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Everything posted by Gaybutton

  1. With or without illustrations and photos . . . ?
  2. George Steinbrenner, Yankees Owner, Dies at 80 By RICHARD GOLDSTEIN Published: July 13, 2010 George Steinbrenner, who bought a declining Yankees team in 1973, promised to stay out of its daily affairs and then, in an often tumultuous reign, placed his formidable stamp on 7 World Series championship teams, 11 pennant winners and a sporting world powerhouse valued at perhaps $1.6 billion, died Tuesday morning, the team announced. He was 80 and lived in Tampa, Fla. George Steinbrenner
  3. There is a very simple way to clear up the matter of who is angry with whom, who even gives a shit about who is angry with whom, and why: Is there anyone other than HeyGay who has spent time in Sunee Plaza, Pattayaland, Jomtien Complex, the beach,or anywhere else, who has either spoken with or has overheard anyone mentioning names, warning about angry people, approached by angry people, or even mentioning the hanging incident at all? If yes, please corroborate HeyGay's posts. If not, then I guess it's to each his own whether to accept or reject the credibility of the posts. Once again, if someone or a group of "someones," or those who HeyGay tells us is upset by the way this story going, he/they is perfectly welcome to post here . . . and set us all straight.
  4. Seems clear enough to me . . . now. Whaddya mean old . . . ?
  5. Maybe not as weird as you think. I've heard several stories about farang who had girlfriends for long periods of time, in some cases years, before ever realizing that the girlfriend was in fact a lady-boy - some with breast augmentation, none without original genitals and voices. Try to figure that one out.
  6. The way I see it is I like Polanski's movies. He went through hell at the hands of Charles Manson's gang when they tortured and murdered his wife and unborn child. He is fabulously wealthy. The incident took place a very long time ago. The victim apparently doesn't care about it anymore or maybe she was paid off not to care about it anymore. None of that should excuse him or protect him from the same legal processes anyone else would have to face. He's damned lucky Switzerland is refusing to extradite him.
  7. I believe that's the place.
  8. She did say that, but it's not her decision to make. This wasn't a civil matter. It was a criminal matter and that makes it up to the prosecutors and the courts, not her, whether or not to proceed no matter what the wishes of the victim may be. Sometimes it seems as if big names and big money are what you need to get out of trouble. Michael Jackson comes to mind. The incident may have taken place many years ago. The victim might not want the case to proceed. But the fact remains that Polanski, who supposedly was a responsible adult at the time, should have to stand trial and if found guilty go to jail like anybody else.
  9. How about that? And I was so sure the only one on this board who ever heard of it was me. Izzy Kadetz - in my opinion the only "don't miss" place in all of Cincinnati (unless you also enjoy Mt. Adams). Actually there is a place you can get a semi-acceptable Reuben in Pattaya. I don't remember which soi number, but if you go south on Jomtien Beach Road look for a small restaurant called Rich-Man, Poor Man. They can make a Reuben. But if you want it on rye, you better bring your own. They don't have rye bread there. It's not the greatest, but it's better than nothing. If there is anywhere else in Pattaya to get a Reuben, I don't know about it unless you make it yourself.
  10. Well, you do notice I used "I think" a few times, don't you? For all I know he may have been talking about the Izzy Kadetz Deli in Cincinnati. But HeyGay will be along soon enough to let us know if I interpreted him correctly.
  11. My most sincere apologies for standing you up. If the boys in those last two photos would like me to make up for it, let me know . . . "I dated a girl who was old. Ooooh, was she old! How old was she? She was so old, when she went to school they didn't have History." - Rodney Dangerfield
  12. By judges. As far as I know, there is no jury system in Thailand.
  13. Ok, now I think I understand. I think you are saying someone has been gossiping this all over Sunee Plaza and he has been naming names and ruining the reputation of someone who, as far as I know, has only been questioned about this incident, has not been convicted of anything at all, and although he has been arrested, he has thus far not yet even been charged with a crime. Yes, I would agree with you that if someone has been doing that, then he's definitely in the wrong and anger directed toward him would be justified. I think what you are trying to say is to advise people they can talk about anything they want, but at least leave people's names out of it until they have actually been charged with a crime or the names have been published in the media. I agree that naming the person being questioned and investigated is a very wrong thing to do unless and until he has been charged with a crime. I agree that simply being arrested and questioned does not make him guilty of anything and someone is going way out of line if he is busy ruining this person's reputation. I don't understand why someone would even want to do that.
