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Gay Guides Forum


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Everything posted by Gaybutton

  1. Many of you are probably familiar with the GayRomeo web site at http://www.gayromeo.com . They have published the following open letter: _____ 11 Jan: Is YouTube homophobic? As you might have read on our startpage, we had more trouble with YouTube over Christmas. Our Christmas video and the whole GayRomeo account was – once again - deleted without any prior warning. Unfortunately YouTube hasn’t reacted to any of our inquiries. So we have decided to write an open letter to YouTube. We do not think it is acceptable that YouTube should rate and remove a harmless non-sexual video as “inappropriate” - just because it shows openly gay artists. To draw attention to this situation, we have written an open letter to YouTube and we give you our permission to copy, forward or publish this letter as long as you do not edit or modify the text in any way. Thank you for your support, Mother and her GayRomeo Team
  2. Heyyyyyyy, very good. You figured that out all by yourself? But not in other words. Those are the perfect words. The bars are about to become a smoke free environment. Why not follow suit and have this board become a troll free environment? So, since you say that we're going to ban people based solely upon whether we like what they say, and since you're obviously doing your best to be a troll here, three guesses who's most likely to be next . . . Still bored?
  3. I hadn't thought of that. You may be right. Even if they are allowed to open I can't help but wonder who is going to work there. I would think that most locals will be afraid to work there. If the store does eventually open, I believe it is only a question of time before we'll be reading articles about attacks or even murders involving those who work there and/or those who patronize the store.
  4. That applies to any poster. When someone consistently, flagrantly, and intentionally violates the posting rules, no matter how many times he has been asked to stop, has been given warnings, has been placed on moderated mode, etc, it finally gets to a point at which we realize our wishes are going to continue to be ignored and the only way to put a stop to it is to enforce the posting rules, ban the violator, and anything else he posts when he comes in under another guise. We give the violators every reasonable chance before resorting to a ban and it is not done lightly. Unfortunately, sometimes with some people there is simply no other alternative. If such people want to find someone to blame, they need only to look in a mirror.
  5. Correction. It was.
  6. "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it." - Andrew Jackson I have said many times that I'm a smoker. I have also said that I have no problem with a smoking ban in the bars. I don't have any problem at all about stepping outside if I want to light up. However, I have a feeling that the regulation is going to, in the end, mean about as much to the bar owners as the 90 decibel music volume limitation regulation. I hope the ban really works, but I think it definitely rates a "we'll see."
  7. How do I win with some of the posters here? If I post too often, I get criticized for posting too much. If I don't post enough, I get criticized for that. The fact is that I have been out of the country for the past couple of weeks and only checked the web sites a few times while I was gone. I just returned a few hours ago. For those who are bored by this forum, there are several others for you to read. Good or bad, the "almighty moderator" has returned. For the sane, the board trolls might get one or two more posts before they get dumped. For example, one poster seems to be convinced that I am receiving a salary for moderating. I have already said that is not true, but you go right on persisting anyhow. Of course, since you seem to be convinced of it and want to keep saying it, ok . . . prove it.
  8. Thank you, Jim. For those who enjoy Elvis impersonators, a very good one is also at the Captain's Corner restaurant, I believe on Wednesday nights. Maybe this is the same one who will be at La Cage, but I don't know.
  9. Gaybutton

