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Everything posted by Gaybutton

  1. "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." - Groucho Marx
  2. Thank you for that, and you are correct. Several of us do know each other quite well and are always happy to make new friends and help people new to Pattaya.. If you are interested, every Thursday a group, usually 12 to 18 people, meet for dinner at 7:00pm at Sunee Plaza's Ting Tong Red bar. The owner, Mario, serves a meatloaf dinner. If you are interested, let me know and I'll be happy to put you in touch with the gent who makes all the arrangements. Also, nearly every night, right next door to Ting Tong Red, is the Elephant bar. A small group can almost always be found there at "The Round Table" from about 8:30pm-10:00pm. You would be most welcome. Most of these people have lived in Pattaya for many years and are just the right people to meet if you are new to Pattaya and don't have man farang friends just yet. You'll know all the ins and outs of Pattaya in no time. If you are not familiar with my board, it's: http://www.gaybuttonthai.com
  3. No apology necessary. I can't speak for Fountainhall, but I certainly don't mind at all. You're welcome to use anything at all, any time you want, that you find on my board if you would also like to have it on your board.
  4. Why am I not surprised?
  5. Thais interested in bondage - that must be "The Thai that Binds" . . . Don't feel badly that the BDSM club closed. I often see local people, both Thai and farang, interested in BDSM advertising themselves on Planet Romeo.
  6. You're going to have to do better than that. Out of curiosity I looked for the pic. I can't find it. You need to either attach the pic to your post or give us the exact URL for the pic so that all anyone needs to do is click on the URL and the pic comes up.
  7. Thank you. That explanation makes sense out of it, although it does bother me that here we are in 2017 and there is still such a stigma attached not only to being gay, but the word gay itself. I'd like to live long enough to see the day when there is no longer any kind of stigma attached to gay at all. I believe that day will come. I also believe the day will come when indisputable proof of life on other planets is finally discovered. My only question is which day will come first. I hope I live long enough to see both, but somehow I doubt I'll live long enough to see either. Oh well, at least I now, thanks to Alexx, have an explanation about the name change.
  8. I get annoyed at "new and improved" when I can't figure out what needed improving to begin with. Was there something wrong with their "classic" format that virtually cried out for improvement? I'm not particularly confused by their new site, but I too intend to stick with the "classic" site. That's what I'm used to and that's what I like. I can't find any aspect at all on their "improved" site that strikes me as any better than it was in the first place. I have a similar peeve in certain grocery stores. I finally get to know just where certain items that interest me are located, and then some schmuck who apparently has nothing better to do decides that all kinds of things need to be moved around. Now I can't find what I'm looking for when during my last visit I knew exactly where to look. Same for Planet Romeo. While I greatly appreciate the site and have met many wonderful boys because of it, when it comes to major changes and moving things around - you know - to improve the site, my first question would be "Who asked you to improve the site?" While we're at it, I would also want to know, "Who asked you to change the name from Gay Romeo to Planet Romeo? You did that for what?" Oh well - maybe we'll get lucky and the improved format will confuse the Pattaya boys so much that they'll all return to doing their farang hunting on the beach. As far as I'm concerned, that would be an improvement . . .
  9. You don't have to use their new site. You have the option of using the new site or sticking with their "classic" site. I too dislike their "new and improved site." What were we using before, old and crummy? In any case, if you prefer to remain with their "classic" site, the URL is: https://classic.planetromeo.com/
  10. I'd say the more open your wallet is, the more open the boys will be.
  11. I too recommend both Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn, with Siam Commercial Bank as a third choice. Debit cards are 300 baht or less, depending on the bank. I am able to withdraw money from any ATM in the world. They all have online banking with English interface. I haven't checked the others, but Bangkok Bank has a non-commercial branch in New York. I easily arranged to have my retirement pension direct deposited into my Bangkok Bank account via the New York branch. The transfer is instantaneous, meaning the moment the money is deposited via the New York branch, it is immediately available to me in Thailand. That has worked just fine ever since I've lived in Thailand. Even when I am entitled to tax refund, IRS sends my refund to me the same way - direct deposit via the New York branch. I receive a text message on my phone when the money is available. The message includes the gross amount sent, the fee Bangkok Bank deducts (usually about 250 baht), the exchange rate at the moment the deposit is made, and the net amount transferred to my account, both in dollars and baht. The one negative for me about that is a few years ago the USA started requiring that money transferred via a government source has to go into a receive-only account. My money does come from a government source, so I actually have to hold two accounts. One is the receive-only account and the other is my "regular" account. Both appear on online banking, but with the receive-only account the money cannot be touched. I have to physically go to a Bangkok Bank branch and transfer the money out of the receive-only account and placed into my "regular" account. Supposedly, that prevents the money from being accessed in case I die. I asked the manager at my local bank what happens if I am incapacitated in some way and cannot physically go to the bank. He said they would send a bank representative to wherever I am in Thailand and arrange the transfer. See: http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/InternationalNetwork/InternationalBranches/USA/pages/index.aspx Then click on "About Us"
  12. How about some details, ChristianPFC. What did you like about them? What makes them worth a visit?
  13. If it was something such as a trip to his hometown, no problem. But you're going to Boyztown, not to mention the other Pattaya gay venues. Of course you're going to be attracted to other boys and this is your holiday. My advice - don't take him. If you take him, you're asking for trouble and trouble is what you'll get. If you want to help him financially, give him some good farewell money, maybe even buy an airline ticket for him to go to Phnom Penh or wherever to visit his family, say goodbye, and have a fabulous time in Pattaya without having to worry about a boy you brought along - no matter what his motivation might be.
