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Everything posted by Gaybutton

  1. That's quite an enigmtic enema . . .
  2. As badly as we all feel, it is even more sad for many of us. Allen was to have been released from the hospital, move into a new condo in Jomtien Complex, and there was even to be a party for him and his friends this Friday afternoon. Those of us who were told about the party received the news about it only this morning. Based on getting that kind of news I thought he was improving. Now to hear that Allen died only a few hours later is coming as a very sad shock. Allen did so much for the gay community. His passing is a terrible loss. I suppose the usual cliché is the one about being glad his suffering is over. But that doesn't help very much. Goodbye Allen. I and many others are going to miss you more than can be said. You will not be forgotten and your legacy continues via the Weekly Reports. I also think both Travelerjim and PattayaMale deserve great recognition for having constantly been there for Allen over these last terrible weeks. I'm sure they're feeling a great personal loss. I spoke briefly with Ken, Allen's Thai boyfriend and owner of the Little Mango restaurant just outside of Sunee Plaza. Ken is holding up as well as can be expected. He said, "Half my heart hurt so much, but half my heart happy Allen not have to have pain more." Allen had been released from the hospital and was very happy and excited about his new surroundings at Jomtien Complex. It was exactly where he wanted to be and he was truly pleased right up until his final moments. Early this afternoon he took a turn for the worse and was taken by ambulance back to the hospital. He passed away in ICU. Allen's family and the USA Embassy have been informed. At this point nobody can be certain of the funeral arrangements, but from what I understand he will be cremated at Wat Chai. Once arrangements are known we will, of course, post them here.
  3. Fountainhall's versions may be the accurate ones, but I sure like lvdkeyes' versions much better. Something I've always wondered about is "enema." I don't wonder about the word. I wonder about how it came to be. Somebody had to think of that. And then, somebody had to be the first person to voluntarily allow a lot of water to be squirted up his ass. I don't know how that came about, but some interesting pictures certainly come to mind . . .
  4. I think so. That's what I do. That filter on the ADSL line allows you to use the telephone line normally while also using the Internet. I pay TOT a flat rate of 139.10 baht per month. I don't even have a telephone attached to my land line anymore. It attaches directly to my computer. Of course, the charge increases if I use that line to send out faxes. That's the only thing, other than the Internet, that I even use the land line for, and that's only once or twice a year at the most. For me, what needs to be faxed can also be sent by Email attachment, so it's quite rare for me to need to send faxes at all.
  5. Consider it added. And another item for the list is the airport buses. Considering the number of international flights that arrive and depart in the middle of the night, why do the buses stop running in the early evening? Are they afraid to come out to play in the dark or something? I don't get that one either. Maybe certain members of the local constabulary ought to start running a bus service. That way more potential shoplifting scam victims can be brought in. They could call it the "Extortion Express." As for the effectiveness of this crackdown, why does the phrase, "Yeah, right!" come to mind?
  6. The following appears in the BANGKOK POST: _____ Taxi Cheats, Fake Tour Guides Targeted Writer: AMORNRAT MAHITTHIROOK Published: 10/08/2009 Unregistered tour guides and taxis are facing fines of 2,000 baht and/or a year in jail as part of Suvarnabhumi airport's new get tough policy. The taxi cheats and illegal tour guides followed when Bangkok International Airport moved from Don Mueang to Suvarnabhumi three years ago. There have been attempts to flush them out but they just keep coming back. Airports of Thailand Plc chairman Piyaphan Champasut said yesterday a subcommittee on transport control at the airport had been set up in May to enforce suppression measures on illegal tour guides and taxis. The subcommittee is chaired by Land Transport Department director-general Chairat Sanugansue. A special operation unit will work on the ground to ensure the crackdown is effective. It will also enforce measures such as zoning and parking time limits. Mr Piyaphan yesterday met the Tourist Police Bureau and the Department of Land Transport to discuss the problems at the airport. The airport was declared a controlled area for tour guides and taxis in 2006. Mr Piyaphan said scores of illegal tour guides and taxi drivers were arrested and fined, but they simply came back. The airport will now strengthen the measures. Unregistered tour guides and taxis could be fined 2,000 baht and face up to a year in prison. The punishment would be heavier if they adopt an aggressive sales pitch or engage in physical abuse, and if they operate at night. They can be jailed for up to five years and fined up to 10,000 baht. Mr Piyaphan was confident the stricter measures would start to show results in the next two months. Assessments would be made every 15 days to see if they were working.
  7. I'm fascinated by those. I never knew any of them. I love this kind of stuff.
  8. Unfortunately, that kind of story is not uncommon. I realize that when you're in Thailand on a holiday you really don't have time to get to know someone before taking him on trips, taking him off for days at a time, etc. It's a risk and everyone has to decide whether to take the risk. Sometimes it's fantastic and sometimes it's a disaster. If I found myself in your situation, I probably would have given him bus fare back to Pattaya and would have told him to go stay with his family until he wants to go back. I definitely would have gotten out of that situation somehow. You certainly didn't come to Thailand to end up spending a lot of time and money on a drunk and having him ruin your holiday for you. Your story is actually quite mild compared to many I've heard over the years. But many people who find themselves in a similar situation and are new to Thailand just don't know how to handle that kind of situation and don't really know what to do. I think your story probably will help out a lot of "newbies."
