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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Siam Paragon today At BTS, staff are spraying alcohol into the hands of passengers.
  2. Where to go for a test Feb 26. 2020 https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30382908
  3. Just arrived Suvarnabhumi airport this morning. There was one thermographIc scanner check point where officer was shouting “ walk one by one” urging all passengers to walk in the line. At the immigration hall, I have never seen so few tourists, only 4 or 5 people, considering I always use the same flight it’s quite alarming. There was a big bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser beside fingerprint scanner. Immigration officer was quick to clean his hands after handling my passport. At the hotel, every receptionists were wearing face mask and there was a note saying masks are complementary for guests if requested. Me? I am armed with N95 masks, disposable surgical gloves and tons of hand sanitisers. lol
  4. I believe this new screening measure includes US passengers transit in Japan. “Inbound passengers from Japan and Singapore will have to undergo the same screening procedures as those from China,” he said. “Incoming planes from these three countries will stop at separated bays at the FEC building, while passengers will have to go through two thermal scanners – at the FEC gates and immigration checkpoint.” Suthirawat said passengers showing symptoms similar to those of the new coronavirus pneumonia such as fever and coughing will be quarantined at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute. https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30382325
  5. A few affluent mainlanders are extending their stay in Bangkok as they are fearful of going back to their country. Overall customer number is obviously decreasing but those who are cancelling BKK holiday are mostly “watch show only, no off” type customers. Regular Chinese customers are still coming so boys are getting offed at this point in time.
  6. Yet, the super spreader in UK was a British guy who traveled to Singapore and unwittingly infected 11 people. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/coronavirus-superspreader-steve-walsh-discharged-from-hospital-11932275
  7. Nicky is working at Hub Club?
  8. I think it’s Fake Club. I heard he used to work there 1-2 years ago?
  9. Experts Warn Coronavirus May Be Spreading Undetected in Indonesia, Thailand By Steve Baragona February 6, 2020 08:35 PM Passengers wearing medical masks walk as they arrive at international arrival terminal of I Gusti Ngurah Rai airport following an outbreak of the new coronavirus in China, in Bali, Indonesia, February 4, 2020. Picture taken February 4, 2020. REUTERS… The number of coronavirus cases reported in Indonesia and Thailand is well below what scientists would expect, given how closely connected the countries are to the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak. That raises concerns that the virus may be spreading undetected in those countries, potentially adding fuel to the epidemic that has so far killed over 600 people and sickened over 31,000. "Indonesia has reported zero cases, and you would expect to have seen several already," said epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, co-author of a new study posted on medRxiv. Thailand has reported 25 cases, "but you would expect more," he added. Cambodia has reported just one case, which Lipsitch said is "not very likely," but "not completely beyond what you would expect." The research is based on estimates of the average number of airline passengers flying from Wuhan to other cities around the world. More passengers would presumably mean more cases. Immigration officers wearing protective suits prepare immigration for Thai nationals evacuated from China's Wuhan province, the center of the coronavirus epidemic, at the U-Tapao airport in Rayong province, Thailand, Feb. 4, 2020. Going undetected? Health systems in Indonesia and Thailand may not be catching cases, Lipsitch said, which could create problems for the rest of the world. "Undetected cases in any country will potentially seed epidemics in those countries," he added, which can spread beyond their borders. Lipsitch's group's research is one of three recent studies to say that the virus was likely to reach Indonesia. None of these studies has gone through the normal scientific process of review by outside experts, however. During this fast-moving outbreak, researchers have been posting findings online and on preprint servers to share what they hope will be helpful information. Experts caution that these publications should be taken with an extra grain of salt. But researchers contacted by VOA said the findings were plausible and help address some lingering questions. In China, the number of people infected has been climbing daily. But outside China, the outbreak has barely budged. That has puzzled health experts. Where are they? "This [study] does get at, I think, a significant question that a number of us have, which is: Where are these cases?" said virologist Christopher Mores at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, who was not involved with the research. "It's either that transmission is demonstrably different outside of the main outbreak zone for some reason that has not yet been described," Mores said, "or we're just not capturing it and counting it, and there's a failure to detect." This study suggests the latter, he added. FILE - Students line up to sanitize their hands to avoid the contact of coronavirus before their morning class at a high school in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Jan. 28, 2020. Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia are screening travelers from China at the border. "Indonesia is doing what is possible to be prepared for and defend against the novel coronavirus," the World Health Organization's Indonesia representative, Dr. Navaratnasamy Paranietharan, told the Sydney Morning Herald. However, he added, "there is still more work to do in the areas of surveillance and active case detection." 'Beef things up' These countries are not the only places with shortcomings in their public health systems, said epidemiologist Art Reingold at the University of California-Berkeley's School of Public Health. "I wouldn't want people to think everyone else is doing a great job. We need to beef things up in a lot of places," he added, and not just in the developing world. "We think we're doing a good job," he said. "People think they're doing a good job in France or whatever, but I don't think we can afford to make that assumption." While some countries start to cut connections with China in hopes of keeping out the disease, Mores said, those measures may not help if the virus is spreading under the radar in countries that don't. "There's certainly plenty of places, especially in the developing world, that are not going to be able to shut down their economies because of this coronavirus outbreak," he said. "And the danger there is that those countries are even more susceptible" because of weaker public health systems. And that puts the world at risk, Mores added. https://www.voanews.com/science-health/coronavirus-outbreak/experts-warn-coronavirus-may-be-spreading-undetected-indonesia?amp&__
  10. While I enjoy watching movies with a boy, following storyline is a secondary thing anyway.
  11. He has left Thailand.
  12. He is the twink who left Moonlight recently. He was a leading dancer of the twink shows.
  13. As far as I know, Hollywood movies with dubbed Thai language has NO English subtitles in movie theatres unlike DVDs whereas original English movies has Thai subtitles. Thai movies in Thai language has English subtitles. I let boys choose movies and often they choose Thai audio. lol
  14. Moonlight’s show director/choreographer recently moved to Jupiter. With a recent twink dancer’s departure, I expect them focusing on models show now.
  15. Good point. Spaii returned to Jupiter last night appearing some shows like nothing happened. Obviously there is no such thing as one month notice in the gogo scene. lol
  16. Yep. In the BTS, if you sneeze without a mask on, other passengers would glare at you like a leper.
  17. Spaii has returned to Jupiter. #60
  18. Live infection map https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  19. I don’t know the source. just picked up from Fake club FB. It’s just a guidance. My understanding is that masks aren’t for your own protection but not to infect others.
  20. How to wear a mask according to WHO expert https://m.facebook.com/quicktake/videos/499177220800935/
  21. 14 cases in Thailand so far. China6,087 Thailand14 Taiwan8 Japan7 Singapore7 Malaysia7 United States5 Australia5 South Korea4 France4 Germany4 U.A.E.4 Vietnam2 Canada2 Nepal1 Cambodia1 Sri Lanka1 Last updated: Jan 29 at 4:00 pm Note: China total includes 10 cases in Hong Kong and 7 in Macao https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2020/01/22/mapping-spread-new-coronavirus/?arc404=true
  22. Jupiter mamasans advise customers if asked ST 2500 LT 4000-5000
  23. Once I saw Poppy singing duet with a Chinese female customer. He can sing a few Chinese songs although I can’t tell how good his Chinese is. lol The song was from a very popular Chinese import TV drama series in Thailand last year. Poppy sang a male vocalist part. The customer looked very pleased.
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