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Everything posted by paborn

  1. Road House does a great chicken caesar as well. Really good.
  2. You embarrass me Kokopelli. You must have the kindest demeanor and sweetest attitude. I guarantee you they never ask this old Farang for anything. Once, there was this Vietnamese beauty who asked for lunch money - so, I took him to lunch. But, then I had been in bed with him 4 times so maybe not the same thing LOL.
  3. Anddy, I was going to say the same thing but didn't want to open that box...
  4. their bbq duck red curry Served in a hollowed out pineapple and fir for the gods...
  5. Check out the thread on Restaurant updates in Gay Thailand. Started last week.
  6. But, wouldn't the hotel key override the combination? That's how they open a safe a client left locked. So, it looks like there's a thief at the hotel who could have acted regardless of the safe "working". Yes/no?
  7. it became clear that he was staying with the other guest and I imagine that he was lining me up for when his other guy leaves God Bless, but you really should have seen this coming...
  8. I understand that, hence my being leery of Sunee. I'm not a prude just a bit of a romantic.
  9. Actually, I'm not referring to the ping pong game. I take it as a game if you say so. But, the references t Chuck wow and other indulgences are, IMHO best done in real privacy, not in a bar. NOw, If the bar is slow and your alone and they choose to lock the door, who am I to worry? - I'm not there.
  10. Rolling down the shutters works for creating privacy - if one person is there - fine. If more than one then it is not my idea of privacy. I would, simply, rather not.
  11. OK, I consider you a friend and a reasonable poster. I will go and see. I'm working with a new doctor on my mobility so it might not be such an issue. Actually, I'm not a prude. Ping Pong balls are not my thing but I don't judge and if the boys seem to be OK I would not gripe. But, the sort of activity that Terry claims would cause me to leave in disgust. Some things you "arrange in advance" for your damn hotel room that's what they're for. Having said that I'll report back in January.
  12. I have never been asked for anything, not even taxi money. Now, Santo Domingo is another thing. If you go there be prepared to be tormented..
  13. Its stories like the above that keep me thinking that Sunee might be a waste of my time. I find it all very offensive.
  14. Please report back if you stay at the Suriwongse. I haven't been there in years and would love to hear about it again.
  15. The other photo where there is actual physical contact between the guys is probably abuse. Refreshingly lucid explanation shorn of giddy, prurient innuendos. I humbly suggest that "probably" be changed to may, as the pushup like photo is not all that far from the footballer's elephant walk. Sometimes., incidental touching is just that.
  16. This is wonderful news. Not only the availability but the "walking" street ambiance must be refreshing considering the traffic of all Thailand.
  17. Really?
  18. Thanks so much. Not only for the information but for being responsive. Too many times, on other boards, a simple request for information causes a blast of "you can google that!!!!" OMG, I love the simple grace of most people here. Again, thanks And, for doubters. Google ( and I use a full suite of Google products ) can't give the personal observations of a fellow gay on the ground.
  19. These 3 places, where are they please?
  20. Upon closer inspection, I saw some sediment in that water and two small (about 2 mm long) water beetles swimming around. That can only lead to one conclusion: if the water is safe for the beetles to swim in, it is safe for me to drink (or in this case, get traces of the water from the rim of the cup on my lips). I would not be too sure about that. What you're saying might be true if the question is about actually, non-potable - contaminated water. But, the real issue with traveler's upset stomachs and diarrhea is water born flora and fauna that the traveler is unused to. Considering sparse vacation time the person is better safe than sorry.
  21. When in my best form...
  22. But when I'm on holiday the last thing I want is to get food poisoning. It's just not worth the risk. Exactly! Why take the risk? I seldom disagree with Vinapu but when he advised that a poster should try and when they see that they don't get sick... Sorry, On a two-week vacation I don't want to get sick. When I say that I eat street food it's always something grilled where the bacteria is killed by the heat.
  23. Thanks! When I google Silom Complex I get a spot all the way down by that Canal - whatever it's name is.
  24. Though, once I did have a bit of a startling experience, when one of the massage girls walked in on us while we were in a very compromising position. She let out a bit of a shriek. That was kind of a buzz kill. Anyway, the place definitely gets my vote. Well, thankfully this could never happen to me. I would never enter a shop that has a female on the premises - well, perhaps to sweep and mop up...
  25. The bonding exercise, in private, that a447a recounts is the sort of exercise I was supposing and, Vinapu, it is far, far from being naked in public and being gazed on by others. Very different indeed.
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