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Everything posted by Gaybutton

  1. Right. Meanwhile, compared to you, I'm anorexic.
  2. "Your powers of observation do you credit, Mr. Bond." Lois Chiles (Dr. Goodhead), 'Moonraker' Obviously I have my reasons why I won't say anything more. Also, I don't give a damn about 'Beachlover.' He was dealt with long ago. It's the current troll.
  3. Are you gents actually swallowing this troll's malarkey about who he is trying to pass himself off as being? Maybe some of you don't remember another troll who went by the screen name "Beachlover." He tried to do the same thing - pass himself off as a young, rich, Asian yuppie who thought he was in a position to criticize everyone else. He was eventually caught out as being nothing but a liar - same as this guy - who was in reality no younger than the rest of us, definitely not even Asian, and no more wealthy than the average farang. It's perfectly obvious to me this guy is nothing but a troll trying to do the same thing - just some nut case who gets his jollies when he succeeds at making others angry and/or manages to get them upset. When he actually has guts enough to personally meet some of you and identify himself - then, and only then, will he at least be credible as the young guy he passes himself off to be. I'm still waiting for him to show up at Elephant Plaza, identify himself, and show us the waiter who was so aggressive with him. You want that public apology from me, Qualityonly? Show up, show us the waiter, and get it.
  4. That's "calling your bluff", genius. I don't know what bluff you think you're calling. You're the one trying to bluff your way through getting caught out. You're the one too much of a coward to go to Elephant Plaza, identify yourself, and show us the waiter that treated you so horribly. But you're excellent at hiding behind internet anonymity. Goooood. Please keep right on in putting your foot in your mouth and demonstrating to everyone who reads this board that you're nothing but a troll. I know it. You know it. Gary knows it. Every waiter now working at Elephant Plaza knows it. And every customer who has ever been to All of Me knows it. Personally, I'm greatly enjoying watching you get more and more flustered and beside yourself with rage. As for responding to your crap anymore, nope. I'm done. Sorry, you're not even good enough at this to suck me in any further.
  5. That just brings tears to my eyes . . .
  6. That's right, I wouldn't. I wouldn't have had to on my board. I would have simply dumped him and his posts the first time the bullshit started. That doesn't mean I won't go after a troll this way on boards that allow it. Molotov: "I have never been spoken to like that in my life." Harry Truman: "If you and Stalin would keep your agreements, you wouldn't get spoken to like that."
  7. That's quite a 'quality' post you've got there, just above, Qualityonly. Partially quoting my post and can't even get that in place correctly. You had to actually click the POST icon to get it there. What's the matter - too flustered to come up with a response because now you realize many are fully aware of the kind of troll you've really turned out to be? Plenty of people at Elephant Plaza right now, as I write this. There's a popular show going on. Why don't you just trot on over, identify yourself, and show everybody the offending waiter you're talking about? Poll the customers and let us know how many were harassed this evening by that same waiter. Now that would make a real show. Go ahead. Humiliate me. Get yourself that public apology.
  8. You're the only person I know of ever to accuse that bar of any wrongdoing whatsoever. None of the waiters have ever been aggressive to any of the regulars and none of us have ever seen any of the waiters being aggressive to anyone else. Only you. Based on knowing the waiters, knowing the bar, knowing the owner, and knowing people who are there virtually every night, I don't believe one word of what you're saying. I don't have any idea what your reasons are behind this, but as far as I'm concerned you're nothing but a troll who has some sort of personal vendetta against the bar and you're not above making up a bunch of bullshit to try to convince people that such an incident actually happened. I know that Gary, the former owner, read your accusation. I also know that you never bothered to say one word to him about what you're trying to convince people that happened. Gary checked with every regular and every waiter. Conclusion? Bullshit. Good riddance to that bar? Good job, Qualityonly. You've managed to get plenty of people who, once you leave Pattaya, will be saying good riddance to you. Next time you're in Sunee Plaza, go to the Elephant Plaza bar. The All of Me waiters are all working there now. The customer regulars will be there and sometimes I'm there too. Identify yourself to us, if you have the guts - which I'm sure you don't - and then show us which waiter you're talking about. If what you said turns out to be true, I'll be the first one to publicly apologize to you, both at the bar and on this board. Why do I have a feeling you showing up to point out the waiter will never happen? That's along with knowing damned well that your accusation never happened either.
