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Everything posted by paborn

  1. Agreed, sort of jarring to think I'll just head over to Boy's Town, hunker down in Toy Boys and secure a date with an unmarried young man. Not, I think, in Thai parlance.
  2. MY 2 cents is a question for Terry: Why are all of your posts deliberately provocative? I, myself, usually say guys but that is my writing style not an indictment of my fellow posters.
  3. To be consumed that evening or does the bar hold it for you?
  4. On my Last trip, I would sit on the raised patio of Ambience have a drink and watch the parade. Then head to Toy Boys.
  5. sorry if any of my words bothered or upset anyone? Not at all. Two people can disagree about anything and not impune the motives of either. You're right that unprotected sex might become more widespread. That only heightens our need to be vigilant. I don't believe that you would consciously act inappropriately but don't become a supporter of those who would. Please accept my apologies if you think I was personally arguing with your personally held moral principles.
  6. It had me wondering. Why on earth did I go to Chiang Mai?? Indeed, it was always on my bucket list. But, I have removed it - it simply does not seem to be worth the effort.
  7. Vinapu, Massage place beside Tawan is called actually Sun massage which is the same thing as I was told that Tawan means ' sun ' in Thai. I'm sure your right. It has been a number of years that I have ignored Bangkok in favor of going directly to Pattaya. It was called Tawan Massage on the sign. In fact, if you check the current ad in Thai Puan you will see the same "Tawan Massage" with a smaller sun underneath. I guess they never paid for a new ad design.
  8. Honestly, you need to do some research on the mathematics of probability. It's the same math that casinos use to take your money - your idea is the reason they stay open.
  9. "what about the boys" is sheer hypocrisy, yes what the poster is doing is very wrong but what we are all doing is very wrong, you "model" sex tourists can kid yourselves all you like. This is the entire crux of the matter. I can understand that you are distressed by what you view as a moral dilemma. I do not view my sex life as conflicted by morals that came into play with early Christianity. I do not allow antiquated church dogma to rule my modern existence. I will hold with the Greeks and the Romans and go on with my own life. Frankly, I don't think that either myself or others are doing anything wrong. "very wrong" - why? There is a reason for the age of consent laws. Are you saying that an over 18-year-old Vietnamese boy I meet in Srewboys, take to dinner, and engage in totally consensual sex is a morally fraught act because I'm gay? Would the act be better for you if I did it at home? Well, I do. What if I leave my home and go to another city in my country and do the same? Is it because I cross a border or two borders? Is there something about travel that disturbs you? I've done the same thing in London, Amsterdam - in every large city in the World. Actually, I did not respond to the OP to either defend or defame sex tourism. Frankly, I think the whole idea is preposterous. The college idea of "spring break" in the US is built around sex and drinking, in short, vacation. As long as rape does not rear its ugly head I find it nothing more than human nature. You can disagree with this. That's fine and I would never raise an argument against your own dearly held beliefs. I don't even care if you consider me and my friends to be aging sodomites. That's all fine with me. I find it a little shameful that you use your own beliefs to declare the rest of us to be hypocrites. But, that is your choice. The sole reason I responded is that you are conflating our perfectly consensual sexual choices with endangering our partners by going without adequate protection. Frankly, there is probably no such thing as safe sex since bacteria from the new world made it to the old. But, everyone I'm friends with engages in responsible safer sex and, despite your intemperate accusations, do take the boy into account. I have never discussed acts with a boy and tried to use money no buy his consent. No, I move on to someone who is more compatible with me. Surprise! I have better memories with someone who is also enjoying himself and we do it as safely as we can. In fact, when you told your story of accidental, almost incidental, unprotected sex. I pointed out that it is exactly those situations which make prep so valuable. My idea of a "dislike button" had nothing to do with you but was a general idea that in addition to liking a post accumulating to a "popular" rating a button showing disagreement with ANY idea would be a valuable addition. In summation: Please don't turn to the tiresome argument of my perceived morality when we are discussing a sound medical precaution.
  10. Excellent - no one could be confused after this!
  11. Tawan massage or Tawan bar - you seem to be conflating the two?
  12. I would like to suggest a dislike button be added to this forum.
  13. I said I would back off but Spoon has made such a cogent point that I must reinforce it. If anything Prep is for those risky moments that just happen in life. The one described above is exactly the sort of human moment that happens. No one, here other than the OP, is arguing against Prep and its intended use. it stands to reason there will be a big increase in unprotected sex and people on here can write about the past and their own horrific personal experiences, sadly it will not make a bit of difference and they have to understand/accept what the OP says even though they totally disagree, in the end they can only speak and behave for themselves. It does not stand to reason! Spoon is correct, we have a great responsibility to get the infection rate down. To use our superior position and money to put young lives at risk is, I'm sorry, despicable .
  14. But as explained above it is at most 92% effective. Money boys may be prepared to give in and indulge in bb because they need the extra cash. What many boys will fail to realise is that 8% plus risk. And should they become infected with HIV, many are ashamed to admit it and to get medication. 18 year old Thai boys who have just entered the sex business are often focussed merely on the cash. Peter, it is even worse than 92%. In the posting above Curtis made a detailed N factorial probability extrapolation to show how multiple couplings will impact the drug's effectiveness. im sorry it saddens you but Prep is new and changing the World in the gay community especially for the young gay guys, I agree some of them will be irresponsible and msybe Prep should even be used with a condom BUT myself as a fully aged adult has the right with another adult to choose what we do it the bedroom. I think you are suffering from a sort of inverted thinking. I'm not sad about prep. I'm sad that you are not helping to take care of the people you have sex with. Bob is correct, not all those over 30 make great decisions. But, the majority of us are concerned with your cavalier attitude toward the money boys. Now, I'm backing out of this as I've come to the conclusion that you are here solely to be provocative.
  15. And finally, but far from least, the boys. All the ones I have offed for many years have understood safe sex and want to practice it. I respect that wish. I think we should all respect it. In a sane world this "and finally" would have been enough. I'm nearly 70 and lived through this as well, being in New York when broadway began to die.......... this entire discussion has saddened me greatly.
  16. paborn

