tomorrow i'll be flying to Bangkok. Will keep you posted
  10. I'm based in Singapore and I can attest that gay scene is a bit supressed and not to mention expensive. But I can always take a bus upto the town of Johor Bahru and enjoy the massage and other things at half the price.
  11. steveboy, don't be too harsh on yourself. I am too is like you. I want to see what others see in those sculpted body. I want to feel the feeling that I feel when I look at those slim, flawless youg body everytime I look at those muscles.... But no matter how much i squeeze whatever desires i have left, i can't seem to find any. I'm very selective and I wish I can be more varied with my taste.
  12. For all my stay in Pattaya I have always stayed at the Ambience. I just felt at home, not to mention that they have a very good resto beside them who can customize the food that I want. Similar to the previous comment, i could really not care less to the people around since I don't know anyone. Although I really look forward to meet some people from this community.
  13. Hi, what does fishbowl effect means? And second which Marriott are you referring to? I see 2 Marriott in Pattaya. I will have a very quick escapade this coming weekend.
  14. On my last trip to Chiang Mai i took the plane. A very quick flight, you'll also see a very sceneic Chiang Mai on your approach. Less hassle more fun. Go take the plane!
  15. In my usual sense, if it's an anniversary the establishment should have 50% anniversary promo, and not 50% additional promo. haha. Well, I would say this is how they model their business. Being in Business Development I would say that if you believe that your service/product is worth that much, then by all means stick to that price, don not go for price war. haha. I admit IMHO ,X Boys/ Dream boys stands will stand out if compared to the other bars in the area. Heading to Pattaya now
  16. I did not go near Dreamboys / X boys last night, instead I went to some nearby bars and equally had a great time. I don't really enjoy SHOWS in the sense that I think I've seen them all. To the point that I usually go out if the show is starting and the mamasans are like "why are you leaving , the show is just starting", i just say that i'm there to look for boys not to watch shows. Anyway, last night was really a great time, one of the best sex i had in BKK, the kind of pampering i got from my boy was really amazing, it was not a hurried sex, very sensual and soooooooooo much kissing. hahaha. gosshh i try not to go crazy but it was really hot. I think I wan't to settle down.
  17. That sign welcomed everyone today. Price is crazy. The other bars in the vicinity remains the same.
  18. We all have our first time experience. Later in your future visits, you'll be more "expert" in a sense that you'll know how to say no and not fall into the spell of the mamasans. No matter how pushy, just say no and smile and ignore. it's a trick that needs mastering. in making sure you have a good time, make sure the boy you bring home is the kind of boy who atleast stared at you and showed some sort of interest while he was still on the stage. based on my experience and many others in this forum, those who don't will likely be a dud.
  19. Sure, i'll defintely be back tonight. I can check 77 for you, and if he's my type i can even try him for you!!! Hehe And oh, i forgot to mention, some boy joined my table last night but i did not buy him some drinks, but since he spoke english we talked. This was during the show. I asked him about his thoughts in sunee, and to my surprise he is not really a fan of that place. He said that in sunee boys are lower class and dirty, cheap but dirty. I asked him i heard some good feedback of sunee he said ewwww. He suggested that i stay in boystown area, much better according to him. I joked that i take some boy from sunee and him and i watch them have sex, he said "noo, why are you talking to me like that" (in a flirty, smily tone) . I had a great talk with him and just as we are about to go, the show started, i asked the mama san to pass my 100baht to him, he was smiling when he go it and gave me a flying kiss, i think i made a "friend" right there. But should i fuck a friend?
  20. No, i'm a chemical engineer to be exact. My mom is a doctor but not the kind who heals people. i'll go for some body massage today. And see how it goes! By the way The Ambience restaurant is really good!
  21. After i had a drink, i went straight to Boyz Boyz Boyz to check the boys and as expected (based on my previous visits) boys are damn gorgeous. And within 10 minutes i had several choices already. After a few stares and glances i picked the boy #55, his name is dave, 22, tall, handsome guy. Sad to say he does not speak english. But good thing is that during the show, 1 mama san provided translation. sometimes i use google translate. After the show we went straight to my hotel. He took a shower and went out covered. I went to shower as well, when i came out he was already in bed stroking his cock. I dont know how to describe it but the circumference is quite big but the length is not that long. I also noticed that he is cut. Very unlikely, since most of the thais are not cut. I asked him about it and he said that when he was 21, he had a Muslim Girlfriend and was asked to get circumcised, he must have loved the girl for him to do that at a very late age. Worse, she is no longer his girlfriend! They broke up!!!! I feel sad, coz it definitely ruined the look of his cock! He said he did regret doing so and admitted he cannot bring it back. I pity him but i was more horny, so we started kissing and sucking each other. And then i gave him a good pounding. The moaning is really good, very submissive, yet very straight. It's a great turn on to f*ck "straight" guys. (At least thats what i like to think) After the did he took a shower and lied beside me , did some short google translate conversation and i sent him off. Telling him that i might see him tomorrow. Over all, the service was good but not great. No regret! I give it 6.8/10. Almost there but not quiet.