  9. That part is obvious. Sorry, but you're not going to suck me into this nonsense. You tried to make it appear that I was contradicting myself. You lost. Instead of trying to continue by nitpicking and asking loaded questions, accept it and move on. You want a last word? Go right ahead. I'm done with this.
  10. You're the one who tried to make my statements appear as contradictions. I'll say again, if I wanted to know why gay Arabs "risk their life in Pattaya," I would ask a gay Arab. If you hang on to anything as if it were Gospel, wouldn't you first have to believe the Gospel is worth hanging onto in the first place?
  11. Good. You should.
  12. I think maybe you've been reading too many bkkguy posts. Apparently you're looking for a contradiction since you emphasized that I also said I would never ask. In the statement above, did you disregard the part where I wrote, "If I wanted an answer"? Yes, I would ask a gay Arab if I wanted an answer. For a very simple reason I don't want an answer. The reason is because I couldn't care less. Sorry, no contradiction.
  13. Mind? The way things are these days, it's probably the neighbor, friend, uncle, sister, colleague controlling the web cam . . .
  14. I wouldn't walk up to anyone, Arab or anyone, and ask, "Pardon me, are you a fag?" But it's a different story if it's perfectly obvious. In any case I would never ask in the first place. Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't care less whether they are risking their lives or not. As for risking their lives riding on their motorbikes, I couldn't care less about that either. What I do care about is the manner by which they drive, they're risking my life. If they're going to be killed riding on motorbikes like total idiots, I'd be sorry it happened, but if it is inevitable, at least let it happen before they get as far as wherever I happen to be. For some strange reason, I never did like being in the line of fire. Why can't they wear curl-toed shoes and ride around on flying carpets instead?
  15. Maybe they just can't think of a better place to risk their life . . . If I wanted an answer to that question, you know what I would do? I would ask a gay Arab.
  16. Yes. Also, I did not express an opinion as to whether I think Thailand's Social Security system is a particularly good one or not. The intent of my post was simply to point out what Thailand does have.
  17. Unless something has changed, that's not quite true. http://www.expatfocus.com/expatriate-thailand-social-security http://www.sso.go.th/wpr/eng/index.html
  18. He may have already done that, but it's not that simple. It doesn't mean the staff is always going to listen. Talk to bar owners and restaurant owners. They'll invariably complain that one of the toughest problems is training the staff. They can be told over and over again what to do and what not to do, but they just don't listen. The owner of All of Me is on top of those kinds of things when he is made aware of them. Just a couple months ago one of the boys wanted to have his birthday party at the bar and wanted to set up a loudspeaker with music. Gary told him he can't be there that night, but he'll allow it. He instructed the boy that the speaker needs to be set up in the back of the bar and he was quite specific about the volume level limit. The boy understood perfectly. Meanwhile the boy knew Gary wasn't going to be there. Instead of doing as he was instructed, he set up the loudspeaker at the entrance to the bar and the music was played at full volume, driving off most of the customers, including the regulars. I was not there that night, but I was there the next night. Gary had no idea he had been disobeyed. I was right there when some of the regulars informed him what had happened. Gary was furious. The "birthday boy" was not there. Among the things Gary said was, "Tomorrow, somebody's going to be out of a job." He meant it. The boy was fired as soon as he showed up the next night. Now that same boy is a go-go boy in Eros.
  19. Gary does read my board. Whether he reads any others, I have no idea. I never asked. In any case, suppose he's reading this topic. Unless someone with a complaint about a waiter speaks to him directly and points out the waiter, how is he supposed to know which waiter the person is complaining about? And how is he supposed to know whether to believe the complainer at face value or if it's just somebody making a mountain out of a molehill? As for other bar owners, I don't know what boards they read, if any.
  20. That waiter might not even really have been a waiter. Sometimes boys freelance there. In any case, I think it's unfair to blacklist the place if he hasn't even spoken to Gary, the owner. Gary probably isn't even be aware of a problem. If he is made aware of it, I know him well enough to know he'll do something about it. And I agree with A447a. If a waiter is being pushy, what's the hard part about telling him not to bother you about another drink unless you call him over? What Qualityonly saw as being pushy might have simply been the waiter's idea of trying to be accommodating. Whenever I go to Sunee Plaza, I always start out at All of Me. I have never been subjected to a pushy waiter there and I have never seen anyone subjected to a pushy waiter, and as far as I know Qualityonly is the only person who has ever had this complaint.
  21. Gaybutton

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