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Everything posted by Gaybutton

  1. Several cable TV companies have CNN and BBC. They'll broadcast the debates live. The debates are also broadcast live on the internet. You could also do what I did - watch it on YouTube at whatever time you wish.
  2. That is correct. I'm not much of a breakfast person, so I can't really help you with opening times, but I would imagine the major hotels start serving breakfast at early hours
  3. Regarding Corner Bar, I posted the following on my board: I posted a message for Michael (Crabby) to see if he could confirm and explain the above, about the lease reverting back to Madame Sunee. Maybe that is an option in the contract, although I don't know why she would want to take back a lease, it the above turns out to be correct, if the tenant is still paying rent. I have not yet heard back from Michael. Regarding Euro Boys, the bar next door - Eden Bar - has bought out Euro Boys and is expected to reopen within the next ten days. The reason for the delay is they are in the process of recruiting go-go boys.
  4. Are you kidding? With all the names I've been called over the years, you don't really think that hurt my feelings, did you? Quite an interesting word. Maybe in that sense 2+2 really does = 3. The word I use is Arithmetic. That's where 2+2 somehow manages to = 4 . . .
  5. How true. This particular moron uses an outdated version of Windows XP because it works perfectly, rather than using a new version of Windows that gets more complaints than Carter's has liver pills. I think I'll just continue my "moronity," thank you very much. Well, since Windows XP doesn't explain the current problem, now you get to tell me again all about how wonderful this trouble-free board software works with all the updates - you know, the ones you are refusing to explain what improvements they've made, what security issues they cure and what security issues this board ever had in the first place. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
  6. Well, maybe you're using Windows XP . . .
  7. By any chance, do they also make one called 'LMTU Block'?
  8. Oh, right . . . It's because I use Windows XP. It's the fault of Windows XP, not the board software. All I have to do is install an upgrade and I'll be in a perfect world. You still haven't answered my questions. And why did you have to tell everyone that we're friends. You just spoiled all the fun of our "argument." "With you in the cooler we will still be friends?" - Robert Graf (German guard Werner), 'The Great Escape'
  9. Before you say I don't answer your question, don't you think it would be a good idea to at least ask one? What question is that? Yes, I use phpbb. Yes, if something goes wrong with my board I will install a new version of it. No, I see no value in support of something that needs no support. Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows XP. Meanwhile my Windows XP works perfectly while I see constant complaints and problems with newer versions of Windows. I'm not planning to "upgrade" that either. If you want to evade my questions by coming up with excuses not to provide answers, that's your choice. However, I believe the real reason you won't answer is because you have no answers. I think this board does not and has not had security problems. I think you are as aware as I am that some of these upgrades have caused more problems than they have solved. I'm in the 21st century, have no fear. I'm in it without my head buried in the sand about trying to say you need to fix problems that don't need fixing and were never problems in the first place. If you want to continue installing these upgrades, be my guest. Meanwhile, the software problems I see as a board member still exist and so far the upgrades have caused them, not fixed them. Instead of trying to go after me, what you ought to be doing is going after the software company that sold you a board with flaws and does nothing to repair them and apparently consistently insists they are fixing security problems. Why are they having so many security problems? Why can't they fix simple problems such as screen size and keeping people logged in? Let me know their answer once you contact them about it. Your serve . . .
  10. None at all. I received that information too. I see nothing there that would be a reason to do a so-called upgrade. If I was having problems with my board, I'd upgrade, but I'm not having any problems and I've seen the kinds of problems "upgrades" can cause. Why on earth you're so insistent in defending a software company that can't get it right goes beyond me. Do you think I'm attacking this board? If that's what you think, you're wrong. I'm attacking the software company, not the content of this board. I'm going to repeat what I've asked several times before, including on this topic, and still have no answer: "So, tell me - precisely what security and vulnerability issues have been fixed and tell me whether this board has been having problems with any of these issues."