  14. Who's Harry Potter . . . ? Any relation to Col. Sherman T. Potter? Thank you. To me, at my age the greatest aspect of having a birthday is being still alive to see it. It's not that I'm old, but it was embarrassing when I lit the candles on my birthday cake only to have the police show up and tell me bonfires are not allowed. And I appreciate you wishing me all the best. However, being the unselfish person that I am, I'm willing to share. I don't need all the best. Some of the best will do very nicely. I will be happy to distribute the rest of the best. First come, first served . . . Of course, I don't know when I will die, but I know when I want it to be. Regardless of the year, I want it to be the day I otherwise would have paid my income tax. Let them worry about it.
  15. That's where I think you're going wrong. You're saying that as if that's the way it is supposed to be. If something going wrong spoils the entire next day, it's because you are letting it spoil your day and you are choosing to feel that way. Sometimes things go wrong, including sexual encounters. That's life. You can let it spoil your day. You can also choose to get over it, forget it, move on, and try to have a better next day.
  16. Isn't everybody? They say age is just a number. It's not the number of years, it's how you feel. Right now I'm a wreck . . . I am getting old. When I get on Gay Romeo and manage to find somebody who wants to meet me, I ask where he is. I keep getting the addresses of nursing homes. I did get a few gifts, though. The most useful gift I received was a box of prunes. The most appropriate I received was the gift certificate for a funeral home. It's not so bad that I'm so old I can't get dates, but I'd at least like an opportunity to know if I need Viagra. I'm so old I thought buying a talking inflatable doll would help. Wrong! It said, "Not on the first date." I'm so old that both my hands are riddled with arthritis. Well, there goes my sex life . . .
  17. There are certainly several bar boys who love me. I know they do. They tell me so . . . every time I open my wallet.
  18. I have no idea who you mean by a one-man crusade or why you think many people truly give a damn about it in the first place, but none of the people you are referring to are my sources of information. The fact is the man is dead, was found hanged, and the incident is being investigated as a possible murder. Another fact is someone has been arrested in connection with it. What is it that anyone would be angry about? If someone dislikes what is being said, he is perfectly welcome to post his own version of the incident.
  19. I'm somewhere between retirement visa eligibility and death; I hope closer to the former. So where's the fireworks? The dancing in the streets? The stock markets worldwide closing for ten minutes? Oh yes, I forgot. Those are scheduled when the day comes for the latter . . .
  20. Not a lot of experience, but yes, I do have experience and I know what I'm talking about. Without going into detail, I have visited prisoners on four separate occasions in four separate facilities.
  21. Certainly there is the risk factor to consider when deciding whether to retire early and/or whether Thailand is the place where you wish to retire. You can try to guess what things will be like years from now. You can also guess whether you'll even be alive years from now. To me, there are some things in life worth the risk. For me, Thailand has been worth the risk. I would rather risk and lose than years from now regret not having taken the risk.
  22. No, that's not true. They do provide food, but all the jails have a canteen store at which people can purchase additional food and various items for the prisoners. It will be delivered to them. Prisoners can only receive items purchased from the canteen store and, of course, the package is thoroughly inspected before the prisoner ever sees it.
  23. You can get the Thai retirement visa at age 50.
  24. I did. I thought it was a water fountain . . .
  25. I had the same problem when I was living with a boyfriend. My solution was simple. I told him any food I find stored on a shelf instead of properly stored in the refrigerator will be thrown out. And that's exactly what I did. He didn't like it, but after I threw it out anyway a few times he finally got the message.
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