    Age question

    Mozart, cuddles, bridge, my marriage, cultural differences, food, smooth young slim men. Not necessarily in that order! Lose the bridge and marriage and you're me.............
  17. Delightfully witty!
  18. 5 minutes from entry my hand may be resting on some handsome knee. AND the knee is a real one. You can look, touch and feel; knowing what you get. That reminds me of past years of reading Christian's skin temperature test - how the hell do you assess that by an app? I'll keep bar hopping.
  19. Disturbing or not, worth a discussion. Yes, but the discussion should be around safe sex and the use of such drugs as exist to make sex even safer. BY the very nature of this board we are discussing promiscuous sex. I love it as much as anyone but I make efforts to keep not only myself safe but the boy as well. To open the question of prep and use such a marvelous advance in medicine as a license to put the boys at risk is an existential threat to our way of life. Yes, Jasper - God bless you: "What about the boys???"
  20. Frankly, I find this a highly disturbing topic.
  21. I have never understood this. I get that some people both Gay and straight go for Lady Boys - but there are places that cater to that. Why so many Thai places have lip-synching Ladyboys is beyond me. Personally, I leave.
  22. I'm sorry, what?
  23. paborn

    Age question

    Ask not what your boy can do for you. Ask what you can do for your boy.........
  24. At any rate, I suggest you give the Viet guys a try. You could be very pleasantly surprised. One thing is for sure, the Vietnamese get a lot of discussion on all the Thai forums. Bitch and moan, praise and love as you might; you have to acknowledge their attractiveness or why else do they always come up?
  25. I'm of a mixed mind about this. I tend to view my experiences as making love to the person I'm with. I adapt that to the person. We talk about tops and bottoms, etc. Many of us are, one supposes, truly versatile. I have never paid by the act as if it were a menu of services so I'm not sure what the cost of full service is. I make an agreement as to what we will do and pay the LT or ST fee. I find the Vietnamese boys to be lovely and have greatly enjoyed my time with them on terms that we are both agreeable to, else I would go elsewhere.
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