  11. And as long as my board continues to run trouble free I see no reason to install these "upgrades." You keep saying it takes care of security issues. I'm not having any security issues. I've asked precisely what security issues these upgrades are supposed to fix and I've also asked whether this board was experiencing security issues in the first place. I have yet to see an answer posted. So, tell me - precisely what security and vulnerability issues have been fixed and tell me whether this board has been having problems with any of these issues. With all the upgrades that have been added to this board software, every one of them are supposed to have fixed security issues. And yet every few months they come out with another upgrade that's supposed to fix security issues. There must be a hell of a lot of security issues that need fixing. The only differences I've seen with this board software when upgrades are installed are no differences at all or problems. I've been on this board ever since the day you opened it and if anything about it has changed as a result of these upgrades, other than squeezing in the board from both sides, I've missed it. "Keep Me Logged In" doesn't work anymore, at least for me. It used to, but then came an upgrade. That's when it stopped working and still won't work. That's my next question. Other than fixing security issues that weren't causing problems to this board to begin with, what has improved from the board member end? As far as I can tell, "upgrade" is the wrong word. So, you're right. I don't get it and until someone gives me a good reason to upgrade a board that's already running perfectly, with no security issues, vulnerability issues, or any other serious problems, I intend to continue to not get it. _____________ Actually, I just found one "improvement." Now the editor doesn't work. I made a small edit to the message above and clicked "save changes." Guess what - it didn't save the changes and just sat there. To add this part to my post I had to switch to the "Use Full Editor" and click "Submit Modified Post" to do it. You want to tell me again all about how these "upgrades" improve the board? So, I repeat: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  12. Is this where I start saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" again . . . ?
  13. I think it's a plant. If I remember correctly it's some sort of a shrub and I think in a desert somewhere, but I don't remember where.
  14. Isn't there an option to delete the phonies rather than inactivate them? I prefer deleting them because I'll have an accurate membership list and my board will show an accurate number of registered members. In any case, maybe this is a good time to explain to everyone why these phony registration companies do this. I'm going to leave it to you to do the explaining. You explained it to me before, but you know much more about it than I do.
  15. I can answer that for you because it's precisely the same problem I had with my own board. The phony Russian bot company has found this board. I get up to 100 of these phony bot registrations daily, and often more than that. That's why I disabled automatic registration on my board and personally approve new registrations. I also require people registering legitimately to send a confirmation Email to me before I'll approve their registration - to make sure it's actually a human registering and not a bot. Every few days I do a sweep-out of the phonies. I don't know how the software works on this board, but on mine it's quite simple - one click and presto! They're gone. This board will probably have to do something similar to put a stop to it.
  16. I have a much more effective method. I just picture you lurking in a toilet, cottaging. That causes a total loss of appetite, along with acute nausea. Usually lasts for days . . .
  17. Of course I knew. That's the film you keep showing over and over again at the Salubrious Estate. I'd comment on the rest of your post, but it's too incoherent to be understandable - just like most of your posts.
  18. You don't have to worry. I stopped looking in the mirror at all long ago. I kept running out of tissue to wipe away my tears . . . I'm on a diet too. My goal is within the next six years being able to see my feet.
  19. What do you mean, "old"!?!?!
  20. Given that you're shocked brings tears to my eyes - nobody's perfect . . .
  21. I'm not outraged at all. I couldn't care less about HeyGay's opinion about anything. I also couldn't care less if he wants to haunt toilets to look for boys. The one thing he does well, in my opinion, is reporting bar information. He does do a good job of that. It would be nice, however, if he would at least start writing coherently in the language the rest of us have agreed upon. Other than that, the rest of it is, again only my personal opinion, what you would find in an un-flushed toilet in some of those places he goes cottaging. I did hear, however, he managed to pick up a true "stunner" - a genuine "quality" boy at one of those toilets, and took him back to the Salubrious Estate and onto his king-size water bed. Afterwards the boy gave the bed a name: "The Dead Sea."
  22. "How often does a man get a compliment like that?" - Topol (Tevye), 'Fiddler on the Roof'
  23. Thank God for that! I can't think of anything on earth more revolting than the idea of you putting anything in my mouth. "What a nauseating prospect!" - Charles Laughton (Sir Wilfrid), 'Witness for the Prosecution'
  24. Well said. Very well said.
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