  9. On this one I got 877 download, 238 upload On this one I got 876 download, 359 upload 2:05pm, Thailand time As for MaxNet's service, it's somewhere between fair and good, in my opinion. I don't have too many problems, but when I do usually a phone call to them takes care of it. There may have to be a few calls back and forth, but they do call back and try to get problems taken care of quickly. There have been times, however, when I had to make a few trips to their office on the second floor of Carrefour. Despite assurances that the problem has been taken care of, sometimes it does require two or three visits before the problem really is resolved.
  10. What other services? I neither know nor understand the technicalities of it. I have been told the same thing that lvdkeyes was told, but I have no idea whether whoever it was who told me was qualified to know how it all works. What I do know is ever since I switched over to MaxNet I have had good speed, very few problems, and acceptable service.
  11. Since nobody else seems to want to try this one, here are the answers: 1. What scientist was in charge of the Manhattan Project? Robert Oppenheimer 2. Richard Nixon became famous for his "Checkers" speech. Who or what was Checkers? A dog, given to his daughter. 3. "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" To whom was that directed? (Hint: it wasn't directed toward me, although there are some who probably think it ought to be . . .) Directed to Senator Joseph McCarthy, spoken by attorney Joseph Welch during the Army-McCarthy hearings. 4. What was the name of the Borden Milk cow? Elsie 5. In which state will you find the original Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant? Kentucky (I was hoping you would think it's a trick question and must be somewhere else) 6. Richard Boone starred in the television western "Have Gun, Will Travel." What was the name of his character? Paladin 7. What was Raw Umber? A crayon color in the large boxes of Crayola crayons. 8. When the White House was being renovated, where did President Harry Truman reside? At the Blair House, across the street from the White House. 9. Spring Byington played Lily Ruskin in a popular 1950's sitcom. What was the name of the sitcom? December Bride 10. What mint brand was advertised as containing Retsyn and was "Two. Two. Two mints in one."? Certs 11. What two characters would use the "Wayback" machine? Two cartoon characters: Mr. Peabody and Sherman (from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show) 12. The 1968 Super Bowl, New York Jets vs Oakland Raiders, with 65 seconds to go the broadcast was cut so that NBC could start a movie on time. What was the movie? Heidi 13. What cartoon character was the "star" of Thimble Theater? Popeye 14. Despite their famous feud, Joan Crawford and Bette Davis starred together in one movie. What was the name of movie? Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? 15. Joan Crawford and Bette Davis agreed to star together in another movie, but Joan Crawford died shortly after filming began. Olivia de Havilland replaced her. What was the name of the movie? Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte 16. Who said the following: "A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore." "I never said most of the things I said." "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." "It's like deja-vu, all over again." "It gets late early out there." "It ain't over till it's over." Yogi Berra 17. "From Television City . . ." Where was Television City? Hollywood 18. In what country did the Mau Mau Rebellion occur? Kenya 19. Who said, "Say the secret word and win a hundred dollars"? Groucho Marx 20. Who said, "We will bury you!"? Nikita Krushchev
  12. It depends on the bar and the policies. When you tip the boy, just ask him if he gets to keep it or if he has to pool all or part of it.
  13. I always enjoy it when some of these bars are called clubs. Sounds almost as if it's the Boy Scouts or something. Somehow, not many of these 'clubs' are very much like upper-crust British men's clubs or like my mother's Bridge club.
  14. In some cases that's true, but it's not usually as sinister as you might think. While it may be placed in the hands of the owner, that doesn't mean he's necessarily keeping it. At closing time the tips are usually distributed to the staff. Unfortunately, there are some owners and mama-sans who do keep it, or keep a sizable portion of it. Sometimes, when the mama-san is in control of the tips, he is often also in control of which boys get how much. Many boys tip the mama-san when they get taken off or if the mama-san pushed a customer in the direction of certain boys and the farang took the boy off. Guess who gets much better share of the tip than others. In some bars, when the tip is given directly to the boy, he gets to keep it. In others, under the ever watchful eye of the mama-san, they are required to contribute it to the tip pool. In many bars you may notice if you buy a drink for the boy, a small slip of paper comes with the boy's drink. That means he gets a tip, usually 20 baht, because the farang bought him a drink. Different bars have different policies when it comes to tips for the boys.
