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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Colmx is looking for Silom hotel on 11-14 April which is almost the same dates with Songkran weekend (13-15). Obviouly most of the hotel near Silom are sold out or expensive since the area is the place of major water battls/festival.
  2. He is still at Moonlight. I saw him earlier this month. He normally wear a pair of glasses.
  3. Boys who want the latest iPhone are relatively level headed ones compare with the one who wants 800,000 baht motorcycle. lol If he can get it for free from a customer, why not? Good luck to them.
  4. Sunny told my friend that he has a generous sponsor and was going to an University in Holland with all expenses paid.
  5. I heard that there are many new boys joining Moonlight this weekend. I assume some are from Soi Twilight’s closing bars.
  6. Opposite side to Screwboys.
  7. The recipient of the show is chosen by Mamasan on the day or the previous day. Normaly regular customer or their friend become the recipient. Beforehand Mamasan ask them if they are ok to appear on the show or not. You get to touch six pack of Arm and Boom. lol No garland necessary. My friend who is a regular customer was asked by mamasan if he wants to appear on the show but he declined saying he is not bottom. lol
  8. I was talking to a Cambodian boy who does visa run every 2 weeks. He said it’s a 4 hour journey to reach the border in a van.
  9. Vinapu, It’s a matter of logistics rather than applying for mamasans permission. In order to do DIY garland. 1. You buy stapler at nearby “ All 60 baht shop” 2. You arrange baht notes evenly and staple together at your hotel before you go out. 3. You got to smuggle the garland discreetly into the bar and hide it if the boy sit with you in order to surprise him later. 4. If you are sitting far away from the stage, you need to run to present it as soon as the boy appears on the stage. I decided it’s a too much hassle so let mamasan do the dirty work. LOL
  10. You just give the money for the garland to mamasan with 100-200 tip. They would staple baht notes together and present it to your favourite boy. Unless of course you want to present it by yourself with a kiss. lol
  11. Apparently this Taiwanese clinic can heal Babe’s HHD ( Horny Hard Dick ) Syndrome. LOL
  12. Thanks for recruiting? P to Jupiter. Lately there was a severe shortage of boys particularly show boys in Jupiter and mamasan and owner sometimes had to make a emergency call to show boy such as Arm on off duty day asking to come to do the shows. I hope P can dance. Him being a Thai helps too in terms of avoiding absence penalty of 500 baht a day. Ex Jupiter Cambodian boy who left recently and move to Freshboy told me that he does visa run every two weeks so he had to take days off and pay penalties to Jupiter.
  13. Jupiter will be closed on 23 March Saturday.
  14. The last year on Buddhist holiday 24 October, the whole soi Twilight closed while Jupiter, Moonlight, Screwboys were opened serving non alcoholic drinks.
  15. Karaoke singers with 1000 baht garland each given by a Thai customer.
  16. No. I didn’t go back for the 1am show.
  17. Let’s hope the new Dream boy would reduce off fee too. My friend’s regular boy apparently said that almost all customers complain about 650 baht off fee to him as if there is something he can do about it.
  18. After we left Moonlight we decided to go to Screwboys since they open late night. We entered the bar, initially shocked by cigarette smoking ambience and on second look, the place was packed with 30+boys all shapes and sizes, very very thin almost starving looking boys included.I couldn’t see the back of the bar clearly but the bar seemed full of customers. I found ex Jupiter boy smiling at me, he moved to Moonlight last November but now he is at Screwboys. We sat at near stage as the good seats were already filled with customers. All boys were wearing white and blue striped underwear and the place looked like an old fashioned sleazy gogo bar from old times. The difference of boys attitude was striking, boys looking at you smiling, obviously eager for an off, my friend commented it’s a quite refreshing as he got so used to Jupiter/Moonlight boys. Unfortunately, mamasans, customers and boys are all smoking cigarettes like there’s no tomorrow adding the place is very compact and stuffy, I decided I could not stay any longer since I wasn’t wearing gas mask. Mamasan said the show starts 1:00 am. The drink was 300 baht.
  19. Moonlight review - a Tuesday March 2019 My friend is a little curious about Babe and suggested we should go to Moonlight and chat with him. He wanted to know what is his personally like. So we met at Starbucks at Montien Mall gossiped about boys a bit and we crossed Suriwongse road and marched to Moonlight around 10:20. I think entrance fee was 450 baht. Inside the bar, we sat on front back stalls. There were about 15 boys on stage including Sky but couldn’t see any twinks like #24 I saw in January. The crowd was a healthy 25-30 for a Tuesday night throughout the evening , I thought, the bar is definitely getting famous/popular than previous visit in January. The models in display was Babe, Tam, York, Tae, Smarch, Mark and 2 others. Babe was already sitting with a large Asian older gentleman, looking very friendly. My friend was a little disappointed that Babe seems already taken, in fact they went out the bar together around 12:00. None of other models were with customers as far as I could see. I was impressed by the twinks show especially #24 on previous visit but there wasn’t any shows by twinks that night. Very disappointed. It isn’t I like twinks but I like boys who can dance a bit in gogo bars. I think Babe & Tam did 3 shows, towel show, dance routine wearing waistcoat, and sons of Zeus kind of wearing gold crown ? Shower show was done by two floor guys with full erect c**k. There were no models walking around in customer seat or no big cock show boys walking between customers. The shows in general was disappointing compared to the previous visits. We both looked around audiences and agreed Moonlight customers are much older than Jupiter’s and according to my friend who speaks Thai fluently, the percentage of Thai customers are much higher than in Jupiter as he could hear customer chatting in Thai. We thought that Moonlight customers are meaning business, haha, here for offing floor boys rather than Jupiter’s party atmosphere, show watching Chinese younger crowd. Although compared to my previous visit where you could see 3-4 models were called only Babe was with a customer this time. In fact we found the percentage of offing floor boys are much higher than Jupiter’s off rate. At the 12:00 there were hardly any boys left. Oh and another thing, my friend found Babe in toilet alone, posing and smiling in front of mirror, my friend thought it’s bit creepy. LOL
  20. He is not your “Mr Perfect Guy”.
  21. He is not your “Mr Perfect Guy” lol
  22. Balcony bar or Telephone bar where you can watch Jupiter boys getting to work or going with customer.
  23. The new Dreamboy called “ DREAMBOY PARADISO “ in Patpong 2. As you can see the premises is very small so some staff would be reduced. Many boys,staff are worried what they are going to do next, move to the other bar like Jupiter or stay. The good new is the place is only a few steps away from Screwboys. No need to cross the Suriwongse road to risk your life.
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