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Everything posted by paborn

  1. Divine Madman is the word on Bangkok massage places. His site is carefully crafted and well reasoned. I was a devotee there before this site.
  2. Spoon. I accept your word. Perhaps, I allowed my defence of some guys I've cared for to color my view and lump Z in with a certain troll I, truly, doubt has been to Thailand. So, I hope Z will accept my apologies and if he continues to post in the more carefully worded sentences he used in rebuttal I promise you'll not hear from me about him again. I would love, after all, to meet a "lovely man" and buy him a drink.
  3. Last time I was in MEX DF I stayed at a hotel on Hamburgo just a block from the hustler stroll. The hotel never gave a problem and the guys were great. So, is the hotel and place still the same? I heard the hotel might have changed its name.
  4. did he? The report I read was so negative it sounded like ranblings. Maybe yes, maybe no. Will there be film at 11?
  5. Can't stand negativity? Negativity? You? Why, of course not you are the sole of ...
  6. Considering that this is your report. I'll back off as I find you fair, non-judgemntal and reasonable. However, i reserve my right to defend the innocent.
  7. As usual, the same tiny group of supporters or clones. One never knows
  8. What is surprising is actually , considering circumstances and temptations, how decent and honest all those Thai, Lao, Cambodia, Vietnamese and Myanmar boys are. God's truth! I'm continuingly amazed at the honesty.
  9. I have also never had any problems with people of any particularly nationality and I pay the same standard BKK short-time regardless of country. I think some people bring self-fulfilling negative prophesies to their interactions with some guys. So personally I recommend keeping an open mind. Whatever particular combination of attitude, Rubens-esque body type or pheromones I have, I just don't worry about where a guy is from and so far success. These are some of the fairest, most sincere remarks I have seen on this and other boards. Divine (there is nothing mad about you!) I have missed your postings. Especially, as I noiw have a reason to revist Soi Ari. It's been some years, but there was a time when I lunched there every day- hell, I was going to be there anyway
  10. I'm shocked abouit Tawan as the bar knows who you were with. The Planet Romeo does not, as a nameless someone requires a great deal of security.
  11. Yes, Indeed. In this and oin all things you are different . No doubt.
  12. f I walk into a bar tonight and a Vietnamese lad ticks all the boxes, he's getting offed. They often look stunning, but I still need someone who will agree to provide the usual services of a bottom. No kiss, no suck, no bottom =no off. This is a far better attitude. No one could fault you for an opinion like this, rather than a blanket dispparagerment of an entire Ethnic group. Having siad that, how current is this view? When were you last in SE Asia?
  13. i might say the same for you. Can you spell hypocrite?
  14. It's the same in the Thailand forums. The amount of discussion over around $14-$15 USD is amazing. I travel 30 hours door to door and I say no to a hunk because of the price of a cocktail in Manhattan or London???????????
  15. Actually Spoon, that was my point. I know Z hates the Vietnamese. His experiences have been very different than mine. Granted. All I said was , with reference to Z, old news is no news.
  16. This is a little distasteful to say, but if it slips in so easily you might want to be on PrEP.
  17. Z, we all know you hate the Vietmamese. Why don't we just accept that like "the Earth is round" and gravity exists and not feel called upon to bash every time someone mentions the Vietnamese. To me a handsome lad is a handsome lad, what we do in our personal time need not be discussed. Did you know that a number of posters exchanged notes wondering when you would appear to bash the Vietnamese lads in this post? You have an absolute right to your opinion and I'm sure each of your misadventures is true but how about a short hiatus?
  18. Thanks! I must say he is more attractive, to me, in the Thai Puan than all decked out and looking a little airbushed - Kudos to the Thai Puan photographer.
  19. Good information! I'm an early bird as well. Is this Big Kahuna your recommendation?
  20. I can't tell you how surprised I am that you have never been to the U.S. Imagine your expertise if you had. The mind boggles.
  21. I understand. My fear is increased harassment which, even if not ordered, reflects well on the instigators in an ultra-right-wing regime.
  22. That's my fear - raids just because he is a monster.
  23. Fantastic report. Couple of questions, how is the Heidelberg? I love German food, is it easy to get there and then on toToy Boys? I'll be at the poseidon as well. Also, you seem to never eat breakfast at the Poseidon, any paticular reason?
  24. Exactly right. I do ask where someone is from just to open discussions and learn. I defend the Vietnamese because the criticism is, in my far from minor experience, unjust.
  25. Frankly, I was thinking about revisiting Rio but this election has me delaying the thought to see how this pans out. I have enough at home with the orange monster.
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