    SIM Cards

    The most popular SIM card is One-Two-Call, available at any phone shop. The time cards are available at any phone shop or convenience store throughout all of Thailand. Most people seem to prefer One-Two-Call because it works well just about everywhere and is the most readily available.
  10. Most of these places have at least somebody who speaks enough English to understand what you want. If you can explain that you have a sore back, or whatever, you can ask that person to explain to the masseur that you want special attention given to the specific problem. I've done that and they do an excellent job. I didn't know about having something done at the hospital. That had never occurred to me. Personally, if it was simply a case of sore back after a long flight, I'd go to the blind masseurs first. I'd probably try the hospital if the problem was something more serious.
  11. Of course, none of the Thai masseurs are doctors, but the ones that seem to be the most skilled are the blind masseurs. From where you are staying, the one that is probably easiest to get to, with an excellent reputation is TBMI (Thai Blind Massage Institute), located in the Jomtien Complex. If you are going to be in Bangkok, one of the most famous massages in the world is the massage done by the monks at Wat Po.
  12. And to all a good night . . .
  13. Sheeeeesh! I wonder who those people are. I also wonder how it is even remotely any of your business or anyone else's, other than GT and myself. However you asked for an honest answer and here it is: If I was being paid, I don't think I would have resigned. Now, if GT wants to start paying me, I wouldn't insult him by saying no, but he has not offered and I have not asked. However, you and your friends 'in the know' go right ahead and believe anything you want.
  14. That is true and it never was the case. But if I had not come back you would have not done the Manhattan's dinner? Well then, if I ever resign again I guess I'll have to wait until after we eat . . .
  15. Well, What can I say? That was certainly a short lived "retirement." Before people start posting that this whole thing was probably planned out between GT and GB just to draw attention or something, I assure you that was not the case. I resigned and I meant it. I really did not expect or intend to return. Meanwhile, much has been taking place behind the scenes. GayThailand and I have been in communication since I resigned. We have been working together to resolve the problems that caused me to want to resign. Those problems have now been settled to my satisfaction, to his satisfaction, and I think many participants on this message board will also be pleased with the outcome once certain aspects of it becomes apparent. GayThailand has asked me to return as moderator and I have agreed to do so. I thank all of you for these kind messages, well most of you anyway. For those who are disappointed that I have returned, that's life . . . I have many people to thank regarding my decision to return, but there is one person who I wish to thank publicly most of all. Rainwalker. Quite frankly, if it wasn't for Rainwalker's patience, understanding, support, and encouragement I never would have agreed to return. I owe him a debt of gratitude. I also owe GayThailand a debt of gratitude for considering my participation here important enough to resolve the problems, some of which were resolved in a way he probably did not wish to do, but did anyway. So, good or bad, I'm back.
  16. I really appreciate all the kind comments. You are all making me feel like Johnny Carson on the day he retired. But I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here posting as always (whether you want me or not). I merely do not wish to be placed in the kind of position having official status places me in anymore. Other than retiring my official status, nothing is going to change.
  17. Effective immediately, I am resigning as moderator for this message board. My reasons for this are many, but mainly I reached this decision because continuing as moderator is causing problems between me and too many of those who I consider to be my closest friends. I keep getting caught in the middle of disputes between others on these boards, disputes that have nothing to do with me and are beyond my control. Some of these disputes have become serious. I live here among my friends and I do not want to be forced to take sides. I have repeatedly asked that these disputes be kept off the message board, but that request continues to be ignored and quite frankly I'm tired of dealing with it and ending up caught in the middle of the very thing I keep trying to prevent. I fully intend to continue posting as always (although at the moment I'm unable. My Internet service has been out since Saturday and I'm still waiting for the technicians to show up to fix the problem. I'm posting this from a friend's apartment). Anyway, all I want to do is live my retirement life in peace and remain friends with everyone. It is no longer possible for me to do that in the capacity of moderator, and I have therefore decided to resign. I intend to continue to help GayThailand to the best of my ability, but not in the role of moderator.
  18. Whatever the answer is, that ain't it. They want the boys to look alive? Great! When do they start looking alive? Most boys in most bars I've been do the "one-knee shuffle" and that's about it. If it takes music at that volume just to get the "one-knee shuffle," then I'd prefer no music at all and the boys can just stand there. That's pretty much what most of them do anyhow.
  19. I heard the same thing, but I have no confirmation of that. Last night I and some friends ate dinner at Sammy's in Sunee Plaza. As far as I could tell, the only bar that was open was TopMan. I didn't go, but my friends did. I did not check any of the Pattayaland bars. Expect the bar scene to be the same next weekend as well. The nature of this alcohol ban has earned a place on my "I Don't Get It" list. At least regarding the gay bars, the clientele is virtually 100% "farang." "Farang" don't vote in Thai elections. A great many bar employees are too young to vote in the first place and for those who are old enough to vote, voting has ended for the day by the time the bars open. So, what's the problem? I don't get it. There is confusion from among the bar owners as to whether they are even allowed to open at all, provided they sell only non-alcoholic beverages. The following appears in the PATTAYA CITY NEWS: _____ Police Enforce Alcohol Ban During First Phase of Voting in General Election Pattaya Police were on the streets on Friday Night to enforce National Regulations relating to an Alcohol Ban during the first phase of voting for the General Election. Venues are not permitted to sell Alcoholic Beverages until Sunday Night at Midnight and any venue found to be flouting these regulations are subject to a possible 60 day closure notice. We joined the Police as they toured the City. Walking Street was very quiet with the majority of indoor bars deciding not to open. Many Beer Bars were open but were selling only soft drinks. Police did find some bars selling beer and spirits and the owners of the bars were arrested and taken to the Police Station for questioning and further action. Bar owners have been left confused as to whether they are allowed to open or not over the weekend, assuming they sell only soft drinks. There were reports of some Go-Go Bars being shut down by Police despite them selling only soft drinks, whereas other bars were allowed to remain open after Police checked them and found that no alcohol was beings served. The confusion is likely to continue over the weekend as holidaymakers and bar owners come to terms with the alcohol ban.
  20. Last night (Friday) I received a call from a friend who was in Sunee Plaza. He said all the bars were closed. That means they probably will also be closed Saturday and Sunday night, at least this week. I have not yet heard whether the Pattayaland bars were open.
  21. I have been very satisfied with MaxNet. Their office is on the top floor at Carrefour. Give them a try.
  22. Gaybutton

    Villa Market

    Villa Market and California Fitness are virtually next door to each other in the complex. To get there from Pattayaland, just take a baht bus north on Second Road. It will be on your right when you get to Soi 13. If you get as far as the Lek Hotel, then you just passed it. Don't worry, you can't miss it.
  23. Thank you again for these posts. I think many have learned quite a bit from it, including me. If nothing else, we now know they give you a dressing down for not dressing up . . .
  24. Hmmmm, wasn't he the Secretary of State for War in the UK during the early 60's . . . ?
  25. Whatever it is, it must be something fairly new. I had the same kind of visa when I first applied for the retirement visa, but they dated the expiration date for the retirement visa 12 months after the date I first entered Thailand, and not a a year from the expiration date of the Type "O" visa. Ok, great! I'm glad you gents are getting lucky with this.
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