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Everything posted by paborn

  1. Not really the same thing. Back then it was Irish Catholics fighting Irish Protestants and no one, as far as ic a recall. labeled the Irish, as a race, terrorists. As a generally accepting person who reacts only when fundamentalism rears I's terrible, hateful head; I stand by my comments. But except that, in this case, the article was wrong. I still think it quite probable that the one was a southern Thai and that might have caused the confusion. It seems clear that it was a fight over a customer. I'd like to say that I'll never go there; however, there was one tall thin, swimmers build, shirtless guy in the background. Ah...
  2. I believe they are all gone. Back in the day, they were so good I stayed in the area.
  3. Vinapu, great report. First, I know I'm going to embarrass myself as I'm sure everyone else gets it, but what do you mean by "elections in Burkina Faso"? The old Suriwongse. Years ago, on maybe 20 trips this is where I and a great many others stayed, I was, relatively young, and an older guy called it "the mother house of our order." Perhaps my favorite food is Schnitzel. How is it at Maxis? Pork or veal? Nach Wiener art?
  4. Recently one of our august members wrote this in a thread about Jomtien: "One of the pleasures of Jomtien is that it is so easy and enjoyable to walk down the main soi and decide for yourself" This started a lot of discussion about the attitude or behavior of guys in Jomtien bars. The consensus seems to be that if you enter and order a drink for yourself you are ignored. The guys face the street, their backs to the customer, and both watch the street and play with their phones. I'm used to Bangkok host bars like the older Charmming and others in Saphan Kwai( the boys are clothed and sit facing you ) and the go-go style of Soi Twilight. But, I must confess, this is an odd one for . so, I ask what is the truth of this and what is the best way to handle it.
  5. a474a has written some nice reviews of Golden Cock ( my old haunt ) has anyway been to Super A or New Nature Boys recently?
  6. Wow, Vinapu. I was not implying that we should be harsh. I'm just pointing out that if he does not show up in a reasonable amount of time then you are free to move on. In fact, if you see him later there is no reason to be harsh and I don't suggest that. It was his loss, I remember a time years ago in San Francisco. I had a terrific guy one night. We went to a good dinner in North Beach and had a great time at the hotel. So good that I arranged to see him the next morning before work. He did not show, I got back to the hotel and found a nasty note; he was very upset that I was not there. Later, at the bar on Polk Street, he was mad at me. Both the bartender and I explained to him that despite his good reasons for being an hour late he had to understand that I was in town for work and had to leave. We made up and I took him to another nice dinner. In Thailand, I would do this again, despite having no work to do. His obligation is to get here not yours to wait more than a reasonable time.
  7. As much as I like my boys , since I'm one who hires them, I don't feel like I'm one who is supposed to find them expecting guy to be there as agreed and if he is not , after reasonable time, but no more then 1/2 hour I feel I'm free of any obligation. Exactly! Thirty minutes is more than fair. It is their job after all. No one is so cute that they get to feel empowered to fool around with me. We travel a long way at great expense to employ them; they are obligated or should seek other employment.
  8. paborn


    Honestly, I think I would prefer to call them over. In my experience, the one who comes to you is never as good as the one you have to fish for.
  9. paborn


    Witty, January will be my first sojourn in Jomtien. However, I doubt that it would surprise me that young men aren't into afternoon tea. If they're sitting eating cake with you why do you care if they order a soda or a beer?
  10. paborn


    So, are you saying that if you go into a bar and buy a boy a drink the others still ignore you? Or is there some jocking for position to catch your eye?
  11. paborn


    Why do you think you are ignored?
  12. Fair enough.
  13. When converting from a short time to long how much was the 2,000 increased?
  14. Thanks for adding the video. Yes, odd that he speaks Thai - could he be a southern Thai Muslim? "middle Eastern" could have been confused with Muslim - the Southern Muslims are ethnically different, yes/no?
  15. Video???
  16. This is what happens when people living in the cage of their closeted and oppressive countries get some fresh air travelling somewhere else - they choke on it unleashed. Vinapu, I think you were right the first time. Remember " in vino veritas" In wine there is truth. The drunkenness just encourages them to do what comes naturally.
  17. An Abomination is rather harsh don't you think? Food courts can be useful, movie theaters can be entertaining, bookstores, etc. Also, weren't the Arab souks the first malls? Slap a roof on Chatuchak and voila - a mall. See, not all that Western.
  18. No, let me be clearer. It is an example of Fundamentalism. Ultra-Orthodox Jews behave the same way. Good people do good things and bad people do bad things; it takes religion to make good people do bad things.
  19. I just used the link but was unable to determine the location. Can you give a rough approximation of its location - say from starting point Boystown?
  20. To me, such expressions have only ever been geographic shorthand. Where exactly is Middle Europe? Logically it's Bavaria but, no - more like Hungary. Still, such contrivances, at least, allow the average person to roughly locate the area under discussion. An Educated person need read nothing more into it. Western opinions are often wrong, terribly so, when they stray from a simple location.
  21. This is an example of something that bothers me a great deal. I behave, when traveling, as closely to the norms of the country I'm in as I can. I'm ready to be called an Islamaphobe but this habit of acting out because of "offense" at behavior witnessed is characteristic of Islam.
  22. Georgians southerners but is a case for Floridians ? Vinapu, I can help you. Here in Florida, we say that "the farther North ( in Florida ) you go the more south you get." You see South Florida ( south of the Highway that runs between Tampa and Orlando is filled with Millions who have moved to the sunshine from the north, especially on retirement. North of Orlando ( closer to Georgia ) is as southern as you can get.
  23. Paul, the good news appears to be that they were after immigrants per se and not after the bars specifically. The last time I saw this, or even was asked for my passport, was back in the nineties when southern Muslims had set off a bomb near Bangrak police station. Funny thing, I did not have my passport, but I had a Thai guy with me. An off from Charmming in Saphan Kwai, the guy explained who we were and the police waved us past. Obviously not terrorists.
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