  22. 21:30 The night is young and here i an drinking some beer herr kn Oscars Bar. Party atmosphere. Many people in the side street enjoying the night.
  23. Arrived and checked in here Ambiance, i may head out and have some clean foot massage. Then have dinner, then party. So many places to visit. I hope the night will be a great party considering that today is Friday. Happy Weekend Everyone!
  24. And oh @vinapu, i liked the food at Took Lae Dee, i had custom dish, i asked them to cook the meat the way i like it. I asked them to cook porkchop for me with fries on the side and some garden salad. And oh speaking of glitz i was given the 4th floor and since they dont have elevator i have to climb all the way, apparently my access card is only valid until 12 noon , when i went back today around 1:30pm i have to go down again when my Access card has expired and climbed up again. I should have asked for 2nd floor!
  25. Hi all, no further updates last night. You might have thought i was busy getting laid. Haha. But its actually the opposite. Last night after i had one beer i went straight to the bar adjacent to maxis, i saw one boy who i took out last visit. And it feels good to get recognized, it mAkes you think that it was not all just transaction. Having a thought that he remembered you makes you feel special. He must have told the rest of the guys about how "gentle" i was, thus all of them started staring at me and smiling and wanting me. (I never felt beautiful, hahaha) I am really not into trying the same dish, thus i just gave him 100 baht and said my good bye. I went straight to x boys after and scanned through the boys. All same faces, i even saw the one i took out last visit who when upon arriving at the hotel discovered that he did not have an ID with him thus not allowed to go in my room. We ended up eating that night and donated my off fee to the club for nothing. Well, he recognized me (thats cute) but i just gave him a very obvious fake smile and moved in, he was teasing me with the way he looks at me and i almost gave in. But no!!! I want to teach you a lesson to always take good care of your clients! So yeah i invited some other cute boy to have a drink with me and i showed him how i pamper good boys. He must be very jealous (i like to think it that way). The boy i invited to my table said his name is Gaiyye (im not sure if i heard it right. I like him he is a 6.5/10 for me. But i got turned off when i saw him smile and saw his front tooth with some sign of tooth decay. A small portion but i'm Really very very very strict with teeth! Its a turn off to me if a person show less regards on his teeth. So yeah i gave him a tip and asked him to go back to the stage. Its 12:45AM. So after having no luck i decided to the bar outside And have a 120 baht beer, not from maxis but the one infront of the billiard table. Had a taste of the street food. It's 1:30 am when i decided to head back to my hotel, while i was walking somewhere near patpong i noticed a neon sign that says "screw boys" (or something like that) i decided to check what time they are closing and says 2:30 so i said why not. Beer is cheaper at 250 baht, off fee is 500 and boys fee is 1,500. I had a pineapple juice and scanned the boys for 30 mins (about 9 of them) i saw one cute tall boy , and he is bottom so all the checklist is checked and said this is it. So when the announcement came in that they are closing in 15 minutes i invited him and ask him questions. His name is Gun (ohh) he asked me where i am from. We were talking for like 30 seconds when i noticed his teeth, its an overlapping teeth, clean but overlapping like to the extreme, the one that needs serious dentist intervention. from horny to none. So he asked if i want to take him to my hotel i said immediately that i called him so i can just give him a tip, i gave, then left. I must be crazy with this teeth thing! So around 2:30am i decided to end the night and succomb to the reality that i wont get laid that night. But it was okay, at least i did not force my self to go f^ck just for the sake of f*ck! I must have grown mature over this kind of things to the point that i now have the control to say no when i need to. Which is a good improvement for me. I had a restful sleep at Glitz woke up 10am and was in bed until 12. Went for some brunch in the nearby street foodstall. Now i started writing this post while i was at the bus terminal near ekkmai, now i am in the middlen of no where on my way to Pattaya!!! Pattaya here i come!!!! Reporting live here inside the bus to Pattaya!!!
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