  15. The following appears in PATTAYA ONE: _____ TOT Announces New 8 and 12mb High Speed Internet Packages Pattaya, August 8 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : On Saturday at the Amari Resort and Tower in North Pattaya, the TOT Telecommunications Company held a press conference to announce two new high speed internet packages. Professor Tirawoot, Chairman of the TOT Public Company Committee led the press conference with Khun Itipon, the Mayor of Pattaya. It was announced that with increasing usage of sites such as You Tube, customers are asking for higher speed internet packages. For this reason TOT are launching an 8mb and 12mb Broadband connection. Although the upload speeds will not exceed 512kbps, the better download speeds will drastically improve their internet experience. The cost of the packages is 1,000 Baht per month for the 8mb package and 1,500 Baht per month for the 12mb connection. Set-up is free and a standard modem is also free or you can purchase a wireless router and modem for 1,500 Baht. Also, for new customers in Pattaya and Sattahip who register before 30th September, you will also get 10 hours per day free usage of their wireless network. For more information please contact the TOT Call Center on 1100 or visit the TOT Center located at the Central Pattaya Intersection with Pattaya Third Road.
  16. The following appears in PATTAYA ONE: _____ District Licensing Officers Raid Two Karaoke Bars in South Pattaya Pattaya, August 8 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : In the early hours of Saturday Morning, a team from the Banglamung Distirct Licensing Unit led by Khun Pongsit, the Deputy Chief of Banglamung District conducted a raid on two Karaoke Bars suspected of opening after their permitted licensed opening hours. The first venue to be checked was the JJ Karaoke Bar in Soi Day Night Hotel, off the South Pattaya Road. The venue was open and alcohol was being sold in the premise. A number of patrons and staff members were urine tested and 3 people failed the test and were sent to Pattaya Police Station and later charged with consuming a class 1 drug. The VA Karaoke Bar was the next on their hit list and was also open for business and selling alcoholic beverages to customers despite the late hour. Two staff members failed urine tests and 1 female customer was found to be under the aged of 20. In addition, three staff members were found to be under the age of 18. They were detained along with the manager of the venue and also sent to the Police Station. Reports on both bars will be sent to the Chief of Banglamung District who may decide to revoke their operating licenses.
  17. Looks like I have company. Sheeeeesh. Forget it and move on. If we have to have an argument about something, does it have to be this? It isn't important enough.
  18. Then why on earth are you making an issue out of it? What difference does it make? I pointed out the correct answer. Didn't you want to know the correct answer? 'Your Show of Shows' is the correct answer and that's not what you wrote. Big deal. You still get to pick the prize behind door number 3.
  19. Ok, have it your way. Your answer was absolutely right.
  20. There might be if that was the only mistake. It was called Your Show of Shows. Your answer didn't contain the word "your." You wrote "The" instead of "Your." So, you've got a typo and an incorrect word. I can't really call that a correct answer, can I?
  21. 1. What scientist was in charge of the Manhattan Project? 2. Richard Nixon became famous for his "Checkers" speech. Who or what was Checkers? 3. "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" To whom was that directed? (Hint: it wasn't directed toward me, although there are some who probably think it ought to be . . .) 4. What was the name of the Borden Milk cow? 5. In which state will you find the original Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant? 6. Richard Boone starred in the television western "Have Gun, Will Travel." What was the name of his character? 7. What was Raw Umber? 8. When the White House was being renovated, where did President Harry Truman reside? 9. Spring Byington played Lily Ruskin in a popular 1950's sitcom. What was the name of the sitcom? 10. What mint brand was advertised as containing Retsyn and was "Two. Two. Two mints in one."? 11. What two characters would use the "Wayback" machine? 12. The 1968 Super Bowl, New York Jets vs Oakland Raiders, with 65 seconds to go the broadcast was cut so that NBC could start a movie on time. What was the movie? 13. What cartoon character was the "star" of Thimble Theater? 14. Despite their famous feud, Joan Crawford and Bette Davis starred together in one movie. What was the name of movie? 15. Joan Crawford and Bette Davis agreed to star together in another movie, but Joan Crawford died shortly after filming began. Olivia de Havilland replaced her. What was the name of the movie? 16. Who said the following: "A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore." "I never said most of the things I said." "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." "It's like deja-vu, all over again." "It gets late early out there." "It ain't over till it's over." 17. "From Television City . . ." Where was Television City? 18. In what country did the Mau Mau Rebellion occur? 19. Who said, "Say the secret word and win a hundred dollars"? 20. Who said, "We will bury you!"?
  22. It's either correct or it isn't . . .
  23. Steve Allen's wife: Jayne Meadows Famous sister: Audrey Meadows (most well known as Alice Kramden on Jackie Gleason's "The Honeymooners")
  24. 1. Who was Perry Mason's district attorney rival? Hamilton Burger 2. Who was Don Diego de la Vega? Zorro 3. Ed Sullivan had a little mouse puppet friend whose name was... Topo Gigot 4. Who was the first host of the Tonight Show? Steve Allen 5. "Book him, Dan-o" came from what television show? Hawaii Five-0 6. What was the title of Jack Benny's theme song? Love in Bloom 7. On which popular 1950's television program was Dorothy Kilgallen a panelist? What's My Line 8. What was the name of Sid Caesar's television show? Your Show of Shows 9. Who was "Mr. Television"? Milton Berle 10. If you miss this one, then you must have slept through the 50's: Who was Jack Benny's manservant? Rochester
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