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Gaybutton last won the day on November 29 2022

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  1. There are no problems about a private room at Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital. All of their rooms are private rooms, and that hospital is on Cigna's preferred list.. I once had a stay at Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok. That room was also a private room and it too is on Cigna's preferred list.
  2. I have been with Cigna Global for years. They offer many different options and their prices are quite reasonable. One of the things I like best is they pay the hospital directly, which means I don't have to pay first and then wait for a reimbursement. The only out-of-pocket expense I ever have is paying the deductible. Also, there is no cut-off age. As long as you pay the premiums they will insure you for life no matter how old you get. In my case I have it set up to pay my premiums quarterly and they simply deduct the amount from my Thai bank account. They have always paid without any problems at all and have never rejected payment. Too many insurance companies try to get out of paying or prolong it as long as they can. Nothing like that happens with CIgna. They will insure you anywhere in the world except your home country, so it's best if you don't spend much time in your home country. It is, after all, expat insurance. As for pre-existing conditions, they might refuse to insure, but that is rare. They will more likely give you a more expensive premium or your pre-existing condition will be an exclusion. In my case, the only exclusion is anything resulting from high blood pressure. I don't know why they made than an exclusion. but I have no objection. I do not, and have never had, a high blood pressure problem. Don't try to hide or lie about any pre-existing conditions. Insurance companies have their ways of finding out. I urge anyone looking for expat health insurance to check with Cigna before committing to anything else. https://www.cignaglobal.com/
  3. No. Very sorry, but you know him and you have his contact information. I suggest getting that information directly from him, not from me.
  4. Actually his name is Kelvin, not Kevin. I have no idea whether he is an antivaxer, but suppose he is. What does that have to do with his legal service? He also has a charitable organization and his service includes concrete help if any of his clients eventually get dementia or Alzheimer's. If that makes him an idiot, I'll take his idiocy. Do as you wish, but I am very satisfied with his work and any time I need legal work, he is the man I will be consulting.
  5. I highly recommend Thai888 Law. The owner is Australian. His name is Kelvin. His Thai paralegal staff is quite competent and they speak English. The office is on the ground floor of the View Talay 5 condo, Building A. Enter the building, turn left, and the office is all the way down the hall. I had them make my Thai will. The fee was 6000 baht. https://www.facebook.com/thai888lawpattaya/ Tel: 080 102 8978 I was truly pleased and I think you will be too.
  6. I have a better idea. Don't go there . . .
  7. I'm sure all the responses are accurate, but if it were me, I would be asking the boy of interest. Don't you think the boys know where to go? And I would go with his recommendation because it would be a room he is probably familiar with, likes, and feels comfortable there.
  8. Welcome "home". Don't say you're not good with trip reports. Yes you are. In all the years I've lived here, it has never occurred to me ask for a sample of the massage. I wish I had thought of that. So your first report this trip has already helped me and probably many more than only me.
  9. They are. Do a Google search for "pawn shop Bangkok". I just tried it and dozens come up.
  10. There has been many news articles about scams on Facebook. If you want to buy one from an ad you see on Facebook, do not send money in advance and wait for delivery. I would order from Facebook only COD. The person selling on Facebook is probably perfectly honest, but there has been enough reports to convince me not to trust paying in advance or sending a deposit. If it were me, instead of trying to find secondhand notebooks and pads on Facebook or other online sales such as Craigslist, I would check pawn shops instead. You can see what you are getting and can try it out. At least you would be going home with notebook or pad in hand and you would know where you got it from if anything goes wrong. You might also check Lazada and Shopee. You won't find secondhand, but you might find some within your price range. Lazada and Shopee are reliable and honest. I have been buying from both for years and have never been disappointed.
  11. When I go somewhere to eat, there is this crazy thing I do if I am dissatisfied. Next time I just go to eat somewhere else. I'm not a food snob by any means and I hope I'm not offending anyone, but if I were deciding where want to eat, on my list of places to go, eating at a Foodland would be way down at the bottom of my list.
  12. I am delighted that it worked out that way. That's what it's all about. The money you spent was well worth it and probably will not break the bank . It will come back. But nights and memories like that cannot be replaced.
  13. When these boys are caught over-staying, nothing much happens to them the same as happens to farang over-stayers. Most of the time, if anything happens at all, they are merely sent back to their home country. And it won't be long before they're right back, whether they entered legally or not.
  14. No matter what reasons to take a boy off from a bar, whether sex is involved or not, you are still obligated to give him the same full tip amount that you would for taking him off for sex. Don't cheapskate him on his tip. The tip is the primary reason he agrees to go off with you. Don't forget that. The only exception, in my opinion, would be if he knows what to expect and why you are taking him and agrees to take a lesser tip or forfeit his tip entirely. Make certain it is clear to him, fully understood, and agreed before you take him off. Communicating with him should not be a problem these days. There are several good apps out there in which you can type in and/or speak English into the app and it will translate for him into Thai - and vice versa. He can speak into the app and what he says will translate into English. What comes out is not always perfectly accurate, but close enough. My personal favorite translator app is Voice Tra, but again, there are plenty of others. Give them a try.
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