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Everything posted by paborn

  1. Thanks to you both, This trip I'm following my old pattern of more time in Pattaya but I'll keep this in Google Keep for my next trip.
  2. Frankly, I have thought, for years, that the guys in Tawan had gone to seed. Tawan is no longer the premier show in town. Dream boys cast its lot with Chinese tour groups, I hear Screwboys and others have a lot to offer.
  3. Absolutely right, beautiful museums, the fantastic flow of fountains from the theater to the main museum is breathtaking. My point, however, is don't be a gringo tourist walking with a 20 something Mexican. Never had a similar issue anywhere else in the United States of Mexico.
  4. You're joking, right? There are songs written about the Rio beaches, "The girl from Ipanema" is just one. Wait, you spend all your time in the saunas! I'm slow..........
  5. This is precisely why many of us would like to see a vote down button.
  6. Does anyone have a recommendation for a reasonably priced but good tailor in Pattaya/Jomtien?
  7. I hear grab is quick, easy and cheap. So, unless this is not true why worry?
  8. I think it's obvious that a sex worker is in an industry that needs to cater to the client's desires - which we can't book for next Thursday at 2 PM. If I'm in need and text to find out if you're available - you either are or aren't. It's really as simple as that and there is no need to be a diva.
  9. While I would very much prefer to not have women in the bars I have to admit two things: 1. they need the business to stay open and 2. Actually, I can't say I have ever been bothered not like the bachelorette hen parties that have ruined some American bars - just not a Bangkok issue. So on reflection: not really a big deal
  10. Yes, Thai Puan has maps; however, they are not exactly up to date. They try and, at least you can see the general layout - some places will be gone. However, rest assured if there is an ad in Thai Puan the business is still running.
  11. I mentioned Guadalajara specifically. I love Mexico D.F. as well as Puerto Vallarta and Acapulco. My Spanish is not fluent but decent - Guadalajara is the problem. Not us. Evidenced by the remark that failing all else I should have a pocket full of $20 dollar bills - enough said?
  12. This new acting AG, really a well-dressed fireplug, even lied about his being an academic all-American. It's disgusting that he is in this position. What Trump has done to the U.S. is truly disheartening.
  13. Well, I've been to Brazil and enjoyed it. However, I was also robbed there and never felt safe. I've been going to Thailand since 1985 - say around 30 trips and love it. Sure, it's changed what hasn't? The hustler bars in NYC are no more. The clubs of Santo Domingo are, mostly, gone. But there is still a gay culture in each place and one can adapt to what's there. My last trip to Pattaya was fantastic and there were plenty of guys who kissed like clones of Zeus's Ganymede. I arrive in Bangkok on January 10 and I'm giddy with anticipation.
  14. I started watching this when it first began and the boy first entered the storyline. I then grew busy and did not follow through. It appears I have to do some catching up.
  15. Just my opinion, but this is the most sensitive show on American TV. Beautiful performances and interesting relationships marvelously portrayed.
  16. Thank you I'm brand new and just feeling my way around.
  17. I'm curious aboput Guadalajara. A lovely city that I no longer go to as the police are more than eager to hassle and scam tourists - very open and blunt. Has this changed?
  18. scary as all hell. Just like the Versace murder, the guy is always a type I would have picked up in an instant. Scary indeed.
  19. For a thousand years even the Turks have understood that Asia begins across the Bosphorus. The term "middle" as in the Middle East is intended to mean "near" as in the difference from far east. Still, part of what geographers consider the Asian continent. Yes the Urals mark a divide but so do the Caucasus - the farthest country in eastern Europe is the Republic of Georgia. Actually, I would be very interested in hustler bars and the escort market in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Also, gay hotels??
  20. Does anyone know the current ability for Americans to travel to Cuba? If you want to bring in guests is there a hotel that makes that possible? Some of the difficulties I've read about in the past seem rather daunting.
  21. This is an interesting thread, I been to SDQ many dozens of times for more than thirty years. There used to be two hotels that were nothing more than brothels - alas, long gone. The hotel Palacio is a very good option, just steps off the Conde ( main walking street ) and no problems with guests. Compared to it the Adam Suites is a horror, miserable rooms and the one acceptable room the Balcony one is subjected to the disco across the street. You will not sleep and if with someone distracted. I have so many friends and contacts I did not realize that Freddy was still around. I'll have to look him up.
  22. Rather a harsh response. A simple no with a smile has worked for me since 1985.
  23. I believe sglad might have been referring to the possibility of ego problems.
  24. Hank, an emotional bias is never unfounded. Anything that turns you off from blond hair to curly hair is none of anyone else's business and I did not mean to imply that I was questioning what turned you on and off. It was the terse , one boy stole so I avoid the nationality that struck me as odd coming from you. I still think your wrong but I understand.
  25. So, a hit and run across from soi Twilight is a crime relevant to Gays????? Have you looked up "relevant"?
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