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Everything posted by paborn

  1. If it could provide why Screboy does it would be my pleasure. Wait, it's really the Pizzeria's fault, They have such good pizza and unappetizing drivers.
  2. One poster, sorry I can't remember who noted the really small amount that fees and drinks had gone up compared to other things in life. Grocery costs in the US are incredibly high. Yet, I have been paying around $1,500 for airfare to Thailand for years. I can't recall the time frame, but it's been around ten years. This amazes me far more than the cost of a drink in a Gay Bar. The last pizza I had delivered in South Florida cost me the same as a 500 B. off fee - which do you think promises me the most pleasure?
  3. Thank you! You got it... no one ever gets my jokes. But, Paul usually does - he's a good man.
  4. Thanks. You make a good point. I had not thought of that. I imagine my hotel can make the copies. Again, thanks.
  5. Oh Hanan, I find it strange when anyone posts a rumor, likes his own post, then responds to that post. It makes me rather dizzy! In any event, Paulsf is in town and he's a rock hard reliable source. Somehow I'm not overly concerned.
  6. I've heard of bars closed for Chulalongkorn day. But, end of lent?? Is that a new one? I mean a new reason for closing.
  7. By the way, what Buddhist holiday is it. My calendar has Oct. 23 as Chulalongkorn day ( King Rama V - the great ) but, I can't find any other holiday.
  8. I thought I was convinced to start carrying it. But, if I have a copy and a photo and carry an expired passport I doubt I'll be in real trouble. Besides, in all these reports, across a number of sources, the Thai passport checks are aimed sadly perhaps, at dark-skinned travelers as the crackdown is actually against African migrants.
  9. Your answer is the exact opposite... What did you mean?
  10. As for gentlemanly behavior I'd not buy boy of somebody's lap unless he would be clearly looking for a rescue. It happened few times than boy sitting with customer came to me to shake hands and asked me if I take him. " you are sitting with guy already" " I don't like him because of ....." , then I agreed. We don't own boys sitting with us and if we really interested in them sometimes we need to made a securing move. Good point Vinapu. But, I should have mentioned that the guy on my lap was not working there. He came with me. In fact, he was a free lance from the old Harry's bar and had been with me for several days and was as shocked as I was.
  11. I strongly suggest this topic be closed. There has been enough troll fodder.
  12. You've convinced me! I shall change my lazy ways...
  13. If you don't see anything in those models in means one thing for me - one less competitor to off them so all I can say is 'thank you for questioning my taste" lol Never, ever, will I question your taste! I like you am thrilled that there is one less competitor for the lad I choose. God, it brings to mind an evening in Super Lex many years ago when a Japanese gentleman dried to buy a guy off my lap. Off my lap Vinapu, even the boy was appalled. Now, I know you would never do that! You'd be over at Moonlight LOL. Seriously, I will check Moonlight out. I have a suspicion that the models might not be to my taste, the ( forgive the pun ) floor models might do nicely.
  14. You grow more tiresome with every trolling post you make. In future, to me, at least, your posts will be invisible and unresponded to. Good Bye.
  15. I don't know. But, the posted rate at the cab stand, for walk-ups, at Swampy was 1,500 B last time I checked. I could be wrong, of course, I've dead on my feet by then.
  16. Good One. But, there have some Bangkok Boys who turn up their noses at the sleaze of Pattaya. Me? I swing both ways.
  17. I'm glad you resisted. I think this really is the topic because the reality is that the reporter jumped to a conclusion and I think this thread became far more relevant in the end.
  18. Totally agree. But, I try never to be smug about my smart budgeting. For some damn reason I look at the videos of Moonlight and Jupiter and try to see what others see and there is no one who moves me at all. Seriously, I wouldn't take those models as a gift. I come home with money. If I'm missing something I'm blessed by having no idea what it is.
  19. Londoner. I quite agree. When I post about Fundamentalism I'm not condemning any specific religion. I have seen the settlements and treatment and agree with you. I rush to point out; however, the Jewish settlers are, almost, to a man fundamentalists. The fundamentalist religious parties are the swing block that has knitted together the Israeli government. No government of Israel has ever had a majority, not even Ben Gurion, Likud rules because of it's coalition with the religious. Again, what is being done to the Arab minority is horrible but, sadly predictable. Remember... to make good people do bad things it takes religion. We hear about Islam more because there are more countries with fundamentalist Islamic governments than others.
  20. For reasons which I fail to understand, apparently hunks command higher tips. Not a problem for me, as I'm not interested in them anyway. Ah, a brother. a taxi all the way from Pattaya to Bangkok airport to go home, it's about 1200 The posted rate and the one I have always paid is 1,500. But, still a bargain.
  21. Oh Gerefan, not just today. Fifty years ago when I was at university and majoring in History my Historical research prof gave us the assignment to research something about fifty to one hundred years past. Read the newspaper and other sources, current at that time, and compare to the history of the event as written today. OMG, it would be fair to say newspapers are never right and have never been!
  22. paborn


    Thank you!!!! This is the clearest explanation I have yet seen. Actually, it's invaluable.
  23. paborn


    OK. But, understand that I write this as someone who has been to Pattaya around 7 times I have never made it over to Jomtien. I'm booked there in January. My idea of a host bar gleaned over many years, is a group of handsome, fully clothed young men who (1) sit in a group across from the clients and only come over when asked. or (2) again fulled dressed but mingle. Books used to talk about the bars where the guys approach and those where they don't. (eg. 1= Charmming or 2= Aladin ) I'm not familiar with a true host bar in Pattaya. My understanding might be rather old-fashioned. Could you give examples? You see although I've not been to Jomtien my understanding is that the bars are open sided. The boys do not approach as they are trying to lure in clients. But, I assume you can see them and invite them over. This, to me, is a host bar. The archetypical ones in Bangkok were closed with a doorman so no need for the boys to face outward. Does this make sense?
  24. For the last seven years, I went to Pattaya straight from Swampy. But this coming year I plan to dip my toe in Bangkok again. For several reasons. After 30 hours ( door to door ) trip I can use a rest and a facial at Cutey Beuty rather than a two-hour cab ride. Bangkok is cheaper but on balance with so many things to do beyond the bars, it is, perhaps, worth dividing one's time.
  25. I saw no "personal" comments. There was, however, a tremendous amount of well reasoned and thoughtful comments with enlightening statistical analysis.
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