  14. The point is not 'how to save pics' lessons. The point is if the OP had downloaded the boy's pic, by whatever method, and had included it in his post, that would have made it far easier for us to help find him. My suggestion is anyone interested in a particular boy and wants to see him again when he returns to Thailand, or even see him for a first time, making sure to have a good pic of him available - just in case - would be enormously helpful. I even tried looking for Chati on the popular chat app, LINE. Unfortunately there is no user by that name. "153 cm, 45 kg, 21 year old, nice looking" is a description that easily applies to literally hundreds of boys. I have no idea how the OP could even hope any of us could track him down based solely upon that. This is once circumstance in which one picture is probably worth far more than a mere thousand words.
  15. I use Firefox. I don't know what happens to you, but I simply click on the photo I like, let it open, and then do CTRL-S. I've never had a problem.
  16. Firecat69 is right. Especially if it's a money boy, they very often delete one profile and start a new one with a different name. That way they try to appear as if they're new to Planet Romeo. When you log in to Planet Romeo, do a "Detailed User Search" for Pattaya, Bangkok, or wherever. If it is checked, uncheck "online Now", and then select "Newest Accounts First." Chances are very good that you'll do the search and Bingo! There he is . . . Do you know if he is a bar boy? If he is, you might check the gay bars to try to find him. Maybe you won't find him, but you at least can have a good time looking for him. Something else to think about - As a 'just in case,' next time you find a boy you like, download at least one good face pic of him, if available. If you open the pic and then do a CTRL-S, on Planet Romeo the picture will download. If you had a pic of him and posted it, that would make it much easier for us to help you find him. Don't forget to check some of the other gay hookup sites too, such as Grindr, Hornet, et al. I've seen many times when, for whatever reason, a boy will delete his Planet Romeo profile, but has an active profile on other hookup sites.
  17. You're probably right. Nevertheless, when deciding whether or not it's worth the risk to break a law when visiting a foreign country, at least base the decision on facts, not erroneous information, especially when it comes to controlled substances.
  18. Condoms / Lube / PoppersCondoms and lube are widely available, although the best advice is to bring your own. Poppers are illegal in Thailand. https://www.travelgayasia.com/essential-guide-to-thailand/
  19. I haven't tried New York Pizza yet, but for me in Pattaya, so far the best pan pizza is at Pastrami on Rye. The two thin crust pizzas I like best are at Mimosa and Toto. There are also several mom-and-pop pizza places scattered around town, including on "The Dark Side," but I've never tried any of them.
  20. That has been my observation too. The only change I've seen has been the subdued music volume. However the 30-day mourning period is just about over and the music volume will likely be ratcheted up again. Other than that, I've seen no changes at all.
  21. If you're right, then I guess they don't believe in Email attachments, fax machines, or simply entering into their computer system which branch is holding the paper with the actual signature. Apparently they're not happy unless they have the original and it's held in the same bank where the other originals are stored - assuming they're actually kept there in the first place. Oh well, whether you're right about the reason or not, it doesn't really matter. That's how it's done. So, to avoid problems, if you have a new passport just go to the bank branch where you first opened your account.
  22. I didn't know I had to do it at all. I had made several transactions at the bank after receiving my new passport. The branch I usually go to didn't exist at the time I first opened my account, but it's much closer to where I live. They know me there. No transaction problems at all. It was when my bank passbook had become full and they needed to issue a new passbook - that's when they wouldn't do it until I had gone to the branch where I had opened my account and changed the passport number. I still have no idea why it had to be that particular branch. I'm just glad I wasn't out of town somewhere.
  23. I recently renewed my passport. Some banks make you return to the branch where you originally opened your account to change your passport number. Bangkok Bank did that with me. I was at a different branch, but they told me I have to return to the original branch. Don't go to a teller window. Go to one of the bank officer desks. Bring your real passport with you. They will fill out a form with your new passport number, have you sign it, and then enter it into their computer. Now all of their bank branches will have your new passport number on their computers. I have no idea why they can't make the number change at just any branch, but that's the way it worked for me at Bangkok Bank.
  24. The I will correct you. I did not say 0.0001. I said 0.001. If you want to correct me, correct me correctly . . .
  25. I'm not worried about it, but I'm interested. According to the news, two electors from Washington state said if Hillary Clinton wins, they are not going to cast their vote for her. The did not say who they intend to vote for instead or whether they will cast a vote at all. I'm curious to see if they really do that. It has happened, and has happened many times. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faithless_elector
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