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Everything posted by paborn

  1. I assume this is a short time?
  2. I have one Moonlight question. Given that the "models" command a high price and expect inflated tips, do the others have higher expectations as they are working in this environment?
  3. "My countries" I should never post so early in the morning - My country's when I'm awake!!!!!!
  4. Straight through the heart......... but, yes I tried to get the boy away from old Mike. That's how Mike got his broken nose.
  5. Kokopelli, thanks I'll read this. But, I do agree with Witty. Bottom third from left was a twink 25 years ago.
  6. Bob/Londoner, I could not agree with you more. I've made business trips to Israel and was appalled by what I saw. Jewish only roads? A new law effectively making every Arab citizen of Israel second class. Gaza is a huge open-air prison and every single settlement in the West Bank is illegal and is there only to secure the land that the Jewish fundamentalists view as Judea and Samaria. My countries blind support of Netanyahu's ultra-right-wing policies is just another Trump immoral policy. Hell, he sent as ambassador a man who has helped finance settlements. No, my friends, my sole objection was to the overuse of Islamaphobia. I just deeply criticized Israel and could go on. But. I'm not anti-Semitic although many reading this will call me that. I can have issues with fundamentalist Islam and not be Islamaphobic - let's not use the term too broadly.
  7. When I wrote about retirement I spent a lot of words to say this very thing. Good show.
  8. Thank you!!!! I never heard of this channel before but I love it and the first diver in this video will be in my dreams tonight.
  9. Terry, I've been reading all your posts and I'm curious. You seem to be off asking about African Types and on to the Philippines across all your posts. Has something happened? When I was 15 years from retirement I was more interested in growing my funds. Places changes - this is very early.
  10. You hit it right on the money!
  11. I guess some were confused when he called the model "his boy.'
  12. I think the label of Islamaphobic is one of the most overused and ill-used words among liberals. There are, of course, those who label every Muslim as a terrorist. However, we have to be fair and compare things that are the same. Jews: there have long been reform movements in Judaism. There are, broadly speaking, reform, conservative and Orthodox. But there are even various types of Orthodox who are more or less strict. Christians, the reformation was long ago and there is a theology for everyone. Once ultra-conservative Catholic Austria shows only 10% actually go to Church. Islam has had no reform movements that have stuck. Majority Muslim nations tend to have laws against apostasy and homosexuality. Draconian laws. Moderate Muslims find no group to coalesce around. Most people just like to live their own lives and be left alone. But, I think there is enough uniformity in general Islam to make it fair to be surprised when a Muslim goes against this. A priest who drinks - no shock. Forgive me if an inebriated Imam is a shock.
  13. Actually, Spoon, I think you'll find photos that bear labels conforming to the posters idea. I'm finding that the perception varies widely by person and might even be due to that poster's national origin. Muscular and bear are more clearly understood than twink. Twink to me is the skinny type that look late teens, my preference is swimmer or toned but not overly muscular. Tmax, for example, is close to my idea. But, my twink is a swimmer or toned type. But, he might be late teens. Check out the freshman on a college swim team. I opened this topic because when talking about what type is on offer in different bars we do a better service to the group here if we are clearer.
  14. don't overestimate my good heart , I was acting out of very selfish motive - my own lust. Ah Vinapu, the "lust" of Michaelangelo gave us the David. DON'T SELL IT SHORT.
  15. To me, not a single reason to go.
  16. I've been thinking of the various types we talk about here and thought we might do well to define our terms. I think that there is a fair amount of agreement as to muscle boys, but some confusion about twinks. I googled the term and got this: "Twinks are often clean-shaven to emphasize a youthful, fresh-faced appearance.[13] They are generally in their early 20s and slim, often with a boyish appearance.[14] Some use the term to refer to those generally effeminate in nature, though this is not universal.[15] The term has been used by bears and other gay men in a derogatory and pejorative manner.[13][16] In some cases, it is a neutral descriptive term and can be contrasted with a bear" - Wikipedia. When I say twink I have no intention of inferring anything feminine. I think we have "fem" to more than explain that. What I'm conveying by the term is an 18 to 25-year-old, clean shaven, slender young man. The epitome of the type has the washboard stomach that is also referred to as a swimmers' build. Sort of the boy next door type on steroids or boy next door in a LOVELY neighborhood. I get the impression, however, that many here mean small, feminine, even scrawny. I wonder how the rest of you define the types. I think this might help when we discuss what we see in the bars. Generic photos might help.
  17. So what is open in Soi Twilight?
  18. OK. I'm habitually unable to do math in my head - totally math adverse. I see the difference and will have to check the booths more often. But, isn't an actual 3.6% difference in rates highly unusual with legitimate vendors? by that, I'm not including airport booths which are thieves the world over. I would expect such a difference in a line of Silom booths. More to the point how the hell was Romania. Did you post???????
  19. I see that 3.6% on $1,000 is $36. What I don't see is the difference in rates being 3.6% Help me here, what am I missing? There might be a 3.6$ difference but that is between the rates - not an extra 3.6%. I have to pay some exchange rate so I don't see that as a fair way to look at it.
  20. Ah Vinapu, differences are what make the world go round! I love chest and abdominals, I can wax poetic over the shape of a belly button. Shirts off suit me fine... but, I won't argue if they get into speedos
  21. I'm utterly flabbergasted that you did not. Please tell me you're not slowing down. You're one of my heroes......
  22. Vinapu, can you elaborate?
  23. Anyone who takes zero care over exchange rates could lose an extra 1200 baht or more for every $1000 changed. Seriously, $36 on $1,000? I'm not arguing but I find that amount hard to believe.
  24. Interesting, I have never, to my knowledge, been with someone from Myanmar. Next, to the Vietnamese, I find the Lao to be very handsome.
  25. "I'm suspecting those of us who expect full service might just have to do some filtering in this bar." Honestly, you need to "filter" in any bar. Explain what you want and make a deal. Your only reasonable complaint is when a guy refuses to live up to the bargain. I think too many of us continue to paint the Vietnamese with a very wide brush. They're human, they vary in their likes and dislikes, etc. Just like us. I, for one, love to kiss - everything else is negotiable. Having said that I have even negotiated around that. But I demand the bargain struck be kept.
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